Notes on compiling the codebase

The codebase was compiled and tested using GCC 3.3.6.
The Makefile included in this distribution was use for
compiling under Slackware Linux 10.2, and should work
for any recent linux distribution with GCC 3 or higher.

The codebase has also been tested to compile cleanly
using GCC versions 3.3.2 and 4.0.2, though very little
testing of the running MUD has been done using this version.

Another developer under the name Mister also took the
time to help with some Makefile enhancements, and some
suggestions for making the codebase compile under Cygwin.
I cannot help with any Cygwin problems, but at least we
have one user who could compile the codebase with Cygwin :)

To compile the MUD, simply type 'make'. The 'make clean'
command can be used to cleanup - it removes all object

Beta only notice:
If you get any compile errors during the beta period,
please e-mail them to jobo@daimi.au.dk, along with
the output from

$ gcc --version
$ uname -a