 * This file contains the socket code, used for accepting
 * new connections as well as reading and writing to
 * sockets, and closing down unused sockets.

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <errno.h>

/* including main header file */
#include "mud.h"

/* global variables */
fd_set     fSet;                  /* the socket list for polling       */
STACK    * dsock_free = NULL;     /* the socket free list              */
LIST     * dsock_list = NULL;     /* the linked list of active sockets */
STACK    * dmobile_free = NULL;   /* the mobile free list              */
LIST     * dmobile_list = NULL;   /* the mobile list of active mobiles */

/* mccp support */
const unsigned char compress_will   [] = { IAC, WILL, TELOPT_COMPRESS,  '\0' };
const unsigned char compress_will2  [] = { IAC, WILL, TELOPT_COMPRESS2, '\0' };
const unsigned char do_echo         [] = { IAC, WONT, TELOPT_ECHO,      '\0' };
const unsigned char dont_echo       [] = { IAC, WILL, TELOPT_ECHO,      '\0' };

/* local procedures */
void GameLoop         ( int control );

/* intialize shutdown state */
bool shut_down = FALSE;
int  control;

 * This is where it all starts, nothing special.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
  bool fCopyOver;

  /* get the current time */
  current_time = time(NULL);

  /* allocate memory for socket and mobile lists'n'stacks */
  dsock_free = AllocStack();
  dsock_list = AllocList();
  dmobile_free = AllocStack();
  dmobile_list = AllocList();

  /* note that we are booting up */
  log_string("Program starting.");

  /* initialize the event queue - part 1 */

  if (argc > 2 && atoi(argv[2]) > 0)
    fCopyOver = TRUE;
    control = atoi(argv[2]);
  else fCopyOver = FALSE;

  /* initialize the socket */
  if (!fCopyOver)
    control = init_socket();

  /* load all external data */

  /* initialize the event queue - part 2*/

  /* main game loop */

  /* close down the socket */

  /* terminated without errors */
  log_string("Program terminated without errors.");

  /* and we are done */
  return 0;

void GameLoop(int control)   
  D_SOCKET *dsock;
  ITERATOR *pIter;
  static struct timeval tv;
  struct timeval last_time, new_time;
  extern fd_set fSet;
  fd_set rFd;
  long secs, usecs;

  /* set this for the first loop */
  gettimeofday(&last_time, NULL);

  /* clear out the file socket set */

  /* add control to the set */
  FD_SET(control, &fSet);

  /* copyover recovery */
  pIter = AllocIterator(dsock_list);
  while ((dsock = (D_SOCKET *) NextInList(pIter)) != NULL)
    FD_SET(dsock->control, &fSet);

  /* do this untill the program is shutdown */
  while (!shut_down)
    /* set current_time */
    current_time = time(NULL);

    /* copy the socket set */
    memcpy(&rFd, &fSet, sizeof(fd_set));

    /* wait for something to happen */
    if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &rFd, NULL, NULL, &tv) < 0)

    /* check for new connections */
    if (FD_ISSET(control, &rFd))
      struct sockaddr_in sock;
      unsigned int socksize;
      int newConnection;

      socksize = sizeof(sock);
      if ((newConnection = accept(control, (struct sockaddr*) &sock, &socksize)) >=0)

    /* poll sockets in the socket list */
    pIter = AllocIterator(dsock_list);
    while ((dsock = (D_SOCKET *) NextInList(pIter)) != NULL)
       * Close sockects we are unable to read from.
      if (FD_ISSET(dsock->control, &rFd) && !read_from_socket(dsock))
        close_socket(dsock, FALSE);

      /* Ok, check for a new command */

      /* Is there a new command pending ? */
      if (dsock->next_command[0] != '\0')
        /* figure out how to deal with the incoming command */
            bug("Descriptor in bad state.");
          case STATE_NEW_NAME:
          case STATE_NEW_PASSWORD:
          case STATE_ASK_PASSWORD:
            handle_new_connections(dsock, dsock->next_command);
          case STATE_PLAYING:
            handle_cmd_input(dsock, dsock->next_command);

        dsock->next_command[0] = '\0';

      /* if the player quits or get's disconnected */
      if (dsock->state == STATE_CLOSED) continue;

      /* Send all new data to the socket and close it if any errors occour */
      if (!flush_output(dsock))
        close_socket(dsock, FALSE);

    /* call the event queue */

     * Here we sleep out the rest of the pulse, thus forcing
     * SocketMud(tm) to run at PULSES_PER_SECOND pulses each second.
    gettimeofday(&new_time, NULL);

    /* get the time right now, and calculate how long we should sleep */
    usecs = (int) (last_time.tv_usec -  new_time.tv_usec) + 1000000 / PULSES_PER_SECOND;
    secs  = (int) (last_time.tv_sec  -  new_time.tv_sec);

     * Now we make sure that 0 <= usecs < 1.000.000
    while (usecs < 0)
      usecs += 1000000;
      secs  -= 1;
    while (usecs >= 1000000)
      usecs -= 1000000;
      secs  += 1;

    /* if secs < 0 we don't sleep, since we have encountered a laghole */
    if (secs > 0 || (secs == 0 && usecs > 0))
      struct timeval sleep_time;

      sleep_time.tv_usec = usecs;
      sleep_time.tv_sec  = secs;

      if (select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &sleep_time) < 0)

    /* reset the last time we where sleeping */
    gettimeofday(&last_time, NULL);

    /* recycle sockets */

 * Init_socket()
 * Used at bootup to get a free
 * socket to run the server from.
int init_socket()
  struct sockaddr_in my_addr;
  int sockfd, reuse = 1;

  /* let's grab a socket */
  sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);

  /* setting the correct values */
  my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
  my_addr.sin_port = htons(MUDPORT);

  /* this actually fixes any problems with threads */
  if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reuse, sizeof(int)) == -1)
    perror("Error in setsockopt()");

  /* bind the port */
  bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr));

  /* start listening already :) */
  listen(sockfd, 3);

  /* return the socket */
  return sockfd;

 * New_socket()
 * Initializes a new socket, get's the hostname
 * and puts it in the active socket_list.
bool new_socket(int sock)
  struct sockaddr_in   sock_addr;
  pthread_attr_t       attr;
  pthread_t            thread_lookup;
  LOOKUP_DATA        * lData;
  D_SOCKET           * sock_new;
  int                  argp = 1;
  socklen_t            size;

  /* initialize threads */
  pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);

   * allocate some memory for a new socket if
   * there is no free socket in the free_list
  if (StackSize(dsock_free) <= 0)
    if ((sock_new = malloc(sizeof(*sock_new))) == NULL)
      bug("New_socket: Cannot allocate memory for socket.");
    sock_new = (D_SOCKET *) PopStack(dsock_free);

  /* attach the new connection to the socket list */
  FD_SET(sock, &fSet);

  /* clear out the socket */
  clear_socket(sock_new, sock);

  /* set the socket as non-blocking */
  ioctl(sock, FIONBIO, &argp);

  /* update the linked list of sockets */
  AttachToList(sock_new, dsock_list);

  /* do a host lookup */
  size = sizeof(sock_addr);
  if (getpeername(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sock_addr, &size) < 0)
    perror("New_socket: getpeername");
    sock_new->hostname = strdup("unknown");
    /* set the IP number as the temporary hostname */
    sock_new->hostname = strdup(inet_ntoa(sock_addr.sin_addr));

    if (strcasecmp(sock_new->hostname, ""))
      /* allocate some memory for the lookup data */
      if ((lData = malloc(sizeof(*lData))) == NULL)
        bug("New_socket: Cannot allocate memory for lookup data.");

      /* Set the lookup_data for use in lookup_address() */
      lData->buf    =  strdup((char *) &sock_addr.sin_addr);
      lData->dsock  =  sock_new;

      /* dispatch the lookup thread */
      pthread_create(&thread_lookup, &attr, &lookup_address, (void*) lData);
    else sock_new->lookup_status++;

  /* negotiate compression */
  text_to_buffer(sock_new, (char *) compress_will2);
  text_to_buffer(sock_new, (char *) compress_will);

  /* send the greeting */
  text_to_buffer(sock_new, greeting);
  text_to_buffer(sock_new, "What is your name? ");

  /* initialize socket events */

  /* everything went as it was supposed to */
  return TRUE;

 * Close_socket()
 * Will close one socket directly, freeing all
 * resources and making the socket availably on
 * the socket free_list.
void close_socket(D_SOCKET *dsock, bool reconnect)
  EVENT_DATA *pEvent;
  ITERATOR *pIter;

  if (dsock->lookup_status > TSTATE_DONE) return;
  dsock->lookup_status += 2;

  /* remove the socket from the polling list */
  FD_CLR(dsock->control, &fSet);

  if (dsock->state == STATE_PLAYING)
    if (reconnect)
      text_to_socket(dsock, "This connection has been taken over.\n\r");
    else if (dsock->player)
      dsock->player->socket = NULL;
      log_string("Closing link to %s", dsock->player->name);
  else if (dsock->player)

  /* dequeue all events for this socket */
  pIter = AllocIterator(dsock->events);
  while ((pEvent = (EVENT_DATA *) NextInList(pIter)) != NULL)

  /* set the closed state */
  dsock->state = STATE_CLOSED;

 * Read_from_socket()
 * Reads one line from the socket, storing it
 * in a buffer for later use. Will also close
 * the socket if it tries a buffer overflow.
bool read_from_socket(D_SOCKET *dsock)
  int size;
  extern int errno;

  /* check for buffer overflows, and drop connection in that case */
  size = strlen(dsock->inbuf);
  if (size >= sizeof(dsock->inbuf) - 2)
    text_to_socket(dsock, "\n\r!!!! Input Overflow !!!!\n\r");
    return FALSE;

  /* start reading from the socket */
  for (;;)
    int sInput;
    int wanted = sizeof(dsock->inbuf) - 2 - size;

    sInput = read(dsock->control, dsock->inbuf + size, wanted);

    if (sInput > 0)
      size += sInput;

      if (dsock->inbuf[size-1] == '\n' || dsock->inbuf[size-1] == '\r')
    else if (sInput == 0)
      log_string("Read_from_socket: EOF");
      return FALSE;
    else if (errno == EAGAIN || sInput == wanted)
      return FALSE;
  dsock->inbuf[size] = '\0';
  return TRUE;

 * Text_to_socket()
 * Sends text directly to the socket,
 * will compress the data if needed.
bool text_to_socket(D_SOCKET *dsock, const char *txt)
  int iBlck, iPtr, iWrt = 0, length, control = dsock->control;

  length = strlen(txt);

  /* write compressed */
  if (dsock && dsock->out_compress)
    dsock->out_compress->next_in  = (unsigned char *) txt;
    dsock->out_compress->avail_in = length;

    while (dsock->out_compress->avail_in)
      dsock->out_compress->avail_out = COMPRESS_BUF_SIZE - (dsock->out_compress->next_out - dsock->out_compress_buf);

      if (dsock->out_compress->avail_out)
        int status = deflate(dsock->out_compress, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);

        if (status != Z_OK)
        return FALSE;

      length = dsock->out_compress->next_out - dsock->out_compress_buf;
      if (length > 0)
        for (iPtr = 0; iPtr < length; iPtr += iWrt)
          iBlck = UMIN(length - iPtr, 4096);
          if ((iWrt = write(control, dsock->out_compress_buf + iPtr, iBlck)) < 0)
            perror("Text_to_socket (compressed):");
            return FALSE;
        if (iWrt <= 0) break;
        if (iPtr > 0)
          if (iPtr < length)
            memmove(dsock->out_compress_buf, dsock->out_compress_buf + iPtr, length - iPtr);

          dsock->out_compress->next_out = dsock->out_compress_buf + length - iPtr;
    return TRUE;

  /* write uncompressed */
  for (iPtr = 0; iPtr < length; iPtr += iWrt)
    iBlck = UMIN(length - iPtr, 4096);
    if ((iWrt = write(control, txt + iPtr, iBlck)) < 0)
      return FALSE;

  return TRUE;

 * Text_to_buffer()
 * Stores outbound text in a buffer, where it will
 * stay untill it is flushed in the gameloop.
 * Will also parse ANSI colors and other tags.
void text_to_buffer(D_SOCKET *dsock, const char *txt)
  static char output[8 * MAX_BUFFER];
  bool underline = FALSE, bold = FALSE;
  int iPtr = 0, last = -1, j, k;
  int length = strlen(txt);

  /* the color struct */
  struct sAnsiColor
    const char    cTag;
    const char  * cString;
    int           aFlag;

  /* the color table... */
  const struct sAnsiColor ansiTable[] =
    { 'd',  "30",  eTHIN },
    { 'D',  "30",  eBOLD },
    { 'r',  "31",  eTHIN },
    { 'R',  "31",  eBOLD },
    { 'g',  "32",  eTHIN },
    { 'G',  "32",  eBOLD },
    { 'y',  "33",  eTHIN },
    { 'Y',  "33",  eBOLD },
    { 'b',  "34",  eTHIN },
    { 'B',  "34",  eBOLD },
    { 'p',  "35",  eTHIN },
    { 'P',  "35",  eBOLD },
    { 'c',  "36",  eTHIN },
    { 'C',  "36",  eBOLD },
    { 'w',  "37",  eTHIN },
    { 'W',  "37",  eBOLD },

    /* the end tag */
    { '\0',  "",   eTHIN }

  if (length >= MAX_BUFFER)
    log_string("text_to_buffer: buffer overflow.");

  /* always start with a leading space */
  if (dsock->top_output == 0)
    dsock->outbuf[0] = '\n';
    dsock->outbuf[1] = '\r';
    dsock->top_output = 2;

  while (*txt != '\0')
    /* simple bound checking */
    if (iPtr > (8 * MAX_BUFFER - 15))

        output[iPtr++] = *txt++;
      case '#':

        /* toggle underline on/off with #u */
        if (*txt == 'u')
          if (underline)
            underline = FALSE;
            output[iPtr++] =  27; output[iPtr++] = '['; output[iPtr++] = '0';
            if (bold)
              output[iPtr++] = ';'; output[iPtr++] = '1';
            if (last != -1)
              output[iPtr++] = ';';
              for (j = 0; ansiTable[last].cString[j] != '\0'; j++)
                output[iPtr++] = ansiTable[last].cString[j];
            output[iPtr++] = 'm';
            underline = TRUE;
            output[iPtr++] =  27; output[iPtr++] = '[';
            output[iPtr++] = '4'; output[iPtr++] = 'm';

        /* parse ## to # */
        else if (*txt == '#')
          output[iPtr++] = '#';

        /* #n should clear all tags */
        else if (*txt == 'n')
          if (last != -1 || underline || bold)
            underline = FALSE;
            bold = FALSE;
            output[iPtr++] =  27; output[iPtr++] = '[';
            output[iPtr++] = '0'; output[iPtr++] = 'm';

          last = -1;

        /* check for valid color tag and parse */
          bool validTag = FALSE;

          for (j = 0; ansiTable[j].cString[0] != '\0'; j++)
            if (*txt == ansiTable[j].cTag)
              validTag = TRUE;

              /* we only add the color sequence if it's needed */
              if (last != j)
                bool cSequence = FALSE;

                /* escape sequence */
                output[iPtr++] = 27; output[iPtr++] = '[';

                /* remember if a color change is needed */
                if (last == -1 || last / 2 != j / 2)
                  cSequence = TRUE;

                /* handle font boldness */
                if (bold && ansiTable[j].aFlag == eTHIN)
                  output[iPtr++] = '0';
                  bold = FALSE;

                  if (underline)
                    output[iPtr++] = ';'; output[iPtr++] = '4';

                  /* changing to eTHIN wipes the old color */
                  output[iPtr++] = ';';
                  cSequence = TRUE;
                else if (!bold && ansiTable[j].aFlag == eBOLD)
                  output[iPtr++] = '1';
                  bold = TRUE;

                  if (cSequence)
                    output[iPtr++] = ';';

                /* add color sequence if needed */
                if (cSequence)
                  for (k = 0; ansiTable[j].cString[k] != '\0'; k++)
                    output[iPtr++] = ansiTable[j].cString[k];

                output[iPtr++] = 'm';

              /* remember the last color */
              last = j;

          /* it wasn't a valid color tag */
          if (!validTag)
            output[iPtr++] = '#';

  /* and terminate it with the standard color */
  if (last != -1 || underline || bold)
    output[iPtr++] =  27; output[iPtr++] = '[';
    output[iPtr++] = '0'; output[iPtr++] = 'm';
  output[iPtr] = '\0';

  /* check to see if the socket can accept that much data */
  if (dsock->top_output + iPtr >= MAX_OUTPUT)
    bug("Text_to_buffer: ouput overflow on %s.", dsock->hostname);

  /* add data to buffer */
  strcpy(dsock->outbuf + dsock->top_output, output);
  dsock->top_output += iPtr;

 * Text_to_mobile()
 * If the mobile has a socket, then the data will
 * be send to text_to_buffer().
void text_to_mobile(D_MOBILE *dMob, const char *txt)
  if (dMob->socket)
    text_to_buffer(dMob->socket, txt);
    dMob->socket->bust_prompt = TRUE;

void next_cmd_from_buffer(D_SOCKET *dsock)
  int size = 0, i = 0, j = 0, telopt = 0;

  /* if theres already a command ready, we return */
  if (dsock->next_command[0] != '\0')

  /* if there is nothing pending, then return */
  if (dsock->inbuf[0] == '\0')

  /* check how long the next command is */
  while (dsock->inbuf[size] != '\0' && dsock->inbuf[size] != '\n' && dsock->inbuf[size] != '\r')

  /* we only deal with real commands */
  if (dsock->inbuf[size] == '\0')

  /* copy the next command into next_command */
  for ( ; i < size; i++)
    if (dsock->inbuf[i] == (signed char) IAC)
      telopt = 1;
    else if (telopt == 1 && (dsock->inbuf[i] == (signed char) DO || dsock->inbuf[i] == (signed char) DONT))
      telopt = 2;
    else if (telopt == 2)
      telopt = 0;

      if (dsock->inbuf[i] == (signed char) TELOPT_COMPRESS)         /* check for version 1 */
        if (dsock->inbuf[i-1] == (signed char) DO)                  /* start compressing   */
          compressStart(dsock, TELOPT_COMPRESS);
        else if (dsock->inbuf[i-1] == (signed char) DONT)           /* stop compressing    */
          compressEnd(dsock, TELOPT_COMPRESS, FALSE);
      else if (dsock->inbuf[i] == (signed char) TELOPT_COMPRESS2)   /* check for version 2 */
        if (dsock->inbuf[i-1] == (signed char) DO)                  /* start compressing   */
          compressStart(dsock, TELOPT_COMPRESS2);
        else if (dsock->inbuf[i-1] == (signed char) DONT)           /* stop compressing    */
          compressEnd(dsock, TELOPT_COMPRESS2, FALSE);
    else if (isprint(dsock->inbuf[i]) && isascii(dsock->inbuf[i]))
      dsock->next_command[j++] = dsock->inbuf[i];
  dsock->next_command[j] = '\0';

  /* skip forward to the next line */
  while (dsock->inbuf[size] == '\n' || dsock->inbuf[size] == '\r')
    dsock->bust_prompt = TRUE;   /* seems like a good place to check */

  /* use i as a static pointer */
  i = size;

  /* move the context of inbuf down */
  while (dsock->inbuf[size] != '\0')
    dsock->inbuf[size - i] = dsock->inbuf[size];
  dsock->inbuf[size - i] = '\0';

bool flush_output(D_SOCKET *dsock)
  /* nothing to send */
  if (dsock->top_output <= 0 && !(dsock->bust_prompt && dsock->state == STATE_PLAYING))
    return TRUE;

  /* bust a prompt */
  if (dsock->state == STATE_PLAYING && dsock->bust_prompt)
    text_to_buffer(dsock, "\n\rSocketMud:> ");
    dsock->bust_prompt = FALSE;

  /* reset the top pointer */
  dsock->top_output = 0;

   * Send the buffer, and return FALSE
   * if the write fails.
  if (!text_to_socket(dsock, dsock->outbuf))
    return FALSE;

  /* Success */
  return TRUE;

void handle_new_connections(D_SOCKET *dsock, char *arg)
  D_MOBILE *p_new;
  int i;

      bug("Handle_new_connections: Bad state.");
    case STATE_NEW_NAME:
      if (dsock->lookup_status != TSTATE_DONE)
        text_to_buffer(dsock, "Making a dns lookup, please have patience.\n\rWhat is your name? ");
      if (!check_name(arg)) /* check for a legal name */
        text_to_buffer(dsock, "Sorry, that's not a legal name, please pick another.\n\rWhat is your name? ");
      arg[0] = toupper(arg[0]);
      log_string("%s is trying to connect.", arg);

      /* Check for a new Player */
      if ((p_new = load_profile(arg)) == NULL)
        if (StackSize(dmobile_free) <= 0)
          if ((p_new = malloc(sizeof(*p_new))) == NULL)
            bug("Handle_new_connection: Cannot allocate memory.");
          p_new = (D_MOBILE *) PopStack(dmobile_free);

        /* give the player it's name */
        p_new->name = strdup(arg);

        /* prepare for next step */
        text_to_buffer(dsock, "Please enter a new password: ");
        dsock->state = STATE_NEW_PASSWORD;
      else /* old player */
        /* prepare for next step */
        text_to_buffer(dsock, "What is your password? ");
        dsock->state = STATE_ASK_PASSWORD;
      text_to_buffer(dsock, (char *) dont_echo);

      /* socket <-> player */
      p_new->socket = dsock;
      dsock->player = p_new;
      if (strlen(arg) < 5 || strlen(arg) > 12)
        text_to_buffer(dsock, "Between 5 and 12 chars please!\n\rPlease enter a new password: ");

      dsock->player->password = strdup(crypt(arg, dsock->player->name));

      for (i = 0; dsock->player->password[i] != '\0'; i++)
	if (dsock->player->password[i] == '~')
	  text_to_buffer(dsock, "Illegal password!\n\rPlease enter a new password: ");

      text_to_buffer(dsock, "Please verify the password: ");
      dsock->state = STATE_VERIFY_PASSWORD;
      if (!strcmp(crypt(arg, dsock->player->name), dsock->player->password))
        text_to_buffer(dsock, (char *) do_echo);

        /* put him in the list */
        AttachToList(dsock->player, dmobile_list);

        log_string("New player: %s has entered the game.", dsock->player->name);

        /* and into the game */
        dsock->state = STATE_PLAYING;
        text_to_buffer(dsock, motd);

        /* initialize events on the player */

        /* strip the idle event from this socket */
        strip_event_socket(dsock, EVENT_SOCKET_IDLE);
        dsock->player->password = NULL;
        text_to_buffer(dsock, "Password mismatch!\n\rPlease enter a new password: ");
        dsock->state = STATE_NEW_PASSWORD;
      text_to_buffer(dsock, (char *) do_echo);
      if (!strcmp(crypt(arg, dsock->player->name), dsock->player->password))
        if ((p_new = check_reconnect(dsock->player->name)) != NULL)
          /* attach the new player */
          dsock->player = p_new;
          p_new->socket = dsock;

          log_string("%s has reconnected.", dsock->player->name);

          /* and let him enter the game */
          dsock->state = STATE_PLAYING;
          text_to_buffer(dsock, "You take over a body already in use.\n\r");

          /* strip the idle event from this socket */
          strip_event_socket(dsock, EVENT_SOCKET_IDLE);
        else if ((p_new = load_player(dsock->player->name)) == NULL)
          text_to_socket(dsock, "ERROR: Your pfile is missing!\n\r");
          dsock->player = NULL;
          close_socket(dsock, FALSE);
          /* attach the new player */
          dsock->player = p_new;
          p_new->socket = dsock;

          /* put him in the active list */
          AttachToList(p_new, dmobile_list);

          log_string("%s has entered the game.", dsock->player->name);

          /* and let him enter the game */
          dsock->state = STATE_PLAYING;
          text_to_buffer(dsock, motd);

	  /* initialize events on the player */

	  /* strip the idle event from this socket */
	  strip_event_socket(dsock, EVENT_SOCKET_IDLE);
        text_to_socket(dsock, "Bad password!\n\r");
        dsock->player = NULL;
        close_socket(dsock, FALSE);

void clear_socket(D_SOCKET *sock_new, int sock)
  memset(sock_new, 0, sizeof(*sock_new));

  sock_new->control        =  sock;
  sock_new->state          =  STATE_NEW_NAME;
  sock_new->lookup_status  =  TSTATE_LOOKUP;
  sock_new->player         =  NULL;
  sock_new->top_output     =  0;
  sock_new->events         =  AllocList();

/* does the lookup, changes the hostname, and dies */
void *lookup_address(void *arg)
  LOOKUP_DATA *lData = (LOOKUP_DATA *) arg;
  struct hostent *from = 0;
  struct hostent ent;
  char buf[16384];
  int err;

  /* do the lookup and store the result at &from */
  gethostbyaddr_r(lData->buf, sizeof(lData->buf), AF_INET, &ent, buf, 16384, &from, &err);

  /* did we get anything ? */
  if (from && from->h_name)
    lData->dsock->hostname = strdup(from->h_name);

  /* set it ready to be closed or used */

  /* free the lookup data */

  /* and kill the thread */

void recycle_sockets()
  D_SOCKET *dsock;
  ITERATOR *pIter;

  pIter = AllocIterator(dsock_list);
  while ((dsock = (D_SOCKET *) NextInList(pIter)) != NULL)
    if (dsock->lookup_status != TSTATE_CLOSED) continue;

    /* remove the socket from the socket list */
    DetachFromList(dsock, dsock_list);

    /* close the socket */

    /* free the memory */

    /* free the list of events */

    /* stop compression */
    compressEnd(dsock, dsock->compressing, TRUE);

    /* put the socket in the free stack */
    PushStack(dsock, dsock_free);