This is version 2.0 of SocketMUD(tm).

01 Aug 2001 - SocketMUD(tm) v 0.1
The very first release of SocketMUD(tm). This is the only version of 
SocketMUD(tm) for which the code no longer exists.

09 Mar 2002 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.0
Bugfixes in get_time() and new_socket() and various cleanups in the
code which allows us to use the -pedantic compile flag.

26 Feb 2003 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.1
Bugfixes for cmd_linkdead(), new version of text_to_buffer(). The log()
and bug() functions where recoded. And copyover/mccp should be more sane.

22 Mar 2003 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.2
Removed the unused save_whois() function, compressEnd() handles
compression more sane (had a problem with mccp v1 & v2 at the same
time).  This is the first version of SocketMUD(tm) that uses game

02 Apr 2003 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.3
Passwords can no longer contain invalid characters (ie. characters that
are encrypted to ~, messing with the load/save functions). Also in
compressEnd() we no longer flush residual data to prevent gargage output.

01 May 2003 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.4
Renamed log() was renamed to log_string() to avoid conflict with the
math library. Fixed a crashbug in load_helps. Added add_help() which
sorts loaded helpfiles (this is later removed - a new sorting function
is a pending feature).

06 Sep 2003 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.5
Removed the capitalization of the first letter in communicate(). A bug
in load_helps() was fixed as well as a related bug in read_help_entry().

02 Oct 2003 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.6
Fixed a memory leak in the SREAD() macro.

07 Jan 2004 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.7
Better copyover "checking" in main(), fixed spelling in mud.h and redid
how helpfiles are loaded (we now load all files in the help directory).
As a sideeffect, helpfiles can be added (while the game is running) simply
by adding a new file in the help directory, and changing a helpfile will
directly change the help in the running MUD :)

11 Jan 2004 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.8
Fixed current_time (it was never updated), fixed a comment in update.c.
Simple codechange from getdtablesize() to the FD_SETSIZE macro, which
should be more portable. Bugfix: fread_string() now replaces all \n's
with \r\n (certain clients require this).

14 Jul 2004 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.9
Fixed the comment for fread_string, and made changes to the Makefile
which makes it easier to use the Cygwin patch. Switched from static
clearing of structs to using bzero().

12 Dec 2004 - SocketMUD(tm) v 1.10
The comments for socket and thread states are now correct. Fixed the
text_to_buffer() function. Bugfix: buffer_clear() now actually clears
the buffer, preventing datableeding.

11 Sep 2005 - SocketMUD(tm) v 2.0
Ripped out the old "inline" linked lists, and replaced them with a generic
linked list system. Also added a Stack datastructure, which is used to
store our free-"lists". Made certain changes to the Makefil and ran the
entire program through Valgrind, making sure we had no memory leaks.
The event system is now a default part of the SocketMUD(tm) codebase.

The major changes from SocketMUD(tm) 1.10 to 2.0 makes it practically
impossible to maintain a patchfile for upgrades from the 1.x versions to
the 2.x versions (which is the major reason for upping the version