        For those of you that take unzipped files from the internet 
or work in DOS, you've probably noticed some strange characters at  
the end of every line in your files when porting them over to Unix.  
These are CR's (carriage returns), and can be easily gotten rid of
by a number of methods.  The easiest way is to use the freeware zip
program, if you have it available on your Unix platform (Most if not
all Linux distributions come with this program).
The -ll argument turns CR/LF into LF, thus eliminating the problems.
As an example, zip -ll merc.zip merc.h creates the zip file merc.zip
containing a CR stripped merc.h.  

	The source code for the public domain zip and unzip programs
is available many places, including most large Linux archives.  You
should be able to compile it for whatever your own Unix is easily.

	One other common bug are names that are all in caps.  To 
fix this, use the -L option with the unzip program.  This will 
make the file names extracted from the .zip archive all lower case.