I.  Value guidelines for specific object types.

 A.  Scrolls/Potions/Pills

   i.   The object level should be no less than the minimum level required to
        cast the spell normally.  (i.e. a heal pill must be at least level 21
        because that is the level at which clerics can cast it)

   ii.  The maximum level of the spell should not exceed the level of the
        object by more than 10 or 40%, whichever is GREATER.

   iii. The value of the item should reflect the power of the spell.  The
        value should be NO LESS than twice the cost to create a homemade
        scroll or potion.  (i.e. A heal potion should cost no less than
        10000 gold and sanc no less than 15000 coins.) This value guide
        applies only if you are putting these items for sale, in a shop.

 B.  Wands/Staves
   i.   The same level restrictions as Scrolls/Potions/Pills for both
        object level and spell level.

   ii.  The number of charges should be inversely proportional to the power
        of the spell.  This also should be modified by the relationship of
        the level of the spell to the level of the object. (i.e. an level
        40 object will have more charges of a level 35 spell than it would
        of a level 40 spell.)

   iii. Here are some guidelines for some of the more powerful and popular

        Spell          Max Charges             Minimum item level.

        Mass Heal        1                       38
        Mass Sanc        1                       45
        Heal             2                       21
        Sanc             3                       20
        Acid Blast       2                       37
        Chain Lightning  3                       33

 C.  Weapons

   i.   For New format weapons, damage is calculated as a roll of dice
        (like 4d6)
        If you set a damage of XdY, you can calculate the following:

        Minimum damage= X
        Maximum damage= X * Y
        Average damage= ((X * Y) + X)/2  NOT (X*Y)/2, be careful!

   ii.  Average damage is not to exceed (0.5*weapon level) + 4.

  eg.- Average damage on weapons : Maximum should be 5 to start plus 5 for
    every 10 levels. So, for example, a level 30 weapon maximum average
    damage would be 5 plus 15 (5 per each 10 levels) for a total of 20.

 D.   Armor

   i.   Values for each AC type should not exceed 1/3 of the item level.
        eg, a level 40 bracer should not have an AC of more than:
        -13 -13 -13 -13 -13.... some of the values should be only 1/4 of
        level.  That level 40 bracer AC ideally should be:
        -13 -12 -10 -11 -13 for example.

II.  AFFECT_flag guidelines for all object types.

   i.   The average 'score' of all 'usable objects' in your area should not
        exceed 0.60.

   ii.  A 'usable object' is any object intended to be worn/wielded/held.
        Do not count staves or wands in the average unless they have

   iii. The 'score' for an object is calculated as:
        (actual 'points')/(maximum allowed 'points')

   iv.  One 'point' is equal to any of the following:
        +1 Str OR +1 Int OR +1 Wis OR +1 Dex OR +1 Con
        OR (+1 Hit AND +1 Dam)
        OR +10 hitpoints OR +10 mana
        OR -2 Save_spell OR -2 save_breath etc.

   v.   The maximum allowable points are (by level of object):

        Level range   Points
         1-5            1
         6-15           2
         16-25          3
         26-40          4
         41-55          5
         56-70          6
         71-91          7

Example:  You area contains the following EQ.

1. Weapon, level 55, 6d10 (ave 33), +1 dex, +1hit, +1dam (2 pts, score 0.5)
2. Armor, level 65, AC 16/16/16/5, +1wis, +1int, +20hp, +20mana
         (6pts, score 1.0)
3. Treasure, level 43, +1 hitroll, +5 hp, +5mana (1.5pts, score 0.3)

Average score for all objects = 0.6.
Note: Objects are not allowed to have scores over 1.0, obviously.
Note: For mana and hp bonuses on objects, do not allow more than one point
per level. EG a level 25 object could have +25 hp OR +25 mana OR +12 hp
AND +13 mana, maximum.


Mobiles should be balanced: a fairly hard fight should harvest a player
around 50 exp. A VERY tough fight might give the player from 80 to 120 exp.
The experience that a player will get from a mobile is determined by the
level of the player vs the level of the mob, and the mobiles alignment.
the amount of hitpoints the mob has, for example). A level 20 player
will get around 50 exp for a level 20 mobile, and around 120 experience
for a level 25 mobile, and higher if the mobile is oppositely aligned.  The
toughness of the fight, is determined by the hitpoints, damage, hitroll,
other flags, spec_functions, and the weapon the mob may or may not be
carrying (which affects the mobs damage).  When determing the hitpoint and
damroll to put on your mobile, keep in mind how many IMMUNITIES and
RESISTANCES you are also adding, and what ACT_FLAGS you are adding, as
well as any spec_functions you might be giving that mobile. The more
IMMUNITIES and RESISTANCES a mobile has, the tougher it is. If the
mobile has a special combat function it is also tougher. If so, you
might give it a hitpoint setting at the lower end of its level range. On
the other hand, if the mobile has few IMMUNITES and RESISTANCES and no
special function for combat, plus lots of VULNERABILITIES, you might
give it hitpoints at the higher end of the hitpoint range.

I. Hitpoints

Hitpoints are determined as a roll of the dice: eg 2d10+100 would give
that mobile a hitpoint range, on reset, of 100 to 120 hitpoints.
 - Guide for mobiles:  (hp=hitpoints)
     Level 1-10   10-15 hp per level   Level 41-60 20-55  hp per level
     Level 11-20  15-20 hp per level   Level 61-70 35-70 hp per level
     Level 21-30  15-30 hp per level   Level 71+  50-100 hp per level
     Level 31-40  20-35 hp per level

II. Mana

Mana is also determined as a roll of the dice, but is not actually
implemented on MadROM at present. However, treat the mobile as if it can
use mana, and give it the amount of mana a cleric or warrior
player (depending on the mobile) at that mobiles level, might have. Ask
players on the mud for their mana stats. If you don't want to bother
with this, just put in 1d1+99 for all mobiles, in the mana section.

III.  Hitroll

Affects how often the mobile will hit you, basically.  It doesn't need to
be very high, as its an added bonus for the mobile. For a level 50
mobile, a hitroll of 8 is more than fine, and for a level 90 mobile a
hitroll of 15 would be great.

IV. Damage

Affects how HARD the mobile will hit you.  This value will be augmented
by the average damage of the weapon the mobile is carrying if you use
the E (equip command) in the resets section to give the mobile a weapon.

An easy guide to setting the damage for your mobile is to set the damage
the same way you set average damage for a weapon: 5 + 10 for each level

eg a level 50 mobile would have an average damage of 30 or eg 1d1+30 or
a range such as 2d5+25. Keep in mind that giving your mobile a weapon
will give it more damage than what you put in in this value in the
#MOBILES section.

V. Armor Class

This value is also affected by an armor you give your mobile to wear,
using the E (equip) command to give eq to your mobile in the RESETS section.
A quick way to decide what value to give your mobile for its armor class
is 2/3 of the mobiles level. eg a level 90 mobile would have armor class
values around 60. You have 5 values to put in here, each explained in
ozy.doc. Don't make all values the same. Eg for a level 90 mobile you
might have:

-60 -59 -58 -59 -35

The last value, resistance to magic, is usually a bit lower than the
resistances to the weapon attacks.
NB. the values are multiplied by 10 by the mud. So a mobile with -60 AC
in your area file will have around -600 AC. This is taken into account
when I am suggesting the values for you to put in.


Don't load your mobile up with immunities and resistances OR make it
wussy with too many vulnerabilities. Choose a few that reflect the
nature of the creature. Choose MORE the higher level the mobile. Keep in
mind that the more immunities and resistances the mobile has, the
tougher it is, and the weaker you might want it in hitpoints and damage.
Any mobile over level 45 should have Sanctuary, OR be Aggressive, or
have bash, berserk or frenzy. All at this level or higher should have
trip and/or dodge and parry.

VII.  Special functions

Special functions for your mobile. Keep in mind that giving your mobile
special functions may make it anywhere from a little to a LOT tougher.

Of the combat special functions, the least nasty are the spec_breath
ones. Harder yet is the special_cast_cleric function. Mobiles with
special_cast_mage and spec_cast_undead are very tough!, and because of
the possibility of players being edrained, should be given these special
functions only if they are a prize to fight..eg they hold the key to a
treasure, or guard the gateway to an area, or wear powerful equipment.
Ozy.doc has a list of special functions available, and what spells they

VII. Gold

Don't load your mobile up with gold. 1000 gold for a level 90 mobiles
is MORE than enough, 70 gold for a level 60 mobile is rich, and
mobiles under level 50 should not have more than 30 gold. Those under
level 30 should have a maximum of 20 gold.