Name Temple of Zhylla~
Builders ~
VNUMs 10600 10799
Credits [20-30] Draconis~
Security 8
RepopMsg Did you hear something?~

roe deer~
a roe deer~
A deer nibbles shyly at a leaf, watching you.
You can only watch with admiration the powerful muscles flickering across
the roe's tense body.  She's not sure whether or not you'll attack; surely
you wouldn't harm an innocent?  
ACH N A A 0 0
22 22 45d7+201 22d9+60 6d3+12 none
-4 -4 -4 0
stand stand female 0
AGV ACDEFHK medium unknown
F par JUV
a {Rred{x salamander~
a {Rred{x salamander~
A great {Rfiery{x red salamander watches you from the flowers.
This gigantic {rred{x salamander glares at you beadily, giving off waves
of heat that don't affect the nearby flowers.  Its body is dark red, mottled
with bright {Rcrimson{x and {Dblack{x.  Large wicked talons rent the ground
as it shuffles.  
AB DJ AJ A 200 0
25 25 52d9+255 25d11+95 9d2+26 none
-8 -8 -8 -3
stand stand none 500
AHZ ACDEFKQUV medium fire
F aff T
F res H
white stag~
a white stag~
A huge white stag observes  you steadily.
This stag is absolutely tremendous; he has a sixteen point rack!  His
body is pure, snowy white, with dark eyes that regard you curiously.  
AB HN A A 1000 0
25 25 52d9+253 25d11+95 9d2+24 chomp
-8 -8 -8 -3
stand stand male 0
AGV ACDEFHJK medium flesh
F par UV
{gGreen snake{x~
a green snake~
A green snake slithers across the ground.
A 0 A A 50 0
21 21 43d7+191 21d9+60 6d3+12 none
-3 -3 -3 0
H 0 L I
stand stand either 0
AGXYc ADEFKLQVX small flesh
a {Cdragonfly{x~
A {Cdragonfly{x darts around you.
Bright jewelled insects dance around you, hovering and darting and
landing on you in blurs of shifting color.  
AH JT AJT A 20 0
20 20 43d6+188 20d9+60 6d4+14 none
-2 -2 -2 1
stand stand none 0
AHMV ACFKP small unknown
F aff E
Deshdenu the Hermit~
Deshdenu the hermit~
The hermit Deshdenu tinkers with his herbal potions.
Old and wrinkled, Deshdenu has lost none of his feral swiftness.  He has
the cunning and wiliness of a bear and the lithe ability of a deer, as well
as the tenacity of a wolf.  Though he seems gentle, he is no man to be toyed
ABZ H A A 0 0
28 28 59d10+283 28d11+95 10d2+26 none
-10 -10 -10 -5
stand stand male 700
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
M GREET 10600 60~
M GIVE 10602 10614~
Lone {Dgray{x wolf~
a lone {Dgray{x wolf~
The {Dgray{x wolf watches you closely.
This wolf, though not in a pack, is robust and healthy.  Her sleek glossy
fur is the envy of every hunter; her pride the pride of a self-sufficient
A 0 A A 300 0
24 24 49d8+243 24d10+85 8d3+17 bite
-6 -6 -6 -1
H 0 B Y
stand stand female 0
AGV ACDEFHJKUV medium flesh
Wolf cub~
a wolf cub~
A wolf cub ambles along, nipping at its siblings.
This furry bundle of energy will one day grow up to be a fierce hunter;
but for now, it has to learn how to walk without tripping on its nose.  
A 0 A A 60 0
20 20 41d6+182 20d9+60 5d4+12 none
-2 -2 -2 1
HN 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
AGV ACDEFHJKUV medium unknown
Thahsa, Priest of Zhylla~
Thahsa, a priest of Zhylla, watches over the altar.
Thahsa's face is ageless, with clear green eyes that sparkle in the
light.  A long emerald robe covers her, with a collar embroidered in white
and yellow.  Her rich auburn hair is tied back loosely with a leather thong
and strung with feathers and bone beads.  
AB 0 A A 0 0
23 23 50d7+220 23d9+60 7d3+15 smash
-4 -4 -4 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
M ACT 10601 drops~
Birchash the ranger~
a ranger~
Birchash, a ranger, kneels here in prayer.
This tall elf kneels gracefully in the pews, long sage-colored hair
hiding his tanned face.  His hunting leathers are spotless and trim, and so
is his much-used quarterstaff.  
AB J AJ A 780 0
24 24 50d9+243 24d11+95 9d2+23 thrust
-8 -8 -8 -3
IN 0 B Z
stand sit male 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a worshiper~
a worshiper~
A worshiper rests here.
Dressed in their finest, these worshipers have come from throughout the
continent to pay their respects to the goddess of the forests.  
A 0 A A 0 0
23 23 48d8+233 23d11+95 8d2+22 none
-7 -7 -7 -2
Q N 0 0
stand stand either 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a farmer's wife~
a farmer's wife~
A farmer's wife eyes you speculatively before turning back to her daughter.
This woman has seen more births and deaths than any doctor or soldier. 
Her wide apron is a testament to hearty living; it's worn and there are
permanent stains, but it's well loved.  
AB 0 A A 600 0
26 26 53d8+237 26d9+60 7d3+14 beating
-6 -6 -6 -1
C 0 0 0
stand stand none 50
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a little girl~
a little girl~
A little girl watches shyly behind her mother's apron.
This little brown-haired green-eyed girl is cute and shy, in her festival
best and hiding behind her mother.  
AB 0 A A 0 0
25 25 51d8+228 25d9+60 7d3+14 scratch
-6 -6 -6 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 10
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a black wolf~
a black wolf~
A black wolf stalks its prey.
A startlingly black face peers at you from the cover of the undergrowth
with gleaming {Ygolden{C eyes.  {x 
A 0 A A 80 0
25 25 52d9+253 25d11+95 9d2+24 bite
-8 -8 -8 -3
H 0 EX J
stand stand none 0
AGV ACDEFHJKUV medium unknown
Knight Templar~
a Knight Templar~
A knight templar stands here, guarding the entrance.
These Templar Knights have been dedicated to the goddess of the forests,
Zhylla.  Their tabards are dark greens and pale blue edged with silver, the
crest of an oak leaf and antlers over their chests.  Though their
expressions are impassive, they will not hesitate to assist those in need,
nor will they hesitate to repulse those with intention to harm the temple.  
AB 0 A A 1000 0
30 30 63d11+304 30d11+95 11d2+27 none
-12 -12 -12 -6
stand stand either 200
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
M ACT 10603 gets~
a singer~
a singer~
A singer breathes out hymnals.
This singer looks like they're really into the chorus of this hymn. 
Their eyes are closed and backs straight, singing straight from the heart.  
AB 0 A A 800 0
23 23 47d7+210 23d9+60 6d3+13 none
-4 -4 -4 0
CNU T 0 0
stand stand either 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a huntress~
a huntress~
A huntress murmurs prayers in the pews.
A 0 A A 400 0
24 24 59d8+222 24d9+60 8d3+15 slash
-5 -5 -5 0
JN P 0 0
stand stand female 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
an elven worshiper~
an elven worshiper~
An elven worshiper pays homage to his goddess.
It seems that humans and rangers aren't the only ones who favor Zhylla of
the forests; elves from lands beyond have come to worship her as well. 
However, it is only logical, as the elves are forest-dwellers.  
A J AJ A 900 0
24 24 50d9+243 24d11+95 9d2+23 none
-8 -8 -8 -3
0 0 B Z
stand stand none 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Amara of Umbar~
Amara of Umbar~
Amara, an outlier of Umbar, prays here.
From far and wide over the continent come the worshipers to this temple. 
Amara's fair hair and dark eyes are concentrated wholly on the adoration of
her goddess; don't disturb her!  
A 0 A A 500 0
20 20 42d7+203 20d11+95 7d2+20 none
-5 -5 -5 -1
IJ 0 0 0
stand stand female 100
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a male acolyte~
a male acolyte~
An acolyte hurridly carries baskets of sacrificial goods.
This elven acolyte looks like he's in a rush- huffing, puffing, and
towing around large baskets of fruit, eggs, and other produce.  
A J AJ A 1000 0
22 22 46d8+223 22d11+95 8d2+22 none
-6 -6 -6 -2
0 0 B Z
stand stand none 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a female acolyte~
An acolyte smiles at you.
This acolyte is really quite pretty in her light green vestments.  She is
obviously busy- her day is spent studying, cleaning, and serving the
A H A A 1000 0
20 20 42d7+203 20d11+95 7d2+20 none
-5 -5 -5 -1
0 0 N 0
stand stand female 100
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
female acolyte~
an elven acolyte~
An elven acolyte looks up at you from her studies.
She's obviously very busy and has little time for the likes of you!  
A J AJ A 1000 0
26 26 53d8+237 26d9+60 7d3+14 none
-6 -6 -6 -1
Q 0 B Z
stand stand female 100
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a male acolyte~
a male acolyte~
An acolyte grimaces at you.
He doesn't seem too happy to be here- that, or he's just irritated to
find you here!  This acolyte's robes are of a bluer shade of green than the
girls' spring green.  
A 0 A A 900 0
24 24 49d8+219 24d9+60 7d3+13 none
-5 -5 -5 0
JQ 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a busy acolyte~
a busy acolyte~
A busy acolyte bustles past.
The acolyte hustles past you, taking care of the day-to-day chores that
keep the temple running.  
A H A A 1000 0
25 25 52d9+253 25d11+95 9d2+24 punch
-8 -8 -8 -3
Q 0 N 0
stand stand either 50
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Grendle, the monk librarian,~
Grendle, the monk librarian,~
Grendle, the monk librarian, glares at you from his desk.
A rather large-bodied man, especially for a half-elf, Grendle doesn't
exactly look like the friendly sort.  His dark brows are knitted together in
distaste as he watches you mill about his holy ground, as if you trailed in
all manner of dirt and slime to desecrate the most divine of divinities.  
AB HL AL A 1000 0
32 32 67d11+324 32d11+95 11d2+28 wrath
-13 -13 -13 -7
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Akasha the scribe~
Akasha the scribe~
Akasha the scribe glances up at you from her text.
Akasha's short bronze wings flicker occasionally as she studies the large
handwritten page before her, frowning in concentration.  Please don't
26 26 55d9+263 26d11+95 9d2+24 slash
-9 -9 -9 -4
0 0 J LQ
stand stand female 100
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJKP medium unknown
Reading acolyte~
a reading acolyte~
An acolyte is reading diligently.
This young acolyte is absorbed in some book- whether religious or a
flight of fancy, it is impossible to tell.  
A 0 A A 700 0
23 23 48d8+233 23d11+95 8d2+22 thwack
-7 -7 -7 -2
INQ 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
cooking acolyte~
a cooking acolyte~
A cooking acolyte wipes sweat from her forehead.
She's hot, sweaty, and all together too busy for you.  
AB 0 A A 1000 0
25 25 52d9+253 25d11+95 9d2+24 thwack
-8 -8 -8 -3
NU 0 0 0
stand stand female 50
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Grendle, the librarian monk~
Grendle, the librarian monk,~
Grendle, the librarian monk, glares at you from his desk.
A 0 A A 0 0
0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0 0d0+0 none
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
0 0 medium unknown
F for AHMV
Priest Nathanael~
Priest Nathanael~
Priest Nathanael writes busily at his desk.
This priest Nathanael certainly keeps himself busy; though quite muscular
and bronze, the green-robed man is working furiously to complete some sort
of courier message.  Perhaps it's to some wandering cleric or missionary on
behalf of the High Priest.  
AB 0 A A 1000 0
29 29 59d9+264 29d9+60 8d3+16 none
-8 -8 -8 -2
0 N 0 0
stand stand male 300
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
High Priest Solaris~
the High Priest Solaris~
The High Priest Solaris is preparing for a ceremony.
Wait...  The High Priest is actually a...  Priestess?  The elven
priestess has flowing azure hair that falls straight to her ankles, and
cerulean eyes that sparkle with life.  Her turquoise robes are embroidered
with spring-green leaves and white flowers, and bone bangles click around
her wrists.  A holy symbol hangs from her neck, while around her waist hangs
a coiled white leather whip.  
AB J AJ A 1000 0
30 30 61d10+273 30d9+60 9d3+16 divine
-9 -9 -9 -3
stand stand female 500
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
escaped acolyte~
an escaped acolyte~
An escaped acolyte blushes furiously as you burst in.
You've interrupted something you'd much rather forget- and you're not the
only one!  
AB 0 A A 800 0
24 24 50d9+243 24d11+95 9d2+23 punch
-8 -8 -8 -3
HN 0 0 0
stand stand male 40
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
A beautiful girl~
a beautiful girl~
A beautiful girl hides herself behind the acolyte.
Just like her lover, this girl is wearing the bare necessities tacked
only half-way on.  
AB 0 A A 600 0
24 24 49d8+219 24d9+60 7d3+13 scratch
-5 -5 -5 0
HI 0 0 0
stand stand female 45
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a priest~
a priest~
A priest is hidden behind the veil of vines, waiting for your confession.
You can't really see any more of the priest than his silhouette- but you
know that it is definitely male.  
ABZac HN A A 1000 0
30 30 63d11+304 30d11+95 11d2+27 divine
-12 -12 -12 -6
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
A shield mimic~
a shield~
A silver shield lies on the floor.
A shining silver shield lies on the floor.  Its surface doesn't seem to
reflect anything but light, though...  
AB J AJ A -1000 0
25 25 52d9+253 25d11+95 9d2+24 none
-8 -8 -8 -3
stand stand none 10
H ABCGHJK medium unknown
a furnace-tending monk~
a furnace-tending monk~
A monk tends the furnace.
This small, slim monk is covered in dark green fabrics, tending the
heated furnace.  Just be glad you're not him.  
AB H A A 1000 0
26 26 55d9+263 26d11+95 9d2+24 none
-9 -9 -9 -4
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Cleric Kestrel~
the cleric Kestrel~
The cleric Kestrel ponders the ripples in the pool.
Kestrel's long ebony hair, woven with feathers and leather cord, flows
into a river down his back as he regards the patterns of water in the pool. 
He brushes a strand behind his ear, revealing his elven heritage beyond the
inherent fine-boned features; his tanned skin and calloused hands show that
not only is he a healer, but a hunter as well.  His leathers say that
perhaps he is a former ranger.  
AB J AJ A 1000 0
27 27 57d10+273 27d11+95 10d2+25 none
-10 -10 -10 -4
0 0 B Z
stand stand none 200
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
A meditating acolyte~
a meditating acolyte~
An acolyte mediates on living peacefully in nature's hands.
The acolyte sits with legs crossed atop one of the mossy rocks, face
serene and untroubled by secular chaos.  
AB 0 A A 800 0
26 26 53d8+237 26d9+60 7d3+14 magic
-6 -6 -6 -1
0 0 0 0
stand stand either 0
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Kesshi the Healer~
Kesshi the Healer~
Healer Kesshi tends to a patch of acrimony.
Healer Kesshi's long dove-gray wings are folded tightly against his back,
the long pinfeathers occasionally brushing the ground as the tall avian
bends to pluck a weed or examine a leaf.  His delicate and fine features
remind you that the bones of a bird are hollow; but you're sure he has more
than physical power up his green sleeves.  
29 29 61d10+293 29d11+95 10d2+26 none
-11 -11 -11 -5
stand stand none 250
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJKP medium unknown
A robin~
a robin~
A robin peers curiously at you, head cocked to one side.
song bird~
A T AT A 0 0
24 24 50d9+243 24d11+95 9d2+23 peck
-8 -8 -8 -3
FH 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
AGW ACDEFHKP medium unknown
A cook~
a cook~
A cook brandishes her spoon at you.
This gnome woman is taller than the average female of her species- and
she possesses five times the presence of an elf!  At a diminuitive five
feet, you wonder if perhaps her father hadn't been human.  It seems that the
gnomish love of science has been applied to the alchemical means of the
culinary arts; she creates platters that make you feel famished just by the
whiff of steam.  
AB J AJ A 700 0
28 28 59d10+283 28d11+95 10d2+26 thwack
-10 -10 -10 -5
DE 0 P R
stand stand female 100
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
Genesis gardener~
a gardener~
A gardener chops away at the weeds.
Genesis's eyes are fused intensely on the patch of dirt before him as he
slashes away savagely at the weeds.  He is so absorbed in his task that he
fails to notice the sweat dampened auburn hair falling from his slightly
pointed ears.  
AB L AL A 700 0
24 24 50d9+243 24d11+95 9d2+23 none
-8 -8 -8 -3
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 100
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
a chestnut bay horse~
a chestnut bay~
A great chestnut bay crops grass in the shade of a tree.
This horse is well-groomed and well cared for; it is very happy here. 
Its warm brown skin twitches to chase away a few irritating insects, as the
light sheens down on the glossy and powerful muscles of its flanks.  
AB 0 A A 200 0
24 24 50d9+243 24d11+95 9d2+23 charge
-8 -8 -8 -3
CO 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
AGV ACDEFJKU medium unknown
F off H
F par HV
a goat~
a goat~
A goat looks longingly at your clothes... To EAT them!
It's big, it's gray, and it's hungry for anything you're wearing.  Keep
your sleeves and pants out of reach.  
AB 0 A A 200 0
25 25 51d8+228 25d9+60 7d3+14 none
-6 -6 -6 0
HQ 0 0 0
stand stand none 0
AGV ACDEFJKU medium unknown
F par HV
A stableboy~
a stableboy~
The stableboy looks up as you come in with an expression of mild curiosity.
The stableboy is at the moment lounging in the straw, all of his charges
content for now.  He seems rather unconcerned with the world; his nap in the
hay is enough for him.  
AB 0 A A 700 0
23 23 48d8+233 23d11+95 8d2+22 none
-7 -7 -7 -2
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 30
AHMV ABCDEFGHIJK medium unknown
A large serpent~
a large serpent~
A large serpent has coiled around the base of an apple tree.
The serpent's golden eyes regard you lazily as it flicks its forked
tongue back and forth.  It has no fear of you and feels no need to move; its
venom is enough to protect it, and its thick muscles enough to squeeze you. 
AB 0 A A -1000 0
25 25 52d9+253 25d11+95 9d2+24 crush
-8 -8 -8 -3
stand stand none 0
AGXYc ADEFKLQVX large unknown

{rDr{Ra{Wco{Rn{ris{x's {WFried Rice{x~
some of {rDr{Ra{Wco{Rn{ris{x's {WFried Rice{x~
Look at that steaming bowl of fried rice...~
food G A
-1 24 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
deerskin leather~
a deerskin~
A crumpled pile of leather lies here.~
armor S AD
8 8 8 7 0
22 23 18 P
white antlers~
a pair of {wwhite{x antlers~
A set of antlers lie here.~
armor AIS AE
9 9 9 8 0
25 26 29 P
{Rred gem{x~
a {Rred gem{x~
A fiery {Rred gem{x was dropped here.~
warp_stone ASY AO
0 0 0 0 0
25 1 632 P
iron-capped quarterstaff~
an iron-capped quarterstaff~
An iron-capped quarterstaff lies in the dust.~
weapon 0 AN
polearm 3 11 thrust 0
23 24 1580 P
A 0 0 C
4 1
3 1
18 1
gnarled staff~
a gnarled staff~
A gnarled staff was discarded here.~
staff G AO
40 6 6 'calm' 0
28 0 0 P
{Ggreen{x shawl~
a {Ggreen{x shawl~
A {Ggreen{x shawl was tossed carelessly to the ground.~
armor I AK
8 8 8 7 0
22 23 18 P
3 1
13 20
bluestone altar~
a bluestone altar~
A bluestone altar sits in the center of the clearing.~
portal B P
3 AD AD 10693 0
20 200 0 P
The low bluestone altar is a rough rectangle of shoulder height, rather
too tall for anything to be placed properly upon it...  
whitestone altar~
a whitestone altar~
An altar of white stone rests in the center of the clearing.~
container GSY P
50 E 0 1 0
20 200 0 P
The altar glows softly in the light of the small clearing, its surface
smooth as porcelain vase.  A low cylindar, the altar only reaches the
priest's waist in height, but is wide enough for a young child to lie on.  
necklace of wolf teeth~
a necklace of wolf teeth~
A necklace of teeth lies in the dust.~
jewelry S AC
0 0 0 0 0
24 1 100 P
1 1
2 2
13 20
{mholey berries{x~
some {mholey berries{x~
Some purple {mberries{x are piled here.~
food G A
2 2 0 A 0
21 1 10 P
A 0 0 D
Bow of Peerless Aim~
a precise bow~
A well-made bow waits to be strung.~
weapon 0 AN
exotic 3 10 charge D
22 23 1460 P
A 0 0 D
A 0 0 F
18 2
19 1
{bblue mantle{x~
a {bblue mantle{x~
A wad of {bblue{x fabric was tossed here.~
armor 0 AK
9 9 9 8 0
23 24 19 P
12 30
13 -10
wooden bangle~
a wooden bangle~
Some wooden bangles were left here.~
armor 0 AM
9 9 9 8 0
23 24 19 P
wolf pelt~
a wolf pelt~
A wolf pelt looks warm and comfortable.~
armor 0 AL
9 9 9 8 0
24 25 28 P
red potion~
a red potion~
A red potion was left here.~
potion 0 A
40 'heal' 'bless' 'reserved' 'reserved'
23 2 655 P
green potion~
a green potion~
A green potion was left carelessly.~
potion A A
30 'protection evil' 'cure light' 'detect hidden' 'reserved'
23 2 700 P
steel spaudlers~
a pair of steel spaudlers~
Gleaming here in the light are a pair of steel spaudlers.~
armor 0 AI
11 11 11 10 0
30 31 26 P
1 2
19 1
a folding spear~
a folding spear~
An odd and ornate spear was thrust into the ground.~
weapon 0 AN
polearm 3 13 stab D
26 27 1840 P
19 2
2 1
18 1
soft boots~
a pair of soft boots~
A pair of soft-looking boots were left here.~
armor 0 AG
9 9 9 8 0
23 24 19 P
14 70
5 1
brown leather gloves~
a pair of brown leather gloves~
Brown leather gloves await a new claimant.~
armor SY AH
8 8 8 7 0
22 23 18 P
2 2
12 10
a glittering anklet~
a glittering anklet~
A glittering anklet catches your eye.~
jewelry 0 AS
0 0 0 0 0
20 1 600 P
2 2
24 -3
a hunting dagger~
a hunting dagger~
A hunting dagger was left here.~
weapon 0 AN
dagger 2 10 stab 0
24 25 1250 P
19 1
18 1
linen sleeves~
a pair of linen sleeves~
Some linen sleeves gather dust.~
armor 0 AI
9 9 9 8 0
25 26 29 P
4 2
13 15
leather cuirass~
a leather cuirass~
A leather cuirass rests here.~
armor 0 AK
8 8 8 7 0
21 22 17 P
5 1
13 20
14 40
wooden altar~
a wooden altar~
A wooden altar holds the fruits of labor.~
container 0 P
0 0 0 0 0
0 50 0 P
red pomegranates~
red pomegranates~
Some red pomegranates were set here.~
food 0 A
24 4 0 0 0
20 0 0 P
A 0 0 Z
the blackberries~
Some blackberries lie in the dirt.~
food 0 A
12 3 0 0 0
20 1 10 P
A 0 0 T
white sash~
a white sash~
A white sash lies in the dust.~
armor 0 AL
8 8 8 7 0
20 21 16 P
12 20
freshwater pearl earring~
a freshwater pearl earring~
A pearl earring shines here.~
jewelry S AT
0 0 0 0 0
23 1 200 P
3 3
onyx ring~
an onyx ring~
An onyx ring was left here.~
jewelry GS AB
0 0 0 0 0
21 1 220 P
A 0 0 E
13 20
{Wsilver basin{x~
a {Wsilver basin{x~
A {Wsilver basin{x sits in the room's center.~
drink Y AO
-1 -1 'water' 0 0
25 15 1000 P
A 0 0 T
This gleaming basin occupied the center of the stone basin of the forest
goddess Zhylla's temple.  Take care and beware; its guardians would be none
too pleased with its theft.  
blessed morningstar~
a blessed morningstar~
A divine morningstar was abandoned.~
weapon I AN
mace 3 10 smash A
25 26 1520 P
19 1
18 1
bronze breastplate~
a bronze breastplate~
A bronze breastplate rusts away.~
armor 0 AD
9 9 9 8 0
24 25 28 P
5 1
13 50
iron battleaxe~
an iron battleaxe~
An iron battleaxe calls for a new wielder.~
weapon 0 AN
exotic 3 11 none 0
24 25 1600 P
1 3
19 1
18 1
green robe~
a green robe~
A green robe was left here.~
armor 0 AD
0 0 0 0 0
24 10 100 P
4 1
12 40
jade barrette~
a jade barrette~
A jade barrette was dropped here.~
jewelry 0 AE
0 0 0 0 0
26 1 1000 P
5 2
13 20
woolen leggings~
some woolen leggings~
A pair of woolen leggings were left here.~
armor S AF
9 9 9 8 0
23 24 19 P
a grotto~
a grotto~
A small grotto allows...~
container 0 P
50 0 0 5 0
0 500 0 P
This grotto is just deep enough for the lovers to store trinkets and food
away.  From the very rear comes a trickle of water that builds up and
splashes into the pool below.  Ferns and mosses have created a natural
cushion inside if they wish to hide from the rain; it is just tall enough to
stand in.  
a pool~
...water to collect in a deep pool.~
fountain 0 P
-1 -1 'water' 0 0
0 500 0 P
golden ring~
a golden ring~
A golden ring gleams in the light.~
jewelry 0 AB
0 0 0 0 0
23 0 800 P
18 3
5 -1
a desk~
A desk rests beside the door.~
furniture 0 P
0 100 0 0 0
33 300 100 P
This wooden desk is small and unassuming.  Several books stand on one
corner, while another is weighted with a soapstone vase and a spray of
dogwood flowers.    
{ybronze robes{x~
the {ybronze robes{x~
Some {ybronze{x-coloured fabric lies in a heap.~
armor S AK
10 10 10 9 0
26 5 200 P
{ybronze wings{x~
{ybronze wings{x~
{yBronze wings{x look forlorn without their owner.~
armor AB AQ
10 10 10 9 0
27 28 31 P
A 0 0 T
some venison~
A haunch of venison steams here.~
food 0 A
16 9 0 0 0
23 3 10 P
Hadia scroll~
a Hadia scroll~
A wrinkled and brittle scroll slowly begins to disintigrate.~
scroll 0 AO
30 'lightning bolt' 'lightning bolt' 'reserved' 'reserved'
26 1 500 P
fantastic novel~
a fantastic novel~
Some fantasy novel has been trampled on.~
scroll 0 0
30 'shocking grasp' 'burning hands' 'reserved' 'reserved'
23 1 350 P
whiteoak staff~
a whiteoak staff~
A white staff shimmers nearby.~
staff A AO
30 10 10 'protection evil' 0
24 20 300 P
leather girth~
a leather girth~
A leather girth with convenient pockets has been left here.~
container S AL
0 AC 0 10 0
26 30 80 P
13 5
2 3
golden ring~
a golden ring~
A golden ring gleams in the light.~
jewelry 0 AB
0 0 0 0 0
23 0 800 P
18 3
5 -1
a honeycake~
A honeycake looks so tempting...~
food 0 A
60 3 0 0 0
24 1 10 P
dark oak chest~
a dark oak chest~
A dark oak chest rests beneath the window.~
container 0 P
0 AC 0 10 0
20 100 0 P
a mossy boulder~
a mossy boulder~
A mossy boulder provides the perfect seat.~
furniture Y P
2 400 E 100 100
0 0 0 P
a {Bpa{Ctc{mhw{wor{Bk{x quilt~
a {Bpa{Ctc{mhw{wor{Bk{x quilt~
A {Bpa{Ctc{mhw{wor{Bk{x quilt was folded and left here.~
furniture S A
2 280 I 100 50
0 5 100 P
{wwhite whip{x~
a {wwhite{x whip~
Someone left a {wwhite{x whip here.~
weapon 0 0
whip 2 13 whip G
28 29 1555 P
18 2
19 1
5 1
{ce{Cl{ga{Gb{Co{cr{ga{Gt{ce{x robes~
an {ce{Cl{ga{Gb{Co{cr{ga{Gt{ce{x robe~
An {ce{Cl{ga{Gb{Co{cr{ga{Gt{ce{x robe looks luxuriously soft.~
armor K AD
11 11 11 10 0
28 10 600 P
12 20
4 1
3 2
{Gholy symbol of Zhylla{x~
a {Gholy symbol{x of Zhylla~
A {Gholy symbol{x of Zhylla lies on the floor.~
jewelry K AC
0 0 0 0 0
28 1 400 P
12 10
13 10
Ring of Oblivion~
a Ring of Oblivion~
A ring set with onyx hangs from a string.~
jewelry CE AB
0 0 0 0 0
22 1 800 P
A 0 0 K
A 0 0 A
A 0 0 R
A 0 0 Y
Orb of Reflection~
the Orb of Reflection~
A demon orb sits in a velvet-lined box.~
treasure AEJ AO
0 0 0 0 0
24 20 700 P
13 -50
12 -50
A 0 0 K
{ge{Gm{gb{Gr{go{Gi{gd{Ge{gr{Ge{gd{x robe~
an {ge{Gm{gb{Gr{go{Gi{gd{Ge{gr{Ge{gd{x robe~
An {ge{Gm{gb{Gr{go{Gi{gd{Ge{gr{Ge{gd{x robe has been left here.~
armor 0 AK
11 11 11 10 0
28 29 24 P
elixer of body~
the elixer of body~
A gray-bottled elixer rests on the shelf.~
potion 0 A
30 'cure light' 'reserved' 'reserved' 'reserved'
22 1 100 P
9 10
elixer of beauty~
an elixer of beauty~
A rose-bottled elixer rests on the shelf.~
potion 0 A
30 'change sex' 'bless' 'reserved' 'reserved'
0 1 100 P
Blade of Despair~
the {DBlade of Despair{x~
A {Dgray{x blade lies here, vibrating.~
weapon BCEY AN
sword 3 11 slash C
25 26 1620 P
18 2
A 0 0 K
19 1
1 1
the red Souleater~
A red longsword seems to draw the vitality from the air.~
weapon Z AN
sword 3 13 stab AC
28 10 1880 P
18 3
19 1
soul-eater gem~
a soul-eater gem~
A large multifaceted blue gem glints inside its box.~
warp_stone C AO
0 0 0 0 0
24 3 1000 P
trash Z AN
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
a pool~
a pool~
Spring water collects into a stone-lined pool.~
fountain 0 P
-1 -1 'water' 0 0
20 500 0 P
Water trickles from some invisible source into this pool, trickling a
chuckle that makes this small grove feel welcoming.  You wish to stay here
for a while, and listen to the sound of the water...  The pool is lined with
river stones and fringed with reeds; a few lotuses and water hyacinths float
across like exotic fish.  Blue and green flashes flirt below the water's
surface, like marine fae.  
doeskin leggings~
a pair of doeskin leggings~
Some pale doeskin leggings have been left here.~
armor 0 AF
9 9 9 8 0
24 25 28 P
robe of purity~
a {Wwhite{x robe of purity~
A pure {Wwhite{x robe lies in a heap.~
armor AK AD
9 9 9 8 0
25 26 29 P
3 3
12 20
some pinfeathers~
Some pinfeathers lie here, strung together on a leather cord.~
armor 0 AE
11 11 11 10 0
29 30 25 P
3 1
a red tomato~
a red tomato~
A red fruit hangs from a staked bush.~
pill 0 0
30 'cure light' 'cure poison' 'reserved' 'reserved'
24 0 0 P
an orange pumpkin~
a big orange pumpking~
A big orange pumpkin catches your eye.~
pumpkin guts~
pill 0 A
30 'calm' 'word of recall' 'reserved' 'reserved'
20 10 30 P
the Omnifertal Hoe of Joden~
the Omnifertal Hoe of Joden~
A long hoe has been discarded.~
weapon A AN
polearm 3 11 chop E
23 24 1580 P
19 1
18 1
a spray of gray herbs~
a spray of gray herbs~
A spray of gray herbs hangs from the shelves.~
pill 0 A
30 'stone skin' 'bless' 'reserved' 'reserved'
23 1 20 P
an amber bottle~
an amber bottle~
An amber bottle glints in your eye.~
container 0 0
10 AC 0 20 0
20 1 40 P
sage green powder~
some sage green powder~
A pile of sage green powder shifts in the breeze.~
pill 0 0
30 'haste' 'giant strength' 'reserved' 'reserved'
0 1 30 P
an apple of wisdom~
an apple of wisdom~
A ruby-colored apple gleams temptingly.~
food 0 0
100 20 0 A 0
20 1 10 P
A 0 0 C
A 0 0 G
A 0 0 F
The tree of the wise fruit~
a fruit tree~
A great fruit tree has thrust its green crown above the rest of the orchard.~
container 0 P
50 0 0 10 0
20 1000 0 P
This huge tree is the largest in the orchard and probably the oldest. 
Though ancient, its interwoven branches are thick and vital, holding the
weight of a lightning-blue sky above the earth.  For a fruit tree, it's
quite tall--a true oddity.  
gala apples~
some gala apples~
food 0 A
40 5 0 0 0
0 0 0 P
green apples~
a peck of green apples~
A peck of green apples looks very crispy and tart.~
pill 0 A
30 'shield' 'armor' 'reserved' 'reserved'
23 5 30 P
Vial of Rosameri Oil~
a vial of rosameri oil~
A vial of holy oil lies in the dust.~
potion G AO
30 'protection evil' 'bless' 'sanctuary' 'reserved'
30 1 100 P
blackened skull~
a blackened skull~
A blackened skull grins madly at you.~
staff 0 AO
30 3 3 'resurrect' 0
29 0 0 P

Shaded Path~
A worn path runs south through the thick forest, whose boughs tangle
overhead in a canopy of mosaic greens.  The light that filters through onto
the surface of the dirt and pebble footpath is a kaleidoscopic wonder of
emerald, peridot, jade, and malachite dapples that shift in the winds. 
Flowers of all colors poke their faces through verdant undergrowth,
brilliant gems belonging to all seasons.  You feel a sensation of quiet
serenity, hearing birdsong and the cries of wildlife that indicate peace. 
The chuckle of water running through stone drifts to your ears from further
south on the trail, tempting you onward.  
0 1024 3
0 0 10601
Shaded Path~
The path continues south, and branches off slightly to the west, where
you can see the silver shine of water flowing from a deep spring.  A fresh
breeze dances through the leaves, carrying the scents of fruit tree blossoms
and earthy loam.  Although the light is dim, the forest does not feel
forbidding or unwelcoming.  Huge tree trunks testify the great age of this
peaceful forest, their knotted roots stretching deep into the stony core.  
0 0 3
0 0 10600
0 0 10602
0 0 10616
Shaded Path~
North and south the trail runs between the trees, winding through the
deep forest.  East, a fallen tree blocks the trail, though west the way is
clear.  Creepers twine around the thick branches of deciduous hardwoods,
their snake-like ends forming curtains where they have run rampant.  From
the northwest comes the laughter of running water, a merry sound that
mingles with animal calls from deeper in the forest.  
0 0 3
It looks as if this tree fell victim to the delicate attentions of a
large bear.  Huge gashes were ripped out of the trunk and most of the bark
was rubbed off.  Most of it has disintigrated, but still it stands to block
your way.  
0 0 10601
0 0 10603
0 0 10605
Shaded Path~
This little trail runs west back to the main trail and on eastward, where
you can hear yips and soft growls.  Some bluebells shine bold sapphire at
the base of a tall maple, swaying gently.  A tiny spring, too small to even
sip from, gurgles up from a cluster of rocks and runs away into the ground
0 0 3
0 0 10604
0 0 10602
Den of a Lone Wolf~
A low cave has been formed here by the tumbling of rough white boulders. 
Its interior is dark but it stretches back and down, probably dug out by not
only past residents but the current ones as well.  Its top has been
camoflaged by growths of ferns and moss and grass that took advantage of the
relative sun allowed by the absence of trees overhead; that selfsame sun
warms the lounging furry bodies around you that barely prick their ears at
your presence.  
0 0 3
0 0 10603
Shaded Path~
The path stretches on under the shade of ancient limbs and luscious
greenery.  The flora blooming beneath the strong branches is that of all
seasons; the crocus of spring flowers beside summer violets and autumn
dragonhead.  From the south, you feel a warm tingle on your spine- a
blessing and a promise of holy magic.  South on the path there is also an
intersection that splits two ways.  
0 0 3
0 0 10602
0 0 10606
A Fork in the Path~
West of this fork in the path you can see through the trees a sunlit
clearing; east, a smaller path twines through an even darker portion of the
forest, where little light pierces through the canopy.  The path also
returns north.  Here the feeling of magic has grown much stronger; it is
almost palpable in the east.  A small wooden sign has been hung on one of
the branches, its carved script rough and almost archaic.  
0 0 3
Old and cracked, this sign has probably hung here for three Ages.
The carved and rubbed out symbols indicate:
West- Temple of Zhylla
0 0 10605
0 0 10607
0 0 10611
Dark Forest~
This tiny, dark trail winds through the forest like the curve in a great
wyrm's spine.  Here, only tiny shafts of light can find their way through
the dense leaves and branches above; it is almost impossible to see without
a light.  The trees here are so close together that your shoulders can
barely fit between them; the bark occasionally scores your arms and face. 
The smell of decaying leaves is cloying and sticks to the back of your
throat.  Giant ferns sway in your passing and sticks crack beneath your feet
as you continue onward.  
0 1 3
0 0 10608
0 0 10606
Dark Forest~
East a small clearing has long been hewn from the trees; the light stings
your eyes as it lances through the spaces between the trees.  North the
darkness thickens, but north is also the way out of the clausterphobic
tightness.  The earth beneath your feet is springy from layers of rotting
leaves; fern fronds sway in a slight breeze from the south.  
0 1 3
0 0 10607
0 0 10609
Lone Altar~
The small clearing you emerge into is barely twenty paces across but
allows you a sense of space.  Here you can finally see the sky above and the
whole area is bathed in light; it is a definite relief from the cloistering
atmosphere beneath the trees.  Short sweetgrass brushes your boots as you
walk, the spicy scent of its crushed blades tickling your nose.  This area
is obviously quite special and must be sacred; around the circumference,
twelve tall bluestones have been arranged.  Even the air has a slight
glimmer to it, and you can feel the magic in your lungs as you breathe.  
0 0 3
The bluestones give off an aura of electricity, as if touching them would
shock you.  You feel their crackling energy by being within only a few yards
of them; perhaps touching them wouldn't be a sound idea.  The twelve of them
are arranged in a circle, like the twelve moon cycles of the year.  Their
hard dusty blue surfaces glint here and there with the inclusion of mica
0 0 10610
0 0 10608
Deep Forest~
Past this point there is no hope of making any further progress- you can
only go back the way you came.  Here the trees are so thick that they seem
to close about you and threaten to swallow you up and offer you to whatever
god has blessed this place.  You can hear growls and whistles and clicks
deeper within the primeval forest beyond, and the rustle of leaves and
branches.  You think you hear the padding of feet, but you cannot be sure.  
0 1 3
0 0 10609
Bright Clearing~
You step into the clearing with a sense of relief as golden sunlight
bathes you in its glow.  The grasses here are high around the dirt path,
light green stems waving idly as the wind bends them thither.  South the
little dirt path splits through the grass, and you think you can just make
out the tops of white columns.  The path also stretches east and west,
returning to the forest.  
0 0 3
0 0 10606
0 0 10613
0 0 10612
Quiet Path~
This trail is almost unnaturally silent, but you can sense no malevolence
to make it so.  Even the birds' cries are muffled, and the sound of wind
through the leaves is nonexistant, though you see plants sway.  You idly
kick a small white stone; it bounces off silently, leaving a silver glimmer
in its wake.  
0 0 3
0 0 10611
0 0 10624
Bright Clearing~
Green grasses wave in the gentle wind, bowing this way and that.  A few
lavender and white flowers peer up from the grasses, and sweetpeas twine
around clumps to show their bright faces to the sun.  You can see the tops
of gleaming white colomns to the south, brilliant in the light.  However,
most of the view is blocked by the thick stand of grass, making it almost
impossible to see beyond the next few steps in the grass.  
0 0 3
0 0 10611
0 0 10614
Gleaming Columns~
The grasses have been totally cleared, leaving only a wide dusty area
bordered by trees.  Tall white stone columns lance up from the ground,
seemingly carved from boulders whose roots reach deep into the earth. 
Perhaps it isn't quite correct to label them as columns; they narrow as they
reach upward and flare outward into delicate rays, possibly even meant to be
flowers if viewed from above.  Just south of you is a broad white staircase
that leads into the welcoming confines of what seems to be a temple made of
the same rock prevalent throughout this forest.  
0 0 3
The huge white columns reach above your head, holding up the sky.  The
higher they reach the more narrow they become, carved as such to look as if
they are taller than they really are.  The stone is the white native rock
you have seen throughout the forest, faintly marbled with light touches of
pearly gray.  Rays lance out from above, making strange lotus-like blossoms
on the top.  
0 0 10613
0 0 10615
Stairway to Heaven~
Broad white steps ascend into a comfortable foyer that is open to the
elements.  Within the open-air enterance, wrought iron braziers hold steady
green flames unaffected by wind and rain.  Yo.  Green flames that are
unaffected by wind and rain.  To the south, a large archway leads directly
into the heart of this temple, the Temple of Zhylla, Goddess of the
Woodlands.  North you can see the six white pillars soaring into the bright
skies, and you can see the dark green trees of the forest.  
0 0 0
Green fire dances within the braziers, releasing no heat and making no
sound as they burn the air, crackling silently.  If you look close enough,
you think you can make out a winged humanoid form within.  
0 0 10614
0 0 10630
Shining Stream~
Clear water gushes from a crack in a clump of white stones whose surfaces
are mottled with moss and tiny white flowers.  It pours over round white
riverstones, whose pebbled banks your feet crunch across.  Younger trees
surround this river, flourishing in the light shining down onto the waters. 
Reflections are scattered by the vibrant motions of water racing over and
around stones, though here and there deeper parts of the water allow you to
glimpse images of yourself only mildly distorted by the current.  In those
places the silvery sides of minnows flash and gleam, and arthropods and
newts hide beneath rocks.  
0 0 3
0 0 10601
0 0 10617
Shining Stream~
Here the water's surface is calm and flat; sunlight glances off of it,
contrasting with the shadows of leaves to create a misleading estimation of
its true depth.  Small fish scatter as your own shadow passes over the
stream, causing tiny ripples in the surface that warp your reflection into a
surreal portrait.  
0 0 3
0 0 10616
0 0 10618
Shining Stream~
The current has quickened here and depth is less; strands of grasses on
the stream's narrow banks are twisted and braided playfully by the water as
it rushes south to its final destination.  The shade provided by the trees
overhead is pleasant, but the sunlight that peers through them is warm and
far more welcome.  
0 0 3
0 0 10617
0 0 10619
Shining Stream~
Now the stream courses recklessly through the forest, jostling over rocks
and even carrying pebbles in its current.  White foam forms around rocks
that jut from the water and swirls away again, creating random patterns of
frothy lace.  The stream continues east and west, winding snake-like around
on its course beneath the boughs.  
0 0 3
0 0 10618
0 0 10620
Shining Stream~
The stream turns sharply south here, widening a little in its arc as it
tumbles through.  The foam here is thicker as the water races far faster
than before, carrying sticks and leaves along in the insatiable current.  A
few other small streams have joined, strengthening the water's force. 
Dragonflies dance giddily in the air, flashing gems of sapphire, emerald,
and amethyst as they zip and hover around, occasionally alighting on you and
shooting away just as quickly.  
0 0 3
0 0 10619
0 0 10621
Shining Stream~
A small footbridge crosses the stream to the south.  Here the banks have
risen sharply, forcing you to wade into the sharply cold water.  The water
seeps into your boots, numbing your toes.  Tree branches lace over your
head, once more blocking out the warm sunlight and splashing green onto the
water you walk in.  
0 0 3
0 0 10620
0 0 10622
A Bridge Over the Stream~
Half of a wide log has been laid over the stream, its rough hewn surface
providing an unsteady bridge only slightly stabilized by a hand-railing
tacked on to one side.  The stream rushes on beneath you, merrily oblivious.
East and west the calm path continues, beneath the green leaves.  West is a
patch of brilliant red firestalks, their sharp blossoms bright against the
dark shades of brown and black.  
0 0 3
This bridge looks rather unstable and slick, with the handrailing made of
branches added on only as an afterthought.  The only anchor it has are a few
stone blocks on either side that keep it from rolling precariously.  It is
only a few handspans above the rushing water, making you wonder why they
bothered building it at all.  The bridge itself was fashioned of a huge log
cut in half and laid with the "flat" side upright.  
0 0 10621
0 0 10624
0 0 10623
0 0 10625
Shining Stream~
Here the stream dives over a steep waterfall, cascading down a series of
white stone ledges into a deep blue pool below.  You can't be sure, but
there seems to be a cave below the largest of the ledges.  A few trees lean
over the ridge, their hold precarious but advantageous over their brothers. 
The wet moss makes it too slick to go further, though a gold gleam far
beneath you beckons temptingly.  
0 0 3
0 0 10622
Quiet Path~
The silence of the trail is only interrupted by the splash of water from
a creek to the west; there you can see a primitive bridge spanning its
sides, to prevent any traveller from needing to wet their feet.  A few
Solomon's Seals bob, their down-hanging blossoms fluttering against the
feathery fronds of Yule ferns.  
0 0 3
0 0 10612
0 0 10622
Quiet Path~
A large tree fell across this path long ago, knocking down others in the
process.  It created a small cleaning where the sun could shine, allowing
other saplings to take root.  Large wildflowers also took root, spreading
their leaves and bright blossoms into the blessings of the sun, drinking in
the light and water that was allowed to fall to them instead of being stolen
by the huge trees.  Tall, spearlike flowers called "firestalks" bloom here
with buds as red as flame.  
0 0 3
The fallen tree was once a mammoth but is now half-rotten and host to all
kinds of flora and fauna.  The middle caved in and you can see that it has
become hollow, perhaps by an animal or merely the forces of nature.  
Vibrant red-orange buds sway gently beneath the trees, varying in height
from waist to head.  The burning plumes are eye-drawing and remind you of
the color of sunsets and hunter moons; their stunning brilliance almost
outshines the marvellous creature that has made its home between them.  
0 0 10622
0 0 10626
Quiet Path~
West of here you can see a blot of light yellow obscured by the tree
trunks.  A well-worn path also leads north.  You can still hear the faint
sounds of the water through the path's strange stillness, as curious as that
is.  The tingle of magic courses up and down your spine, causing the hairs
on the back of your neck to tingle.  
0 0 0
0 0 10628
0 0 10625
0 0 10627
Silent Altar~
Beneath the tightly woven tree boughs are twelve bluestones arranged in a
circle.  Their surfaces are cold to the touch, and as you pass their
boundaries, you feel a cold chill bite at your flesh.  The bare earth is
covered in dark green vines whose leaves give off a faintly peppery scent;
here and there, the vines are dotted with small magenta berries that are
probably poisonous.  Behind every fourth stone there stands a huge live oak,
its deeply colored leaves preventing most of the sunlight from reaching the
0 0 3
Twisted branches twine around each other tightly like huge snakes, so
entangled that it would be impossible to seperate them.  These great oaks
must be at least a hundred years old.  Each oak stands behind a bluestone,
leaving three in all for this tiny grove in the forest.  
These twelve boulders are like natural pillars or dulled claws reaching
out of the earth.  The air around them is cold and they themselves feel as
if flesh would freeze to them.  They are set equally apart in a large
circle, just like one of the faery circles of legend.  
0 0 10626
Worn Path~
This oft-tred path is easier on the feet than the previous ones; no
stones to bite through the soles of your boots, and it is flat enough to
write upon.  Maples and elms seem to dominate this portion of the forest,
their branches creaking occasionally.  It seems that here the preturnatural
silence no longer exists, and that is comforting.  
0 0 0
0 0 10629
0 0 10626
Hallow Hermit~
You can't be sure how you missed seeing this marvellous structure from
the path, but you've an inkling that it had to do with the magic of the
forest, the enchantments of an elemental.  This hideaway has been carved
from the trunk of an unbelieveably huge living tree; and although it is
small, you have every assurance from its inhabitant that it is quite
comfortable.  The interior has been lovingly smoothed and coated with a
preservant that sealed out bugs and moisture; the dirt floor is hard packed
like stone.  Shelves line the walls, carefully bracketed to cause the least
harm to the trees.  They are covered in strange relics and bones, as well as
stone and birch containers of liquids and powdered concoctions.  
0 8 0
The bleached forms of bones and feathers dangle from the wooden shelves
like strange Yule ornaments.  Little silver bells and bits of grass clink
together like wind chimes, tied to little bits of twine.  Some smooth
polished rocks hold up a brief collection of books so old and abused that
you can't read the covers.  Stone containers of powdered herbs also take up
a large potion of the shelf space, and so does drying lavender and yew.  
0 0 10628
The archway you have stepped into is just long enough to be considered a
tunnel.  The white stone is carved into hundreds of intricate images and
designs that depict Zhylla's reign as a goddess and her champions, as well
as the denizens of the woodlands she protects.  Inlaid into the stone is
soft antler ivory, fragrant red cedar, and dark mahogany, all softly
polished to gleam like gems in the daylight.  Scents of apple-like incense
drift into your nose and pull at you to go south, deeper into the temple.  
0 8 0
0 0 10615
1 0 10631
Stepping into the church, you enter first into the area for open worship
for those not of Zhylla's clergy.  Wooden pews line up to either side of
you, some with farmers and woodcutters dozing, others with elven rangers
murmering prayers.  Beyond the pews to the east and west you can see
hallways that a few men and women walk in and out of; the pews also continue
into the temple.  The temple is lit by cunningly placed skylights of
transparent crystal that allow you to see the beautiful azure above.  The
light is pure and clear, making the temple's interior glow with a natural
magic its own.  Green vines trail along the white walls, which are inlaid
with carved woods and soft stones.  A few trees have been planted within the
building, their tops escaping through carefully carved holes in the roof.
0 8 0
You see fluffy white clouds passing above you through the thick glass of
the temple's skylights.  They have been placed in rectangles running north
and south, lighting the white temple with strange shadows as the sun shifts.
1 0 10630
0 0 10634
0 0 10632
0 0 10635
The temple smells reassuringly of wood, apples, and sage.  You can see a
priest or two milling about the altars and the devoted, offering blessings
and consolations.  A few acolytes scurry here and there, cleaning and
polishing and carrying.  There are several singers standing on either side
of the pulpit to your south, from where comes comforting, almost wordless
hymns.  On either of your sides beyond the pews there are alcolves in the
walls that are partially obscured by tapestries.  The plants within the
temple make it seem as wild as the forest outside; though the vines and
trees are well cared for, they are neither pruned nor forced to grow into
unnatural forms.  
0 8 0
0 0 10631
0 0 10633
0 0 10637
0 0 10636
The pews around you have been highly polished, oiled regularly and well
taken care of.  You can almost see your reflection in them.  This particular
area is rather empty; only one or two worshipers whisper quiet prayers to
the forest goddess here.  East of here, a beautifully woven silver and green
tapestry obscures most of a passage.  A great live oak has spread its vast
roots into the floor and its huge branches into the sky, its form symbolic
for the mirror realities between this world and the world beyond.  
0 8 0
A plush silver and green tapestry covers part of a hallway that leads
east.  The weaving is a testament to someone's skill; you can barely
determine the warp and weave over the breath-taking pattern of a stag
battling a great serpent.  
This vast oak stretches its boughs up and out, sheltering the temple and
cradling the sky.  If what you know of trees is true, the roots match the
branches- making this a tree that runs beneath half of the temple.  
0 0 10634
0 0 10642
0 0 10659
0 0 10632
Here the church is quite silent; you can barely even hear the light
voices of the singing choir.  The pews gleam magnificently in the light, a
testament to the devoted care of the acolytes.  You seem to be the only one
in this little section.  It looks as if there is no set pattern to the
worship times- this goddess's children come and go to praise her as they
please.  A particularly large vine along the wall has bloomed, its vivid
blue flower contrasted by small white-veined leaves that almost completely
obscure the wall.  Its perfume overpowers the incense, but is not
unpleasant.  East is a wide, open hallway that seems to lead into another
chamber.  A few faithful carry in baskets laden with fruit and grain.  
0 8 0
0 0 10638
0 0 10633
0 0 10631
Here a ranger kneels, his quiet prayer melodic and breathy.  The air here
is cool and crisp from a breeze whispering through the archway behind you to
the north; the feeling eases your spirits and lifts weariness and exhaustion
from your shoulders like a ragged cloak.  A few acolytes circle around,
polishing with spice-scented oils the tall wooden tripods that hold the odd
green flames.  A few acolytes circle around, polishing with spice-scented
oils the tall wooden tripods that hold the odd green lights.  A giant
maple's roots penetrate strangely through the white stone as if it were no
more than the forest soil outside.  Its boughs reach through the temple's
ceiling, occasionally giving you a view of sky as winds high in the air toy
with them.  
0 8 0
This mammoth tree is a prime example of its species, with broad green
leaves and a straight thick trunk.  Its roots have grown through the white
stone floor with no appearance of buckling, cracking, or erosion, as if it
were merely reaching through ooze.  A large cut-out in the ceiling allows
its branches to escape into the open sky, bringing in fresh air.  
0 0 10631
0 0 10636
0 0 10640
These pews are some what more worn; no wonder, as this area has more
people kneeling or even sleeping, strange as that is.  You would think that
these wooden benches would be quite uncomfortable, but these secular folks
prove otherwise.  To the west, a blue and gold tapestry conceals a shadowed
passage; south, you can see more of the choir.  Bold green vines have spun
up this wall, with huge emerald leaves and tiny hidden flowers the shape of
0 8 0
The thick lacquer of the pew has been rubbed down to the seasoned wood by
wear and tear.  Someone doodled little birds on the back of the pew in front
of you, as well as the words "Akmaro is a tree-hugger!"  
A thick blue and gold tapestry hangs partly over an alcove, hiding a
small passageway.  The pattern itself is of a stream falling over rocks,
with a turtle and several fish, as well as several iridescent dragonflies.  
0 0 10635
0 0 10632
0 0 10660
0 0 10649
You mount a few green-carpeted steps to the pulpit, which is a
stomach-high wooden stand covered in a green linen sheet embroidered with
silver trees.  To either side of you, singers stand on elevated platforms,
murmering the soothing hymns of Zhylla's temple.  In the southern wall there
is a passage framed by two oaks and blue and green curtains; above you, the
temple's high-domed ceiling has become nothing but a bubble of crystal-clear
0 8 0
0 0 10632
1 0 10661
Gift of the First Fruits~
This hallway is really a stone lined path into the forest.  White stone
arches cover the path at equal intervals, providing a sort of lattice work
frame for trees and thick vines to twist around, making walls of living
green.  The air smells of dark loam and honeysuckle; though not much light
can penetrate the thick cover, you have no trouble seeing the chamber to the
east, nor the temple to the west.  
0 8 0
0 0 10639
0 0 10634
Sacrificial Altar of the Lamb~
Once more you are indoors, although this is more like a greenhouse than
anything else.  Here the devoted of Zhylla leave their offerings- fruits,
grains, herbs, eggs, and other foodstuffs, as well as beautifully carved
statues of wood and stone, and baskets and weavings.  Acolytes scurry in and
out, carrying offerings to gods only know where.  Others leave baskets and
sheaves of things, saying a quiet few words in thankfulness or supplication,
and then disappearing.  In each of the cardinal directions a vine has
started along the wall, forming a lattice work that becomes more intricate
as it reaches the domed ceiling, with multicolored flowers and deceptively
simple leaves creating a fresco of natural wonder.  
0 8 0
0 0 10638
Hall of the Unblemished~
This hallway is little more than a path paved with white stones into the
outdoors.  White stone archways have been built at even intervals, woven
through like a lattice with vines and trees.  Wildflowers of yellow, pink,
and violet bloom along the path, in the cracks between stones which you
think may have been purposeful.  Here there is a cool, comforting breeze,
crisp and clear.  West it seems there is a seperately built chamber; east,
you can reenter the temple proper.  
0 8 0
0 0 10635
0 0 10641
Basin of True Cleansing~
This chamber is detached from the whole of the temple, although except
for the entrance, it is enclosed.  The inner walls are carved with
painstaking designs of all the living plants and animals of the forests. 
The pictures must be one of the wonders of Mindor; there is no way anything
now living could have done such exquisite work.  In the center of the room
is sunk a wide, deep basin; the stone is dark gray where dry, but a soft
black where wet.  A bronze grate lies in the bottom, opened and closed by
two slim chains that reach to hooks on the walls.  If one pulls the northern
chain, the grate would open; if one pulled the southern, it would close.  A
clever device.  
0 8 0
0 0 10640
White Halls~
The green and silver tapestry that concealed this entryway was quite soft
to the touch.  This hallway is wide and well-lit by the wall sconces and
their magical flames.  Carvings adorn the white walls, telling the tales of
Zhylla in word and picture that were lovingly carved by some devoted
artisan.  Vines decorate the walls like living curtains, and fruit-bearing
plants peer out of tiny niches, offering you the sweetness of the rich
earth.  South of here is a carved door; east, the hall continues, and west
is back to the pews.  
0 8 0
0 0 10644
The southern door was carved in the image of a dancing naiad with lapis
lazuli hair and rose quartz eyes.  Her amethyst smile is enigmatic and her
expression joyful and forgiving.  
0 0 10643
0 0 10633
As you step into the chamber you see that this is indeed the temple's
confessional, where devotees come to lay bare their sins against their
goddess.  The room is soothing, with a floor of soft moss and a small stream
burbling over round gray stones.  A large boulder seems to serve as a seat;
dividing the domed room in half is a delicately woven sheet of thin living
vines that barely even reveals the silhouette of the one behind it.  On this
half of the room, you can see three windows in the curved ceiling that allow
light to pour through.  
0 1049608 0
Large and gray, the boulder rests in the partially moss-covered stone
floor, looking as if it had been deliberately placed.  The bottom is etched
with runes you cannot understand, but brushing your finger across them, they
gleam with azure and turquoise.  
"{BMo{Cr{bs {cP{Cr{Bi{wn{cc{Bip{Ci{bum {BE{Cs{ct{x"
A tiny stream gurgles up from a crack in the southern wall, skipping over
rocks black and shiny with wetness.  Tiny white flowers have grown to one
side, and a large fern trails its fronds in the water.  
0 0 10642
White Halls~
Vines curtain the carved walls, allowing peeks of carved white stone and
lace-like script between thick green ropes and leaves.  A swath of white
flowers has bloomed here, creating a delicate foamy carpet.  A large table
of script tells the story of Zhylla's children, who spread the seeds of the
living plants throughout the world.  A carved door blocks the entrance to a
southern room; east is the end of the hallway, and west is back to the
corridor's opening.  
0 8 0
0 0 10646
1 0 10645
0 0 10642
Priest Chambers~
It seems that whoever lives within this room is absent.  However, it has
a definite female touch about it.  The bed is comfortable and fairly plain,
though the thick quilt has roses embroidered across it and the bedposts are
flowerbuds.  A scarlet rug covers the floor, and a small wooden wardrobe
holds the priestess's vestments.  Beneath the window stands a red marble
sculpture of Zhylla, and at the foot of the bed is a dark oak chest.  Near
the door there is a clean desk.  
0 8 0
The red marble is veined profusely with amber and violet, as well as
spotted with milky quartz.  Skillfully made, the sculptor took pains to make
the likeness as perfect as possible; perhaps he or she was touched by the
This rug is deep and plush, and you sink about three inches when you step
on it.  The color is as bright as red wine and richer than freshly-spilled
1 0 10644
White Halls~
Two small trees frame an intricately carved door to the east, shadowing
it with willow-like branches of small, frothy leaves that cascade to the
floor.  Blue-eyed grasses have sprung up in the floor, their bright colors
adding to the wild beauty of the temple.  South of you is another door, and
west is the way back to the temple proper. 
0 8 0
This door is framed by two small (relatively speaking) trees with frothy
jade leaves.  The door itself is made of cream-colored stone and set with
malachite in the pattern of a huge oak.  At the base of the oak is a peacock
inlaid with mother-of-pearl and labradorite.  
1 0 10648
1 0 10647
0 0 10644
Priest Chambers~
The priest in this room is definitely male.  A plush blue rug covers the
floor, simple in weave but beautiful.  A bed lies beneath the window, piled
with warm furs and quilts.  It seems as though celebacy is not a required
practice of this religion; a door joins this chamber to the western one,
though you cannot open it.  A footlocker holds many of the man's worldly
possessions, and a tall wardrobe holds his garb.  
0 8 0
It looks as if someone else has been sharing this man's blankets; he
hasn't troubled himself to remake his bed, and there are two distinct
impressions on its surface.  
This note has been here a long time.  The paper is wadded and old,
something precious with unsteady handwriting.  It reads: 
"I love you."
Built of some dark brown wood, the footlocker is held closed only by a
simple iron latch.  Inside it holds some rough clothes and toys; obviously
treasured things of childhood.  Beneath the clothes is a small note.  
This wardrobe was constructed of red pine; it is simple but well-made,
with the fitting of a master carpenter.  
The door to the west remains closed despite any measures you take to open
it; obviously some intricate lock or mighty divine spell bars it from your
1 0 10646
High Priest's Suite~
The High Priest's suite is a large, round chamber.  In the apex of the
domed roof there is a skylight, allowing the sun's rays to warm the room. 
In each of the cardinal directions a tree grows, trees not quite large
enough to go through the roof.  A small pond bubbles in the center of the
room, with colorful fish darting about tiny waterplants.  A folding screen
of carved oak conceals a small plain bed and a wardrobe.  Next to the
wardrobe is a stack of decorative boxes trimmed in gold, a gift from some
far-off city.  Covering the floor is a hand-woven rug of faded green,
probably some relic from childhood.  
0 8 0
Tiny blue and green gravel line the bottom of the pond, winking up at
you.  Large round stones, gray and black, line the upper portions, gleaming
softly in the light.  Gold, red, and white fish dart about beneath the
surface, shyly hiding under lotus flowers and other water plants as your
shadow crosses the water.  
This oak folding screen was masterfully carved into displaying a stalking
heron among rushes; the ability that went into the piece is amazing.  
This oak folding screen was masterfully carved into displaying a stalking
heron among rushes; the ability that went into the piece is amazing.  
The four trees are large and healthy, whispering as moving currents of
air toy with their leaves.  {wRest a while...  In our serene surrender... 
{x North is a white-skinned birch, and south a wide oak.  East is a red
maple, while west you see a huge elm.  
1 0 10646
Narrow Corridor~
The blue and gold tapestry blocks much of the sunlight of the main
temple, although sconces on the wall light the narrow passage with magical
fire.  Many acolytes walk though the hall, busily cleaning and carrying, as
well as studying devotionals as they go.  One of the skills advocated by
this priesthood must be the ability to multitask.  To the south is a plain
pine door; west, you can see more of these doors.  The pews are to the east.
0 8 0
Magical green flames dance in these white stone sconces, hoving just
above where the wood of a torch should rest.  
0 0 10636
0 0 10650
0 0 10651
Acolyte's Room~
The acolytes' rooms are small but not uncomfortable.  Two bunkbeds are on
either side of the room, which has a skylight in the ceiling to allow the
pure light of the sun and moon into the chamber.  Between the southern wall
and the bunkbeds there are two desks with holy texts, scrolls, parchments,
and quills scattered across them in varying degrees of organization.  In the
southern wall there is a partially opened window.  A little bit of dirt has
been scattered on the stone floor beneath it.  
0 8 0
Dirt has been scattered on the bare white floor just beneath the window.  
The ingenius device of a sliding glass window looks as if it has been
abused.  It is halfway open, and the lower seal has been rubbed almost flat.
Craning your head out, you see that someone has been using it to get in and
out of the temple- for shame!  
0 0 10649
1 0 10655
Narrow Corridor~
This hall is simply adorned, with elegant and smooth carvings to the wall
depicting the goddess and her symbols.  There is also script on the wall,
telling of her story and her deeds.  Acolytes give you curious looks as you
pass; they wonder why you have come into their sanctum.  It seems that not
many come in here who haven't been ordained.  South of you is an uncarved
pine door; the corridor ends to the west, but you can go back to the pews to
the east.  
0 8 0
0 0 10649
0 0 10652
0 0 10653
Acolyte's Room~
The acolytes' chamber is neither too small nor too large.  Though
austere, it is quite comfortable.  A home-made blue and gray rug covers the
floor to cushion the effects of drafts; green and blue curtains hide part of
the view of the southern window.  The skylight above you allows the pure
light of the sun and moon of Mindor to grace the room.  Between twin
bunkbeds and the southern wall there are two desks covered in translations
and letters.  
0 8 0
Piles of papers and letters cover most of the wood of these desks.  Many
are covered in arcane divine runes, and some in scripts that look more like
artwork than letters.  However, there are some humble communiques written in
the common hand.  
What view there is of part of an over-grown wall is blocked by wild yew
0 0 10651
Narrow Corridor~
The southern door is open, giving you a good peek into that room.  The
wall sconces here are quite a bit brighter, to compensate for the lack of
natural light.  Here the carvings of the goddess speak of her past
champions, their spiralling script drawing your eyes across the story like
string.  A few flowers bloomed in wall niches, smiling at you like pixies. 
The hallway ends here; the only way out is east.  
0 8 0
0 0 10651
0 0 10654
Linen Storage~
This is a rather large linen closet.  It contains the sacred raiments,
tapestries, spreads, and tabards of the temple and its vestments.  The
closet also holds stacks of white and green acolyte robes and stoles,
towels, sheets, blankets, quilts, and so forth.  The shelves are thick and
made of wood; the way they melt into the wall, you have an inkling that they
may be of living matter.  
0 8 0
These things are burgeoning with sheets and towels and napkins and all
the trappings of linen-housekeeping.  You see embroidered pieces and quilted
ones, as well as patched and stained pieces- even a shelf solely devoted to
0 0 10653
Secret Yew's Passage~
The escape from the acolyte's room was a little tight, but you have made
it into a secret path hidden by the branches of yew trees.  It seems the
little tunnel created by the spicy-scented tree is oft used, for there is a
clearly visible path between the closely planted trunks.  You can go back
through the acolyte's window in the north, or continue to the trail's end to
the west.  
0 0 3
1 0 10650
0 0 10656
Secret Yew's Passage~
You wonder how long this trail has been in use, for the trunks of the old
yews have been polished to a sheen from the rubbing contact of the acolytes'
furtive romps.  The trail continues west, or you can go back east into the
acolyte chambers.  
0 0 3
0 0 10655
0 0 10657
Secret Yew's Passage~
A white ribbon has been tied to the stump of a branch here; you can hear
laughter and gasps from the east, joyous giggling and comments just under
the level of coherence in your ears.  The trail widens a bit, and you can
make out a clearing.  Return east to the chambers, or continue west and see
what happens.  
0 0 3
0 0 10656
0 0 10658
Lover's Tryst~
It seems you have interrupted a rendezvous in progress.  This tiny gap in
the forest is perfect for secret affairs; the yews are so dense around it
that no one would ever guess such a clearing existed.  A tiny spring has
collected into a grotto pool that allows the lovers to swim and play; the
grass is soft and sweet, and the sun is warm and welcoming.  
0 0 3
You can see your reflection!
0 0 10657
Here on an elevated platform sing several choral members.  It seems
several of them either were or are acolytes.  North you return to the pews,
and west you can see the pulpit.  
0 8 0
0 0 10633
Here on an elevated platform sing several choral members.  It seems
several of them either were or are acolytes.  North you return to the pews,
and east you can see the pulpit.  
0 8 0
0 0 10636
Place of Repentants~
This narrow hall connects the temple's worship area with its library. 
There is a sconce on either side of the wall to light your way.  The walls
and floor of the passage are smooth and slick to the touch, like ice.  South
you enter the library, while north you return to the temple's pulpit.  
0 8 0
1 0 10637
0 0 10662
Great Library~
Walking into the library, you are overwhelmed by the sheer array of
books.  Pure white flames burn in magical sconces, for no one would dare
take true flame nor candle in here, where the smoke could damage precious
texts.  The white floor is covered in a blue carpet, and thick vines form
supports for desks and cushioned chairs.  Acolytes work side by side at
translations with hooded monks and priests, pouring over thick tomes and
ancient scrolls at the tables in the center of the library.  Everything is
neat and orderly, so any book can be found exactly where it should be.  
0 8 0
0 0 10661
0 0 10663
0 0 10665
0 0 10667
Great Library~
These books are the dry dust of history.  Battle lore, speeches, figures,
death lists, and dictionaries of arms fill these shelves, as well as
politics, massacres, grand sacrifices, and dreams.  Not many seem to come
here, but at the east wall the carpet has been flattened.  A vine has crept
up the side of the bookcase, tickling you with soft leaves.  
0 8 0
1 0 10668
0 0 10664
0 0 10662
Great Library~
Between the bookcases you can find a wide array of tomes.  This area
seems to be dedicated to natural life- no surprise that a fourth of Zhylla's
library would be.  You find books of mammalian anatomy, wildflowers,
homeopathy, herbs, fish, pressed leaves and flowers.  Sketches of wildlife
and landscapes fill the books here, as well as beautiful illuminated texts. 
A cool current of air brushes your ankles, coming from the south.  The
carpet on the floor here seems quite worn; many people must have come to
this area.  
0 8 0
0 0 10663
0 0 10665
Great Library~
As you walk in the wide aisle between shelves, your eyes pass over the
large desks covered in books, scrolls, and grimiores.  These people are
obviously dedicated.  There is a large locked door to the south, of white
stone with a round seal carved into at head height.  In all other
directions, the library continues.  There is a desk to one side of the door,
where a particularly librarian-like monk glares at you while stacking books
left behind by non-organizationally minded acolytes.  There are no skylights
inside of the great library for fear of the sunlight damaging brittle paper
and parchment.  
0 8 0
0 0 10662
0 0 10664
1 0 10679
0 0 10666
Great Library~
This section is really popular- flights of fancy, romances, adventurer's
tales, and horror stories line the shelves.  It seems they were put here for
the singular purpose of encouraging the young acolytes to read.  However,
you see several monks darting furtively about here, and not all of them are
putting books away.  East you can see the librarian glaring in your
direction...  Stay out of his way! West a door leads out of the library and 
into a garden; would you go out and enjoy yourself for a time?
0 8 0
0 0 10667
0 0 10665
1 0 10680
Great Library~
Illuminated manuscripts and repositories of religious iconography fill
this section of the library.  A few grimoires and books of magic have also
found their way in, summing up a neat shelf of their own.  The blue carpet
has been rubbed down to the nub on the west wall, near where a sconce lights
the area.  A few acolytes are putting tomes away or getting some out.  
0 8 0
0 0 10662
0 0 10666
1 0 10673
The Hidden Ways~
This tight passageway was obviously not made for comfort!  As you squeeze
between rough walls, your clothes are covered in slimy green moss and algae.
It seems the priesthood didn't want this area discovered; it would have been
wiser not to enter.  Eastward you enter into a chamber; west, you can return
to the library.  
0 8 0
0 0 10669
1 0 10663
Of Great Power~
In this stark room, power hums like a struck harp chord.  You can feel it
vibrating your bones and rattling in your chest, thrilling along your nerves
in a bittersweet crescendo.  The white floor and walls are covered in runes
only visible from the corner of your eyes.  Things of great power hang from
racks and line the walls, some resting on shelves or hidden within bottles
and boxes.  You want badly to satisfy your curiosity by opening one of these
containers, but who knows what could be released if you did...?  
0 8 0
0 0 10670
0 0 10672
0 0 10668
An Aelixer~
Aelixers of eternal life have been promised throughout the aeons to those
who would seek them.  However, few of them delivered upon those solemn
oaths- many gave the surprised wishers eternal undeath or worse, an eternal
life in a crumbling body.  Others made the drinkers or wearers into soulless
puppets, if not killing them outright.  These accursed potions have found
their ways into the hands of Zhylla's devoted priests, who dedicatedly
destroy them without succumbing to their own desires for life and happiness.
Beware to any who seek for ever in such a tiny package- will you live
eternally in pain, or paint your name in time for all to see?  
0 8 0
0 0 10671
0 0 10669
All That Glitters~
All that glitters is not gold, and all that is precious does not shine. 
Jewels and gold encrusted swords, shields, and mirrors lie ready to entrap
those who adore them in a gilded cage, a reminder of the stories of the
pitiable Narcissus and his admirer, Echo.  These items have captured the
souls of would-be owners for centuries, draining their lives and cursing
them to commit murder, steal, betray, and die for naught.  You shudder,
feeling their oily taint, but their beauty causes your eyes and hands to
0 8 0
0 0 10670
0 0 10672
To a Cold Dungeon~
A cold draft rises around your ankles, a kiss of lifeless damp air that
promises decay and loneliness.  This must be where they take the horribly
powerful items- down into a grave that will drain the energy away into
nothingness once again.  The dark gray-stone lined hole in the ground is a
staircase that disappears into the bowels of the earth, chill and heavy. 
You hope that such is never your fate- for once you have reached the
pinnacle of a mountain, there is no other place to go but down.  
0 8 0
0 0 10669
0 0 10671
The Hidden Ways~
This tight passageway was obviously not made for comfort!  As you squeeze
between rough walls, your clothes are covered in slimy green moss and algae.
It seems the priesthood didn't want this area discovered; it would have been
wiser not to enter.  Westward the passage widens and the darkness lifts;
eastward you may return to the library.  
0 8 0
1 0 10667
0 0 10674
To Great Power~
The hallway widens and the amount of slime lessens until you are walking
through a corridor smooth and dry, through which two burly trolls could walk
shoulder to shoulder.  Windows find their way into the passage on the north
wall, providing light.  East you can go back into the tight hall, but west
you can feel the hum and throb of power...  
0 8 0
0 0 10673
0 0 10675
Of Gods and Demons~
You step into a huge chamber filled with all manner of items of all
descriptions and appearances.  The one thing they all have in common is an
aura exuding power and evil; you find yourself drawn to them, desiring them.
They have been carefully stacked and labelled, waiting for their turn of
destruction.  It seems that not only is the priesthood of Zhylla protecting
her sacred forest, but it is also using the library as a shield to procure
and destroy negative artifacts.  The walls and floor are of pure white stone
etched with holy symbols, seals, and channels to capture the evil force of
the items and canalize it into pure white energy.  No acolytes come into
this chamber, for the temptation to take the items and be possessed by them
is to strong, too much of an irresistable taint.  Only the ordained and
purified may enter here.  
0 8 0
0 0 10674
0 0 10678
0 0 10676
The Possessed~
Huge grimoires, sceptres, swords, and other items have been carefully
categorized onto shelves and sealed containers, resting on silk and other
energy-muffling devices.  Some of these have been possessed by great spirits
and demons whose desire is to contribute to the fall of creation and to
destroy all those living.  Others wish to live on the mortal plane, but
could find no fleshy vessel suitable for their souls.  Glowing runes and
sigils encircle the most powerful of these beautiful items, bedecked in
glittering jewels and precious metals.  You feel drawn to these, as your
darkest wants are tapped by the spirits, to help them escape, to give you
your fondest dreams...  
0 8 0
0 0 10675
0 0 10677
And Haunted~
Electric chills arc their way up your spine and into the base of your
skull, making you shudder unwillingly.  This space is so cold that
goosebumps rise along your arms.  Books, weapons, trinkets- all these are
cursed items, haunted by long-dead souls who hunger to avenge themselves on
the living out of hate and envy.  Some wish to possess and damn other bodies
to hell; some remain out of a sadistic desire, or an inability to release
themselves from the sorrow and pain of their former lives.  These items wait
for exorcism.  From some you can hear moaning and humming.  
0 8 0
0 0 10676
0 0 10678
For a Fiery Furnace~
Bulging from the south wall is a large clay-fronted furnace that releases
skin-tightening heat in powerful waves.  Stacks of items surround it,
waiting to be fed to purifying flames blessed to release the cursed spirits
within.  Urns of ash stand to one side, waiting to be prayed over and
released into sanctified ground, the remains of those evil things that are
brought to this chamber.  
0 8 2
0 0 10675
0 0 10677
Concealed Stair~
Sneaking past the librarian was hardly a small task.  It seems as if he
had eyes...  Everywhere.  Now that you have, you may come to regret it. 
This small room, with its cramped and narrow staircase, is made of gray
stone made black by moisture you hear dripping from the ceiling and can see
through your light running down the walls and trickling over the cracks in
the masonry.  You may go down the staircase or head north through the hidden
door and hope the librarian doesn't catch you.  
0 8 0
1 0 10665
0 0 10693
Verdant Contemplation~
Stepping out of the rather stifling library, you take a deep breath of
fresh air.  Aaah, the clearness- a great improvement over the stuffiness of
the books.  You have entered a comfortable grove of oak trees, a seeming
favorite of the clergy.  Short blue-green grass, bluets, and moss grow
beneath the trees and on the bark, with occasional sprinkles of lavender,
yellow, and white.  East you may return to the temple confines; west and
south you can enjoy Zhylla's bounty.  
0 0 3
1 0 10666
0 0 10683
0 0 10681
A Temptor's Whisper~
A pool gurgles joyously up from some unknown source, creating a relaxing
atmosphere.  Large mossy stones provide comfortable seats for meditators,
dry and soft.  The air is comfortably cool here, though warm where shafts of
sunlight reach through the fingers of the trees.  Fruit-bearing bushes and
passionflower have been encouraged to grow here; after all, one cannot
ponder the mysteries of the universe with a growling stomach.  A large
outcropping of gray-veined white stone has provided the perfect place for a
pitcher-plant to grow, its red-traced bloom reminding one that with beauty
comes a price.  
0 0 2
0 0 10680
0 0 10682
The Healer's Vine~
The earth has been cleared to form a small kitchen garden as well as a
live herbalist's pantry.  Sheep's tongue, John's wort, nightshade, and
foxglove have been planted here, as well as willow, for its underbark's
pain-killing properties.  You can smell basil and sage and chives; overall,
you can see thyme and rosemary.  You feel quite at ease here; the atmosphere
is mellow and you find yourself dozing off.  
0 0 2
0 0 10681
0 0 10683
0 0 10686
A Home of Green Life~
An elaborate garden has been formed of nature's wild art.  Towering
grasses shiver in the air, while clematis and ivy are espaliered against the
broad trunks of elms.  Vast stone tumbles have become home to delicate
flowers and succulents and trickle tiny springs through the garden where
newts and salamanders and toads hide.  Bright violet monkshood proudly
proclaims its place, while vain snake's lace lounges lissomly in social
clusters.  South you can see a small building, while north you return to the
garden's entrance.  
0 0 3
0 0 10680
0 0 10682
Harvest Grains~
You've discovered the temple's outdoor kitchen!  Since it is far too hot
to keep an oven inside the temple, the kitchen was put outside in the
garden, a practical decision.  The interior is stiflingly warm and makes
your pores weep; but the scent of baking bread and frying squash makes your
mouth water.  You also smell freshwater fish cooking and venison roasting. 
The clergy seems to have nothing against carnivorism.  
0 8 0
1 0 10685
1 0 10686
Here an underground spring was dug into, creating a well and a cool
storage area for roots, canned foods, and fruits.  The stone add-on to the
wooden construction of the kitchen is dark and actually quite dry; you
suspect something like magic at work in that respect.  The packed dirt floor
is slightly uneven beneath your feet, causing strange patterns through the
soles of your boots.  Shelves of preserved food and dried herbs meet your
0 8 0
1 0 10684
A Soylent Dream~
Rows and rows of vegetables have been planted here.  You see okra,
lettuce, greens, corn, squash...  Orange pumpkins peek their heads out at
you from beneath huge leaves.  Aren't they supposed to ripen in autumn? 
Mustard greens have taken over a majority of the tilled earth; obviously,
for some unfathomable reason, they're a favorite.  Bright red and yellow
fruits catch your attention; they've been staked up, for the fruit is too
heavy for the bushy vine it grows on.  From the east wafts the smell of
cooking meat and baking bread; it's enough to make your stomach growl!  
0 0 3
0 0 10682
1 0 10684
0 0 10690
0 0 10687
Warm Pastures~
Here you've come to a fenced in pasture where a few cows and goats are
kept for their milk; and when guests come, their horses range this paddock
as well.  It's comfortably warm, with a cool and clean pool for the
livestock to drink from and dustbowls to wallow in.  A small grove of trees
provides shade for lazy naps.  West is the stable, and east is the vegetable
0 0 2
0 0 10686
0 0 10688
A Traveller's Steed~
This small barn-like structure houses the horses of visitors and
messengers as well as the cows of the temple.  It's warm and dry, and
comparatively clean thanks to the efforts of acolytes.  The sharp scent of
livestock still makes your nose cringe, though.  Thick layers of straw have
been placed over the dirt, periodically replaced to keep parasites from
becoming a difficulty.  East you can return to the paddock.  
0 8 0
0 0 10687
A Bountiful Larder~
Butter, cheese, milk, and eggs are cradled carefully by woven rush
baskets.  Steaming loaves of bread are wrapped in cloth, and bowls of
filling cool to be placed into pies.  This is where the best of the kitchen
work is done- after all, who wants to be stuck in the ovens?  North are
those very same ovens, and west you can see trees through the doorless
0 8 0
0 0 10690
East of here you see a wooden building streaming all sorts of people
carrying food, while south you see fields of green grain.  North is a patch
of vegetable crops.  You stand within a meticulously tended grove of fruit
trees, particularly apple and, oddly, fig and pomegranate.  It's cool and
comfortable, and you see that you can take a seat on any of the carefully
formed limbs.  Here the air smells sweet, like decaying leaves.  West is
another entrance into the kitchens.  
0 0 3
0 0 10686
0 0 10689
0 0 10691
Golden Fields~
Here in the tall green grasses you can see the orchard to the north. 
However, you feel as if you could be lost within the field.  Wind plays with
the stems like waves on the ocean, tossing them back in forth in swells and
tides.  You smell the sharp odor of whatever manure they use to fertilize
with; perhaps it's a bad idea to go further.  
0 0 2
0 0 10690
0 0 10692
Golden Fields~
Here in the tall green grasses you can see the kitchen to the north. 
However, you feel as if you could be lost within the field.  Wind plays with
the stems like waves on the ocean, tossing them back in forth in swells and
tides.  You smell the sharp odor of whatever manure they use to fertilize
with; perhaps it's a bad idea to go further.  
0 0 2
0 0 10689
0 0 10691
To Seal the Past~
You have descended into the mildewed depths of the temple's crypt.  Above
you, a secret door has slammed closed, not allowing you to leave these
confines.  There must be a way out!  The three doors around you are all
closed and by appearance locked and sealed with nigh infallible magic.  All
three are thick water-blackened stone as well.  The air in the underground
crypt is stale and musty.  
0 9 0
4 0 10694
4 0 10696
4 0 10695
Oils and Balms~
Heavy vapors of preservatives, holy anointments, and sacred balms assault
your nostrils.  You can smell camphor and myrhh as well as other
nose-deadening scents; thick glass decanters and large glossy boxes of the
insturments of post-death are stacked upon pedastals of differing heights,
each containter individual.  
0 9 0
4 0 10693
Shelves of urns line much of this dank chamber.  There is, oddly,
absolutly no odor to this room at all- as if it were totally sterilized.  On
the other half of the wall is a stack of skulls that reach up to the
ceiling.  The oldest are bright, gleaming white, while the newer are still
yellowed and not quite properly bleached.  This way of honoring the dead
saves the space needed for the forest; the bodies are buried and then, after
several years, disinterred and incinerated, with all but the skull's ashes
being sent back to relatives or friends.  
0 9 0
4 0 10693
A Watery Grave~
The darkness swallows you up into its monstrous gullet, squeezing you and
constricting you into a tight knot of tension.  You can only tell the walls
by the bare bit your illumination can bounce back from the masonry; dark
shadows brush your flesh and make you shiver.  It's cold and damp, and you
can hear the lap of water against stone and the gently horrifying whisper of
its rush through the narrowness of stone walls.  Tendrils of solid moisture
grasp at you and snare you until you realize that these are only the
subterranean roots of the trees above you.  
0 9 0
4 0 10693
1 0 10697
0 0 10699
1 0 10698
Dusty Crypt~
You've found yourself in a dusty, nasty, and moldy crypt.  It must be one
of the older ones- the locks were rusted off and it was only a simple matter
of pushing the stone door over.  In the center of the room lies a large
stone sarcophagus, with others stood along the wall behind it.  Several
statues and other items have been left here as offerings to the soul in the
0 9 0
1 0 10696
Dusty Crypt~
You've found yourself in a dusty, nasty, and moldy crypt.  It must be one
of the older ones- the locks were rusted off and it was only a simple matter
of pushing the stone door over.  In the center of the room lies a large
stone sarcophagus, with others stood along the wall behind it.  Several
statues and other items have been left here as offerings to the soul in the
0 9 0
1 0 10696
A Watery Grave~
Roots brush your shoulders as you shove through the obsidian waters in
your boat.  All you can see to be sure there is even water under there is
silvery reflections from your choked light.  The sides of the boat
occasionally bump the tight walls, scraping and giving you a jolt.  East and
west you see heavy stone doors, leading to gods know where.  
0 9 7
0 0 10696
1 0 10700
0 0 10704
1 0 10702
A Templar's Work~
Here the eartly remains of a high-ranking priest's bodyguards have been
put to watchful rest.  Their spirits remain in this chamber, making the air
quite colder than it had been in the passage.  Spindly roots hang from the
ceiling, twining around the standing stone coffins and the weapons at
attention along the walls.  The damp mustiness in here makes you need to
cough violently, but, alas...  East you see a strong stone door leading to
the next chamber, and west you may enter the passage.  
0 9 0
1 0 10701
1 0 10699
Sacred Rest~
In the center of the room a large stone sarcophagus, seemingly carved out
of the living rock, dominates the damp chamber.  A {rrose{x seal has been
carved into this coffin, its form trapped within a perfect circle.  Two
beautiful sculptures stand to either side- one a graceful robed woman with a
pure {Wcrystal{x globe in her hands, the other a wistful looking man leaning on
a {Ygold{x-topped quarterstaff.  Roots have mostly hidden the friezes on the
walls; you can't make them out between ravages of plant and water.  
0 9 0
1 0 10700
A Templar's Work~
Two sturdy stone coffins, carved from the walls of stone, stand on either
side of the door to your east.  Thick roots frame them and have pushed the
once-sealed covers ajar.  Your light bounces off armor and weapons that must
have been enchanted; otherwise, they would have rusted and tarnished to
dust.  West you can return to the narrow, wet passage.  
0 9 0
1 0 10699
0 0 10703
Sacred Rest~
In the center of the room, a large glass-covered coffin holds a body
inside.  On either side a statue stands, hands joined together above the
coffin.  You feel intense magic in the room; not unfriendly, but definitely
protective of whomever is in the glass coffin.  The room is dark but
amazingly enough, dry.  No roots have penetrated the stone interior, whose
smooth walls are oddly free of decoration.  Besides the statues and the
coffin, nothing else resides within.  
0 9 0
0 0 10702
A Watery Grave~
The further you go, the thicker the roots and the more ornate, though
worn, the carvings on the stone doors become.  It seems there were once
faces and names on the rock, but time has made them disappear.  Where your
light washes against the black walls, you see lines of deposit in different
levels.  How odd...  East and west you see more doors.  
0 9 7
0 0 10699
1 0 10705
0 0 10711
1 0 10708
Unreal Guard~
Six stone statues of strong warriors, male and female, guard this narrow
chamber into the hallowed crypt beyond.  Three on either side, a woman to a
man, are so close that their raised weapons cross above your head to form an
arch-covered path.  The weapons glint coldly in your light; they are the
only metal present in the room.  The carved door to your east beckons, but
do you truly wish to incite the wrath of these guardians?  
0 9 0
1 0 10706
1 0 10704
Children of the Gods~
At first glance you are taken aback- there is no stone coffin in this
room!  However, upon closer inspection, you note a carved bronze plate in
the floor, six feet in length and wide enough for a man's shoulders.  The
priest here must be set into the stone.  Several precious vases have been
left here, as well as a few golden busts atop marble pedestals.  A tattered
rug has been hung on the east wall.  A breeze flutters its edges, emerging
from some invisible crack.  
0 9 0
1 0 10707
1 0 10705
Relics of Ages Passed~
What has passed is the past- so say the ancient relics in this room. 
Oddly, they're perfectly clean- not a speck of dirt mars the gleaming
surfaces of crystalline creations and electrum jewels.  The enchantments are
heavy here; you have a hard time even touching the artifacts, let alone
picking them up.  The owners- the protectors- obviously wanted to take no
risks on graverobbers defiling this site.  Perhaps that is why the Temple
was built atop it.  
0 9 0
1 0 10706
Unreal Guard~
You feel a ghostly presence shiver up your spine as you enter this room. 
Perhaps it wouldn't be wise to disturb the rest of the sworn warriors
entombed here.  Suits of gleaming armor stand along the walls, their weapons
held at the ready to defend.  The room is black with moisture; only a few
handspans above the floor, you see a white deposit from flooding.  It
doesn't seem to have ruined the metal armor at all, however.  Perhaps there
is more to the invisible presence here than you can see.  
0 9 0
1 0 10704
1 0 10709
Children of the Gods~
Two priests' bodies were mummified and placed in this chamber of the
crypt under the guard of those loyal knights in the western room.  Their
twin sarcophagus bear their carved likenesses on the lid- one a woman, one a
man, with stone hands joining them even after death.  Gleaming silver
statues stand along the east wall, wearing robes and expressions of serene
joy.  The black walls shine with moisture; you can hear an occasional drip,
as well as see the shadows of roots above you.  A few have even grown on the
0 9 0
1 0 10708
1 0 10710
Relics of Ages Future~
This tiny room holds several artifacts of power, almost screaming for you
to reach out and seize them.  The room is bone dry and covered in a thick
layer of dust and energy; many priests must have spent their years casting
wards over it for the effect to be so palpable.  The walls are the dark gray
of the dry stone this crypt was dug from; the protections must extend far
into the thick bedrock.  Not even the roots have invaded its sanctity.  
0 9 0
1 0 10709
A Watery Grave~
As you fight your way through thickening roots it hits you- those lines
along the walls are from flooding.  The roots are even beginning to fight
you back, dragging at you...  East and west you see more doors, and south
the roots are even more densely packed.  The water beneath you gurgles
slightly, here where more waves reflect light back into your sight.  
0 9 7
0 0 10704
3 0 10712
0 0 10726
3 0 10719
Crossed Swords~
Passing through the doors, you are met with a singularly peculiar sight
that draws your attention away from the rest of the room.  Before you, at
head height, two crossed swords have been frozen in the air.  Try as you
might, you can find no physical device which holds them there- no powerful
lodestones, no strings, no invisible stands.  This leaves magic as the only
alternative.  As you walk, they ghost ahead of you, shadowing your steps. 
It may not be wise to invade the sanctity of this place any further.  The
room is otherwise unremarkable, beside the fact that there are no seams in
the walls where roots come through and have made thick trunks in the
0 9 0
1 0 10713
3 0 10711
Lethal Advice~
Passing the other guardians was the easy part, it seems.  You hear a low
moan and a creak as soon as the stone door slams shut behind you.  The
clanging song of chains ringing off a reel grates into your ears.  Two
wooden walls are fast approaching you, with stakes to close the deal, or
ordeal, of your life.  There are no hidden doors to save you, nor any refuge
to be found in the blind stone ceiling- what are you going to do now,
0 9 0
1 0 10714
1 0 10712
Dreaming the Dead~
A deadly lethargy settles over you as you enter this room; you feel
yourself slow, your footsteps grow heavy and leaden.  Even sound seems
prolonged and wearied in the dense air, as if time were slowing and with it
light and sensation.  The walls are smooth and rippled, mirror-like surfaces
reflecting warped visions of yourself back at you like your image on water
in a half remembered dream.  Perhaps you'll just...  Lie down, and take a
0 9 0
0 0 10715
1 0 10713
Dark Passage~
You hear slithering and skittering sounds in the all-absorbing darkness
of the cramped passage.  Drip, drip, drip...  Water dribbles from the
ceiling and down to the floor, soaking you from foot to knee.  Things
beneath the murk's unbreachable surface brush by your legs; slimy, long
things that sometimes stop to coil.  Roots under the black stillness hobble
you and loop around your feet, making it almost impossible to move easily. 
Other roots, some large and small, brush your face like the silken fingers
of cobwebs, leaving ooze blood-black in your light.  
0 9 0
0 0 10716
0 0 10714
Dark Passage~
You can barely see the area in which you entered; northward the tight
passage narrows on into infinity.  The clammy water laps at your thighs,
creeping up into fabric and leather, making clothing cling uncomfortably. 
It will take forever to get out of metal armor and risks ruining supplies. 
The air is dank and smothering, making you yearn for the freedom of open
skies.  Oppressive pitch-blackness presses in on all sides, fingers of roots
grasping at you crookedly and slithering things beneath the water nipping
gently at you.  
0 9 0
0 0 10717
0 0 10715
Dark Passage~
Through the darkness and over the blood-warm waters you see a glimmer of
light.  Though clutching roots may hold you back you feel the undeniable
urge to flee into the bright comfort of whatever is to the north in that
pulsing solar yellow.  The water is up to your waist now, but you feel it
begin to rise to the north; south, though, you can only see the unpierceable
0 9 0
0 0 10718
0 0 10716
This room is clean, dry, and thankfully well-lit.  After the suffocation
of the passage in here, you should be rather grateful.  The room itself is
rather barren; its form, however, is odd, that of a triangle, with a tripod
and green flame at each point.  In the center is a green rug that seems
brand new; upon it is a small black stand.  You can see something atop the
stand- what would that be?  
0 9 0
0 0 10717
Broken Vambrace~
Roots have created bars as strong as iron running from the ceiling to the
floor in this room, like a prison cell.  They block your further
exploration; if you want past them, it looks like you'll have to fight. 
Almost all of the stone of the room's founding has been strangled by scaley
roots; they trip you, grasp at you, tangle around you.  West is the most
blockage; east you can escape into the main hall.  
0 9 0
3 0 10711
0 0 10720
Keen Dagger~
The walls and ceiling of this room are lined with daggers; even the floor
has regular spikes spaced exactly two paces apart from each other like a
gridwork of pins.  The silvered blades glint coldly in the light; the stone
spikes on the floor brush against your boots from time to time.  You feel
another presence in this clammy room; what is out there?  A few roots have
crept in through the ceiling, bunching around the daggers above.  Something
clatters to the floor behind you; a dagger has fallen.  
0 9 0
0 0 10719
0 0 10721
Seeing the Soul~
Stepping into this humid chamber, you are assaulted by the smell of
ancient herbs moulding away and rotting wood.  This tiny crypt had once held
several precious artifacts, but they've obviously decomposed from the
ravages of water.  However, this apartment is untouched by the ever-present
roots- thank the gods for that.  In the center of the room, a rusted metal
sarcophagus protects the remains of some great priestess.  A white orb rests
in the west wall, somehow partially absorbed into the stone.  
0 9 0
0 0 10720
0 0 10722
Tight Walls~
The dry gray floor slants up slightly, drawing you northward into
darkness.  Cracks run along the stone, as well as filaments of roots
pressing through with every advantage they can strangle.  There are unlit
sconces in the walls; this was once a used corridor, perhaps.  Several have
disintegrated, however, leaving only holes in the rock.  
0 9 0
0 0 10723
0 0 10721
Tight Walls~
Shadows dispelled by the light creep around you, chilling you to the
core.  They writhe and claw like living things, with cold twisted hands
reaching out to snuff out the living.  The stone is frigid and your expelled
breath plumes into fog; a hard breeze rips through the narrow corridor from
the north, pushing you.  The slant in the floor has increased and a few
roots have made their way around the ground's blocks.  
0 9 0
0 0 10724
0 0 10722
Tight Walls~
The floor is smooth and slippery here, the angle having risen
dramatically.  Roots provide footholds and purchase for you to continue;
north, you see what may be a chamber, and south are crawling shadows.  
0 9 0
0 0 10725
0 0 10723
The walls and floor of the round chamber are made of some strange rouge
stone whose surface is rough and cracked.  Beneath a rude green-lit
chandelier is a white altar, on which something gold glitters.  
0 9 0
0 0 10724
A Watery Grave~
There is either a wall to the south completely covered in roots or the
wooden snakes have completely blocked off the rest of the underground and
underwater tomb.  Is this a subterranean sea, you wonder to yourself, or
does it merely deepen into a hidden wellspring so far that it seems so? 
This crypt may even be older than the temple itself- it wasn't an uncommon
practice to build holy structures atop ancient consecrated ground.  East and
west you see the most decorated doors yet, with what seems to be bronze and
other soft metals dissolved across their surfaces.  
0 9 7
0 0 10711
3 0 10727
3 0 10730
This chamber's floor is covered in moving water, making the roots beneath
it seem as if they're moving.  The clear water is ice cold and four feet
deep, effectively soaking you.  The wall above the water is uneroded, but
beneath has been eaten away by a handspan.  
0 9 0
0 0 10728
3 0 10726
This room is lozenge-shaped, with a white circle in the center of the
uneven stone floor.  The stone smells wet but any water from the western
room has disappeared; there aren't even puddles on the damp floor.  A thin
layer of grime coats the walls, from what you cannot tell.  
0 9 0
0 0 10729
0 0 10727
The Scepter of Zhylla~
Yet another round chamber; the stone walls are dry and dusty, but
moisture collects on the walls from ventiliation shafts in the floor that
lead down into moist darkness.  Three alcolves, equidistant from each other,
house small statues of Zhylla, a priest, and a treant.  The floor dips
slightly in the middle, forming a bowl.  In the center floats a polished
wooden staff, capped with something that looks suspiciously like a live
0 9 0
0 0 10728
In the center of the room a large channel has been dug to drain the water
from the chamber.  You can hear it gushing down some hidden shaft to the
south; where it goes, though, nobody knows.  The mildewy reek makes
breathing unpleasant, as well as the thick layer of dirt where a portion of
the southern wall caved under the pressure of thick roots.  West you see a
door that leads further into the crypt.  
0 9 0
3 0 10726
0 0 10731
Large tarnished bronze plates have been set into the walls, reaching from
floor to blackened ceiling.  There are eight of them in all, bodies of
long-dead priests and prophets.  On each is the sigil of a {wlily{x; these
must have been sacred over all clergy when this underground crypt was built.
Further west you see another door, while east you can return to the main
0 9 0
0 0 10730
0 0 10732
A God's Bones~
The walls of this gray room are streaked with patterns of cream white,
like the bones of something long dead.  Six of these ivory stripes lead to
the center of the chamber, where a round rose-colored orb lies.  A shaft of
light from a white disc in the ceiling illuminates it, making strange
ghostly figures as motes of dust travel in the disturbed air.  
0 9 0
0 0 10731

M 10601 spec_breath_fire
M 10608 spec_cast_mage
M 10614 spec_guard
M 10621 spec_cast_cleric
M 10622 spec_cast_cleric
M 10623 spec_cast_cleric
M 10624 spec_cast_cleric
M 10625 spec_cast_mage
M 10627 spec_cast_cleric
M 10647 spec_cast_cleric
M 10648 spec_cast_cleric
M 10650 spec_cast_cleric
M 10652 spec_cast_cleric
M 10678 spec_cast_mage
M 10680 spec_cast_cleric
M 10681 spec_cast_cleric
M 10682 spec_cast_cleric

D 0 10630 2 1
D 0 10631 0 1
D 0 10637 2 1
D 0 10644 2 1
D 0 10645 0 1
D 0 10646 1 1
D 0 10646 2 1
D 0 10647 0 1
D 0 10648 3 1
D 0 10650 2 1
D 0 10655 0 1
D 0 10663 1 1
D 0 10665 2 2
D 0 10666 3 1
D 0 10667 3 1
D 0 10668 3 1
D 0 10673 1 1
D 0 10680 1 1
D 0 10684 3 1
D 0 10686 1 1
D 0 10693 1 2
D 0 10693 2 2
D 0 10693 3 2
D 0 10694 3 2
D 0 10695 1 2
D 0 10696 1 1
D 0 10696 3 1
D 0 10697 3 1
D 0 10698 1 1
D 0 10699 1 2
D 0 10699 3 2
D 0 10700 1 2
D 0 10700 3 2
D 0 10701 3 2
D 0 10702 1 2
D 0 10704 1 2
D 0 10704 3 2
D 0 10705 1 1
D 0 10705 3 2
D 0 10706 1 1
D 0 10706 3 1
D 0 10707 3 1
D 0 10708 1 2
D 0 10708 3 1
D 0 10709 1 1
D 0 10709 3 1
D 0 10710 1 1
D 0 10711 1 2
D 0 10711 3 2
D 0 10712 1 2
D 0 10712 3 2
D 0 10713 1 1
D 0 10713 3 2
D 0 10714 3 1
D 0 10719 1 2
D 0 10726 1 2
D 0 10726 3 2
D 0 10727 3 2
D 0 10730 1 2
M 0 10600 1 10602 1
E 0 10601 0 5
M 0 10606 1 10604 1
G 0 10609 0
M 0 10607 3 10604 1
M 0 10600 1 10606 1
E 0 10601 0 5
M 0 10603 1 10607 1
M 0 10608 1 10609 1
E 0 10612 0 12
E 0 10613 0 15
E 0 10613 0 14
O 0 10608 0 10609
M 0 10613 1 10610 1
E 0 10614 0 5
M 0 10600 1 10610 1
E 0 10601 0 5
M 0 10603 1 10611 1
M 0 10600 1 10612 1
E 0 10601 0 5
M 0 10604 1 10618 1
M 0 10604 1 10620 1
M 0 10601 1 10625 1
E 0 10603 0 17
O 0 10610 0 10627
O 0 10607 0 10627
M 0 10602 1 10628 1
E 0 10602 0 6
M 0 10605 1 10629 1
E 0 10605 0 17
E 0 10606 0 12
M 0 10614 4 10630 2
E 0 10617 0 10
E 0 10618 0 16
M 0 10614 4 10630 2
E 0 10617 0 10
E 0 10618 0 16
M 0 10623 6 10631 1
E 0 10637 0 7
E 0 10635 0 5
M 0 10617 1 10632 1
M 0 10623 6 10633 1
E 0 10637 0 7
M 0 10618 1 10633 1
E 0 10623 0 10
E 0 10624 0 12
M 0 10617 1 10633 1
E 0 10620 0 8
E 0 10622 0 16
M 0 10612 1 10634 1
M 0 10611 1 10634 1
M 0 10609 1 10635 1
E 0 10620 0 9
E 0 10604 0 16
M 0 10616 1 10636 1
M 0 10623 6 10638 1
M 0 10619 3 10638 3
M 0 10619 3 10638 3
M 0 10619 3 10638 3
E 0 10630 0 1
M 0 10620 2 10639 2
E 0 10629 0 23
M 0 10620 2 10639 2
E 0 10628 0 13
O 0 10625 0 10639
P 0 10626 1 10625 1
P 0 10627 1 10625 1
M 0 10614 4 10641 2
E 0 10633 0 5
E 0 10624 0 16
M 0 10614 4 10641 2
E 0 10617 0 10
E 0 10632 0 16
O 0 10631 0 10641
M 0 10652 1 10643 1
O 0 10652 0 10643
O 0 10651 0 10645
P 0 10653 1 10651 1
M 0 10623 6 10646 1
E 0 10635 0 5
M 0 10647 1 10647 1
E 0 10670 0 12
M 0 10648 1 10648 1
E 0 10660 0 3
E 0 10656 0 5
E 0 10655 0 16
M 0 10623 6 10649 1
M 0 10621 1 10650 1
E 0 10636 0 6
M 0 10622 4 10651 2
E 0 10635 0 5
M 0 10622 4 10651 2
E 0 10635 0 5
M 0 10622 4 10652 1
E 0 10635 0 5
M 0 10623 6 10653 1
M 0 10622 4 10653 1
E 0 10635 0 5
M 0 10623 6 10654 1
E 0 10637 0 7
M 0 10651 1 10658 1
M 0 10650 1 10658 1
O 0 10639 0 10658
O 0 10638 0 10658
P 0 10640 1 10638 1
M 0 10615 6 10659 3
M 0 10615 6 10659 3
M 0 10615 6 10659 3
E 0 10621 0 22
E 0 10621 0 21
M 0 10615 6 10660 3
M 0 10615 6 10660 3
M 0 10615 6 10660 3
E 0 10620 0 9
E 0 10619 0 8
M 0 10615 1 10660 1
M 0 10625 1 10662 1
E 0 10642 0 12
G 0 10645 0
E 0 10643 0 5
M 0 10626 4 10664 2
M 0 10626 4 10664 2
E 0 10647 0 17
M 0 10624 1 10665 1
O 0 10641 0 10665
M 0 10626 4 10667 1
G 0 10646 0
O 0 10668 0 10669
O 0 10669 0 10669
O 0 10672 0 10670
O 0 10671 0 10670
M 0 10673 1 10671 1
O 0 10673 0 10671
O 0 10675 0 10675
O 0 10676 0 10676
M 0 10678 1 10678 1
O 0 10678 0 10681
M 0 10680 1 10681 1
M 0 10681 2 10681 2
E 0 10679 0 7
M 0 10681 2 10681 2
E 0 10680 0 5
M 0 10682 1 10682 1
E 0 10681 0 10
M 0 10683 2 10683 1
O 0 10650 0 10684
O 0 10650 0 10684
M 0 10627 4 10684 2
M 0 10627 4 10684 2
P 0 10687 1 10686 1
O 0 10686 0 10685
O 0 10685 0 10685
O 0 10682 0 10686
O 0 10683 0 10686
M 0 10686 1 10686 1
E 0 10684 0 16
M 0 10688 1 10687 1
M 0 10687 1 10687 1
M 0 10689 1 10688 1
O 0 10644 0 10689
M 0 10627 4 10689 2
M 0 10627 4 10689 2
M 0 10684 1 10689 1
E 0 10648 0 13
O 0 10691 0 10690
P 0 10693 1 10691 1
P 0 10692 1 10691 1
M 0 10690 1 10690 1
G 0 10690 0
M 0 10683 2 10690 1
O 0 10694 0 10694
O 0 10695 0 10695


say 'Ello, advent'r. It's been a while since I've 'ad visitors.
say I've a favor to ask. Find for me a wolf pelt, an' I'll give you a somethin to get you through hard times.
mob echo $i grins toothily.
say The forest's spirit is grateful, $n.
mob oload 10611
give bow $n
mob purge berries
say My thanks, $n.
mob oload 10615
give red $n
mob oload 10616
give green $n
mob echo $I snarls at you as you take the basin.
say Heresy!
mob kill $n
