#include <stdio.h>

/* Copyright 1990,1991 Eric Young. All Rights Reserved.
 * This version of crypt has been developed from my MIT compatable
 * DES library.
 * The library is available at pub/DES at

typedef unsigned char des_cblock[8];
typedef struct des_ks_struct {
    des_cblock _;
}             des_key_schedule[16];

#define DES_KEY_SZ 	(sizeof(des_cblock))
#define DES_ENCRYPT	1
#define DES_DECRYPT	0

typedef unsigned char uchar;
typedef unsigned short ushort;
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned long ulong;

#define ITERATIONS 16

#define c2l(c,l)	(l =((ulong)(*((c)++)))    , \
			 l|=((ulong)(*((c)++)))<< 8, \
			 l|=((ulong)(*((c)++)))<<16, \

#define l2c(l,c)	(*((c)++)=(uchar)(((l)    )&0xff), \
			 *((c)++)=(uchar)(((l)>> 8)&0xff), \
			 *((c)++)=(uchar)(((l)>>16)&0xff), \

static unsigned long SPtrans[8][64] =
/* nibble 0 */
    0x00410100, 0x00010000, 0x40400000, 0x40410100,
    0x00400000, 0x40010100, 0x40010000, 0x40400000,
    0x40010100, 0x00410100, 0x00410000, 0x40000100,
    0x40400100, 0x00400000, 0x00000000, 0x40010000,
    0x00010000, 0x40000000, 0x00400100, 0x00010100,
    0x40410100, 0x00410000, 0x40000100, 0x00400100,
    0x40000000, 0x00000100, 0x00010100, 0x40410000,
    0x00000100, 0x40400100, 0x40410000, 0x00000000,
    0x00000000, 0x40410100, 0x00400100, 0x40010000,
    0x00410100, 0x00010000, 0x40000100, 0x00400100,
    0x40410000, 0x00000100, 0x00010100, 0x40400000,
    0x40010100, 0x40000000, 0x40400000, 0x00410000,
    0x40410100, 0x00010100, 0x00410000, 0x40400100,
    0x00400000, 0x40000100, 0x40010000, 0x00000000,
    0x00010000, 0x00400000, 0x40400100, 0x00410100,
    0x40000000, 0x40410000, 0x00000100, 0x40010100,

/* nibble 1 */
    0x08021002, 0x00000000, 0x00021000, 0x08020000,
    0x08000002, 0x00001002, 0x08001000, 0x00021000,
    0x00001000, 0x08020002, 0x00000002, 0x08001000,
    0x00020002, 0x08021000, 0x08020000, 0x00000002,
    0x00020000, 0x08001002, 0x08020002, 0x00001000,
    0x00021002, 0x08000000, 0x00000000, 0x00020002,
    0x08001002, 0x00021002, 0x08021000, 0x08000002,
    0x08000000, 0x00020000, 0x00001002, 0x08021002,
    0x00020002, 0x08021000, 0x08001000, 0x00021002,
    0x08021002, 0x00020002, 0x08000002, 0x00000000,
    0x08000000, 0x00001002, 0x00020000, 0x08020002,
    0x00001000, 0x08000000, 0x00021002, 0x08001002,
    0x08021000, 0x00001000, 0x00000000, 0x08000002,
    0x00000002, 0x08021002, 0x00021000, 0x08020000,
    0x08020002, 0x00020000, 0x00001002, 0x08001000,
    0x08001002, 0x00000002, 0x08020000, 0x00021000,

/* nibble 2 */
    0x20800000, 0x00808020, 0x00000020, 0x20800020,
    0x20008000, 0x00800000, 0x20800020, 0x00008020,
    0x00800020, 0x00008000, 0x00808000, 0x20000000,
    0x20808020, 0x20000020, 0x20000000, 0x20808000,
    0x00000000, 0x20008000, 0x00808020, 0x00000020,
    0x20000020, 0x20808020, 0x00008000, 0x20800000,
    0x20808000, 0x00800020, 0x20008020, 0x00808000,
    0x00008020, 0x00000000, 0x00800000, 0x20008020,
    0x00808020, 0x00000020, 0x20000000, 0x00008000,
    0x20000020, 0x20008000, 0x00808000, 0x20800020,
    0x00000000, 0x00808020, 0x00008020, 0x20808000,
    0x20008000, 0x00800000, 0x20808020, 0x20000000,
    0x20008020, 0x20800000, 0x00800000, 0x20808020,
    0x00008000, 0x00800020, 0x20800020, 0x00008020,
    0x00800020, 0x00000000, 0x20808000, 0x20000020,
    0x20800000, 0x20008020, 0x00000020, 0x00808000,

/* nibble 3 */
    0x00080201, 0x02000200, 0x00000001, 0x02080201,
    0x00000000, 0x02080000, 0x02000201, 0x00080001,
    0x02080200, 0x02000001, 0x02000000, 0x00000201,
    0x02000001, 0x00080201, 0x00080000, 0x02000000,
    0x02080001, 0x00080200, 0x00000200, 0x00000001,
    0x00080200, 0x02000201, 0x02080000, 0x00000200,
    0x00000201, 0x00000000, 0x00080001, 0x02080200,
    0x02000200, 0x02080001, 0x02080201, 0x00080000,
    0x02080001, 0x00000201, 0x00080000, 0x02000001,
    0x00080200, 0x02000200, 0x00000001, 0x02080000,
    0x02000201, 0x00000000, 0x00000200, 0x00080001,
    0x00000000, 0x02080001, 0x02080200, 0x00000200,
    0x02000000, 0x02080201, 0x00080201, 0x00080000,
    0x02080201, 0x00000001, 0x02000200, 0x00080201,
    0x00080001, 0x00080200, 0x02080000, 0x02000201,
    0x00000201, 0x02000000, 0x02000001, 0x02080200,

/* nibble 4 */
    0x01000000, 0x00002000, 0x00000080, 0x01002084,
    0x01002004, 0x01000080, 0x00002084, 0x01002000,
    0x00002000, 0x00000004, 0x01000004, 0x00002080,
    0x01000084, 0x01002004, 0x01002080, 0x00000000,
    0x00002080, 0x01000000, 0x00002004, 0x00000084,
    0x01000080, 0x00002084, 0x00000000, 0x01000004,
    0x00000004, 0x01000084, 0x01002084, 0x00002004,
    0x01002000, 0x00000080, 0x00000084, 0x01002080,
    0x01002080, 0x01000084, 0x00002004, 0x01002000,
    0x00002000, 0x00000004, 0x01000004, 0x01000080,
    0x01000000, 0x00002080, 0x01002084, 0x00000000,
    0x00002084, 0x01000000, 0x00000080, 0x00002004,
    0x01000084, 0x00000080, 0x00000000, 0x01002084,
    0x01002004, 0x01002080, 0x00000084, 0x00002000,
    0x00002080, 0x01002004, 0x01000080, 0x00000084,
    0x00000004, 0x00002084, 0x01002000, 0x01000004,

/* nibble 5 */
    0x10000008, 0x00040008, 0x00000000, 0x10040400,
    0x00040008, 0x00000400, 0x10000408, 0x00040000,
    0x00000408, 0x10040408, 0x00040400, 0x10000000,
    0x10000400, 0x10000008, 0x10040000, 0x00040408,
    0x00040000, 0x10000408, 0x10040008, 0x00000000,
    0x00000400, 0x00000008, 0x10040400, 0x10040008,
    0x10040408, 0x10040000, 0x10000000, 0x00000408,
    0x00000008, 0x00040400, 0x00040408, 0x10000400,
    0x00000408, 0x10000000, 0x10000400, 0x00040408,
    0x10040400, 0x00040008, 0x00000000, 0x10000400,
    0x10000000, 0x00000400, 0x10040008, 0x00040000,
    0x00040008, 0x10040408, 0x00040400, 0x00000008,
    0x10040408, 0x00040400, 0x00040000, 0x10000408,
    0x10000008, 0x10040000, 0x00040408, 0x00000000,
    0x00000400, 0x10000008, 0x10000408, 0x10040400,
    0x10040000, 0x00000408, 0x00000008, 0x10040008,

/* nibble 6 */
    0x00000800, 0x00000040, 0x00200040, 0x80200000,
    0x80200840, 0x80000800, 0x00000840, 0x00000000,
    0x00200000, 0x80200040, 0x80000040, 0x00200800,
    0x80000000, 0x00200840, 0x00200800, 0x80000040,
    0x80200040, 0x00000800, 0x80000800, 0x80200840,
    0x00000000, 0x00200040, 0x80200000, 0x00000840,
    0x80200800, 0x80000840, 0x00200840, 0x80000000,
    0x80000840, 0x80200800, 0x00000040, 0x00200000,
    0x80000840, 0x00200800, 0x80200800, 0x80000040,
    0x00000800, 0x00000040, 0x00200000, 0x80200800,
    0x80200040, 0x80000840, 0x00000840, 0x00000000,
    0x00000040, 0x80200000, 0x80000000, 0x00200040,
    0x00000000, 0x80200040, 0x00200040, 0x00000840,
    0x80000040, 0x00000800, 0x80200840, 0x00200000,
    0x00200840, 0x80000000, 0x80000800, 0x80200840,
    0x80200000, 0x00200840, 0x00200800, 0x80000800,

/* nibble 7 */
    0x04100010, 0x04104000, 0x00004010, 0x00000000,
    0x04004000, 0x00100010, 0x04100000, 0x04104010,
    0x00000010, 0x04000000, 0x00104000, 0x00004010,
    0x00104010, 0x04004010, 0x04000010, 0x04100000,
    0x00004000, 0x00104010, 0x00100010, 0x04004000,
    0x04104010, 0x04000010, 0x00000000, 0x00104000,
    0x04000000, 0x00100000, 0x04004010, 0x04100010,
    0x00100000, 0x00004000, 0x04104000, 0x00000010,
    0x00100000, 0x00004000, 0x04000010, 0x04104010,
    0x00004010, 0x04000000, 0x00000000, 0x00104000,
    0x04100010, 0x04004010, 0x04004000, 0x00100010,
    0x04104000, 0x00000010, 0x00100010, 0x04004000,
    0x04104010, 0x00100000, 0x04100000, 0x04000010,
    0x00104000, 0x00004010, 0x04004010, 0x04100000,
    0x00000010, 0x04104000, 0x00104010, 0x00000000,
    0x04000000, 0x04100010, 0x00004000, 0x00104010};
static ulong skb[8][64] =
/* for C bits (numbered as per FIPS 46) 1 2 3 4 5 6 */
    0x00000000, 0x00000010, 0x20000000, 0x20000010,
    0x00010000, 0x00010010, 0x20010000, 0x20010010,
    0x00000800, 0x00000810, 0x20000800, 0x20000810,
    0x00010800, 0x00010810, 0x20010800, 0x20010810,
    0x00000020, 0x00000030, 0x20000020, 0x20000030,
    0x00010020, 0x00010030, 0x20010020, 0x20010030,
    0x00000820, 0x00000830, 0x20000820, 0x20000830,
    0x00010820, 0x00010830, 0x20010820, 0x20010830,
    0x00080000, 0x00080010, 0x20080000, 0x20080010,
    0x00090000, 0x00090010, 0x20090000, 0x20090010,
    0x00080800, 0x00080810, 0x20080800, 0x20080810,
    0x00090800, 0x00090810, 0x20090800, 0x20090810,
    0x00080020, 0x00080030, 0x20080020, 0x20080030,
    0x00090020, 0x00090030, 0x20090020, 0x20090030,
    0x00080820, 0x00080830, 0x20080820, 0x20080830,
    0x00090820, 0x00090830, 0x20090820, 0x20090830,
/* for C bits (numbered as per FIPS 46) 7 8 10 11 12 13 */
    0x00000000, 0x02000000, 0x00002000, 0x02002000,
    0x00200000, 0x02200000, 0x00202000, 0x02202000,
    0x00000004, 0x02000004, 0x00002004, 0x02002004,
    0x00200004, 0x02200004, 0x00202004, 0x02202004,
    0x00000400, 0x02000400, 0x00002400, 0x02002400,
    0x00200400, 0x02200400, 0x00202400, 0x02202400,
    0x00000404, 0x02000404, 0x00002404, 0x02002404,
    0x00200404, 0x02200404, 0x00202404, 0x02202404,
    0x10000000, 0x12000000, 0x10002000, 0x12002000,
    0x10200000, 0x12200000, 0x10202000, 0x12202000,
    0x10000004, 0x12000004, 0x10002004, 0x12002004,
    0x10200004, 0x12200004, 0x10202004, 0x12202004,
    0x10000400, 0x12000400, 0x10002400, 0x12002400,
    0x10200400, 0x12200400, 0x10202400, 0x12202400,
    0x10000404, 0x12000404, 0x10002404, 0x12002404,
    0x10200404, 0x12200404, 0x10202404, 0x12202404,
/* for C bits (numbered as per FIPS 46) 14 15 16 17 19 20 */
    0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00040000, 0x00040001,
    0x01000000, 0x01000001, 0x01040000, 0x01040001,
    0x00000002, 0x00000003, 0x00040002, 0x00040003,
    0x01000002, 0x01000003, 0x01040002, 0x01040003,
    0x00000200, 0x00000201, 0x00040200, 0x00040201,
    0x01000200, 0x01000201, 0x01040200, 0x01040201,
    0x00000202, 0x00000203, 0x00040202, 0x00040203,
    0x01000202, 0x01000203, 0x01040202, 0x01040203,
    0x08000000, 0x08000001, 0x08040000, 0x08040001,
    0x09000000, 0x09000001, 0x09040000, 0x09040001,
    0x08000002, 0x08000003, 0x08040002, 0x08040003,
    0x09000002, 0x09000003, 0x09040002, 0x09040003,
    0x08000200, 0x08000201, 0x08040200, 0x08040201,
    0x09000200, 0x09000201, 0x09040200, 0x09040201,
    0x08000202, 0x08000203, 0x08040202, 0x08040203,
    0x09000202, 0x09000203, 0x09040202, 0x09040203,
/* for C bits (numbered as per FIPS 46) 21 23 24 26 27 28 */
    0x00000000, 0x00100000, 0x00000100, 0x00100100,
    0x00000008, 0x00100008, 0x00000108, 0x00100108,
    0x00001000, 0x00101000, 0x00001100, 0x00101100,
    0x00001008, 0x00101008, 0x00001108, 0x00101108,
    0x04000000, 0x04100000, 0x04000100, 0x04100100,
    0x04000008, 0x04100008, 0x04000108, 0x04100108,
    0x04001000, 0x04101000, 0x04001100, 0x04101100,
    0x04001008, 0x04101008, 0x04001108, 0x04101108,
    0x00020000, 0x00120000, 0x00020100, 0x00120100,
    0x00020008, 0x00120008, 0x00020108, 0x00120108,
    0x00021000, 0x00121000, 0x00021100, 0x00121100,
    0x00021008, 0x00121008, 0x00021108, 0x00121108,
    0x04020000, 0x04120000, 0x04020100, 0x04120100,
    0x04020008, 0x04120008, 0x04020108, 0x04120108,
    0x04021000, 0x04121000, 0x04021100, 0x04121100,
    0x04021008, 0x04121008, 0x04021108, 0x04121108,
/* for D bits (numbered as per FIPS 46) 1 2 3 4 5 6 */
    0x00000000, 0x10000000, 0x00010000, 0x10010000,
    0x00000004, 0x10000004, 0x00010004, 0x10010004,
    0x20000000, 0x30000000, 0x20010000, 0x30010000,
    0x20000004, 0x30000004, 0x20010004, 0x30010004,
    0x00100000, 0x10100000, 0x00110000, 0x10110000,
    0x00100004, 0x10100004, 0x00110004, 0x10110004,
    0x20100000, 0x30100000, 0x20110000, 0x30110000,
    0x20100004, 0x30100004, 0x20110004, 0x30110004,
    0x00001000, 0x10001000, 0x00011000, 0x10011000,
    0x00001004, 0x10001004, 0x00011004, 0x10011004,
    0x20001000, 0x30001000, 0x20011000, 0x30011000,
    0x20001004, 0x30001004, 0x20011004, 0x30011004,
    0x00101000, 0x10101000, 0x00111000, 0x10111000,
    0x00101004, 0x10101004, 0x00111004, 0x10111004,
    0x20101000, 0x30101000, 0x20111000, 0x30111000,
    0x20101004, 0x30101004, 0x20111004, 0x30111004,
/* for D bits (numbered as per FIPS 46) 8 9 11 12 13 14 */
    0x00000000, 0x08000000, 0x00000008, 0x08000008,
    0x00000400, 0x08000400, 0x00000408, 0x08000408,
    0x00020000, 0x08020000, 0x00020008, 0x08020008,
    0x00020400, 0x08020400, 0x00020408, 0x08020408,
    0x00000001, 0x08000001, 0x00000009, 0x08000009,
    0x00000401, 0x08000401, 0x00000409, 0x08000409,
    0x00020001, 0x08020001, 0x00020009, 0x08020009,
    0x00020401, 0x08020401, 0x00020409, 0x08020409,
    0x02000000, 0x0A000000, 0x02000008, 0x0A000008,
    0x02000400, 0x0A000400, 0x02000408, 0x0A000408,
    0x02020000, 0x0A020000, 0x02020008, 0x0A020008,
    0x02020400, 0x0A020400, 0x02020408, 0x0A020408,
    0x02000001, 0x0A000001, 0x02000009, 0x0A000009,
    0x02000401, 0x0A000401, 0x02000409, 0x0A000409,
    0x02020001, 0x0A020001, 0x02020009, 0x0A020009,
    0x02020401, 0x0A020401, 0x02020409, 0x0A020409,
/* for D bits (numbered as per FIPS 46) 16 17 18 19 20 21 */
    0x00000000, 0x00000100, 0x00080000, 0x00080100,
    0x01000000, 0x01000100, 0x01080000, 0x01080100,
    0x00000010, 0x00000110, 0x00080010, 0x00080110,
    0x01000010, 0x01000110, 0x01080010, 0x01080110,
    0x00200000, 0x00200100, 0x00280000, 0x00280100,
    0x01200000, 0x01200100, 0x01280000, 0x01280100,
    0x00200010, 0x00200110, 0x00280010, 0x00280110,
    0x01200010, 0x01200110, 0x01280010, 0x01280110,
    0x00000200, 0x00000300, 0x00080200, 0x00080300,
    0x01000200, 0x01000300, 0x01080200, 0x01080300,
    0x00000210, 0x00000310, 0x00080210, 0x00080310,
    0x01000210, 0x01000310, 0x01080210, 0x01080310,
    0x00200200, 0x00200300, 0x00280200, 0x00280300,
    0x01200200, 0x01200300, 0x01280200, 0x01280300,
    0x00200210, 0x00200310, 0x00280210, 0x00280310,
    0x01200210, 0x01200310, 0x01280210, 0x01280310,
/* for D bits (numbered as per FIPS 46) 22 23 24 25 27 28 */
    0x00000000, 0x04000000, 0x00040000, 0x04040000,
    0x00000002, 0x04000002, 0x00040002, 0x04040002,
    0x00002000, 0x04002000, 0x00042000, 0x04042000,
    0x00002002, 0x04002002, 0x00042002, 0x04042002,
    0x00000020, 0x04000020, 0x00040020, 0x04040020,
    0x00000022, 0x04000022, 0x00040022, 0x04040022,
    0x00002020, 0x04002020, 0x00042020, 0x04042020,
    0x00002022, 0x04002022, 0x00042022, 0x04042022,
    0x00000800, 0x04000800, 0x00040800, 0x04040800,
    0x00000802, 0x04000802, 0x00040802, 0x04040802,
    0x00002800, 0x04002800, 0x00042800, 0x04042800,
    0x00002802, 0x04002802, 0x00042802, 0x04042802,
    0x00000820, 0x04000820, 0x00040820, 0x04040820,
    0x00000822, 0x04000822, 0x00040822, 0x04040822,
    0x00002820, 0x04002820, 0x00042820, 0x04042820,
    0x00002822, 0x04002822, 0x00042822, 0x04042822,

/* See ecb_encrypt.c for a pseudo description of these macros. */
#define PERM_OP(a,b,t,n,m) ((t)=((((a)>>(n))^(b))&(m)),\

#define HPERM_OP(a,t,n,m) ((t)=((((a)<<(16-(n)))^(a))&(m)),\

static char shifts2[16] =
{0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0};

static int des_set_key(des_cblock *, des_key_schedule);
char *crypt(char *, char *);
static int body(ulong *, ulong *, des_key_schedule, ulong, ulong);

static int des_set_key(key, schedule)
    des_cblock *key;
    des_key_schedule schedule;
    register unsigned long c, d, t, s;
    register unsigned char *in;
    unsigned long *k;
    register int i;

    k = (unsigned long *) schedule;
    in = (uchar *) key;

    c2l(in, c);
    c2l(in, d);

    /* do PC1 in 60 simple operations */
    PERM_OP(d, c, t, 4, 0x0f0f0f0f);
    HPERM_OP(c, t, -2, 0xcccc0000);
    HPERM_OP(c, t, -1, 0xaaaa0000);
    HPERM_OP(c, t, 8, 0x00ff0000);
    HPERM_OP(c, t, -1, 0xaaaa0000);
    HPERM_OP(d, t, -8, 0xff000000);
    HPERM_OP(d, t, 8, 0x00ff0000);
    HPERM_OP(d, t, 2, 0x33330000);
    d = ((d & 0x00aa00aa) << 7) | ((d & 0x55005500) >> 7) | (d & 0xaa55aa55);
    d = (d >> 8) | ((c & 0xf0000000) >> 4);
    c &= 0x0fffffff;

    for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) {
	if (shifts2[i]) {
	    c = ((c >> 2) | (c << 26));
	    d = ((d >> 2) | (d << 26));
	} else {
	    c = ((c >> 1) | (c << 27));
	    d = ((d >> 1) | (d << 27));
	c &= 0x0fffffff;
	d &= 0x0fffffff;
	 * could be a few less shifts but I am to lazy at this point in time
	 * to investigate
	s = skb[0][(c) & 0x3f] |
	    skb[1][((c >> 6) & 0x03) | ((c >> 7) & 0x3c)] |
	    skb[2][((c >> 13) & 0x0f) | ((c >> 14) & 0x30)] |
	    skb[3][((c >> 20) & 0x01) | ((c >> 21) & 0x06) |
		   ((c >> 22) & 0x38)];
	t = skb[4][(d) & 0x3f] |
	    skb[5][((d >> 7) & 0x03) | ((d >> 8) & 0x3c)] |
	    skb[6][(d >> 15) & 0x3f] |
	    skb[7][((d >> 21) & 0x0f) | ((d >> 22) & 0x30)];

	/* table contained 0213 4657 */
	*(k++) = ((t << 16) | (s & 0x0000ffff));
	s = ((s >> 16) | (t & 0xffff0000));

	s = (s << 4) | (s >> 28);
	*(k++) = s;
    return (0);

 * modified stuff for crypt.

#define D_ENCRYPT(L,R,S)	\
	t=(R<<1)|(R>>31); \
	v=(t^(t>>16)); \
	u=(v&E0); \
	v=(v&E1); \
	u=(u^(u<<16))^t^s[S  ]; \
	t=(v^(v<<16))^t^s[S+1]; \
	t=(t>>4)|(t<<28); \
	L^=	SPtrans[1][(t    )&0x3f]| \
		SPtrans[3][(t>> 8)&0x3f]| \
		SPtrans[5][(t>>16)&0x3f]| \
		SPtrans[7][(t>>24)&0x3f]| \
		SPtrans[0][(u    )&0x3f]| \
		SPtrans[2][(u>> 8)&0x3f]| \
		SPtrans[4][(u>>16)&0x3f]| \

#define PERM_OP(a,b,t,n,m) ((t)=((((a)>>(n))^(b))&(m)),\

uchar con_salt[128] =
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01,
    0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09,
    0x0A, 0x0B, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0A,
    0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12,
    0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1A,
    0x1B, 0x1C, 0x1D, 0x1E, 0x1F, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22,
    0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24,
    0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2A, 0x2B, 0x2C,
    0x2D, 0x2E, 0x2F, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34,
    0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3A, 0x3B, 0x3C,
    0x3D, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,

uchar cov_2char[64] =
    0x2E, 0x2F, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35,
    0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44,
    0x45, 0x46, 0x47, 0x48, 0x49, 0x4A, 0x4B, 0x4C,
    0x4D, 0x4E, 0x4F, 0x50, 0x51, 0x52, 0x53, 0x54,
    0x55, 0x56, 0x57, 0x58, 0x59, 0x5A, 0x61, 0x62,
    0x63, 0x64, 0x65, 0x66, 0x67, 0x68, 0x69, 0x6A,
    0x6B, 0x6C, 0x6D, 0x6E, 0x6F, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72,
    0x73, 0x74, 0x75, 0x76, 0x77, 0x78, 0x79, 0x7A

char *crypt(buf, salt)
    char *buf;
    char *salt;
    unsigned int i, j, x, y;
    ulong Eswap0 = 0, Eswap1 = 0;
    ulong out[2], ll;
    des_cblock key;
    des_key_schedule ks;
    static uchar buff[20];
    uchar bb[9];
    uchar *b = bb;
    uchar c, u;

    x = buff[0] = salt[0];
    Eswap0 = con_salt[x];
    x = buff[1] = salt[1];
    Eswap1 = con_salt[x] << 4;

    for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
	c = *(buf++);
	if (!c)
	key[i] = (c << 1);
    for (; i < 8; i++)
	key[i] = 0;

    des_set_key((des_cblock *) (key), ks);
    body(&out[0], &out[1], ks, Eswap0, Eswap1);

    ll = out[0];
    l2c(ll, b);
    ll = out[1];
    l2c(ll, b);
    y = 0;
    u = 0x80;
    bb[8] = 0;
    for (i = 2; i < 13; i++) {
	c = 0;
	for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
	    c <<= 1;
	    if (bb[y] & u)
		c |= 1;
	    u >>= 1;
	    if (!u) {
		u = 0x80;
	buff[i] = cov_2char[c];
    return ((char *) buff);

static int body(out0, out1, ks, Eswap0, Eswap1)
    ulong *out0, *out1;
    des_key_schedule ks;
    ulong Eswap0, Eswap1;
    register unsigned long l, r, t, u, v;
    register unsigned long *s;
    register int i, j;
    register unsigned long E0, E1;

    l = 0;
    r = 0;

    s = (ulong *) ks;
    E0 = Eswap0;
    E1 = Eswap1;

    for (j = 0; j < 25; j++) {
	for (i = 0; i < (ITERATIONS * 2); i += 4) {
	    D_ENCRYPT(l, r, i);	/* 1 */
	    D_ENCRYPT(r, l, i + 2);	/* 2 */
	t = l;
	l = r;
	r = t;
    t = l;
    l = r;
    r = t;
    PERM_OP(r, l, t, 1, 0x55555555);
    PERM_OP(l, r, t, 8, 0x00ff00ff);
    PERM_OP(r, l, t, 2, 0x33333333);
    PERM_OP(l, r, t, 16, 0x0000ffff);
    PERM_OP(r, l, t, 4, 0x0f0f0f0f);

    *out0 = l;
    *out1 = r;
    return (0);