You should always download the latest version of the MUDlib.  Older
versions exist here really for no real reason unless you like to punish
yourself.  Version0.1 exists for anyone wishing to create a MUD from
scratch.  It has the basics to get started and a few other little odds and

So unless you really want to do everything youself I'd suggest getting the
newest version since it will contain bug fixes of previous versions and
usually more features/improvements.

The last version of the MUDliv to be released under the original agreement
was 0.9.3.  The next version was 1.2.0-A.  This new version came with a 
new user agreement so be sure to read it and follow it.
Merentha Lib - Current Version - 1.2.0-A

 - Added ability to go linkdead, and return and override interactive chars
 - Added history command and ! history abilities
 - Added brief and verbose movement commands (via setenv)
 - Include files:
    - math.h, skills.h
 - Added inheritables:
    - daemon.c
 - Added sefuns:
    - numbers.c: ordinal(), formal_number()
    - math.c: min(), max()
 - Added admin commands:
    - call, inheritlist, dumpallobj, functionprofile
    - getconfig, memoryinfo, mudstatus, usage, cachestats, callouts
    - events
    - gauge
 - Added player commands:
    - emote
 - Added daemons
    - events.c
 - Added new skills, new skill categories
 - Added lots of help files

Bug Fixes
 - Fixed a formatting bug in the man daemon
 - Fixed a bug in identify() sefun

 - cleanup.c
 - plural() sefun

 - reboot daemon
 - skills have been renamed abilities (not the command but the actions)
 - Inheritables now have a "file.h" file included in the 
/std/inheritables/ directory.  This was done for the sole purpose of now
having a file which contains pretty much every lfun in an object so new
coders could more easilly see what is available.
 - I changed the structure of the /doc/ directory to clean it up a bit
more.  Concequently the /daemon/man.c file was updated.
 - The max string length causes some problems with really large directory
listings.  I have hence divided up a directory listing into may output
lines, but now it will not be possible to 'more' though it.  It would need
to be recoded.
 - A new direcotry for commands /cmds/actions/ has been created and
non-admin actions put in there, and all commands (help/man etc) updated
 - I got rid of the skill maxes and added skill adjustment values.  This
allows you to set the rate at which the cost of a skill changes as the
game progresses for a single individual.  The skills daemon and the new
setter login sequence makes use of this setting those values based on
choices you make.
 - race, gender, class and character history all effect the adjustment
value of skills

Merentha Lib - Old Version Docs - 0.9.3

Driver Upgraded to MudOS 22.2b12
 - modified some files to be compatable (variable names)
   - /daemons/skills.c
   - /std/inheritables/monster.c

Bug Fixes
 - MIS should now work out of the box
 - fixed the commandHook() functions in living/user/monster inheritables
 - a few minor bugs in the special combat and magic round code
 - fixed a bug in determining query_current_attacker() 
 - fixed a bug in border() sefun
 - fixed a few bugs in money
 - fixed the way non_living items are displayed in the room
 - update the plural() and consolidate() sefuns

 - Lfun documentation is finally done
 - Enter/exit messages for moving players
 - Gave monsters a modified version of move_player()
 - Updated the special and magical combat round features
 - Added a few more lfuns mostly to identify objects
 - Added a few lfuns in living.c for his/her him/her his/hers he/she
 - Added __BORDER_LINE__ to the border() sefun.
 - Added the exp for killing code in ADVANCE_D
 - Added the death code
 - Added money objects
 - Added right_align() sefun
 - Added Admin command: eval
 - Added sample skill and spell commands
 - Added commands: drop, get, give

Though there is some support for multiple currencies the mudlib is still
really based around a single currency being used, gold coins.

I added a spell and a skill in this release so you can see how to use the
special magic and combat rounds in battle.  They allow you to incorperate
damage into normal damage rounds instead of having the damage happen right
away (like on most MUDS), thus allowing the other combatant a chance to
dodge the attack.

If your host machine is not hooked up to the Internet the network demon
may cause your MUD to crash.  To fix delete the /save/daemons/network.o
file and it should run fine.

Read the TODO file for info on what I still feel needs work, its a good
place to start.
Merentha Lib - Old Version Docs - 0.9.1

Bug Fixes
 - fixed help/more bug
 - fixed man with respect to the same bug

 - network daemon for Merentha InterMUD System
 - finger daemon for finger command
 - chat daemon for global channels
 - new commands : finger, finger @, users @, muds, 
                  tell, intermer, setenv

 - updated most player commands for fixed screen width
 - update /sefun/strings.c for a few wraping features

The lfun documentation is still missing because I haven't writen them yet.
Merentha Lib - Old Version Docs - 0.9pre(a)

I have released this version without the a stats/skill training daemon,
everything else is here to get a MUD up and working.  This is because I am
rather busy at the moment and don't have the time to update the mudlib to
included these features.  You will still need a better then novice
understanding of LPC to get this lib up and running since skill/stat/level
and exp advancing and death are still missing.

Features include:
  - 6 races with limbs, eyesight, stats (including weight, carring etc)
  - 4 classes
  - self updating help system
  - asci colours
  - single currency economy
  - supply shops
  - food/drink vendors
  - self healing
  - armour/weapons
  - combat
  - man system for functions
  - socials

Still missing
  - quests
  - skills/stats/exp/level training
  - death

Most things are realitivly basic still to allow the maximum amout of
customizability.  This lib can quite easilly be changed to a
classless/leveless system.  Further development of this lib will be in
that general direction.

This is the recommended version to download.  Newer versions will not
contain much more in the way of basics.  As well, changes to further
versions will be of such size that for the most part new libs will not be
compatable with older ones.

The simplicity of this lib allows easy learning and expanding.
Merentha Lib - Old Version Docs - 0.7a

ADDITIONS - food/drink
          - healing
          - monsters (NPCs)
          - weapons
          - armour
          - more player commands
          - more admin commands
          - money (only gold)
          - shops/bars/restaurants
STILL LACKING - lfun documentation
              - man system similar to help system
              - combat
              - exp points
              - skill/stats training
              - quests
              - multiple currency money (only gold currently)
BUG FIXES - a bug in the center() sefun fixed
KNOWN BUGS - If upgrading from an older version of this some new variables
             may not upgrade properly.  It is a good idea to delete all
             characters if upgrading.
           - more/help still break each other sometimes
           - linkdeath leaves active characters

Lib Recommendations:
This is the last version which will be released under the lighter user
agreement (see /doc/AGREEMENT).  It includes the basics of a mudlib, minus
any sort of combat system.  People new to building a MUD should wait for
the next release which will have more built in features including
combat. Also there are still many 'little lib errors' which need to be
fixed by someone who knows what they are doing so this version isn't good
for beginners. The major additions here over the previous version all
focus around more inheritable objects and functionality with those
Merentha Lib - Old Version Docs - 0.5a

ADDITIONS - ansi colours
          - 6 player races
          - race daemon (for players and monsters)
          - limbs, eyesight, stats based on race
          - 4 player classes
          - player stats / stat daemon
          - skill system / skill daemon
          - more player commands
          - more admin commands
              - weapons
              - combat/healing
              - exp points, advancement, skills/stats training
              - food/drink
              - NPCs (monsters)
              - man system similar to the help system
              - lfun documentation
BUG FIXES: - the more daemon works better
           - some efuns string changed to work with colours
           - bugs with movement fixed
KNOWN BUGS: - the more daemon and interactive help/man daemons sometimes 
              break each other

Lib Recommendations:
Without too much difficulty you can now run a community online.  This lib 
still lacks combat and anything to do with combat like armour and weapons.
The major additions are races/classes/stats/skills.  Anyone basing 
development of their own lib off of this one should take note of the limbs 
in the race daemon.  This lib is not designed for limb specific combat the 
way the Nightmare lib was.  If you want limb loss and such to occure you 
will need to build your own race daemon and code it as such.  Likewise 
armour will effect your whole body, not just the location it is worn on.  
This is a lot less 'realistic', however, it is not the intention to build 
a detailed combat-realistic mudlib.
Merentha Lib - Old Version Docs - 0.1a

People can log in and move around.  Administrators are created by changing 
their "position".  This must be done from outside of the MUD and editing 
the player file.

The lib includes:
  a login sequence
  basic player commands
  basic admin commands
  basic inheritables
  a <more> daemon
  a base 8 time system (read the /include/time.h and "help time" files)
  basic sefuns
  documentation for everything but lfuns
  a help system

The lib is lacking:
  much in the way of character and monster customizations
  a man system similar to the help system for documentation
  security/different admin levels

Lib recommendations:
  This is a good starting place for people wishing to create their own 
  lib.  It has the basics needed and a few extras.  Unless you are 
  familiar with LPC and lib work you will have a difficult time 
  customizing things.  Specifically the user object inheritable.  The lack
  of work on the user object is also an advantage since there is not much
  to change to create the theme you wish (fantasy, real world, etc)
Merentha Lib - History

Merentha was a MUD which was based on the Nightmare Mudlib 3.3.  Over time
Merentha grew to be one of the most popular Nightmare based MUDs of all

It was the wish of the administrators to create their own lib many times 
through the life of Merentha.  However, Merentha became so large and 
complex that any changes would be superficial, and judged too much work
for such little over all gain.

The Merentha Lib was developed as a technical challenge and not for use 
with Merentha itself.  Since 95% of the MUDlib knowledge was gained from 
use of editions to the Nightmare Lib there are some similarities between 
the Merentha Lib and the Nightmare Lib such as names of sefuns, lfuns and 
so on, however, all code is original.

Anyone familuar with the Nightmare Lib should not assume things run the
same here as they did there.  There are a lot of difference dispite the