

Name		= minotaur
PName		= "The Minotaur"
Location	= k
PFlags		{NoSteal}
MFlags		{PickStuff}
Strength	= 70
Damage		= 10
Aggression      = 40
Armor		= 0
Speed           = 8
Description	= "
A minotaur snarls viciously at you, his huge bulk shaking with rage."
End             = minotaur


Name      = casket
Location  = IN_ROOM:lair
Oflags    {Container Openable Lockable}
BValue    = 300
Size      = 40
Weight    = 40
MaxState  = 2
State     = 0
Desc[0]   = "
A large open golden casket shines before you, glittering and sparkling."
Desc[1]   = "
A large golden casket shines before you, glittering and sparkling."
Desc[2]   = "
A large locked golden casket shines before you, glittering and sparkling."
End       = casket

Name      = amethyst
AltName   = gem
Location  = IN_CONTAINER:casket
BValue    = 100
Size      = 1
Weight    = 1
Desc[0]   = "A large, beautifully polished amethyst has been put here."
End       = amethyst

Name      = mask
AltName   = gold
Location  = IN_ROOM:end2
Oflags    {Armor Wearable GetFlips}
Aflags	  {Face Head}
State     = 1
MaxState  = 1
Armor	  = 75
BValue    = 400
Size      = 30
Weight    = 30
Desc[0]   = "A stunning, horned, gold mask has been placed here."
Desc[1]   = "
On the center of the wall is a huge golden mask carved in the shape of a
horned demon."
Examine   = "The mask is pure gold, and probably very valuble."
End       = mask

Name      = horn
AltName   = silver
Location  = IN_CONTAINER:casket
MaxState  = 1
BValue    = 200
Size      = 12
Weight    = 5
Desc[0]   = "An engraved silver horn has been carefully placed here."
End       = horn


top u:Brink@island d:spiral;
lflags {}
Top of Spiral Staircase^
   You are standing at what is a carved spiral staircase descending down into
the gloom of below.  From down there come strange sounds, which you cannot
spiral u:top d:spiral2;
lflags {}
Spiral Staircase^
   You are on a spiral staircase, and you are not far from the top of it.
Below you it is cold and gloomy, although not yet dark enough to need a light.
spiral2 u:spiral d:humm;
lflags {}
Spiral Staircase^
   You are on a spiral staircase which decends into a blanket of mist.  It
also (for the uninitiated in spiral staircase design) carries on upwards.
humm u:spiral d:spiral3;
lflags {}
   As you stand here a blanket of mist envelopes you.  The only ways out are to
grope upwards or downwards.
spiral3 u:humm d:start;
lflags {dark}
Spiral Staircase^
   The staircase you are on ascends upwards into a blanket of mist or downwards
into a large labyrinth of columns, which, from your view point, appears to be
start e:a u:spiral3;
lflags {dark NoMobiles}
The Start of the Labyrinth^ a boring sort of place, the only exits being up a spiral staircase and
east into the Labyrinth.  The Labyrinth itself is composed of tall pillars in
the gloom.  There is a message scratched in the dirt here.  It says:


					M rt s
a n:b e:r s:p w:start;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
b n:c e:s s:a;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
c e:d s:b;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
d e:e s:s w:c;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
e e:f s:t w:d;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
f e:g s:u w:e;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
g s:h w:f;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
h n:g s:i w:u;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
i n:h s:j w:u;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
j n:i s:k w:i;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
k n:j w:l;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
l n:j e:k w:m;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
m n:v e:l w:n;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
n n:q e:m w:o;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
o n:p e:n;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
p n:a e:q s:o;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
q n:r e:r s:n w:p;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
r n:t e:q s:q w:a;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
s n:d e:t s:r w:c;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
t n:e e:u s:u w:s;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
u n:f e:h s:f w:t;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
v n:t e:u s:w w:w;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
w n:v e:x s:m w:v;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
x n:end s:j w:w;
lflags {dark}
   You are lost in the labyrinth.
end s:x d:end2;
lflags {dark}
The End of the Labyrinth^ something of an anti-climax after you have made it this far.  All it
apparently consists of is a hole in the ground which becomes a spiral staircase
after a while.
end2 u:end d:lair;
lflags {dark}
Spiral Stairs^
   You stand almost at the bottom of the stairs.  At the foot of the stairs is
a large room, half obscured by mist.  The walls are decorated with faces and
spectacular carvings of dying people.
lair u:end2;
lflags {dark}
Minotaur's Lair^
   You stand in a huge chamber deep beneath the labyrinth.  The walls and
ceiling of the chamber are lined with the heads of those who failed to find
their way back from this legendary place and starved to death amid the maze.