


Name        = Jeremy
Pname       = "Jeremy"
Location    = hick3
Strength    = 80
Damage      = 6
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 5
Description = "Jeremy is here looking very dumb and confused."
Examine     = "
Jeremy is truly a hick by definition, with a piece of straw in his mouth 
and is wearing a pair of goofy looking dirty overalls."
End         = Jeremy

Name        = Tom
Pname       = "Tom"
Location    = hick8
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 8
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 5
Description = "Tom, Jeremy's older brother, is here looking for Jeremy."
End         = Tom

Name        = CornWorker
Pname       = "Corn Worker"
Location    = field13
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 9
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "A cornworker is here examining the corn stalks."
End         = CornWorker

Name        = WheatWorker
Pname       = "Wheat Worker"
Location    = field14
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 9
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "A wheatworker is here looking at the wheat."
End         = WheatWorker

Name        = Worker
Pname       = "Worker"
Location    = field15
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 9
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "A worker is here walking around looking at things."
End         = Worker

Name        = Cow
Pname       = "Cow"
Location    = cattle4
Strength    = 110
Damage      = 10
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "A cow is here mooing softly."
End         = Cow

Name        = Horse
Pname       = "Horse"
Location    = cattle5
Strength    = 110
Damage      = 10
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "A horse is here looking at you curiously."
End         = Horse

Name        = FirstPig
Pname       = "Pig"
Location    = cattle7
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 9
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "A large, smelly pig is here oinking happily."
End         = FirstPig

Name        = SecondPig
Pname       = "Pig"
Location    = cattle8
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 9
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "A large, smelly pig is here oinking happily."
End         = SecondPig

Name        = Bull
Pname       = "Bull"
Location    = cattle9
Strength    = 120
Damage      = 11
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 70
Speed       = 0
Description = "A very large bull is here snorting at you ready to charge."
End         = Bull

Name        = Grandpa
Pname       = "Grandpa"
Location    = house1
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 9
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "Grandpa Hickdale is sitting on the porch swing snoozing."
End         = Grandpa

Name        = Father
Pname       = "Bill"
Location    = house5
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 9
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "Bill, the Hickdale father is here going over bills."
End         = Father

Name        = Mother
Pname       = "Jane"
Sflags       {Female}
Mflags       {NoGrab}
Location    = house10
Strength    = 100
Damage      = 9
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "Jane, the Hickdale mother is here cooking food."
End         = Mother

Name        = Grandma
Pname       = "Grandma"
Sflags      {Female}
Location    = house19
Strength    = 90
Damage      = 7
Armor       = 0
Aggression  = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "Grandma is here resting quietly."
End         = Grandma


Name        = Corn
Pname       = "Corn"
Oflags      {Food}
Bvalue      = 30
Size        = 1
Weight      = 2
Location    = IN_ROOM:field13
Desc[0]     = "An ear of corn is laying on the ground."
End         = Corn

Name        = Tomato
Pname       = "Tomato"
Oflags      {Food}
Bvalue      = 30
Size        = 1
Weight      = 2
Location    = IN_ROOM:field15
Desc[0]     = "A ripe tomato has been dropped here."
End         = Tomato

Name        = Overalls
Pname       = "Overalls"
Oflags      {Armor Wearable}
Aflags	    {Legs Chest Back}
Bvalue      = 50
Armor       = 30
Size        = 5
Weight      = 7
Location    = IN_ROOM:cattle4
Desc[0]     = "A protective looking pair of overalls is here."
End         = Overalls

Name        = Pitchfork
Pname       = "Pitchfork"
Oflags      {Weapon}
Bvalue      = 50
Damage      = 10
Size        = 5
Weight      = 7
Location    = IN_ROOM:cattle4
Desc[0]     = "A mean looking pitchfork has been placed here."
End         = Pitchfork

Name        = Boots
Pname       = "Boots"
Oflags      {Wearable}
Aflags	    {Feet}
Bvalue      = 40
Size        = 2
Weight      = 2
Location    = IN_ROOM:cattle4
Desc[0]     = "A pair of work boots rests on the ground."
End         = Boots

Name        = Oven
Pname       = "Oven"
Oflags      {Openable Container NoGet}
Size        = 5
Location    = IN_ROOM:house10
Desc[0]     = "The oven door is open."
Desc[1]     = "The over door is closed."
End         = Oven

Name        = Turkey
Pname       = "Turkey"
Oflags      {Food GetFlips}
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Size        = 3
Weight      = 3
Location    = IN_CONTAINER:oven
Desc[0]     = "A delicious looking turkey has been left here."
Desc[1]     = "A delicious looking turkey is in the oven."
End         = Turkey

Name        = Sink
Pname       = "Sink"
Oflags      {NoGet Container}
Size        = 5
Location    = IN_ROOM:house10
Desc[0]     = "A kitchen sink is here with a few dishes on one side."
End         = Sink

Name        = Apple
Pname       = "Apple"
Oflags      {Food GetFlips}
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Size        = 1
Weight      = 1
Location    = IN_CONTAINER:sink
Desc[0]     = "A nice red apple has been left here."
Desc[1]     = "A nice red apple is in the sink that looks very delicious."
End         = Apple

Name        = jeremy_knife
Pname       = "Knife"
Oflags      {Weapon}
Size        = 3
Weight      = 3
Location    = IN_ROOM:house16
Desc[0]     = "A small knife has been left here."
End         = jeremy_knife

Name        = houseindoor
Pname       = "Door"
Location    = IN_ROOM:house2
Oflags      {NoGet Openable}
Linked      = houseoutdoor
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = "The door leading inside is open."
Desc[1]     = "The door leading inside is closed."
End         = houseindoor

Name        = houseoutdoor
Pname       = "Door"
Location    = IN_ROOM:house1
Oflags      {NoGet Openable}
Linked      = houseindoor
State       = 1
MaxState    = 1
Desc[0]     = "The door leading outside is open."
Desc[1]     = "The door leading outside is closed."
End         = houseoutdoor

hick1 n:hick2 s:Track@village;
Altitude = 350
lflags {NoMobiles Outdoors}
Hickdale Farm Road Entrance^
  You are on the start of a dusty old road that looks to lead up north to 
the Hickdale Farm. This is beautiful country with flowers growing around 
the road and tall grasses surround the small fence that prevents 
livestock from wandering into the road.
hick2 n:hick3 e:hick5 s:hick1;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Main Road^
  The road is very dirty and you cough a little from the dust that is 
rising up from your feet. The road turns to the east here and leads to a 
large field. The road also continues north and goes back to the south.
hick3 n:hick4 s:hick2;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Main Road^
  You kick at the gravel in the road here as you continue on your way 
down the road to Hickdale Farms. The road is surrounded by large trees 
and beautiful flowers. The road leads to the north and goes back to the 
hick4 n:house1 e:hick8 s:hick3;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
In Front of the Hickdale House^
  You are at the end of the main road that leads up to the Hickdale 
House. It is a nice looking house that seems to have been worn away by 
the elements over the years. It is a dull white house made of wood that 
looks to be a little rotted out. The porch of the house is to the north, 
and the roads leads back to the south. To the east is the road to the 
livestock area.
hick5 w:hick2 e:hick6;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Road to Crop Fields^
  The road has a few weeds growing in the middle of it here and you 
sneeze as a small piece of pollen wisks across your face. The road leads 
to the east and goes back to the west.
hick6 w:hick5 n:hick7 e:hick9;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Road to Crop Fields^
  The road has fresh footprints in it leading to the east towards the 
fields, maybe someone is working out there? There are large trees to the 
south of the road that are losing their leaves covering the grass with 
orange and yellow colors. The road leads to the east and goes back to the 
west. To the north is the road to the livestock area.
hick7 s:hick6 n:hick8;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Road to Livestock Area^
  The road here is very bare and doesn't have that much dust on it. You 
can smell the livestock to the north of here. The road leads to the north 
and goes back to the south.
hick8 w:hick4 n:cattle1 s:hick7;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
End of Road to Livestock Area^
  You are at the end of the road to the livestock area. To the north is 
the gate that leads into the area where the livestock is kept. You can 
smell the animals from here and tears come to your eyes as you take a 
deep breath. The road goes back to the south, and the road goes to the west.
hick9 e:field1 w:hick8;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
End of Road to Crop Fields^
  You are at the end of the road to the crop fields. There are giant 
fields of corn, wheat, tomatoes, and other various vegetables. There is a 
small irrigation ditch that leads to the east into the fields. The road 
goes back to the west.
field1 w:hick9 e:field2 n:field12;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Southwestern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the north and to the east. The road is to the 
field2 w:field1 e:field3 n:field13;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Southern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the east and the west. To the north is a field 
of corn.
field3 w:field2 e:field4 n:field14;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Southern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the east and the west. To the north is a field 
of wheat.
field4 w:field3 n:field5;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Southeastern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the west and the north.
field5 s:field4 n:field6 w:field14;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Eastern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the north and the south. To the west is a field 
of wheat.
field6 s:field5 n:field7 w:field15;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Eastern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the north and the south. To the west is a field 
of tomatoes.
field7 s:field6 w:field8;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Northeastern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the west and the south.
field8 w:field9 e:field7 s:field15;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Northern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the west and the east. To the south is a field 
of tomatoes.
field9 w:field10 e:field8 s:field16;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Northern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the west and the east. To the south is a field 
full of assorted fruits.
field10 s:field11 e:field9;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Northwestern Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the south and the east. 
field11 n:field10 s:field12 e:field16;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Western Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the north and the south. To the east is a field 
full of assorted fruits.
field12 n:field11 s:field1 e:field13;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Western Irrigation Ditch^
  You are standing on a small path with an irrigation ditch running 
through it that leads to the north and the south. To the east is a field 
of corn.
field13 n:field16 e:field14 s:field2 w:field12;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Corn Field^
  This is a large corn field. To the north is a strawberry patch, to the 
east is a wheat field, and to the south and west there is an irrigation 
field14 n:field15 e:field5 s:field3 w:field13;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Wheat Field^
  This is a large wheat field. To the north is a tomato patch, to the west 
is a corn field, and to the east and south there is an irrigation ditch.
field15 n:field8 e:field6 s:field14 w:field16;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Tomato Patch^
  This is a large tomato patch. To the south is a wheat field, to the 
west is a strawberry patch, and to the north and east there is an 
irrigation ditch.
field16 n:field9 e:field15 s:field13 w:field11;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Strawberry Patch^
  This is a large strawberry patch. To the east is a tomato patch, to the 
south is a corn field, and to the north and west there is an irrigation 
cattle1 s:hick8 n:cattle2;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors NoMobiles}
Entrance to Livestock Area^
  The smell of livestock enters your nose and you turn your head away and 
cough loudly as water comes to your eyes. After a few moments your head 
clears and you get used to the smell. A small path leads through the 
livestock area to the north and you can leave to the south.
cattle2 n:cattle3 e:cattle4 s:cattle1 w:cattle5;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Southern Livestock Area Road^
  The road is covered with all sorts of litter and you watch where you step 
very carefully. There are stalls to the east and west of here. To the north 
and road continues and you can see an exit to the south.
cattle3 n:cattle6 e:cattle7 s:cattle2 w:cattle8;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Northern Livestock Area Road^
  This road is very muddy here and you can feel your feet sink deep into 
the mud, a very disgusting feeling. You look around you and see pig 
stalls to the east and west. To the north the road continues and to the 
distant south you can see the exit.
cattle4 w:cattle2;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Cattle Stall^
  Looking around this small pin you notice that this is where a cow is 
taken to be milked. There are assorted pails and a few pairs of gloves 
hanging on a nearby rack that look a little used and weathered. You can 
leave this stall to the west.
cattle5 e:cattle2;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Horse Stall^
  This is a very nice horse stall with a few bails of hay in the corner 
and on a nearby table rests a couple of large brushes with a little bit 
of hair on them. You can leave the stall to the east.
cattle6 n:cattle9 s:cattle3;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors NoMobiles}
In Front of the Bull Pin^
  To the north of here you can see a large bull pin and you wonder if it 
is currently occupied. The road leads south into the livestock area.
cattle7 w:cattle3;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Pig Stall^
  This stall is disgusting, covered with mud and old decaying food. You 
can leave to the west.
cattle8 e:cattle3;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Pig Stall^
  This stall is disgusting, covered with mud and old decaying food. You 
can leave to the east.
cattle9 s:cattle6;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Bull Pin^
  There are a few barrels laying around the pin, they must have rodeos 
here from time to time. The pin is very large with enough room for a bull 
to run around freely, a very large bull that is. You can exit to the south.
house1 n:^houseoutdoor s:hick4;
Altitude = 400
lflags {Outdoors}
Hickdale House Porch^
  This is a small porch with a swing on it and a large chair to sit in 
during the warm evenings and watch the sun set in the distance. The door 
leading to the inside of the house is to the north and a path is to the 
house2 s:^houseindoor n:house3;
lflags {}
  This is a small area with a floormat for wiping your feet clean of mud 
and other dirt. There is a rack for coats and hats with a couple of small 
jackets hanging on it. There in a hallway leading to the north and to the 
south you can see the porch.
house3 n:house8 e:house4 s:house2 w:house6;
lflags {}
Main Hallway^
  This is a large hallway with wooden floors that creak slightly under 
you. The house is painted a dull white that seems a little boring to 
you. The hall branches off to the east and west leading to other rooms 
and continues north through the rest of the house. 
house4 e:house5 w:house3;
lflags {}
Hallway to the Study^
  This is a short hallway that leads to a study. There are a few pictures 
hanging on the wall that you assume to be the Hickdale family, some of 
the pictures look very old and you wonder how long the Hickdales have 
owned this farm. To the east you can see a study and the hallway leads 
back to the west.
house5 w:house4;
lflags {}
  This is a pleasent little study with decorative pictures hanging on the 
wall with a few small houseplants on shelves against the walls. There is 
a very large desk set against the south wall. You can leave the study to 
the west.
house6 e:house3 w:house7;
lflags {}
Hallway to Living Room^
  There is a warm draft rising up from the heater ducts against the wall 
and it feels good as you walk across the cold hardwood floor. The walls 
are very drab, painted white. To the west you can see the living room and 
to the east you can see the main hallway.
house7 e:house6;
lflags {}
Living Room^
  This is a very nice living room with a large rug covering the wooden 
floor making it more comfortable to walk on. The furniture in this room 
is very nice and plush, in fact it almost looks brand new. There is a 
hallway leading to the east.
house8 n:house9 s:house3;
lflags {}
Main Hallway^
  The hallway continues to the north and leads back to the south.
house9 n:house12 e:house10 s:house8 w:house11 u:house13;
lflags {}
Main Hallway^
  The hallway seems to end here leading to a kitchen to the east, the 
dining room to the west and a bathroom to the north and there are stairs 
leading to the upstairs floor.
house10 w:house9;
lflags {}
  You start to feel a little hungry as you take in the smells of freshly 
cooked food. The kitchen is very nice with all of the appliances that are 
needed for someone to prepare a wonderful meal.
house11 e:house9;
lflags {}
Dining Room^
  There is a very large table in the middle of the room that has all of 
the dishes and silverware layed out. A large hutch with fine china covers 
the north wall, but you decide not to touch anything. You can leave the 
dining room to the east.
house12 s:house9;
lflags {}
  This is not a very fancy bathroom, it just has a sink, a toilet and a 
small washtub. You can leave to the south.
house13 d:house9 s:house14;
lflags {}
Upstairs Landing^
  A hallway leads to the south or you can go back downstairs to the main 
floor. You can see that the hallway to the south has bedrooms lining it 
with a room at the end of the hall.
house14 n:house13 s:house15;
lflags {}
Main Hallway^
  This hallway is just as drab as the ones you saw downstairs and you 
wonder how these people could live in such a drab place. The hallway 
continues to the south.
house15 n:house14 e:house17 s:house18 w:house16;
lflags {}
Main Hallway^
  There are bedrooms to the east and west of here and the hallway 
continues to the south.
house16 e:house15;
lflags {}
Jeremy's Room^
  This is Jeremy's room, nothing real special, just a bed, a dresser, and 
some model cars sitting around.
house17 w:house15;
lflags {}
Tom's Room^
  This is Tom's room, very plain, a bed, a dresser, and some books on a 
house18 n:house15 e:house20 s:house21 w:house19;
lflags {}
Main Hallway^
  There are bedrooms to the east and west of here, a bathroom is to the 
house19 e:house18;
lflags {}
Grandparents Room^
  This looks to be grandma and grandpa Hickdale's room, it is just as 
boring as the other rooms.
house20 w:house18;
lflags {}
Parents Room^
  This looks to be the rooms for Ma and Pa Hickdale, it is just as drab 
and plain as the other rooms. Just a bed, a dresser, and a few books on 
the dresser.
house21 n:house18;
lflags {}
  This is your normal bathroom with a sink, toilet, and bathtub. The 
walls are a disgusting dull white and you are starting to get sick of 
this color.