#include "undef.h"
#include "cflags.h"
#include "exits.h"


Name        = Nasnath
Location    = Brookmere11
Strength    = 150
Damage      = 10
Armor       = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "Nasnath the pacifist gnoll sits here."
End         = Nasnath

Name        = Taurig
Location    = Brookmere14
Strength    = 200
Damage      = 12
Armor       = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "Taurig, a hobgoblin, is here on guard"
End         = Taurig

Name        = 
Location    = Brookmere14
Strength    = 200
Damage      = 12
Armor       = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = "<name>, a hobgoblin, is here on guard"
End         =

Name        = Swart
Location    = Brookmere15
Strength    = 200
Damage      = 12
Armor       = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = 
"Swart, an orc guard, is here mumbling something about crummy goblins."
End         = Swart

Name        = Frang
Location    = Brookmere18
Strength    = 300
Damage      = 17
Armor       = 0
Speed       = 0
Description = 
"Frang, Render of Flesh the wererat see you and begins to attack."
End         = Frang


Name        = fungus
Location    = IN_ROOM:Brookmere9
OFlags      { Food }
BValue      = 0
Size        = 2
Weight      = 1
Desc[0]     = "Some green fungus lies here."
End         = fungus

Name        = chest
OFlags      { Lockable Openable NoGet }
State       = 2
MaxState    = 2
Location    = IN_ROOM:Brookmere14
Desc[0]     = "An old battered chest sits here."
Desc[1]     = "An old battered chest sits here."
Desc[2]     = "An old battered chest sits here."
End         = chest

Name        = hobgoblin_cloak
Pname       = cloak
Oflags      { Wearable }
Aflags	    { Chest Head Arms Legs Back }
Location    = IN_ROOM:Brookmere15
Desc[0]     = "An old and dirty hobgoblin cloak is laying here."
End         = hobgoblin_cloak

Name        = hobgoblin_helmet
Pname       = helmet
Oflags      { Wearable Getflips }
Aflags	    { Head }
Location    = IN_ROOM:Brookmere15
state       = 1
Maxstate    = 0
Desc[0]     = "An old dented hobgoblin helmet is laying here."
Desc[1]     = "A dented hobgobin helmet hangs on the wall."
End         = hobgoblin_helmet


Brookmere1 d:Brookmere2;
lflags { Outdoors }
Forest Edge^
   You stop at the edge of a forest that once ringed a castle and stare in
disbelief.  The only thing that still stands is the broken shell of a tower.
All else is ruins.  Scattered across the ground are enormous pile of boulders.
The most noticeable feature on the ruined landscape is a wide black hole in
the area of the castle that once seems to have housed the dungeons of
lflags { }
Gaping Hole^

Brookmere3 u:Brookmere5 d:Brookmere4;
lflags { }
Rock Fall^
   Far above you, you can see a faint light and the rim of the hole.  Below,
you can make out the dim outline of a passageway leading into the dungeons.
lflags { Death }
Foot of the Rock Fall^
   As you start to go down the stairs, your foot slips on a smooth rock, you
let out a loud cry.  You roll to a stop, stunned by the fall.  Shaking your
head to clear it, you see three larg, well-armed orcs standing by your side.
Your cry has attracted their attention.
   Chuckling evilly, they surround you.
They pick you up, tie you securely, throw you over their shoulders, and walk
off through the gloom.
Brookmere5 u:Brookmere1 d:Brookmere6;
lflags { }
Gaping Hole^

Brookmere6 u:Brookmere5 d:Brookmere7;
lflags { }
Rock Fall^
Far above you, you can see a faint light and the rim of the hole. Below, you
can make out the dim outline of a passageway leading into the dungeons.
Brookmere7 n:Brookmere49 w:Brookmere8 u:Brookmere6;
lflags { Dark }
Foot of the Rock Fall^
   There are two dark tunnels at the foot of the rock, one going east, the
other, north.  Looking and listening carefully, you can see a green glow at
the end of the west tunnel.  From the north you see only darkness.
Brookmere8 e:Brookmere7 w:Brookmere9;
lflags { }
   Walking is difficult as water drips from the walls and collects on the
slippery stone floor.  The green glow grows brighter.  A deep pool of water
has collected at the base and is filled with small blind cave fish and pale
large-eyed salamanders.
Brookmere9 e:Brookmere8 w:brookmere10;
lflags { }
Ruined Room^
   You are in a small ruined room, the green glow is especially bright here 
after the dimness of the corridor.  At its far end is an archway dripping
with a glowing green fungus.  A bitter smell like rotting mushrooms fills
your nostrils.  Slowly, small pieces of the fungus break off and fall to the
floor where they collect in a shimmering pool.
Brookmere10 n:Brookmere11 w:Brookmere12;
lflags { Dark }
   You find yourself in another corridor, unlit by the eerie green glow.
The corridor opens to the north into what looks like once was a treasure room.
Continueing to the west is a dark decrepid tunnel.
Brookmere11 n:Brookmere13 s:Brookmere10 ;
lflags { Dark }
Old Treasure Room^
   You stand in a small room that was once used to store elven treasure
before Castle Brookmere was invaded by orcs, giants and other monsters that
swept down from the surrounding lands into Brookmere, and forced the elves to
Brookmere12 e:Brookmere10 n:Brookmere28;
lflags { Dark }
Decrepid Tunnel^
   Enormous boulders, dirt, and fallen timbers are scattered about the
passageway blocking your path.  The tunnel must have been this way since
Brookmere fell. you push your way through rubble, and accidentlally bump
into a beam and dirt trickles down the ceiling.  From time to time, you
hear a loud rumble and booming sound in the tunnel.
Brookmere13 s:Brookmere11 w:Brookmere14;
lflags { }
Lighted Corridor^
   This corridor is well lighted and seems to be heavily travelled.
Fortunately, the corridor frequently twists and turns, and leaves lots of
places to hide in shadows and avoid being discovered.
Brookmere14 n:Brookmere16 e:Brookmere13 s:Brookmere15;
lflags { }
Large Room^
   You are now in a large room where it looks as if a battle has taken
place recently.  The wall on the far side of the room shows great
destruction.  Most of the stonework has fallen into the room.  Large
boulders lie scattered about the floor and the earthern wall is braced
with a crisscross of metal plates held in place with massive wooden beams.
Brookmere15 n:Brookmere14;
lflags { Dark }
   This is were the Goblins store many of there supplies.  There are many
tattered and rumpled goblin and hobgoblin cloaks and helmets strung about.
Brookmere16 n:Broomere17 s:Brookmere14;
lflags { Dark }
South End of Corridor^
   This is the beginning of a straight corridor that leads to south to
a large room.  The corridor continues on to the north.
Brookmere17 n:Brookmere18 s:Brookmere16;
lflags { }
Straight Corridor^
   This straight corridor is lit at intervals by toches.  You notice that
the walls have been greatly damaged and that now they are braced with
wooden beams.  The corridor continues on to the south, and to the north
it opens up to an enormaous cavern.
Brookmere18 s:Broomere17 e:Brookmere19;
lflags { }
Enormous Cavern^
   The roof of the cavern flickers in the red light of many torches.
Stalagmites and stalactites rise and decend out of the gloom like huge
teeth.  Centuries of dripping mineral water have created this glittering
crystal room.  At the back wall of the cavern, a fossilized waterfall
hangs in frozen space.  A throne sits on the crest of the stone wave.
Corridors lead to the south and east out of the cavern.
Brookmere19 n:Brookmere20 e:Brookmere24 s:Brookmere22 w:Brookmere18;
lflags { Dark }
Short Corridor^
   The corridor branches to the north, east and south.  An exit to the 
west leads into a cavern.
Brookmere20 e:Brookmere21 s:Brookmere19;
lflags { Dark }
Darkened Corridor^
   This darkened corridor leads to south and curves around to the east.
Brookmere21 s:Brookmere26 w:Brookmere20;
lflags { }
Kobold Guard Room^

Brookmere22 n:Brookmere19 e:Brookmere23;
lflags { }
Poorly Lit Corridor^
   This poorly lit corridor leads to north and curves around to the east.
Brookmere23 n:Brookmere26 w:Brookmere22
lflags { }
Goblin Guard Room^

Brookmere24 e:Brookmere25 w:Brookmere19;
lflags { Dark }
Narrow Corridor^
   This narrow corridor leads to east and west.
Brookmere25 e:Brookmere26 w:Brookmere24;
lflags { }
Gnoll Guard Room^

Brookmere26 n:Brookmere21 e:^wooden_door s:Brookmere23 w:Brookmere25;
lflags { }
Large Room^
   Entering the large room, you look around and see no guards.  There is a
huge wooden door on the east wall.
Brookmere27 w:^treasure_door;
lflags { Dark }
Dungeon Treasure Room^

Brookmere28 n:Brookmere32 e:Brookmere29 s:Brookmere12 w: ;
lflags { }
Long and Narrow Room^

Brookmere29 w:Brookmere28 n:Brookmere30;
lflags { Dark }

Brookmere30 n:Brookmere31 s:Brookmere29;
lflags { }
Musty Room^

Brookmere31 e:Brookmere14 s:Brookmere30;
lflags { Dark }

Brookmere32 s:Brookmere28 w:Brookmere33;
lflags { }

Brookmere33 n:Brookmere34 e:Brookmere32;
lflags { Dark }

Brookmere34 s:Brookmere33;
lflags { Death }
Glowing Cave^

Brookmere35 e:Brookmere28 s:Brookmere36 w:Brookmere37;
lflags { Dark }

Brookmere36 n:Brookmere35;
lflags { Dark }
Supply Room^

Brookmere37 e:Brookmere35 s:Brookmere38;
lflags { }

Brookmere38 n:Brookmere38 w:Brookmere39;
lflags { Dark }
Wet Corridor^
   Black water drips continuously from the walls and ceiling in the
corridor.  The water on the floor is ankle deep.  A strong breeze blows,
making it difficult to keep any of your unmagicaly lit light sources.
The air is damp and uncomfortable.  The corridor continues to the west,
and back where it's dryer towards the north.
Brookmere39 e:Brookmere38 w:Brookmere40;
lflags { Dark }
Wet Corridor^
   The corridor winds on endlessly.  Cold and miserable, you are wet
to the waist.  You can hear a distant roaring noise.  The corridor
leads both east and west from here.
Brookmere40 ;
lflags { Dark }
Wet Corridor^

Brookmere41 e:Brookmere42;
lflags { Dark }
Bottom of the Falls^

Brookmere42 n:Brookmere43 e:valleyzone;
lflags { }
Water Cavern^
   You find yourself in a cavern dimly lit by some glowing fungus.
The underground river continues to flow to the east, the current is
just to fast to get to the cavern to the west.  A small tunnel also
leads off to the north.
Brookmere43 n:Brookmere10 s:Brookmere42 w:Brookmere44;
lflags { Dark }
Small Tunnel^
   This small tunnel seems to climb upwards to the north, you can hear
the sounds of moving water below to the south.  Another tunnel branches
to the west from here.
Brookmere44 e:Brookmere43 w:Brookmere45;
lflags { Dark }
   This east/west tunnel leads to the entrance of a small room to the west.
Brookmere45 n:^north_door e:Brookmere44 s:^south_door w:Brookmere48;
lflags { }
Small room^
   This room seems to be in much better condition than the rooms you
have travelled through up until now.  Torches are stuck in metal holders
and spaced evenly on the walls. There are doors to both the north and south.
An entrance to another room lies to the west.
Brookmere46 s:^store_door;
lflags { Dark }
Treasure Storeroom^

Brookmere47 n:^weapon_door;
lflags { Dark }
Weapon Storeroom^

Brookmere48 e:Brookmere45;
lflags { Dark }
   Wooden bunk beds are built three high against the walls.  The room is
empty and smells like a stable.   the beds are unmade and armor and peices
of dirty orc underwear litter the floor.  Pictures of female orc Beauties
are on the walls.  A wooden table in the middle of the room is covered with
torn cards and a set of dice made from real bones.
Brookmere49 n:Brookmere50 e:Brookmer51;
lflags { }
Long Corridor^
   You hurry along this long corridor.  As you draw closer to the end,
you see a light.  The light comes from a strange doorway set in the stone
wall of the north passageway.  The darkness surrounds you yet the doorway
glows with the brightness of a million lightning bugs.  Thick white clouds
puff and roll between the door frames.  Stray wisps reach out toward you.
The corridor continues on to the east.
lflags { Death }
Through the White Mist^
   Grasping the shihmmering doorway, you place your head and upper half of
your body in the misty clouds and try to see what lies ahead.  For a minute
nothing happens, then slowly the lower part of your body begins to glow
and shimmer with an unearthly light. The glow fades.   The outline of your
body can still be seen but it starts to smudge and blur.  Soon, all that is
left is white, billowing smoke moving gently in the quiet corridor, then
drifting through the door and becoming part of the larger cloud mass.
   You seemed to have tried to pass through a door of nothingness.  Anyone
who passes through it turns to nothing hence killing yourself.
Brookmere51 e:^brick_wall1 w:Brookmere49;
lflags { Dark }

Brookmere52 e:Brookmere53 w:^brick_wall2;
lflags { Dark }
Throne Room of Orobius^
   You see a white marble throne.  Seated before you on the white marble
Throne is Orobius, the Mater Illusionist of Brookmere, long dead from
the day when Brookmere fell to the denzians that now dwell here.  A raised
block of white marble standing between four white marble pillars are to the
east.  Before the throne stands a table of white marble.  
Brookmere53 w:Brookmere52;
lflags { Dark }
On a White Block of Marble^
   This is a Portal of Transport. 
You are transported farther into the dungeon.