MY CURIOUS EVOLUTIONARY ADVENTURE by Heidi Stromberg (draft copy)
    This is a brief account of the incredible adventure that befell me as I
was assisting Professor Schumann with his archaeological dig on the east coast.
During a break in digging I decided to indulge my favourite pastime of scuba
diving.  I found a quaint old jetty to the south of where we were digging, and
slid into the water.  I immediately found myself in an extraordinary setting.
Around me were hundreds of creatures the like of which I had never seen before,
except in simulations of the Cambrian sea bed.  I realised I had stepped back
in time over five hundred million years!  Naturally I did not waste the
opportunity and set about collecting some evidence of my extraordinary journey.
    As I continued to swim over the sea bed, I noticed the flora and fauna
changing, and new genera began to appear.  It became apparent that I was
advancing through time!  I had a little dig in the mud and unearthed a perfect
early fish skeleton, and I kept it, resolving to show it to the professor if
and when I returned to the present day.  After a while I found myself in what
must have been the Devonian period, for I was beset by early sharks and
placoderms and God knows what else.  It was scary, and I had to swim like crazy
in order to escape.  Somehow I found my way to land, and wandered for a while
through a dark forest of carboniferous trees.  Knowing early reptiles often
fell into rotting stumps I searched for hours for such a thing, but eventually
I fell foul of a couple of large amphibians and had to make my escape.
    Later, as I made my careful way through the Mesozoic (keeping a close eye
out for dinosaurs, of which there were an alarming number!) I searched in every
place I could think of.  I left no stone unturned.  At length I ended up in a
cave and there met the professor, and I realised that I had come full circle.
It was bizarre.  I gave him my eight skeletons and he was very excited, but
keen for more, so I returned to the jetty for a second bout.
    And this is where I am now.  I'm about to re-enter the water to seek out
more intriguing discoveries.  I collected an ammonite shell from the Ordovician
and I will store these notes inside until I am on dry land again.  My only fear
is that I will meet one of those ferocious arthrodires again.  If I do, I think
I might just abandon the quest and dump the aqualung.  If the professor is so
keen on more exhibits, let HIM be the one to face the danger!  Anyway, time to