To install cdirt on linux, all you should have to do is type ./configure.
It will ask you many questions, and then compile and run the game and 
dns server.  If you wish to change something that configure asks you,
you can run it again, and it will ask you if you'd like to load your
previous settings.

If you want to bypass running the configure script, it is possible
to simply run the binary from the bin directory.  Of course, you'll
have to make sure that the dns server, dns-serv is running, other
wise it will slow down the login process and keep you from seeing
people's host names.

When you plan on adding zones to the game or modifying existing
zones, it is HIGHLY recommended that you run a make gen before
updating from the game.  This will tell you the errors in your
zone without the game rebooting and finding those errors.. CRASH!

It has been tested on RHL 5.1 and slackware (a while ago).
If you are having problems with crypt, try removing -lcrypt from the
configure script, and/or changing the #define to point to crypt.h.

In the future, when you wish to run the game, please run the dns
server (bin/dns-serv) before running the game.  It allows the
game to do hostname lookups, and makes it completely asynchronous.

  G. Castrataro              is         Prometheus
(            (Promised Lands)