Release Notes for EmberMUD v0.9.42


A few bugfixes -- many more to come.  I just got a fresh list from the

boards on ShadowMyst...  If I can ever get out from under these bugs,

I've got some great new features planned. <grin>



Release Notes for EmberMUD v0.9.41


Lots of bugfixes, stability improvements, and performance increases.  The

heart of the MUDProg parsing code has been ripped out and replaced. This

is gonna require lots of testing, I'm afraid (although I have confidence

in Zane's abilities... <smile>).

As usual, the Changelog tells the tale in full detail.  The highlights


  * Completely new MUDProg parser

  * Several new MUDProg commands

  * spec_procs NUKED and replaced with MUDProgs

  * String handling converted to SSM 2.2 with Erwin's hash code.

  * Created a config file (ember.cfg)

There's lots more, so check the Changelog!

Don't forget - you can join the EmberMUD mailing list by sending a message

to majordomo@weasle.jebc5.k12.mo.us with "subscribe ember-admins" in the


The official EmberMUD homepage (not updated in a LONG time) can be found

at:  http://embermud.supernova.org/~embermud

The official EmberMUD code project page (updated all the time) can now

be found at:  http://www.embermud.cx

Zane and I can also be reached at new e-mail addresses (the old ones do

still work, tho):  zane@embermud.cx and zak@embermud.cx



Release Notes for EmberMUD v0.9.40


WHAT?!?!  A new version of EmberMUD?!?!

Yes, it's true.  The first new version since 1998.  Why after all this time?

Well, during a moment of boredom, I downloaded the code and compiled it under

Visual C++.  I immediately invited Zane to log in and re-live a bit of the

past.  Well, right away we started running into nasty bugs and - well, some

of them just HAD to be fixed.  I mean, the MUD was pretty much unusable in

the state I found it.

Now maybe it's true that no-one will ever use this code.  Go ahead, prove me

wrong! <grin>  If I receive enough feedback on this release, we might just

continue patching it up...

In any case, it's really difficult for us to even look at this code anymore...

Zane and I both are much better coders now than we were two years ago.  The

temptation to rewrite large chunks of code is hard to resist, but we both

know that the time requirements make that project completely unrealistic.

ANYHOW, here's v0.9.40.  We've fixed some annoying bugs and changed some

things we didn't like.  As usual, take a look at the Changelog for the

details.  Feel free to contact Zane or I with any questions, comments, or

suggestions!  Our current e-mail addresses are listed below as well as on 

the EmberMUD hompeage (which is now hosted primarily at 


Lastly, I'd like to thank Kira for donating her area "Caedemon's Valley".

This, along with a pretty much full set of ROM 2.3-era areas, fulfills

one of the requests I see most often (include areas in the EmberMUD dist).

Kira's credits:  "tpb Kira, Jillian Bower, copyright 2000".  Her e-mail

address is: nermalkitten@aol.com

Oh, one more thing -- If you're compiling under Linux, you may or may not

need to remove -lcrypt from the Makefile...  If you're running glibc,

it's required.  If you're using an older Linux distribution that doesn't

have glibc, you'll have to get rid of the -lcrypt in order to compile

the MUD.

Zak     - Kevin Williams  - zak@supernova.org

Zane    - EJ Wilburn      - zane@supernova.org