/* functions.h - declarations for functions & function processing */
/* $Id: functions.h,v 1.66 2003/02/24 18:05:23 rmg Exp $ */

#include "copyright.h"

#ifndef __FUNCTIONS_H
#define __FUNCTIONS_H

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Type definitions.

#define MAX_NFARGS 30

typedef struct fun {
	const char	*name;		/* Function name */
	void		(*fun)();	/* Handler */
	int		nargs;		/* Number of args needed or expected */
	unsigned int	flags;		/* Function flags */
	int		perms;		/* Access to function */
	EXTFUNCS	*xperms;	/* Extended access to function */
} FUN;

typedef struct ufun {
	char		*name;		/* Function name */
	dbref		obj;		/* Object ID */
	int		atr;		/* Attribute ID */
	unsigned int	flags;		/* Function flags */
	int		perms;		/* Access to function */
	struct ufun	*next;		/* Next ufun in chain */

typedef struct delim {
	size_t		len;
	char		str[MAX_DELIM_LEN];
} Delim;

typedef struct var_entry VARENT;
struct var_entry {
    char *text;			/* variable text */

typedef struct component_def COMPONENT;
struct component_def {
    int (*typer_func)();	/* type-checking handler */
    char *def_val;		/* default value */

typedef struct structure_def STRUCTDEF;
struct structure_def {
    char *s_name;		/* name of the structure */
    char **c_names;		/* array of component names */
    COMPONENT **c_array;	/* array of pointers to components */
    int c_count;		/* number of components */
    char delim;			/* output delimiter when unloading */
    int need_typecheck;		/* any components without types of any? */
    int n_instances;		/* number of instances out there */
    char *names_base;		/* pointer for later freeing */
    char *defs_base;		/* pointer for later freeing */

typedef struct instance_def INSTANCE;
struct instance_def {
    STRUCTDEF *datatype;	/* pointer to structure data type def */

typedef struct data_def STRUCTDATA;
struct data_def {
    char *text;

typedef struct object_stack OBJSTACK;
struct object_stack {
	char *data;
	OBJSTACK *next;

#ifndef linux                   /* linux defines atof as a macro */
double atof();
#endif                          /* ! linux */
#define aton atof
typedef double NVAL;
#define aton atoi
typedef int NVAL;
#endif                          /* FLOATING_POINTS */

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Constants used in delimiter macros.

#define DELIM_EVAL	0x001	/* Must eval delimiter. */
#define DELIM_NULL	0x002	/* Null delimiter okay. */
#define DELIM_CRLF	0x004	/* '%r' delimiter okay. */
#define DELIM_STRING	0x008	/* Multi-character delimiter okay. */

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Function declarations.

extern const Delim SPACE_DELIM;

extern char *FDECL(trim_space_sep, (char *, const Delim *));
extern char *FDECL(next_token, (char *, const Delim *));
extern char *FDECL(split_token, (char **, const Delim *));
extern char *FDECL(next_token_ansi, (char *, const Delim *, int *));
extern int FDECL(countwords, (char *, const Delim *));
extern int FDECL(list2arr, (char ***, int, char *, const Delim *));
extern void FDECL(arr2list, (char **, int, char *, char **, const Delim *));
extern int FDECL(list2ansi, (int *, int *, int, char *, const Delim *));
extern INLINE void FDECL(do_reverse, (char *, char *));
extern int FDECL(fn_range_check, (const char *, int, int, int, char *, char **));
extern int FDECL(delim_check, ( char *, char **, dbref, dbref, dbref, char **, int, char **, int, int, Delim *, int ));

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Function prototype macro.

#define FUNCTION_ARGLIST buff, bufc, player, caller, cause, fargs, nfargs, cargs, ncargs

#define	FUNCTION(x)	\
    void x( FUNCTION_ARGLIST ) \
	char *buff, **bufc; \
	dbref player, caller, cause; \
	char *fargs[], *cargs[]; \
	int nfargs, ncargs;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Delimiter macros for functions that take an optional delimiter character.

/* Minimum work needed to copy a delimiter. Assumes that the "str" member
 * of the Delim struct is last.
#define Delim_Copy(sep_dest, sep_src) \
memcpy((sep_dest), (sep_src), \
       sizeof(Delim) - MAX_DELIM_LEN + 1 + (sep_src)->len)

/* Separator checking "helper" macros.
 *   VaChk_Sep(sep_ptr, sep_len, arg_n, flags): Use arg_n as separator.
 *   VaChk_InSep(arg_number, flags): Use arg_number as input sep.
 *   VaChk_DefaultOut(arg_number): If nfargs less than arg_number,
 *     use the input separator. DO NOT PUT A SEMI-COLON AFTER THIS MACRO.
 *   VaChk_OutSep(arg_number, flags): Use arg_number as output sep.

#define VaChk_Sep(xsep, xargnum, xflags) \
if (!delim_check( FUNCTION_ARGLIST, xargnum, xsep, xflags)) \

#define VaChk_InSep(xargnum, xflags) \
VaChk_Sep(&isep, xargnum, (xflags)|DELIM_STRING)

#define VaChk_DefaultOut(xargnum) \
if (nfargs < xargnum) { \
	Delim_Copy(&osep, &isep); \
} else

#define VaChk_OutSep(xargnum, xflags) \
VaChk_Sep(&osep, xargnum, (xflags)|DELIM_STRING|DELIM_NULL|DELIM_CRLF)

 * VaChk_Range(min_args, max_args): Functions which take
 *   between min_args and max_args. Don't check for delimiters.
 * VaChk_Only_InPure(max_args): Functions which take max_args - 1
 *   args or, with a delimiter, max_args args. No special stuff.
 * VaChk_Only_In(max_args): Functions which take max_args - 1 args
 *   or, with a delimiter, max_args args.
 * VaChk_Only_Out(max_args): Functions which take max_args - 1 args
 *   or, with a delimiter, max_args args. The one delimiter is an output delim.
 * VaChk_InPure(max_args): Functions which take max_args - 1
 *   args or, with a delimiter, max_args args. No special stuff.
 * VaChk_In(min_args, max_args): Functions which take
 *   between min_args and max_args, with max_args as a delimiter.
 * VaChk_Out(min_args, max_args): Functions which take
 *   between min_args and max_args, with max_args as an output delimiter.
 * VaChk_Only_In_Out(max_args): Functions which take at least
 *   max_args - 2, with max_args - 1 as an input delimiter, and max_args as
 *   an output delimiter.
 * VaChk_In_Out(min_args, max_args): Functions which take at
 *   least min_args, with max_args - 1 as an input delimiter, and max_args
 *   as an output delimiter.
 * VaChk_InEval_OutEval(min_args, max_args): Functions which
 *   take at least min_args, with max_args - 1 as an input delimiter that
 *   must be evaluated, and max_args as an output delimiter which must
 *   be evaluated.

#define VaChk_Range(xminargs,xnargs) \
if (!fn_range_check(((FUN *)fargs[-1])->name, nfargs, xminargs, xnargs, \
		    buff, bufc)) \

#define VaChk_Only_InPure(xnargs) \
VaChk_Range(xnargs-1, xnargs); \
if (!delim_check( FUNCTION_ARGLIST, xnargs, &isep, 0)) \

#define VaChk_Only_In(xnargs) \
VaChk_Range(xnargs-1, xnargs); \
VaChk_InSep(xnargs, 0)

#define VaChk_Only_Out(xnargs) \
VaChk_Range(xnargs-1, xnargs); \
VaChk_OutSep(xnargs, 0)

#define VaChk_InPure(xminargs, xnargs) \
VaChk_Range(xminargs, xnargs); \
if (!delim_check( FUNCTION_ARGLIST, xnargs, &isep, 0)) \

#define VaChk_In(xminargs, xnargs) \
VaChk_Range(xminargs, xnargs); \
VaChk_InSep(xnargs, 0)

#define VaChk_Out(xminargs, xnargs) \
VaChk_Range(xminargs, xnargs); \
VaChk_OutSep(xnargs, 0)

#define VaChk_Only_In_Out(xnargs) \
VaChk_Range(xnargs-2, xnargs); \
VaChk_InSep(xnargs-1, 0); \
VaChk_DefaultOut(xnargs) { \
	VaChk_OutSep(xnargs, 0); \

#define VaChk_In_Out(xminargs, xnargs) \
VaChk_Range(xminargs, xnargs); \
VaChk_InSep(xnargs-1, 0); \
VaChk_DefaultOut(xnargs) { \
	VaChk_OutSep(xnargs, 0); \

#define VaChk_InEval_OutEval(xminargs, xnargs) \
VaChk_Range(xminargs, xnargs); \
VaChk_InSep(xnargs-1, DELIM_EVAL); \
VaChk_OutSep(xnargs, DELIM_EVAL)

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Miscellaneous macros.

/* Get function flags. Note that Is_Func() and Func_Mask() are identical;
 * they are given specific names for code clarity.

#define Func_Flags(x)  (((FUN *)(x)[-1])->flags)
#define Is_Func(x)     (((FUN *)fargs[-1])->flags & (x))
#define Func_Mask(x)   (((FUN *)fargs[-1])->flags & (x)) 

/* Check access to built-in function. */

#define Check_Func_Access(p,f) \
(check_access(p,(f)->perms) && \
 (!((f)->xperms) || check_mod_access(p,(f)->xperms)))

/* Trim spaces. */

#define Eat_Spaces(x)	trim_space_sep((x), &SPACE_DELIM)

/* Special handling of separators. */

#define print_sep(s,b,p) \
if ((s)->len == 1) { \
    if ((s)->str[0] == '\r') { \
	safe_crlf((b),(p)); \
    } else if ((s)->str[0] != '\0') { \
	safe_chr((s)->str[0],(b),(p)); \
    } \
} else { \
    safe_known_str((s)->str, (s)->len, (b), (p)); \

/* Macro for finding an <attr> or <obj>/<attr>

#define Parse_Uattr(p,s,t,n,a)				\
    if (parse_attrib((p), (s), &(t), &(n), 0)) {	\
	if (((n) == NOTHING) || !(Good_obj(t)))		\
	    (a) = NULL;					\
	else						\
	    (a) = atr_num(n);				\
    } else {						\
        (t) = (p);					\
	(a) = atr_str(s);				\

/* Macro for obtaining an attrib. */

#define Get_Uattr(p,t,a,b,o,f,l)				\
    if (!(a)) {							\
	return;							\
    }								\
    (b) = atr_pget(t, (a)->number, &(o), &(f), &(l));		\
    if (!*(b) || !(See_attr((p), (t), (a), (o), (f)))) {	\
	free_lbuf(b);						\
	return;							\

/* Macro for writing a certain amount of padding into a buffer.
 * l is the number of characters left to write.
 * m is a throwaway integer for holding the maximum.
 * c is the separator character to use.
#define print_padding(l,m,c) \
if ((l) > 0) { \
    (m) = LBUF_SIZE - 1 - (*bufc - buff); \
    (l) = ((l) > (m)) ? (m) : (l); \
    memset(*bufc, (c), (l)); \
    *bufc += (l); \
    **bufc = '\0'; \

/* Handling CPU time checking. */

 * CPU time "clock()" compatibility notes:
 * Linux clock() doesn't necessarily start at 0.
 * BSD clock() does appear to always start at 0.
 * Linux sets CLOCKS_PER_SEC to 1000000, citing POSIX, so its clock()
 * will wrap around from (32-bit) INT_MAX to INT_MIN every 72 cpu-minutes
 * or so. The actual clock resolution is low enough that, for example,
 * it probably never returns odd numbers.
 * BSD sets CLOCKS_PER_SEC to 100, so theoretically I could hose a cpu
 * for 250 days and see what it does when it hits INT_MAX. Any bets? Any
 * possible reason to care?
 * NetBSD clock() can occasionally decrease as the scheduler's estimate of
 * how much cpu the mush will use during the current timeslice is revised,
 * so we can't use subtraction.
 * BSD clock() returns -1 if there is an error.

 * CPU time logic notes:
 * B = mudstate.cputime_base
 * L = mudstate.cputime_base + mudconf.func_cpu_lim
 * N = mudstate.cputime_now
 * Assuming B != -1 and N != -1 to catch errors on BSD, the possible
 * combinations of these values are as follows (note >> means "much
 * greater than", not right shift):
 * 1. B <  L  normal   -- limit should be checked, and is not wrapped yet
 * 2. B == L  disabled -- limit should not be checked
 * 3. B >  L  strange  -- probably misconfigured
 * 4. B >> L  wrapped  -- limit should be checked, and note L wrapped
 * 1.  normal:
 * 1a. N << B          -- too much, N wrapped
 * 1b. N <  B          -- fine, NetBSD counted backwards
 * 1c. N >= B, N <= L  -- fine
 * 1d. N >  L          -- too much
 * 2.  disabled:
 * 2a. always          -- fine, not checking
 * 3.  strange:
 * 3a. always          -- fine, I guess we shouldn't check
 * 4.  wrapped:
 * 4a. N <= L          -- fine, N wrapped but not over limit yet
 * 4b. N >  L, N << B  -- too much, N wrapped
 * 4c. N <  B          -- fine, NetBSD counted backwards
 * 4d. N >= B          -- fine
 * Note that 1a, 1d, and 4b are the cases where we can be certain that
 * too much cpu has been used. The code below only checks for 1d. The
 * other two are corner cases that require some distinction between
 * "x > y" and "x >> y".

#define Too_Much_CPU() \
((mudstate.cputime_now = clock()), \
 ((mudstate.cputime_now > mudstate.cputime_base + mudconf.func_cpu_lim) && \
  (mudstate.cputime_base + mudconf.func_cpu_lim > mudstate.cputime_base) && \
  (mudstate.cputime_base != -1) && \
  (mudstate.cputime_now != -1)))

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Function-specific flags used in the function table.

/* from handle_sets (setunion, setdiff, setinter, lunion, ldiff, linter): */
#define SET_OPER	0x0f	/* mask to select set operation bits */
#define	SET_UNION	0
#define	SET_DIFF	2
#define SET_TYPE	0x10	/* set type is given, don't autodetect */

/* from process_tables (tables, rtables, ctables): */
/* from perform_border (border, rborder, cborder): */
#define JUST_TYPE	0x0f	/* mask to select justification bits */
#define JUST_LEFT	0
#define JUST_RIGHT	1
#define JUST_CENTER	2

/* from handle_logic (and, or, andbool, orbool, land, lor, landbool, lorbool,
 *    cand, cor, candbool, corbool, xor, xorbool): */
/* from handle_flaglists (andflags, orflags): */
/* from handle_filter (filter, filterbool): */
#define LOGIC_OPER	0x0f	/* mask to select boolean operation bits */
#define LOGIC_AND	0
#define LOGIC_OR	1
#define LOGIC_XOR	2
#define LOGIC_BOOL	0x10	/* interpret operands as boolean, not int */
#define LOGIC_LIST	0x40	/* operands come in a list, not separately */

/* from handle_vectors (vadd, vsub, vmul, vdot): */
#define VEC_OPER	0x0f	/* mask to select vector operation bits */
#define VEC_ADD		0
#define VEC_SUB		1
#define VEC_MUL		2
#define VEC_DOT		3
/* #define VEC_CROSS	4  -- not implemented */

/* from handle_vector (vmag, vunit): */
#define VEC_MAG		5
#define VEC_UNIT	6

/* from perform_loop (loop, parse): */
/* from perform_iter (list, iter, whentrue, whenfalse, istrue, isfalse): */
#define BOOL_COND_TYPE	0x0f	/* mask to select exit-condition bits */
#define BOOL_COND_NONE	1	/* loop until end of list */
#define BOOL_COND_FALSE	2	/* loop until true */
#define BOOL_COND_TRUE	3	/* loop until false */
#define FILT_COND_TYPE	0x0f0	/* mask to select filter bits */
#define FILT_COND_NONE	0x010	/* show all results */
#define FILT_COND_FALSE	0x020	/* show only false results */
#define FILT_COND_TRUE	0x030	/* show only true results */
#define LOOP_NOTIFY	0x100	/* send loop results directly to enactor */

/* from handle_okpres (hears, moves, knows): */
#define PRESFN_OPER	0x0f	/* Mask to select bits */
#define PRESFN_HEARS	0x01	/* Detect hearing */
#define PRESFN_MOVES	0x02	/* Detect movement */
#define PRESFN_KNOWS	0x04	/* Detect knows */

/* from perform_get (get, get_eval, xget, eval(a,b)): */
#define GET_EVAL	0x01	/* evaluate the attribute */
#define GET_XARGS	0x02	/* obj and attr are two separate args */

/* from handle_pop (pop, peek, toss): */
#define POP_PEEK	0x01	/* don't remove item from stack */
#define POP_TOSS	0x02	/* don't display item from stack */

/* from perform_regedit (regedit, regediti, regeditall, regeditalli): */
/* from perform_regparse (regparse, regparsei): */
/* from perform_regrab (regrab, regrabi, regraball, regraballi): */
/* from perform_regmatch (regmatch, regmatchi): */
/* from perform_grep (grep, grepi, wildgrep, regrep, regrepi): */
#define REG_CASELESS	0x01	/* XXX must equal PCRE_CASELESS */
#define REG_MATCH_ALL	0x02	/* operate on all matches in a list */
#define REG_TYPE	0x0c	/* mask to select grep type bits */
#define GREP_EXACT	0
#define GREP_WILD	4
#define GREP_REGEXP	8

/* from handle_trig (sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, sind, cosd, tand,
 *    asind, acosd, atand): */
#define TRIG_OPER	0x0f	/* mask to select trig function bits */
#define TRIG_CO		0x01	/* co-function, like cos as opposed to sin */
#define TRIG_TAN	0x02	/* tan-function, like cot as opposed to cos */
#define TRIG_ARC	0x04	/* arc-function, like asin as opposed to sin */
/* #define TRIG_REC	0x08	-- reciprocal, like sec as opposed to sin */
#define TRIG_DEG	0x10	/* angles are in degrees, not radians */

/* from handle_pronoun (obj, poss, subj, aposs): */
#define PRONOUN_OBJ	0
#define PRONOUN_POSS	1
#define PRONOUN_SUBJ	2

/* Miscellaneous */
#define LATTR_COUNT	0x01	/* nattr: just return attribute count */
#define LOCFN_WHERE	0x01 	/* loc: where() vs. loc() */
#define NAMEFN_FULLNAME 0x01	/* name: fullname() vs. name() */
#define CHECK_PARENTS	0x01	/* hasattrp: recurse up the parent chain */
#define U_LOCAL		0x01	/* ulocal: preserve global registers */
#define TIMESTAMP_MOD	0x01	/* timestamp: lastmod() vs. lastaccess() */
#define CONNINFO_IDLE	0x01	/* conninfo: idle() vs. conn() */

#endif /* __FUNCTIONS_H */