/* flags.h - object flags */
/* $Id: flags.h,v 1.55 2002/09/28 10:58:09 rmg Exp $ */

#include "copyright.h"

#ifndef __FLAGS_H
#define	__FLAGS_H

#define	FLAG_WORD2	0x1	/* 2nd word of flags. */
#define FLAG_WORD3	0x2	/* 3rd word of flags. */

/* Object types */
#define	TYPE_ROOM 	0x0
#define	TYPE_THING 	0x1
#define	TYPE_EXIT 	0x2
#define	TYPE_PLAYER 	0x3
#define TYPE_ZONE       0x4
#define	TYPE_GARBAGE	0x5
#define GOODTYPE	0x5	/* Values less than this pass Good_obj check */
#define	NOTYPE		0x7
#define	TYPE_MASK 	0x7

/* First word of flags */
#define	SEETHRU		0x00000008	/* Can see through to the other side */
#define	WIZARD		0x00000010	/* gets automatic control */
#define	LINK_OK		0x00000020	/* anybody can link to this room */
#define	DARK		0x00000040	/* Don't show contents or presence */
#define	JUMP_OK		0x00000080	/* Others may @tel here */
#define	STICKY		0x00000100	/* Object goes home when dropped */
#define	DESTROY_OK	0x00000200	/* Others may @destroy */
#define	HAVEN		0x00000400	/* No killing here, or no pages */
#define	QUIET		0x00000800	/* Prevent 'feelgood' messages */
#define	HALT		0x00001000	/* object cannot perform actions */
#define	TRACE		0x00002000	/* Generate evaluation trace output */
#define	GOING		0x00004000	/* object is available for recycling */
#define	MONITOR		0x00008000	/* Process ^x:action listens on obj? */
#define	MYOPIC		0x00010000	/* See things as nonowner/nonwizard */
#define	PUPPET		0x00020000	/* Relays ALL messages to owner */
#define	CHOWN_OK	0x00040000	/* Object may be @chowned freely */
#define	ENTER_OK	0x00080000	/* Object may be ENTERed */
#define	VISUAL		0x00100000	/* Everyone can see properties */
#define	IMMORTAL	0x00200000	/* Object can't be killed */
#define	HAS_STARTUP	0x00400000	/* Load some attrs at startup */
#define	OPAQUE		0x00800000	/* Can't see inside */
#define	VERBOSE		0x01000000	/* Tells owner everything it does. */
#define	INHERIT		0x02000000	/* Gets owner's privs. (i.e. Wiz) */
#define	NOSPOOF		0x04000000	/* Report originator of all actions. */
#define	ROBOT		0x08000000	/* Player is a ROBOT */
#define	SAFE		0x10000000	/* Need /override to @destroy */
#define ROYALTY		0x20000000	/* Sees like a wiz, but ca't modify */
#define	HEARTHRU	0x40000000	/* Can hear out of this obj or exit */
#define	TERSE		0x80000000	/* Only show room name on look */

/* Second word of flags */
#define	KEY		0x00000001	/* No puppets */
#define	ABODE		0x00000002	/* May @set home here */
#define	FLOATING	0x00000004	/* -- Legacy -- */
#define	UNFINDABLE	0x00000008	/* Can't loc() from afar */
#define	PARENT_OK	0x00000010	/* Others may @parent to me */
#define	LIGHT		0x00000020	/* Visible in dark places */
#define	HAS_LISTEN	0x00000040	/* Internal: LISTEN attr set */
#define	HAS_FWDLIST	0x00000080	/* Internal: FORWARDLIST attr set */
#define AUDITORIUM	0x00000100	/* Should we check the SpeechLock? */
#define ANSI            0x00000200 
#define HEAD_FLAG       0x00000400
#define FIXED           0x00000800
#define UNINSPECTED     0x00001000
#define ZONE_PARENT	0x00002000	/* Check as local master room */
#define DYNAMIC         0x00004000
#define NOBLEED         0x00008000
#define STAFF           0x00010000
#define HAS_DAILY	0x00020000
#define GAGGED		0x00040000
#define HAS_COMMANDS	0x00080000	/* Check it for $commands */
#define STOP_MATCH	0x00100000	/* Stop matching commands if found */
#define BOUNCE		0x00200000	/* Forward messages to contents */
#define CONTROL_OK	0x00400000	/* ControlLk specifies who ctrls me */
#define CONSTANT_ATTRS	0x00800000	/* Can't set attrs on this object */
#define VACATION	0x01000000
#define PLAYER_MAILS    0x02000000	/* Mail message in progress */
#define HTML		0x04000000      /* Player supports HTML */
#define BLIND		0x08000000	/* Suppress has arrived / left msgs */
#define	SUSPECT		0x10000000	/* Report some activities to wizards */
#define WATCHER		0x20000000	/* Watch logins */
#define	CONNECTED	0x40000000	/* Player is connected */
#define	SLAVE		0x80000000	/* Disallow most commands */

/* Third word of flags */
#define REDIR_OK	0x00000001	/* Can be victim of @redirect */
#define HAS_REDIRECT	0x00000002	/* Victim of @redirect */
#define ORPHAN		0x00000004	/* Don't check parent chain for $cmd */
#define HAS_DARKLOCK	0x00000008	/* Has a DarkLock */
#define DIRTY		0x00000010	/* Temporary flag: object is dirty */
#define NODEFAULT	0x00000020	/* Not subject to attr defaults */
#define PRESENCE	0x00000040	/* Check presence-related locks */
#define HAS_SPEECHMOD	0x00000080	/* Check @speechmod attr */
#define MARK_0		0x00400000	/* User-defined flags */
#define MARK_1		0x00800000
#define MARK_2		0x01000000
#define MARK_3		0x02000000
#define MARK_4		0x04000000
#define MARK_5		0x08000000
#define MARK_6		0x10000000
#define MARK_7		0x20000000
#define MARK_8		0x40000000
#define MARK_9		0x80000000
#define MARK_FLAGS	0xffc00000	/* Bitwise-or of all marker flags */

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * FLAGENT: Information about object flags.

typedef struct flag_entry {
	const char *flagname;	/* Name of the flag */
	int	flagvalue;	/* Which bit in the object is the flag */
	char	flaglett;	/* Flag letter for listing */
	int	flagflag;	/* Ctrl flags for this flag (recursive? :-) */
	int	listperm;	/* Who sees this flag when set */
	int	(*handler)();	/* Handler for setting/clearing this flag */

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * OBJENT: Fundamental object types

typedef struct object_entry {
	const char *name;
	char	lett;
	int	perm;
	int	flags;
extern OBJENT object_types[8];

#define	OF_CONTENTS	0x0001		/* Object has contents: Contents() */
#define	OF_LOCATION	0x0002		/* Object has a location: Location() */
#define	OF_EXITS	0x0004		/* Object has exits: Exits() */
#define	OF_HOME		0x0008		/* Object has a home: Home() */
#define	OF_DROPTO	0x0010		/* Object has a dropto: Dropto() */
#define	OF_OWNER	0x0020		/* Object can own other objects */
#define	OF_SIBLINGS	0x0040		/* Object has siblings: Next() */

typedef struct flagset {
	FLAG	word1;
	FLAG	word2;
	FLAG	word3;

extern void	NDECL(init_flagtab);
extern void	FDECL(display_flagtab, (dbref));
extern void	FDECL(flag_set, (dbref, dbref, char *, int));
extern char *	FDECL(flag_description, (dbref, dbref));
extern FLAGENT *FDECL(find_flag, (dbref, char *));
extern char *	FDECL(decode_flags, (dbref, FLAGSET));
extern char *	FDECL(unparse_flags, (dbref, dbref));
extern int	FDECL(has_flag, (dbref, dbref, char *));
extern char *	FDECL(unparse_object, (dbref, dbref, int));
extern char *	FDECL(unparse_object_numonly, (dbref));
extern int	FDECL(convert_flags, (dbref, char *, FLAGSET *, FLAG *));
extern void	FDECL(decompile_flags, (dbref, dbref, char *));

#define	GOD ((dbref) 1)

/* ---------------------- Object Permission/Attribute Macros */
/* IS(X,T,F)		- Is X of type T and have flag F set? */
/* Typeof(X)		- What object type is X */
/* God(X)		- Is X player #1 */
/* Robot(X)		- Is X a robot player */
/* Wizard(X)		- Does X have wizard privs */
/* Immortal(X)		- Is X unkillable */
/* Alive(X)		- Is X a player or a puppet */
/* Dark(X)		- Is X dark */
/* Quiet(X)		- Should 'Set.' messages et al from X be disabled */
/* Verbose(X)		- Should owner receive all commands executed? */
/* Trace(X)		- Should owner receive eval trace output? */
/* Player_haven(X)	- Is the owner of X no-page */
/* Haven(X)		- Is X no-kill(rooms) or no-page(players) */
/* Halted(X)		- Is X halted (not allowed to run commands)? */
/* Suspect(X)		- Is X someone the wizzes should keep an eye on */
/* Slave(X)		- Should X be prevented from db-changing commands */
/* Safe(X,P)		- Does P need the /OVERRIDE switch to @destroy X? */
/* Monitor(X)		- Should we check for ^xxx:xxx listens on player? */
/* Terse(X)		- Should we only show the room name on a look? */
/* Myopic(X)		- Should things as if we were nonowner/nonwiz */
/* Audible(X)		- Should X forward messages? */
/* Findroom(X)		- Can players in room X be found via @whereis? */
/* Unfindroom(X)	- Is @whereis blocked for players in room X? */
/* Findable(X)		- Can @whereis find X */
/* Unfindable(X)	- Is @whereis blocked for X */
/* No_robots(X)		- Does X disallow robot players from using */
/* Has_location(X)	- Is X something with a location (ie plyr or obj) */
/* Has_home(X)		- Is X something with a home (ie plyr or obj) */
/* Has_contents(X)	- Is X something with contents (ie plyr/obj/room) */
/* Good_dbref(X)	- Is X inside the DB? */
/* Good_obj(X)		- Is X inside the DB and have a valid type? */
/* Good_owner(X)	- Is X a good owner value? */
/* Good_home(X)		- Is X a good home value? */
/* Good_loc(X)		- Is X a good location value? */
/* Going(X)		- Is X marked GOING? */
/* Inherits(X)		- Does X inherit the privs of its owner */
/* Examinable(P,X)	- Can P look at attribs of X */
/* MyopicExam(P,X)	- Can P look at attribs of X (obeys MYOPIC) */
/* Controls(P,X)	- Can P force X to do something */
/* Darkened(P,X)	- Is X dark, and does P pass its DarkLock? */
/* Can_See(P,X,L)	- Can P see thing X, depending on location dark (L)? */
/* Can_See_Exit(P,X,L)	- Can P see exit X, depending on loc dark (L)? */
/* Abode(X)		- Is X an ABODE room */
/* Link_exit(P,X)	- Can P link from exit X */
/* Linkable(P,X)	- Can P link to X */
/* Mark(x)		- Set marked flag on X */
/* Unmark(x)		- Clear marked flag on X */
/* Marked(x)		- Check marked flag on X */
/* See_attr(P,X,A,O,F)	- Can P see text attr A on X if attr has owner O */
/* Set_attr(P,X,A,F)	- Can P set/change text attr A (with flags F) on X */
/* Read_attr(P,X,A,O,F)	- Can P see attr A on X if attr has owner O */
/* Write_attr(P,X,A,F)	- Can P set/change attr A (with flags F) on X */
/* Lock_attr(P,X,A,O)	- Can P lock/unlock attr A (with owner O) on X */

#define	IS(thing,type,flag) ((Typeof(thing)==(type)) && (Flags(thing) & (flag)))
#define	Typeof(x)	(Flags(x) & TYPE_MASK)
#define	God(x)		((x) == GOD)
#define	Robot(x)	(isPlayer(x) && ((Flags(x) & ROBOT) != 0))
#define	Alive(x)	(isPlayer(x) || (Puppet(x) && Has_contents(x)))
#define	OwnsOthers(x)	((object_types[Typeof(x)].flags & OF_OWNER) != 0)
#define	Has_location(x)	((object_types[Typeof(x)].flags & OF_LOCATION) != 0)
#define	Has_contents(x)	((object_types[Typeof(x)].flags & OF_CONTENTS) != 0)
#define	Has_exits(x)	((object_types[Typeof(x)].flags & OF_EXITS) != 0)
#define	Has_siblings(x)	((object_types[Typeof(x)].flags & OF_SIBLINGS) != 0)
#define	Has_home(x)	((object_types[Typeof(x)].flags & OF_HOME) != 0)
#define	Has_dropto(x)	((object_types[Typeof(x)].flags & OF_DROPTO) != 0)
#define	Home_ok(x)	((object_types[Typeof(x)].flags & OF_HOME) != 0)
#define	isPlayer(x)	(Typeof(x) == TYPE_PLAYER)
#define	isRoom(x)	(Typeof(x) == TYPE_ROOM)
#define	isExit(x)	(Typeof(x) == TYPE_EXIT)
#define	isThing(x)	(Typeof(x) == TYPE_THING)
#define isGarbage(x)	(Typeof(x) == TYPE_GARBAGE)

#define Good_dbref(x)	(((x) >= 0) && ((x) < mudstate.db_top))
#define	Good_obj(x)	(Good_dbref(x) && (Typeof(x) < GOODTYPE))
#define	Good_owner(x)	(Good_obj(x) && OwnsOthers(x))
#define	Good_home(x)	(Good_obj(x) && Home_ok(x))
#define	Good_loc(x)	(Good_obj(x) && Has_contents(x))

#define Royalty(x)      ((Flags(x) & ROYALTY) != 0)
#define WizRoy(x)       (Royalty(x) || Wizard(x))
#define Staff(x)	((Flags2(x) & STAFF) != 0)
#define Head(x)		((Flags2(x) & HEAD_FLAG) != 0)
#define Fixed(x)        ((Flags2(x) & FIXED) != 0)
#define Uninspected(x)  ((Flags2(x) & UNINSPECTED) != 0)
#define Ansi(x)         ((Flags2(x) & ANSI) != 0)
#define NoBleed(x)      ((Flags2(x) & NOBLEED) != 0)

#define	Transparent(x)	((Flags(x) & SEETHRU) != 0)
#define	Link_ok(x)	(((Flags(x) & LINK_OK) != 0) && Has_contents(x))
#define	Wizard(x)	((Flags(x) & WIZARD) || \
			 ((Flags(Owner(x)) & WIZARD) && Inherits(x)))
#define	Dark(x)		(((Flags(x) & DARK) != 0) && \
			 (!Alive(x) || \
			  (Wizard(x) && !mudconf.visible_wizzes) || \
#define DarkMover(x)	((Wizard(x) || Can_Cloak(x)) && Dark(x))
#define	Jump_ok(x)	(((Flags(x) & JUMP_OK) != 0) && Has_contents(x))
#define	Sticky(x)	((Flags(x) & STICKY) != 0)
#define	Destroy_ok(x)	((Flags(x) & DESTROY_OK) != 0)
#define	Haven(x)	((Flags(x) & HAVEN) != 0)
#define	Player_haven(x)	((Flags(Owner(x)) & HAVEN) != 0)
#define	Quiet(x)	((Flags(x) & QUIET) != 0)
#define	Halted(x)	((Flags(x) & HALT) != 0)
#define	Trace(x)	((Flags(x) & TRACE) != 0)
#define	Going(x)	((Flags(x) & GOING) != 0)
#define	Monitor(x)	((Flags(x) & MONITOR) != 0)
#define	Myopic(x)	((Flags(x) & MYOPIC) != 0)
#define	Puppet(x)	((Flags(x) & PUPPET) != 0)
#define	Chown_ok(x)	((Flags(x) & CHOWN_OK) != 0)
#define	Enter_ok(x)	(((Flags(x) & ENTER_OK) != 0) && \
				Has_location(x) && Has_contents(x))
#define	Visual(x)	((Flags(x) & VISUAL) != 0)
#define	Immortal(x)	((Flags(x) & IMMORTAL) || \
			 ((Flags(Owner(x)) & IMMORTAL) && Inherits(x)))
#define	Opaque(x)	((Flags(x) & OPAQUE) != 0)
#define	Verbose(x)	((Flags(x) & VERBOSE) != 0)
#define	Inherits(x)	(((Flags(x) & INHERIT) != 0) || \
			 ((Flags(Owner(x)) & INHERIT) != 0) || \
			 ((x) == Owner(x)))
#define	Nospoof(x)	((Flags(x) & NOSPOOF) != 0)
#define	Safe(x,p)	(OwnsOthers(x) || \
			 (Flags(x) & SAFE) || \
			 (mudconf.safe_unowned && (Owner(x) != Owner(p))))
#define Control_ok(x)	((Flags2(x) & CONTROL_OK) != 0)
#define Constant_Attrs(x)  ((Flags2(x) & CONSTANT_ATTRS) != 0)
#define	Audible(x)	((Flags(x) & HEARTHRU) != 0)
#define	Terse(x)	((Flags(x) & TERSE) != 0)

#define Gagged(x)	((Flags2(x) & GAGGED) != 0)
#define Vacation(x)	((Flags2(x) & VACATION) != 0)
#define Sending_Mail(x)	((Flags2(x) & PLAYER_MAILS) != 0)
#define	Key(x)		((Flags2(x) & KEY) != 0)
#define	Abode(x)	(((Flags2(x) & ABODE) != 0) && Home_ok(x))
#define Auditorium(x)	((Flags2(x) & AUDITORIUM) != 0)
#define	Findable(x)	((Flags2(x) & UNFINDABLE) == 0)
#define	Hideout(x)	((Flags2(x) & UNFINDABLE) != 0)
#define	Parent_ok(x)	((Flags2(x) & PARENT_OK) != 0)
#define	Light(x)	((Flags2(x) & LIGHT) != 0)
#define	Suspect(x)	((Flags2(Owner(x)) & SUSPECT) != 0)
#define Watcher(x)	((Flags2(x) & WATCHER) != 0)
#define	Connected(x)	(((Flags2(x) & CONNECTED) != 0) && \
			 (Typeof(x) == TYPE_PLAYER))
#define	Slave(x)	((Flags2(Owner(x)) & SLAVE) != 0)
#define ParentZone(x)	((Flags2(x) & ZONE_PARENT) != 0)
#define Stop_Match(x)   ((Flags2(x) & STOP_MATCH) != 0)
#define Has_Commands(x) ((Flags2(x) & HAS_COMMANDS) != 0)
#define Bouncer(x)      ((Flags2(x) & BOUNCE) != 0)
#define	Hidden(x)	((Flags(x) & DARK) != 0)
#define Blind(x)	((Flags2(x) & BLIND) != 0)
#define Redir_ok(x)	((Flags3(x) & REDIR_OK) != 0)
#define Orphan(x)	((Flags3(x) & ORPHAN) != 0)
#define NoDefault(x)	((Flags3(x) & NODEFAULT) != 0)
#define Unreal(x)	((Flags3(x) & PRESENCE) != 0)

#define	H_Startup(x)	((Flags(x) & HAS_STARTUP) != 0)
#define	H_Fwdlist(x)	((Flags2(x) & HAS_FWDLIST) != 0)
#define	H_Listen(x)	((Flags2(x) & HAS_LISTEN) != 0)
#define H_Redirect(x)	((Flags3(x) & HAS_REDIRECT) != 0)
#define H_Darklock(x)	((Flags3(x) & HAS_DARKLOCK) != 0)
#define H_Speechmod(x)	((Flags3(x) & HAS_SPEECHMOD) != 0)

#define H_Marker0(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_0) != 0)
#define H_Marker1(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_1) != 0)
#define H_Marker2(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_2) != 0)
#define H_Marker3(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_3) != 0)
#define H_Marker4(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_4) != 0)
#define H_Marker5(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_5) != 0)
#define H_Marker6(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_6) != 0)
#define H_Marker7(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_7) != 0)
#define H_Marker8(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_8) != 0)
#define H_Marker9(x)	((Flags3(x) & MARK_9) != 0)
#define isMarkerFlag(fp)	(((fp)->flagflag & FLAG_WORD3) && \
				 ((fp)->flagvalue & MARK_FLAGS))

#define	s_Halted(x)	s_Flags((x), Flags(x) | HALT)
#define	s_Going(x)	s_Flags((x), Flags(x) | GOING)
#define	s_Connected(x)	s_Flags2((x), Flags2(x) | CONNECTED)
#define	c_Connected(x)	s_Flags2((x), Flags2(x) & ~CONNECTED)
#define isConnFlag(fp)	(((fp)->flagflag & FLAG_WORD2) && \
			 ((fp)->flagvalue & CONNECTED))
#define s_Has_Darklock(x)	s_Flags3((x), Flags3(x) | HAS_DARKLOCK)
#define c_Has_Darklock(x)	s_Flags3((x), Flags3(x) & ~HAS_DARKLOCK)

#define Html(x) ((Flags2(x) & HTML) != 0)
#define s_Html(x) s_Flags2((x), Flags2(x) | HTML)
#define c_Html(x) s_Flags2((x), Flags2(x) & ~HTML)

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Base control-oriented predicates.

#define	Parentable(p,x)	(Controls(p,x) || \
			 (Parent_ok(x) && could_doit(p,x,A_LPARENT)))

#define OnControlLock(p,x) (check_zone(p,x))

#define	Controls(p,x)	(Good_obj(x) && \
			 (!(God(x) && !God(p))) && \
			 (Control_All(p) || \
			  ((Owner(p) == Owner(x)) && \
			   (Inherits(p) || !Inherits(x))) || \

#define Cannot_Objeval(p,x)  ((x == NOTHING) || God(x) || \
			      (mudconf.fascist_objeval ? \
			       !Controls(p, x) : \
			       ((Owner(x) != Owner(p)) && !Wizard(p))))

#define	Has_power(p,x)	(check_access((p),powers_nametab[x].flag))

#define	Mark(x)		(mudstate.markbits->chunk[(x)>>3] |= \
#define	Unmark(x)	(mudstate.markbits->chunk[(x)>>3] &= \
#define	Marked(x)	(mudstate.markbits->chunk[(x)>>3] & \
#define	Mark_all(i)	for ((i)=0; (i)<((mudstate.db_top+7)>>3); (i)++) \
#define	Unmark_all(i)	for ((i)=0; (i)<((mudstate.db_top+7)>>3); (i)++) \

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Visibility constraints.

#define	Examinable(p,x)	(((Flags(x) & VISUAL) != 0) || \
			 (See_All(p)) || \
                         (Owner(p) == Owner(x)) || \

#define	MyopicExam(p,x)	(((Flags(x) & VISUAL) != 0) || \
			 (!Myopic(p) && (See_All(p) || \
			 (Owner(p) == Owner(x)) || \

/* An object is considered Darkened if:
 *    It is set Dark.
 *    It does not have a DarkLock set (no HAS_DARKLOCK flag on the object;
 *       an empty lock means the player would pass the DarkLock), OR
 *       the player passes the DarkLock.
 * DarkLocks only apply when we are checking if we can see something on
 * a 'look'. They are not checked when matching, when looking at lexits(),
 * when determining whether a move is seen, on @sweep, etc.

#define Darkened(p,x)	(Dark(x) && \
			 (!H_Darklock(x) || could_doit(p,x,A_LDARK)))

/* For an object in a room, don't show if all of the following apply:
 * 	Sleeping players should not be seen.
 *	The thing is a disconnected player.
 *	The player is not a puppet.
 *   You don't see yourself or exits.
 *   If a location is not dark, you see it if it's not dark or you control it.
 *   If the location is dark, you see it if you control it. Seeing your own
 *   dark objects is controlled by mudconf.see_own_dark.
 *   In dark locations, you also see things that are LIGHT and !DARK.

#define Sees(p,x) \
	(!Darkened(p,x) || (mudconf.see_own_dark && MyopicExam(p,x)))

#define Sees_Always(p,x) \
	(!Darkened(p,x) || (mudconf.see_own_dark && Examinable(p,x)))

#define Sees_In_Dark(p,x)	((Light(x) && !Darkened(p,x)) || \
				 (mudconf.see_own_dark && MyopicExam(p,x)))

#define Can_See(p,x,l)	(!(((p) == (x)) || isExit(x) || \
			   (mudconf.dark_sleepers && isPlayer(x) && \
			    !Connected(x) && !Puppet(x))) && \
			 ((l) ? Sees(p,x) : Sees_In_Dark(p,x)) && \
			 ((!Unreal(x) || Check_Known(p,x)) && \
			  (!Unreal(p) || Check_Knows(x,p))))

#define Can_See_Exit(p,x,l)	(!Darkened(p,x) && (!(l) || Light(x)) && \
				 ((!Unreal(x) || Check_Known(p,x)) && \
				  (!Unreal(p) || Check_Knows(x,p))))

/* For exits visible (for lexits(), etc.), this is true if we can examine
 * the exit's location, examine the exit, or the exit is LIGHT. It is also
 * true if neither the location or base or exit is dark.

#define	VE_LOC_XAM	0x01	/* Location is examinable */
#define	VE_LOC_DARK	0x02	/* Location is dark */
#define	VE_BASE_DARK	0x04	/* Base location (pre-parent) is dark */

#define Exit_Visible(x,p,k) \
	(((k) & VE_LOC_XAM) || Examinable(p,x) || Light(x) || \
	 (!((k) & (VE_LOC_DARK | VE_BASE_DARK)) && !Dark(x)))

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Linking.

/* Can I link this exit to something else? */
#define	Link_exit(p,x)	((Typeof(x) == TYPE_EXIT) && \
			 ((Location(x) == NOTHING) || Controls(p,x)))

/* Is this something I can link to?
 *    - It must be a valid object, and be able to have contents.
 *    - I must control it, or have it be Link_ok, or I must the
 *      link_to_any power and not have the destination be God.
#define Linkable(p,x)   (Good_obj(x) && Has_contents(x) &&  \
			 (Controls(p,x) || Link_ok(x) ||    \
			  (LinkToAny(p) && !God(x))))

/* Can I pass the linklock check on this?
 *    - I must have link_to_any (or be a wizard) and wizards must
 *      ignore linklocks,
 *  OR
 *    - I must be able to pass the linklock.
#define Passes_Linklock(p,x)  \
((LinkToAny(p) && !mudconf.wiz_obey_linklock) ||  \

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Attribute visibility and write permissions.

#define AttrFlags(a,f)	((f) | (a)->flags)

#define Visible_desc(p,x,a) \
(((a)->number != A_DESC) || mudconf.read_rem_desc || nearby(p,x))

#define Invisible_attr(p,x,a,o,f) \
((!Examinable(p,x) && (Owner(p) != o)) || \
   ((AttrFlags(a,f) & AF_MDARK) && !Sees_Hidden_Attrs(p)) || \
   ((AttrFlags(a,f) & AF_DARK) && !God(p)))

#define Visible_attr(p,x,a,o,f) \
(((AttrFlags(a,f) & AF_VISUAL) && Visible_desc(p,x,a)) || \

#define See_attr(p,x,a,o,f) \
(!((a)->flags & (AF_INTERNAL|AF_IS_LOCK)) && !(f & AF_STRUCTURE) && \

#define Read_attr(p,x,a,o,f) \
(!((a)->flags & AF_INTERNAL) && !(f & AF_STRUCTURE) && \

#define See_attr_all(p,x,a,o,f,y) \
(!((a)->flags & (AF_INTERNAL|AF_IS_LOCK)) && \
 ((y) || !(f &AF_STRUCTURE)) && \

#define Read_attr_all(p,x,a,o,f,y) \
(!((a)->flags & AF_INTERNAL) && \
 ((y) || !(f &AF_STRUCTURE)) && \

/* We can set it if:
 * The (master) attribute is not internal or a lock AND
 * we're God OR we meet the following criteria:
 * - The object is not God. 
 * - The attribute on the object is not locked.
 * - The object is not set Constant.
 * - We control the object, and the attribute and master attribute do
 *   not have the Wizard or God flags,
 *   OR
 *   We are a Wizard and the attribute and master attribute do not have
 *   the God flags.

#define Set_attr(p,x,a,f) \
(!((a)->flags & (AF_INTERNAL|AF_IS_LOCK|AF_CONST)) && \
 (God(p) || \
  (!God(x) && !((f) & AF_LOCK) && !Constant_Attrs(x) && \
   ((Controls(p,x) && \
     !((a)->flags & (AF_WIZARD|AF_GOD)) && \
     !((f) & (AF_WIZARD|AF_GOD))) || \
    (Sets_Wiz_Attrs(p) && !((a)->flags & AF_GOD) && !((f) & AF_GOD))))))

/* Write_attr() is only used by atr_cpy(), and thus is not subject
 * to the effects of the Constant flag.

#define	Write_attr(p,x,a,f) \
			(!((a)->flags & (AF_INTERNAL|AF_NOCLONE)) && \
			 (God(p) || \
			  (!God(x) && !(f & AF_LOCK) && \
			   ((Controls(p,x) && \
			     !((a)->flags & (AF_WIZARD|AF_GOD)) && \
			     !((f) & (AF_WIZARD|AF_GOD))) || \
			    (Sets_Wiz_Attrs(p) && \
			     !((a)->flags & AF_GOD))))))

/* We can lock/unlock it if:
 * we're God OR we meet the following criteria:
 * - The (master) attribute is not internal or a lock AND
 * - The object is not God. 
 * - The object is not set Constant.
 * - The master attribute does not have the Wizard or God flags,
 *   OR
 *   We are a Wizard and the master attribute does not have the God flag.
 * - We are a Wizard OR we own the attribute.

#define Lock_attr(p,x,a,o) \
(God(p)	|| \
 (!God(x) && \
  !((a)->flags & (AF_INTERNAL|AF_IS_LOCK|AF_CONST)) && \
  !Constant_Attrs(x) && \
  (!((a)->flags & (AF_WIZARD|AF_GOD)) || \
   (Sets_Wiz_Attrs(p) && !((a)->flags & AF_GOD))) && \
  (Wizard(p) || (o) == Owner(p))))

/* Visibility abstractions */

#define Are_Real(p,t)		(!(Unreal(p) || Unreal(t)))
#define Check_Heard(t,p)	(could_doit((t),(p),A_LHEARD))
#define Check_Noticed(t,p)	(could_doit((t),(p),A_LMOVED))
#define Check_Known(t,p)	(could_doit((t),(p),A_LKNOWN))
#define Check_Hears(p,t)	(could_doit((p),(t),A_LHEARS))
#define Check_Notices(p,t)	(could_doit((p),(t),A_LMOVES))
#define Check_Knows(p,t)	(could_doit((p),(t),A_LKNOWS))

#endif /* __FLAGS_H */