& help
This is the TinyMUSH 3 quick-reference help facility.
Type 'help' if you'd like the detailed help entries instead.
The available topics and commands in QuickHelp:
Type 'qhelp <topic or command>' for QuickHelp on something.
For example, 'qhelp @dig' will show the QuickHelp on the @dig command.
& Building
Before you do any building, it'd be a good idea to type 'news' to see
if your MUSH has any special policies about building. Many MUSHes have
a quota policy, which restricts how much you can build; if you try to
build too much stuff, you'll see the message, "Sorry, your building
contract has run out."  Most MUSHes have a policy restricting large
areas, as well. If you do decide to build a large area, you'll
probably want to plan it out in advance; graph paper works well for
this, using boxes to represent rooms, with the lines that connect the
boxes representing exits.
Building an area consists of using @dig to create the rooms (and some
exits between them), and @open to create additional exits between
rooms. Read 'qhelp @dig' and 'qhelp @open' for more information on
how to use those commands. You should also read 'qhelp Rooms' for
information on describing your room and other useful tricks that you
can do with it, as well as 'qhelp Exits' for information on how
to name exits, set the appropriate messages on them, and lock and
unlock them.
& Comsys
QuickHelp:  ComSys
Not all of these commands will work on all MUSHes. Some MUSHes don't
enable the comsys (the "communication system'). Others don't have a
Public channel.
pub <message>
  Sends a message to the Public channel. 'pub' is called a "channel alias".
  You can use ':' and ';' to send poses to channels.
pub who
  Lists who is currently listening to the Public channel.
pub off
  Lets you leave the Public channel, temporarily.
pub on
  Lets you join the Public channel, if you previously left it by typing
  'pub off'.
Continued in 'qhelp Comsys2'.
& Comsys2
  This lists all the channels that you have joined.
  This lists all the available channels in the comsys.
addcom <channel alias> = <channel name>
  Lets you join -- i.e., starting listening to -- <channel name> (which is
  case-sensitive). You use the <channel alias> to talk, to check who's on
  it, and to get on and off the channel. For example, 'pub' is the default
  channel alias for the Public channel, so 'pub <message>', 'pub who',
  'pub on', and 'pub off' are the commands used for it. The 'addcom'
  command allows you to join other channels as well.
addcom <channel alias> = <channel name>, <title>
  Lets you join <channel name> using <channel alias>. Anything that
  you say will be prefixed with <title>.
delcom <channel alias>
  Lets you leave a channel, permanently (until you 'addcom' it again).
& Objects
QuickHelp:  Objects
look <obj>
  Shows you the object's description (@desc). You can look at exits, too.
get <mobile>
  Picks up an object in your location, moving it into your inventory.
  It's usually considered rude to pick up other people's objects without
drop <mobile>
  Drops an object that you're carrying, moving it from your inventory
  into your location.
  Lists all the objects that you're carrying.
Continued in 'qhelp Objects2'.
& Objects2
examine/brief <obj>
  If you have permissions to examine the object, then this will show
  you the object's dbref, flags, powers, owner, parent, zone, money,
  home, location, contents, exits, basic lock ("Key"), and @desc.
examine <obj>
  Like 'examine/brief <obj>', except this also shows you all the attributes
  on the object.
@decompile <obj>
  Shows you the sequence of commands needed to re-create this object.
  It's often useful to save, to your local hard drive, the output of
  this command, so that you can re-create it if anything ever happens
  to the MUSH you're on.
& Permissions
QuickHelp:  Permissions
In order to perform many actions on objects, especially special ones
that alter the objects (such as setting attributes on them), you are
required to "control" the object.
You control all objects that you own. If you set yourself INHERIT,
all of your objects control you, as well as each other. If you don't
set yourself INHERIT, but you set one of your objects INHERIT, then
it controls you, as well as controlling all your other objects.
All non-INHERIT objects belonging to you, control each other.
Wizards control everything, as does anything with the Control_All
power. There are other complications to control, but they're unlikely
to be important to you; see 'help Control' if you want the details. 
Continued in 'qhelp Permissions2'.
& Permissions2
If you get a "Permission denied." message, it will usually be due to
your not having control over something (such as a room that you're
trying to @open an exit out of). A few commands do have special rules
that have more conditions than just control. Some other commands, like
'examine', have permission checks that are more lenient than control.
See the help entry for the command that you're using for the details
of exactly what permissions you need, if you run into an unexpected
"Permission denied."
& Talking
QuickHelp:  Talking
say <message>
  Say something out loud, to everyone in your current location.
  You will see:  You say "<message>"
  Everyone else will see:  <your name> says "<message>"
  Just like 'say <message>' -- but easier to type.
pose <action>
  Do something out loud, to everyone in your current location. It's similar
  to 'say', except it allows you to "act out" something.
  Everyone will see:  <your name> <action>
  For instance, if you type 'pose waves." everyone sees, "<your name> waves."
  Just like 'pose <action>' -- but easier to type.
Continued in 'qhelp Talking2'.
& Talking2 
pose/nospace <action>
  Just like 'pose <action>', except there's no space between your name
  and the action. For instance, if you type 'pose/nospace 's balloon pops.'
  then everyone will see, "<your name>'s balloon pops."
  Just like 'pose/nospace <action>' -- but a lot easier to type.
: <action>
  Just like 'pose/nospace <action>'. Basically, if you put a space between
  the ':' and your action, there's no space between your name and the
  action... but if you don't put in a space, there's a space between your
  name and the action. (Yes, it's a little confusing.)
Continued in 'qhelp Talking3'.
& Talking3
@emit <message>
  Shows a message to everyone in your location.
  Just like '@emit <message>' -- but easier to type.
page <player> = <message>
  Sends a private message to the named player. You don't have to type 
  the full name, just enough to make it unique. For example, if Joseph
  and John are both logged on, you could 'page Jos' to get Joseph, and
  'page Joh' to get John, but you couldn't 'page Jo' because the "Jo"
  is not unique. You can also use ':' and ';' to put actions in pages.
page <player 1> <player 2> <etc.> = <message>
  You can send a page to multiple players at the same time.
You can also find more information in 'qhelp Comsys'.
& @dig
QuickHelp:  @dig
@dig <name>
  Creates a new room named <name>.
@dig/tel <name>
  Creates a new room named <name>, and teleports you there.
@dig <name> = <exit to>
  Creates a new room named <name>, and opens <exit to> from your current
  location to the new room. However, this won't create an exit going back
  (a "backlink") from the new room to your current location.
@dig <name> = <exit to>, <exit from>
  Creates a new room named <name>, and opens <exit to> from your current
  location to the new room, and opens <exit from> from the new room to
  your current location. <exit to> and <exit from> are both exit names;
  see 'qhelp Exits' for information on naming exits.
& @link
QuickHelp:  @link
@link <exit> = <dbref>
  Links <exit> to the room with the dbref <dbref>. This means that anyone
  going through the exit will go to that room.
@unlink <exit>
  Unlinks <exit>. Unlinked exits don't go anywhere. Also, anyone can
  do a '@link <exit> = <dbref>' on an unlinked exit, and become
  the new owner of the exit. Thus, don't @unlink an exit unless you
  want someone to be able to do that. If an exit is already linked, and
  you want it to go somewhere else, you don't need to @unlink it; just
  '@link <exit> = <new dbref>' to link it to a new destination.
@link me = here
  This sets your home (the room where you're teleported when you type
  'home') to your current location.
@link <mobile> = here
  This sets the home of <mobile> to your current location.
& @lock
QuickHelp:  @lock
& @open
QuickHelp:  @open
@open <exit to> = <room dbref>
  Opens a new exit named <exit to>, from your current location to the
  room specified by <room dbref>. However, this won't create an exit
  going back from that room to your current location.
@open <exit to> = <room dbref>, <exit from>
  Opens a new exit named <exit to>, from your current location to the
  room specified by <room dbref>. Also opens a return exit ("backlink")
  named <exit from>, from <room dbref> to your current location.
  See 'qhelp Exits' for information on naming exits.
@open <exit to>
  Opens an unlinked exit named <exit to>. Anyone can @link an unlinked
  exit, and become its new owner. Thus, you should not open an unlinked
  exit unless you want other people to be able to do that.