This document details changes for TinyMUSH 3 "mainline" releases, 
as well as bugfix updates issued against those mainline releases.

For changes between beta versions, consult the BETA document. 

			TinyMUSH 3.1 Changes

TinyMUSH 3.1 beta 1 was released on May 8th, 2002.
The "full", gamma release of TinyMUSH 3.1 is dated June 21st, 2004.



3.1 Patchlevel 1					August 11th, 2004

  - Fixed a bug in dbconvert where the cache wasn't flushed before
    closing the database, creating an incomplete database. [3.1p0]



- The licensing scheme has been changed to the Artistic License.

- A new script, Update, automatically downloads and applies official patches
  to TinyMUSH 3.

- The Backup, Restore, and Archive scripts can now look at a backups
  directory (set in mush.config). The default compression program is
  also now set in mush.config. Compression extensions are used
  correctly, and the bzip2 format is supported.

- The Startmush script handles KILLED and CRASH databases more elegantly.

- The Restore script can handle the archives produced by Archive.

- Dynamically loadable modules. There is now an interface for writing your
  own hardcode extensions to the server, and loading them at runtime.
  The comsys and mailer are now loadable modules; the USE_COMSYS and 
  USE_MAIL #ifdef's and the have_comsys and have_mailer conf directives
  are no longer needed.

- '@list memory' gives a breakdown of the memory used by various constructs.

- Many changes and improvements to caching.

  - Instead of starting the cache at some fixed width and depth, and
    growing the depth (but not the width) to whatever size is demanded by
    the game, which can cause "cache bloat" if a very large number of
    objects gets loaded into the cache as part of a single operation,
    the total size of the cache is fixed -- the amount of memory that
    the cached data takes cannot exceed a specified limit. This is
    configurable via the cache_size parameter.

  - Removal of elements from the cache is based on "least recently used"
    rather than "not frequently used".

  - Attribute caching is now used, with cache bypass in situations where
    this is not efficient.

  - @list cache shows an object-based summary of cache information.
    @list cache_attrs shows the full cache.

- Various changes to the database structure:

  - GDBM databases now contains meta-data that allow easier recovery of
    databases that have been trashed (due to a host machine crash or
    running out of disk space, for instance). A new script, Reconstruct,
    calls the new recover binary to attempt to rebuild damaged databases.

  - There are no longer separate structure and GDBM files ("numeric" and
    "string" databases).

  - GDBM's native free space management has been enabled. Optimized dumps
    have been disabled by default. Our copy of gdbm includes a bugfix that
    enables the free space management and other options, so we build it as
    libtinygdbm.a to avoid linking netmush with an unmodified gdbm.

  - File locking has been added for some circumstances, so dbconvert waits
    for netmush to finish writing, before it starts reading, ensuring
    consistency when backing up a running MUSH.

- dbconvert is now just a symlink to netmush; its functionality has been
  merged into the main program.

- Making a flatfile now automatically cleans the attribute table of
  dead attribute name references, so the @dbclean command is no longer
  needed. (You can pass a -q option to dbconvert to prevent attribute
  cleaning, if for some reason you want to avoid this.)

- Clean flatfiles are now produced by SIGUSR2. SIGQUIT causes a graceful

- Extensive work on improving autoconf and libtool use (thus improving
  portability). Compile-time options are now specified as switches to
  the configure script.

- Garbage is trimmed from the top of the database, if possible, reducing
  bloat due to tail-end garbage.

- When an object name is ambiguously matched (i.e., potentially matches
  several objects), the match is now truly chosen randomly; in the past,
  the last match was heavily favored.

- Help entries can now have multiple index terms.

- A rewrite has begun on the help files.



- Conf parameters that are dbrefs (such as master_room) are now sanity
  checked, both when they are set and when a @dbck is run. Also, a dbref
  as well as a number can be used, i.e. the syntax 'master_room #2' is
  now also valid (whereas 'master_room 2' was previously required).

- A new conf parameter, attr_type, allows attributes whose names match
  certain wildcard patterns to be given certain default flags. Attribute
  names can now start with '_'. (To implement a rule like, "All attributes
  whose names start with '_' can only be set by wizards," you would add,
  "attr_type _* wizard" to your conf file.)

- A new conf parameter, database_home, has been introduced. This is
  the directory where all the database files are stored. This eliminates
  the necessity to provide a directory path for input_database, etc.

- New conf parameters exit_proto, room_proto, etc. allow one object of
  each type to be defined as the "prototype" for new objects of that
  type. When an object of that type is created, it copies the flags,
  parent, zone (if 'autozone' is off), and attributes of the prototype;
  the effect is similar to cloning.

- New conf parameters exit_attr_defaults, room_attr_defaults, etc.
  allow one object of each type to be defined as the repository for
  "attribute defaults" for many built-in attributes, such as
  attr/oattr pairs (@desc, @odesc, @succ, @osucc, etc.), @conformat,
  and @exitformat, as well as user attributes that have a global attribute
  flag of 'default'. These defaults override the attributes set on
  objects of that type (the local value of the attribute is passed
  to it as %0, for evaluation). This allows the global definition
  of formats for those attributes, without requiring a global
  parenting scheme or an unusual attribute naming scheme. Objects
  with the FREE flag ignore attribute defaults.

- The new conf parameter, c_is_command, controls whether %c is last
  command (default) or ANSI substitution.

- The new conf parameter forwardlist_limit allows you to set a limit
  for the number of objects that can be listed in a single @forwardlist.

- The new conf parameter function_cpu_limit allows you to set a limit
  for the number of seconds of CPU time that can be taken up by
  function evaluations associated with a command.

- The new conf parameters guest_basename, guest_prefixes, guest_suffixes,
  and guest_password allow flexible naming of guests. See the FAQ for
  details. (The guest_prefix parameter is now obsolete, and has been

- The new conf parameter huh_message lets you change the Huh? message
  that is displayed when a command cannot be matched.

- The new conf parameter power_alias allows you to set aliases for
  powers. The compat.conf file now contains aliases for mapping PennMUSH
  and TinyMUX power names.

- The new conf parameter visible_wizards (disabled by default) results
  in DARK wizards being hidden from WHO (and related things), but not
  being invisible and silent. This prevents accidental or deliberate
  spying by DARK wizards.

- The new conf parameter wildcard_match_limit restricts how extensive
  of a recursive search is performed when attempting to match a pattern.



- @aconnect and @adisconnect attributes are triggered consistently on all
  connections and disconnections, with a reason in %0 and the player's
  resulting number of open connections in %1.

- Players can now specify multiple aliases for themselves (up to
  the conf parameter player_aliases_limit), via @alias, separating
  aliases with ';'. Players no longer inherit @alias from their
  parent (this never made sense, or worked properly, anyway).

- @conformat and @exitformat get their visible contents/exits lists
  passed as %0.

- A new attribute, LastIP, tracks the last IP address of a player.
  When Lastsite is set, the identd user and hostname are no longer

- The new attribute @nameformat controls the display of location's name
  when someone looks at the location.

- The format and text of a say or pose can be arbitrarily altered, via the
  @speechformat attribute and SPEECHMOD flag on the speaker, or the
  speaker's location.

- General visibility of an attribute is now consistently controlled by the
  'visual' attribute flag (previously it was controlled by 'private' on the
  global attribute definition, and 'visual' on the specific attribute).
  Attributes default to not visual; if you were previously defining global
  attributes with '!private' (via @attribute/access, user_attr_access, etc.)
  you should now define them as 'visual'. Databases are automatically
  converted to have the appropriate attribute flags.

- Visibility restrictions on attributes have been sanitized, so they are
  consistent across commands and functions.

- Attribute flags that have no meaning on a global basis can no longer
  be set globally via @attribute and the like, thus reducing confusion.

- The global flags for attributes are now shown in parentheses, when
  an object is examined.

- A new attribute flag, 'case', controls whether regular expression matching
  is case-sensitive, for $-commands, ^-listens, @filter, @infilter, and

- A new attribute flag, no_name, controls whether or not the actor's
  name is prepended when an attribute is used as an @o-attr, such as
  an @osucc or with @verb.

- @filter, @infilter, and @listen do regular expression matches if
  set 'regexp'. They do not evaluate themselves before matching,
  if set 'no_parse'.

- A new attribute flag, 'rmatch', assigns the results of a $-command's
  wildcard-match, to named local registers, as well as to the stack.
  Based on an idea from KiliaFae.



- An object with the new attr_read power is able to see attributes
  with the 'hidden' attribute flag, just like Wizards and Royalty can.

- An object with the new attr_write power is able to set attributes
  with the 'wizard' attribute flag, just like Wizards can.

- An object with the new link_any_home power can set the home of any
  object (@link an object anywhere), just like Wizards can.

- If a wizard connects while DARK, they are reminded that they are
  currently set DARK. Also, wizards are notified when they are set
  DARK due to idle-wizards-being-set-dark. A player must have the
  Hide power or equivalent in order to auto-dark.

- There is a new type of lock, the DarkLock, which controls whether or
  not a player sees an object as DARK. Based loosely on a patch by
  Malcolm Campbell (Calum).

- There is a new power, Cloak, which is God-settable. It enables an
  object which can listen (such a player or puppet) to be dark in the
  room contents and movement messages; previously, this was only true
  for listening objects both Dark and Wizard. Note that since wizard
  Dark is now affected by the visible_wizards config parameter, if that
  parameter is enabled, wizards will need this power in order to
  become invisible.

- The Expanded_Who power no longer grants the ability to see Dark 
  players in WHO. (Previously those with the power could, but weren't
  able to see them in functions. Use the See_Hidden power to grant
  the ability to see Dark players.)

- The new ORPHAN flag, when set on an object, prevents the object from
  inheriting $-commands from its parents (just like objects in the master
  room do not inherit $-commands from their parents). This allows you to
  @parent a command object to a data object, without worrying about the
  overhead of scanning the data object for $-commands.

- The new PRESENCE flag, in conjunction with six new locks (HeardLock,
  HearsLock, KnownLock, KnowsLock, MovedLock, MovesLock) supports "altered
  reality" realm states such as invisibility.



- Some commands that would normally be queued can now be executed
  immediately, using the /now switch: @dolist/now (@iter), @force/now,
  @switch/now (@branch), @trigger/now (@call), @verb/now
  force() and trigger() now behave like @force/now and @trigger/now.
  The new conf parameters command_invocation_limit and 
  command_recursion_limit are used to limit this behavior.

- A user-defined $-command is executed immediately if the attribute has
  the new Now attribute flag.

- Commands added via @addcommand are now run immediately. Also, these
  commands now respect an escaped-out ':', as well as the regexp and
  case attribute flags.

- A new switch, @addcommand/preserve, causes the text of an added
  command to be executed by the player, not by the specified object,
  unless the player is God (for security reasons).

- Custom comsys headers can now be specified for channels, via
  @channel/header. These headers can be listed via @clist/header.
  Also, the @channel command now interprets its arguments, and channel
  descriptions are passed through a sanity check.

- The new Spoof comsys flag, when set on a channel, replaces player names
  with their comtitles, instead of prepending the comtitle to the player

- @cpattr can copy multiple attributes at a time.

- Exits can now @destroy themselves.

- @doing (including @doing/header) now takes a /quiet switch.

- A new command, @floaters, shows floating rooms. Floating rooms are no
  longer reported by @dbck, and thus the FLOATING flag has been eliminated
  (since it's no longer needed to suppress @dbck spam).

- The new /permit switch to @hook allows the permissions for a built-in
  command to be defined via a user-defined function.

- Functions defined via @function can be listed via @function/list.

- Function permissions can be listed via '@list func_permissions'.

- Lock syntax is now always sanity-checked. Unbalanced parentheses within
  a lock are no longer permitted.

- The new @log command can be used to log arbitrary messages to the

- When you log in, you are warned if you are currently in the midst
  of writing a @mail message.

- A @mail recipient now receives only a single copy of a @mail message,
  even if he appears multiple times in the list of players the message
  is to.

- @mail now has real carbon-copy and blind-carbon-copy. Patch from
  Simon Bland.

- @pemit/list now obeys the same permission checks as @pemit, including
  obeying pemit_any as well as restricting use of the /contents switch.

- The @emit, @oemit, @femit, @fpose, @fsay, page, pose, and say commands
  now take a /noeval switch. (Analogous to the /noeval switch for @pemit.)

- The @pemit and @oemit commands now take a /speech switch, which makes
  the message subject to Presence checks.

- The new @redirect command can be used to redirect Trace, Puppet, and
  Verbose output from an object, to a player other than the object's
  owner. The REDIR_OK flag allows an object's output to be redirected
  by someone who does not control it, thus allowing non-Wizards to
  participate in mutual debugging sessions. Based on an idea from

- The new @reference command creates named references ("nrefs"), which
  behave like aliases for dbrefs, in the form of '#_<name>'.

- When speech is formatted, with the exception of say and @fsay,
  there is now a grammatically-correct comma before "says". The
  new conf parameter say_uses_comma will insert the comma for
  say and @fsay, as well.

- If the new conf parameter say_uses_you is turned off, the say and
  @fsay commands will always show '<name> says' rather than 'You say'
  to the speaker. This is more convenient for environments where
  activity is often logged and shared.

- A @dbck is automatically done before a @restart or normal @shutdown,
  so recycling cleanup is done first, thus avoiding inconsistencies
  upon startup.

- The @teleport command can now be used on exits. Players with the
  Open_Anywhere power can now drop or @teleport exits to any location.

- Specifying an object to @trigger is now optional; if no object is
  specified, the object defaults to 'me'.

- @verb now takes a no_name switch, which prevents the actor's name from
  being prepended to the default o-message.

- Attributes containing a $command or ^monitor can now be @trigger'd 
  directly, as well as used as @a-actions; everything before the first
  un-escaped ':' is ignored.  Based on an idea from PennMUSH.



- Multi-character input and output delimiters are now supported for
  most functions.

- There are additional global registers, %qa-%qz (based on an idea from
  PennMUSH). Furthermore, arbitrarily-named global registers can be defined
  on the fly (up to the conf parameter register_limit, per action list).
  setq() can now take multiple name-value pairs.

- The caller of a function can now be tracked via %@; it's normally equal
  to the enactor, except where u()-type functions, including objeval()
  and @functions, are called. This provides better security-checking
  capabilities. Based on an idea from PennMUSH.

- The %m substitution can now be used for last command (MUX2 compatibility;
  %c is the usual substitution).

- Brackets are no longer required around eval-locks, hooks, or @exitto code.

- The *<player> syntax is supported in many more places.

- There is a more informative error message when a function is given the
  wrong number of arguments. Idea from Philip Mak.

- Extended regular expression syntax from Perl 5 is now supported.
  This is based on the PCRE library, as modified by the PennMUSH team.

- New regular expression functions: regedit(), regediti(), regeditall(),
  regeditalli(), regrab(), regrabi(), regraball(), regraballi(),
  regrep(), regrepi(), regmatchi(), regparsei().

- Added a variety of comsys-related functions: cemit(), comalias(),
  comdesc(), comheader(), cominfo(), comlist(), comowner(), comtitle(),

- cwho() now only returns what's listening.

- Added fcount(), fdepth(), ccount(), cdepth(), for getting function and
  command invocation and recursion counters. Based on a concept from
  Shadowrun Denver MUSH.

- The filter(), filterbool(), map(), and while() functions pass the
  position of the element in the list as %1. fold() passes the position
  of the element in the list as %2. foreach() passes the position of
  the character in the string (starting from position 0). Based on
  an idea from PennMUSH.

- The idle(), conn(), and doing() functions can now take a port number.

- The escape(), secure(), capstr(), lcstr(), and ucstr() functions now
  handle ANSI properly.

- Added border(), rborder(), and cborder(). These are word-wrap functions
  which can left/right/center-justify text within the field, and add
  left and right-margin borders.

- Added cand(), cor(), candbool(), and corbool(), similar to and() etc.,
  except these functions stop evaluating their arguments once a terminating
  conclusion is reached. Based on an idea from PennMUSH.

- chomp() can now handle a lone CR or LF.

- Added choose(), weighted-random-choice pick of an element from a list.
  Idea from FiranMUX.

- Added connrecord(), connected player record (as in WHO).

- Added elockstr(), which evaluates a target against a lock string.
  Idea from Joel Ricketts.

- Added entrances() function, similar to @entrances command. Based on an
  idea from PennMUSH.

- You can now get attribute flags with flags(<obj>/<attr>). Based on an
  idea from PennMUSH.

- Added graball(), which is to grab() what matchall() is to match().

- Added group(), for splitting/sorting a list into groups.

- hasflag() can now detect object types.

- Added hasflags(), which can operate on multiple lists of flags and
  types, returning true if all elements in any of the lists are true.

- Added hears(), moves(), and knows() functions for checking Presence

- Added helptext(), which retrieves an enetry from an indexed textfile
  (i.e., help, news, or anything else added via the helpfile or
  raw_helpfile conf directives).

- The third argument to ifelse() -- the 'false' result -- is now optional.

- Added istrue() and isfalse(), which are basically iter()-style filterbool()
  and its reverse.

- Added ilev(), itext(), and inum() functions, for retrieving data
  from multiple levels of nested iter()-type functions. Based on
  an idea from PennMUSH.

- Added itemize() function, which formats a list of items. Typically used
  to turn a list of words into something like "a, b, and c". Based on an
  idea from PennMUSH.

- Last-accessed and last-modified timestamps are now tracked for all
  objects. The timestamps are visible on an 'examine', and the seconds-value
  can be retrieved via the new functions lastaccess() and lastmod().

- Added ledit() function, a mass find-and-replace on a list which can
  replace many instances of nested edit() calls.

- lpos() can now check multiple characters at one time. Based on a
  suggestion from Joel Ricketts.

- lpos(), lattr(), lexits(), lcon(), xcon(), children(), lparent(), and
  the grep() family now take an output delimiter.

- The ljust(), rjust(), and center() functions can take multi-character

- The lunion(), linter(), and ldiff() functions are similar to setunion(),
  etc., but an attempt is made to autodetect the list type and sort
  accordingly, or you can specify a sort type, as you can with sort().

- The modify() function now takes lists, enabling multiple variables
  to be modified at once.

- The behavior of remainders in division with negative numbers is
  now consistent (rather than being compiler-dependent), including
  new modulo(), remainder(), and floordiv() functions. The mod()
  function is now an alias for remainder(), which is closest to
  the old mod() on most platforms; if you want it to be an alias
  for modulo() instead, change it in alias.conf

- munge() now passes its input delimiter to the u-function, as %1.
  Idea from PennMUSH.

- Added nattr(), which counts the number of attributes on an object.

- Added objcall(), which evalutes the text of an attribute from another
  object's perspective, like a combination of u() and objeval(). Idea
  from Joel Ricketts.

- Added oemit(), which is the function equivalent of @oemit.

- pos() strips ANSI out of the string to search for, in addition to the
  string to search within.

- rloc() now returns the destination of an exit.

- New search classes -- ueval, uthing, uplayer, uroom, uexit -- have
  been added, allowing a u-function to be called for evaluation. This
  makes it unnecessary to deal with brackets-escaping issues.

- sees() can now evaluate the visibility of exits as well as things.
  Also, a small bug has been fixed: the see_owned_dark calculation in
  sees() now uses the object doing the looking, not the player invoking
  the function.

- Added session(), which returns command count, bytes of input, and
  bytes of output associated with a port.

- Added speak(), which formats speech strings and can parse and transform

- Added store(), which is basically to setx() what setr() is to setq().

- The new structure functions read() and write() allow the use of an
  "invisible" delimiter, which permits data to be stored in delimited
  lists without worrying about user-provided data containing the
  delimiter character. The delimit() function processes a stored
  list, substituting a separator string for a delimiter.

- Added table(), tables(), rtables(), and ctables() functions. table()
  is based on an idea from PennMUSH, formatting text within a table of
  equally wide columns. The other three functions format text within
  a table of variably-wide columns (left/right/center-justified), with
  left and right-margin borders.

- Added timefmt() function. This is essentially an interface to the C
  library function strftime(), allowing the time to be formatted in
  psuedo-arbitrary ways. Based on an idea from PennMUSH.

- translate() now handles tabs.

- trim() now handles multi-character trim strings.

- Added sind(), cosd(), tand(), asind(), acosd(), atand() degree-based
  trigonometry functions.

- Added until() function, which is similar to while(), except it operates
  on multiple lists and terminates on a regular expression condition.

- valid() can now detect valid attribute names and player names, for
  PennMUSH compatibility.

- Added whentrue() and whenfalse() functions, which go through a list
  iter()-style until a terminating boolean condition is reached.

- Added wildgrep(), wildmatch(), and wildparse(), which are similar to
  regrep(), regmatch() and regparse(), but work against wildcard patterns
  rather than regexps.

- Added writable() function, which returns 1 if object X can set an
  attribute A on object Y.

- Added @@() function, which is like null(), but does not evaluate
  its argument.

- elock(), hasflag(), haspower(), and type() now all return #-1 NO MATCH
  when they can't find the object they're checking. Previously they
  returned #-1 NOT FOUND; for consistency's sake, they now behave like
  everything else.



- Improvement in logging facilities.

- Dynamic allocation of string conf parameters.

- Break-out of functions into many files, sorted by function type.
  Break-out of the command tables into a separate file, for ease of

- ANSI, particularly in functions, is handled more consistently and more
  sanely. Some string and list functions have also been optimized. These
  changes are known to be incomplete as of TinyMUSH 3.1 beta 1.

- Similar functions may use the same handler internally, called with
  different flags specified in the function table, so adding families
  of similar functions does not imply code bloat. Several groups of
  functions (trigonometry, logic, etc.) have been condensed into common

- Better handling of the slave for DNS and identd lookups.

- Replaced the random number generator with Mersenne Twister. Use
  derived from PennMUSH, which derives it from MUX2.

- Other cleanup in many parts of the code, including performance
  enhancements and significant reductions in memory used.

- Fatal signals now produce cleaner coredumps, but two signals are
  required to generate a core file. Based on a patch from Amos

- Many portability improvements, including support of UWIN, so TinyMUSH 3
  can be run under Windows.

			TinyMUSH 3.0 Changes

This change list details user-visible or otherwise highly significant
changes in TinyMUSH 3.0. The bugfixes and general code reworking done
in the course of merging TinyMUSH 2.2 and TinyMUX line-by-line, as
well as throughout an extensive cleanup, bugfix, and
performance-enhancement effort, is too extensive and complex to
readily be listed here.

Note that these are only changes that are completely new to both
TinyMUSH 2.2 and TinyMUX; enhancements that were in one server but not
the other have been listed in the conversion notes for both servers.

TinyMUSH 3.0 beta 1 was released on September 27th, 1999.
The "full", gamma release of TinyMUSH 3.0 is dated December 1st, 2000.



- Build script allows "single-step" configuration, build, and installation.

- Backup and Restore scripts simplify backup maintenance. Archive script
  allows the archival of all the important files.

- Index script detects help-style files (help, news, etc.) and indexes
  them. This is now called by Startmush.

- Bug reporting is easier, via the ReportCrash script, which analyzes
  core files and emails the results to the bug reporting address.

- GNU dbm 1.8.0 is required. Database code has been rewritten to take
  advantage of its features. Dumps are now automatically optimized (though
  you can turn this off using the new conf parameter opt_frequency), and
  you may safely back up the MUSH while it is running, either internally
  (through @dump/flatfile) or externally (through the Backup script).

- An interface to an external SQL database is now supported, through
  the SQL() function and supporting administrative commands. Currently,
  modules for mSQL and MySQL are available.

- There is now a generic indexed-textfile facility, allowing 'news'-like
  commands and their associated files to be specified via the 'helpfile'
  and 'raw_helpfile' parameters in the conf file.

- The readability of a configuration parameter can be set via the
  config_read_access param, and can be listed with @list config_read_perms.
  A config() function allows players to obtain the value of a configuration
  parameter that they have permission to read.

- The new game_log and divert_log parameters allow the logs for different
  types of events to be sent to different files. The new @logrotate
  command allows these logfiles to be rotated while the game is running.
  Logfiles are also rotated when a @restart is done. Old log are marked
  with a timestamp in seconds. The new Logclean script simplifies 
  cleanup of old logfiles.

- Command-table additions (@addcommand and family) are supported (a
  cleaned-up version of the MUX implementation). Three new conf parameters:
    - addcommands_match_blindly (defaults to 'yes', controls whether or not
      a 'Huh?' is produced when a match on an @addcommand'd command doesn't
      actually match a $command)
    - addcommands_obey_stop (defaults to 'no') controls whether or not an
      object with the Stop flag actually enforces a stop of match attempts
      when a match is found on an @addcomand for that object.
    - addcommands_obey_uselocks (defaults to 'no') controls whether or not
      the uselock is checked when an added command is matched.
  (The defaults are MUX behavior; we suggest that the reverse of the
  defaults is more desirable, though.)

- There are now command "hooks", implemented via the @hook command. Hooks
  are functions which execute before and/or after a built-in command;
  using side-effect functions, it is thus possible to customize a
  command without needing to write a full-blown @addcommand for it,
  or to execute things before/after every move through an exit.

- The term "zone" is now used for two things: MUX-style control-oriented
  zones, and 2.2-style local-master-rooms. Both types of zones default
  to on (local_master_rooms and have_zones conf parameters). MUX-style
  zones now use ControlLock rather than EnterLock, and only objects
  set CONTROL_OK may be controlled by a ZMO; this provides slightly
  better security. A new config parameter, 'autozone', controls
  whether or not objects are automatically zoned to their creator's
  ZMO at the time of their creation.

- The comsystem has been rewritten, resulting in a variety of minor
  syntax changes and alterations and enhancements to functionality.
  Default channel aliases can now be set with the public_calias and
  guests_calias config parameters.

- Variable destination exits are implemented, via the "variable" keyword
  and the ExitTo attribute; the destination of the exit is determined when
  it is used. The link_variable power has been added in support of this.
  (This works in a way similar to PennMUSH's variable destination exits,
  but ExitTo was used instead of Destination, to reduce likelihood of
  previous attribute conflicts.)

- Optional uselock checking for global aconnects has been implemented.
  (2.2 had this by default; MUX did not have this.)

- The disconnect reason is passed for master-room disconnects, too.

- When the new conf parameter dark_actions is enabled, objects set Dark
  still trigger @a-actions when moving, unless the /quiet switch is

- When the new conf parameter exit_calls_move is enabled, trying to go
  through an exit by just typing its name is equivalent to typing
  'move <exit name>', allowing this to be intercepted by a move

- When the new conf parameter move_match_more is enabled, the move
  command matches exits like the main command parser does, i.e., it
  also checks global and zone exits, and in the case of multiple 
  matches, picks a random match.

- When the new conf parameter no_ambiguous_match is enabled, ambiguous
  matches always result in a random selection amongst the matches (i.e.,
  you will never get a "I don't know which one you mean!" message).

- The new conf parameter guest_starting_room allows Guest characters to
  start in a different default room than other characters.

- The MUSH manual is included in the distribution in helpfile format.
  (Thanks to Alierak and sTiLe.)



- There are now ten user-defined flags, MARKER0 through MARKER9. The flag
  names can be set through the flag_name option. Commands, functions, and
  other things with configurable permissions can also be tied to these
  flags (for instance, 'function_access lwho marker0').

- The access permissions of flags, including user-defined flags, can be
  set via the flag_access config directive. In addition to permissions
  for wizards, wizards/royalty, and god, there is a restrict_player
  option (only settable by Wizards on players, but settable by mortals
  on other types of things), and a privileged option (only settable by
  God on players, but settable by non-robot players on other types of
  things, if they themselves have the flag).

- The access permissions of powers can be set via the power_access config
  directive. The permission types available are the same as for flags.

- Command permissions can also be linked to the STAFF and HEAD flags.
  The "robot" permission has been removed, since nobody was using it.
  (The "no_robot" permission still exists, though.)

- A new flag, BLIND, suppresses has arrived / has left messages.

- A new flag, CONSTANT, prevents attributes from being set or altered
  on an object by anyone other than God.

- The FLOATING flag, if set on a player, now suppresses floating-room
  messages sent to that player.

- There is now a link_to_anything power, and an open_anywhere power, doing
  the obvious; these are handy for building-staff players.

- The see_hidden power now works. DARK is really two concepts, not showing
  up in the WHO list and not showing up in the contents list / moving
  silently. see_hidden allows seeing the former but does not affect the
  latter. These two concepts are now handled in a consistent manner
  within the server.



- New /info switch to @attribute shows global attribute flags for a single
  attribute (similar to what '@list user_attributes' produces for all
  user-defined attributes).

- @chown now checks a ChownLock on CHOWN_OK objects.

- @chown, @chownall, @chzone, and @clone now strip flags in a consistent
  manner, as defined by the conf option stripped_flags. The /nostrip
  switch negates this stripping. For consistency, @clone/inherit no
  longer preserves IMMORTAL (but it still preserves INHERIT).

- @clone/preserve can be used by anyone, but you must control the original
  object's owner.

- A @cron facility allows tasks to be scheduled at specific times,
  in much the same way that Unix cron does.

- New /instant switch to @destroy causes objects to be instantly destroyed
  (rather than being queued for destruction at the next purge). Also, a
  new conf option, instant_recycle, controls whether or not Destroy_OK
  objects are instantly recycled (rather than being queued for destruction).

- New /pretty switch to examine and @decompile "pretty-prints" (with
  indentation) attributes. Based on Andrew Molitor's +pex-equivalent code.

- New /pairs switch to examine matches parentheses, brackets, and braces(),
  displaying them in ANSI colors. Based on Robby Griffin's ChaoticMUX code.

- New @freelist command moves an object to the head of the freelist,
  until the next dbck.

- New /noeval switch to @function defines a user-defined function whose
  arguments are not pre-evaluated.

- When you try to 'give' someone money, their ReceiveLock, rather than
  their UseLock, is checked.

- New @hashresize command dynamically resizes the hash tables. This is
  also automatically done at startup time.

- The @list options command has been reformatted and reorganized. A
  new command, @list params, lists additional configuration parameters.

- New /reply and /replyall switches to @mail allow replying to a mail
  message, including quoting it via the additional /quote switch.

- An object can @program another object if the first object or its owner
  has the Program power, or the first object controls the second. (This
  fuses the 2.2 and MUX models.)

- @program now reads attributes on the object's parent chain as well,
  not just the object itself (thus behaving like @trigger and friends).

- @ps now shows the attribute being waited upon, for non-Semaphore
  semaphore waits.

- @stats() and stats() now count the number of Going objects, as well
  as the number of objects of unknown (corrupted) type.



- Functions for generic named variables, preserved in a manner similar to
  the stack (i.e., associated with a specific object, persistent until a
  restart is done), have been added. setx() sets a named variable,
  xvars() parses a list of strings into a list of variables, regparse()
  parses a regular expression into a list of variables, x() accesses
  a named variable (as does %_<var>), lvars() lists named variables,
  clearvars() mass-unsets named variables, and let() does a Scheme-style
  code block (with localized variables).

- Functions for generic named data structures (data types), preserved in
  a manner similar to the stack, in a LISP-like style. structure()
  defines a structure, unstructure() undefines one, construct() and
  load() create instances of structures, destruct() removes an instance
  of a structure, unload() dumps the components of an instance, z()
  gets the component of an instance, modify() modifies a component
  of an instance, and lstructures() and linstances() list the names
  of structures and instances, respectively.

- The equivalent of v(ATTRIBUTE) can now be accessed as '%=<ATTRIBUTE>',
  where the angle-brackets are literal.

- Functions that take output delimiters can take null output delimiters
  (symbolized by the token '@@') and newline ('%r') output delimiters.

- Booleans, as represented by functions such as t(), andbool(), and
  ifelse(), are now handled in a more sensible manner. All dbrefs
  (#0 and higher) are now considered true; #-1 and below are considered
  false. The string '#-1 <string>' (such as '#-1 NO MATCH') is considered
  false. All other strings beginning with '#' are treated like arbitrary
  strings, so, for instance, lists of dbrefs ('#0 #3 #5') are considered
  true. The old behavior can be obtained by enabling the booleans_oldstyle
  config parameter.

- The ansi() function compacts multiple ANSI attributes into a single
  ANSI code.

- String-manipulation functions, such as edit() and mid(), no longer
  strip ANSI characters, and @edit is better able to handle ANSI

- An ANSI underline code, %xu, has been added.

- Added chomp() function -- akin to perl chomp(), it chomps off a
  trailing carriage-return newline from a string, if there is one.
  (Useful for dealing with pipe output.)

- Added command() function, which allows the execution of a variety of
  built-in commands in function form, such as @parent and @name.

- Added doing() function, to get @doing text.

- Added force(), trigger(), and wait() functions. Evil, but useful.

- iter() and list() can now be nested, and the nesting level can be
  obtained with '#!'. This changes the way parsing is done on both
  functions, and may affect the manner in which arguments to these
  functions should be escaped. For backwards compatibility, parse()
  works like the old iter() (unchanged behavior), and the new loop()
  function works like list() used to.

- The ladd(), lmin(), lmax(), lor(), land(), lorbool() and landbool()
  functions operate on lists, eliminating the necessity to fold() elements
  through their non-list counterparts.

- Conf parameter lattr_default_oldstyle controls what lattr() returns when
  it fails to match: if 'yes', this is empty (2.0.10p5 and before, 2.2.1
  and later), if 'no', this is #-1 NO MATCH (2.0.10p6, 2.2.0, MUX).
  Defaults to 'no'.

- Added localize() function, keeping changes to r-registers within the
  "local" scope of that evaluation.

- Added lrand() function, generating a delimiter-separated list of
  N random numbers between X and Y.

- The log() function can now taken an optional second argument, the base.

- The mix() function can now take an unequal number of elements in each
  list. (The lists are considered to be padded out with nulls.)

- If the new conf parameter, objeval_requires_control, is enabled (it
  is disabled by default), the objeval() function requires that you
  control the evaluator, not just have the same owner as it.

- Added ncomp() function for comparing numbers comp() style (very
  useful for sortby() afficianados).

- Added null() function, which just eats output. (Useful for doing things
  like iter() with side-effect functions, and getting rid of the resulting
  garbage spaces.)

- The nonzero() function outputs the result of an if/else condition on a
  non-zero result. (This provides MUX-style ifelse() behavior. ifelse()
  follows the TinyMUSH 2.2 behavior of conditioning on a boolean.)

- The objmem(<thing>) function does a MUX-style object-structure count; 
  objmem(<thing>/<wild>) does a 2.2-style attribute-text count. (Fuses
  the two models.)

- The pfind() function returns a dbref, or looks up a player. (This
  provides MUX-style pmatch() behavior. pmatch() now behaves like the
  MUX documentation said it should, which is identical to its PennMUSH

- step() does the equivalent of map() over multiple elements of a single
  list, with N elements at a time passed as %0, %1, etc.

- streq() does a case-insensitive comparison of two strings, returning 0 or 1.

- switchall() returns the string results from all cases that match.

- switch() and switchall() can nest the '#$' token, and the nesting
  level is available with '#!'.

- Vector functions no longer have a maximum dimension.

- vunit() can take an output delimiter.

- Added while() function. Evaluates elements of a list, until a
  termination condition is reached or the end of the list is reached.



3.0 Patchlevel 1					December 5th, 2001

  - Fixed a potentially fatal error in the clearing of variables.
    [3.0a4; S'ryon]

3.0 Patchlevel 2					January 26th, 2001

  - The equivalent of a @dbck is done, before a @restart, in order to
    recycle garbage before writing out the database. [MUX; S'ryon]

  - A fatal startup error under FreeBSD, related to helpfiles, has
    been fixed. [3.0a5; Alex Garcia]

  - Fixed a potentially fatal error in @dbclean. [3.0b5; Starlyn]

3.0 Patchlevel 3					October 21st, 2001

  - Fixed a problem with incorrect object names in @decompile
    output. [3.0b22; Ed Thomas]

  - Removed buggy code that complained when sending mail with only
    the word "clear". [MUX; Sally MacKay]

  - Uppercase flag names will now work with player_flags, etc.
    [2.0; Robert M. Zigweid]

  - Removed ANSI codes from Pueblo xch_cmd link attributes for
    MUSHclient compatibility. [MUX; Nick Gammon]

  - @addcommand honors a backslashed colon in the attribute during
    argument matching. [MUX; Eric Kidder]

  - Added regexp attribute flag support to @addcommand. [MUX]

3.0 Patchlevel 4					June 8th, 2002

  - Allow rollback from TM 3.1-format databases.

  - Fixed a potential buffer overflow in lastcreate(). [2.2]

  - Fixed a problem with skipped or doubled cron jobs. [3.0b8; Adam Dray]

  - Fixed a problem clearing attribute flags with set(). [MUX]

  - Fixed a problem with attempting to backup to / if config file was
    improper. [2.2]

  - Improved handling of built-ins overridden by @addcommand.
