These are the rules for a wizard.

1. You may not help other players, even if they lost points due to
   lost connection. They have to go to the post office and ask Lars,
   or use bug.

2. Never attack a player or kill him. If a player behaves badly, file
   the complaint to Lars.

3. Do not make 'deadly' trapps. A player must never die because he didn't
   know what happens in the next room. If some room is very dangerous,
   make some hint (like the giant footprints beside the giant lair).

4. Never initialize the destination of an object outside your castle. If you
   make a monster that can walk out of the castle, be sure that it is a
   very nice monster.

5. Never generate messages that looks like something it isn't (good and precise
   rule :-). That is, don't try to fool the player that someone says something
   when it isn't true etc.

6. If you have a "test" character, make sure is isn't seen in the top score
   list. He must no be wizard either.

7. Try to avoid making devices, situations which makes the players loose
   experience if they are adventuring or examining objects. Players should be
   rewarded for adventuring and discovering things. If they get killed...
   Well, they will then loose some experience, but this is a special case!

8. The game is supposed to be in the "long distant past", and thus no
   modern things should exist. If you want some kind of airplane, use a
   flying horse in stead etc.

9. If you make available some kind of restaurant that sells food that
   heals, then the healing must cost on average 4 gp/hp (or more). The amount
   of healing must also be limited per reset. Generating healing items for
   free is only allowed if they heal at most 20 points, and are destructed.
   Not more than one such item may be generated per room and reset.

10.Teleporting items should be VERY restricted, and very rare. They must
   not allow teleportations to anywhere, but only to one or more predefined
   room. Never to a specific player. It must cost at least 50 spell points
   to use each time.