About LPMOO Checkpoints

The dump_database() builtin function in LPMOO normally writes a binary state
dump file which can be used to restart LPMOO quickly.

LPMOO can read and write LambdaMOO-format databases, however these processes
take a significant amount of time. Databases written by LPMOO will be
compatible with version 1.7.8 of the LambdaMOO server _except_ when any LPMOO
extensions (floats, tables, builtins) are used anywhere in the database. In
this case the database can only be read by LPMOO.

To read a LambdaMOO-format database, bootstrap LPMOO with a command like:

    make bootstrap db=MOO-DB-FILE

To write a LambdaMOO-format database, call dump_database() with a non-zero
argument. The checkpoint will be written to the `etc/text.db' file (unless
changed by the moo.cf configuration.)

Note that writing LambdaMOO-format (text) databases takes considerable time!
The server will appear to lock up while the database is being written.
Therefore this is discouraged and should only be used when necessary, such as
for upgrading to a new version of LPMOO.