Known bugs

 - `.program' builtin verb not supported
 - [same as Lambda?] single backslash (\) on input
 - [fixed] LPC tracebacks don't give enough info
 - [fixed] nonprintable characters are not stripped from input
 - [mostly fixed] no lock() on critical regions

Potential optimizations

 - [mostly done] make local variables local to each verb's main()
 - [mostly done] static variable arrays - smart compilation
 - [mostly done] make compiler optimize out CPS from code which cannot suspend?
 - [mostly done] move line-numbering into places where they're needed?
 - optimize parser.c (switch () et al.)
 - [done] extract the stack pointer into an int var
 - [done] compiler optimizations
 - [done] unparse verbcode immediately, and throw away the AST
 - integrate command parsing with nearby objects somehow?

To Do

 - [done] remove dependencies on h2ph, and eventually Perl, in dnsbot
 - [done] sin(), cos(), tan(), atan()
 - [done] write a DNS interface
 - [done] tokenize verb source code
 - [started] write an LPC->MOO interface
 - think about compiling MOO->LPC->C ?
 - go through and add features from config file/MOO
 - write /lib/optimizer
 - refcounts for connection objects? MOO objects?
 - write independent dbsaver
 - fix connect/disconnect interface and connection objects (refcounts?)
 - optimize command parsing; cache objects & names
 - random() accept float?
 - protect LPMOO internals from user LPC
 - [done] min(), max() accept floats
 - [done] 8-bit binary strings (buffers?)
 - [done] renumber(create()) => special case; don't scan db

Wish List

 - general overhaul to use VM
 - access to internal editor
 - ^ == pow()?
 - all ANSI math functions
 - "BAR" in "foobarbaz" => 4 ?
 - [1, 2] * 4 => [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]