*** 1,13 ****
!  * $Header: /home/oper/ac/.CVSROOT/src/util/fundesc.c,v 1.3 1993/10/23 11:15:00 ac Exp $
! static char rcsid[] = "$Id: fundesc.c,v 1.3 1993/10/23 11:15:00 ac Exp $";
   * $Log: fundesc.c,v $
   * Revision 1.3  1993/10/23  11:15:00  ac
   * Added swapping of arrays and mappings.
   * fixed the initialization of variables.
   * better call_out, better everything.
--- 1,16 ----
!  * $Header: /home/oper/ac/.CVSROOT/src/util/fundesc.c,v 3.1 1994/01/23 01:14:18 ac Exp $
! static char rcsid[] = "$Id: fundesc.c,v 3.1 1994/01/23 01:14:18 ac Exp $";
   * $Log: fundesc.c,v $
+  * Revision 3.1  1994/01/23  01:14:18  ac
+  * Starting development of AZ.03
+  *
   * Revision 1.3  1993/10/23  11:15:00  ac
   * Added swapping of arrays and mappings.
   * fixed the initialization of variables.
   * better call_out, better everything.