The CD gamedriver, consisting of code in this directory and subdirectories,
as made avaliable from the authors, is copyright Chalmers Datorf|rening,
G|teborg, Sweden 1991, 1992, 1993. Parts of the package may be copyrighted 
by others or may be in the public domain. In these cases such information 
is stated in the individual files.
The CD gamedriver is based on LPMud, developed by Lars Pensj| and others.

Source code herein refers to the source code, and any executables
created from the same source code.

All rights reserved.  Permission is granted to extend and modify the
source code provided subject to the restriction that the source code may
not be used in any way whatsoever for monetary gain.

The grants made here may be subject to later change. Such a change will
only apply to versions of the program made avaliable to the public after
said change.