This is LPMud version 3.0-DR (Darker Realms' version).

This version should run with any existing mudlib of version 2.4.x or
above if run in compatibility mode, although the compiler is a bit 
more picky, so you might find some actual syntax errors in your code 
that 2.4.x allowed to slip by.

Please read the README.3.0 file, and DONE, for information on new
functions and abilities of 3.0.

In addition, please edit the Makefile and config.h, and change the path names
to be appropriate paths, and make a 'secure' directory wherever you untarred
the game, to place your security.h file.

New to 3.0-DR:

You now have the ability to have "privilege" hosts, that can get into
the game even if the game is full to 'mortals'.  In config.h, you'll
see the #define's MAX_PLAYERS and MAX_MORTALS.  MAX_MORTALS is used for
the maximum number of players, excluding priv users, you will allow
on your mud.  MAX_PLAYERS is the total number of users ever that can be
on your mud.  Right now these are set to 40 and 32, meaning that 32 
non-priv players can be on, and at least 8 priv people can be on.  Please
look at the function priv_host() in comm1.c, and put the appropriate 
hex representation of the ip address for each priv host you want.  If
you don't care to use this feature, comment out the #define MAX_MORTALS
in config.h.

   Example:  Say you have 31 players on, and 9 priv people.  The game
       is full to everyone.  If a players logs out, someone can take
       their place, that being a priv player or a mortal.  Now, say
       you have 32 players and 8 priv people, and a priv person logs
       out. No more players can log in, since the number of players is
       32, which is max. 

attributes  --  The functions add_attribute, query_attribute, delete_attribute,
                and get_attribute, have been added for dynamic manipulation
                of properties on objects.  To get the full benifit of these,
                your  mudlib will probably have to be rewritten to use them.
                (like add a property "NT" for no teleport realms).

files(path) --  This primative returns an array of all the files in a directory.

grab_file(path) -- This returns an array of a file, one line per element.

format(str, width) -- formats str to width characters, putting \n's in the 
                      string when necessary.  Default width (configurable in
                      config.h) is 70.

print(str, width)  -- write(format(str, width))

in_editor(ob) -- returns true if ob is in the editor.

possessive(ob) -- returns "his", "her", or "its" depending on the
                  return value of query_gender() on ob.  default would
                  be "its".
objective(ob)  -- returns "him", "her", or "it".
subjective(ob) -- returns "he", "she", or "it".

remove_interactive(ob) -- forces ob to go net-dead.

memused() -- returns the amound of memory being used, if using smalloc.c

searcha() -- has been overloaded to take a string as it's first argument.
             also, index(str, char, start) is also there, which is identical
             to searcha(str, char, start)

extract() -- has been overloaded to take an array for the first argument, 
             as well as the string.

explode(str, "") now works, and creates an array of size strlen(str), 
             with each element being a letter in the string.  The types
             of each element is a string.

add_action(fun, verb, matchlength) -- This will allow for "abbreviated" matches,
             or rather, any common beginning substring of matchlength characters
             or more will match.

             For example, if you did 

                add_action("function", "command", 3);
             com  comm  comma  comman  command

             would all match, and call function.  

             This new style will break the old add_action(fun,verb,flag)
             style, so I have made allowances for that with a 
             #define OLD_ADD_ACTION in config.h.  If you don't use this
             old style, use the new one, it's much more useful. :-)

addition works on arrays, as does the += operator.

Many memory leaks have also been fixed.  Memory structures have been 
packed down, to reduce size.  You may or may not see a size decrease,
however, due to the way some machines align structures.  (Sparcs will
not see a reduction, but both a Sun3, HP 9000/300, and a NeXT saw
some size reduction) Also, this version compiles with no problems under 
HPUX.  I am currently working on porting this to a NeXT. isn't in this distribution for some reason.  I'll 
get it from, and put it up for ftp on

If you have any questions, or find a function that is in 2.4.5-D that 
isn't supported, please mail me at

I added the trace() efun, although I have no idea what it's supposed 
to do.  *chuckle*

I will try to go through an document ALL the efuns available in 3.0
whenever I get the chance.  If anyone out there wants to do this, please
feel free.