// Full copyright information is available in the file ../doc/CREDITS
// File routines.
// Some of these routines are used in io.c, primarily when updating i/o
// io.c modifies and uses 'files'.

#define _file_

#include "defs.h"

#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "file.h"
#include "cdc_pcode.h"
#include "cache.h"
#include "util.h"

#define THROWN(_args_) { \
        cthrow _args_ ; \
        return NULL; \

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// The first routines deal with file controllers, and should be system
// inspecific.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

filec_t * files = NULL;

void flush_files(void) {
    filec_t * file;

    for (file = files; file; file = file->next)

void close_files(void) {
    filec_t * file,
            * old;

    file = files;
    while (file) {
        old = file;
        file = file->next;
        file_discard(old, NULL);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: If you send the object along, it is assumed it is the CORRECT
// object bound to this function, sending the wrong object can cause
// problems.
void file_discard(filec_t * file, Obj * obj) {
    filec_t  ** fp, * f;

    /* clear the object's file variable */
    if (obj == NULL) {
        if (file->objnum != INV_OBJNUM) {
            Obj * obj = cache_retrieve(file->objnum);

            if (obj != NULL) {
                obj->file = NULL;
    } else {
        obj->file = NULL;

    /* pull it out of the 'files' list */
    fp = &files;
    while (*fp) {
        f = *fp;
        if (f->objnum == file->objnum) {
            if (!f->f.closed)
            *fp = f->next;
        } else {
            fp = &f->next;

    /* toss the file proper */


filec_t * file_new(void) {
    filec_t * fnew = EMALLOC(filec_t, 1);

    fnew->fp = NULL;
    fnew->objnum = INV_OBJNUM;
    fnew->f.readable = 0;
    fnew->f.writable = 0;
    fnew->f.closed = 0;
    fnew->f.binary = 0;
    fnew->path = NULL;
    fnew->next = NULL;

    return fnew;

void file_add(filec_t * file) {
    file->next = files;
    files = file;

filec_t * find_file_controller(Obj * obj) {

    /* obj->file is only for faster lookups,
       and will go away when written to disk. */
    if (obj->file == NULL) {
        filec_t * file;

        /* lets try and find the file */
        for (file = files; file; file = file->next) {
            if (file->objnum == obj->objnum && !file->f.closed) {
                obj->file = file;

    /* it may still be NULL */
    return obj->file;

Int close_file(filec_t * file) {
    file->f.closed = 1;
    if (fclose(file->fp) == EOF)
        return GETERR();
    return 0;

Int flush_file(filec_t * file) {
    if (file->f.writable) {
        if (fflush(file->fp) == EOF)
            return NO;
        return YES;

    return -1;

cBuf * read_binary_file(filec_t * file, Int block) {
    cBuf * buf = buffer_new(block);

    /* Patch #6 -- Bruce Mitchner */
    if (feof(file->fp)) {
        cthrow(eof_id, "End of file.");
        return NULL;

    buf->len = fread(buf->s, sizeof(unsigned char), block, file->fp);

    return buf;

/* slower, but we get clean output */
cStr * read_file(filec_t * file) {
    register char * p, * s;
    register int len;
    cStr * str;

    if (feof(file->fp))
        THROWN((eof_id, "End of file."))

    str = fgetstring(file->fp);

    if (!str)
        THROWN((eof_id, "End of file."))

    /* ok, munch meta-characters */
    p = s = string_chars(str);
    len = string_length(str);

    while (len-- && *s) {
        if (ISPRINT(*s)) {
            *p = *s;
        } else if (*s == '\t') {
            *p = ' ';
    *p = (char) NULL;

    str->len = p - string_chars(str);

    return str;

Int abort_file(filec_t * file) {
    if (file != NULL) {
        file_discard(file, NULL);
        return F_SUCCESS;

    return F_FAILURE;

Int stat_file(filec_t * file, struct stat * sbuf) {
    if (file != NULL) {
        stat(file->path->s, sbuf);
        return F_SUCCESS;

    return F_FAILURE;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// These routines are file utilities, and will probably not work too
// well on anything but unix.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

cStr * build_path(char * fname, struct stat * sbuf, Int nodir) {
    Int         len = strlen(fname);
    cStr  * str = NULL;

    if (len == 0)
        THROWN((file_id, "No file specified."))

    if (strstr(fname, "../") || strstr(fname, "/..") || !strcmp(fname, ".."))
        THROWN((perm_id, "Filename \"%s\" is not legal.", fname))

    str = string_from_chars(c_dir_root, strlen(c_dir_root));
    str = string_addc(str, '/');
    str = string_add_chars(str, fname, len);
    if (*fname != '/') {
        str = string_from_chars(c_dir_root, strlen(c_dir_root));
        str = string_addc(str, '/');
        str = string_add_chars(str, fname, len);
    } else {
        str = string_from_chars(fname, len);

    if (sbuf != NULL) {
        if (stat(str->s, sbuf) < 0) {
            cthrow(file_id, "Cannot find file \"%s\".", str->s);
            return NULL;
        if (nodir) {
            if (S_ISDIR(sbuf->st_mode)) {
                cthrow(directory_id, "\"%s\" is a directory.", str->s);
                return NULL;

    return str;

cList * statbuf_to_list(struct stat * sbuf) {
    cList        * list;
    cData        * d;
    char           buf[LINE];
    register Int   x;

    list = list_new(5);
    d = list_empty_spaces(list, 5);
    for (x=1; x < 5; x++)
        d[x].type = INTEGER;

    if (sizeof(sbuf->st_mode) == sizeof(long)) {
        sprintf(buf, "%lo", (long unsigned int)(sbuf->st_mode));
    } else {
        sprintf(buf, "%o", sbuf->st_mode);
    d[0].type = STRING;
    d[0].u.str = string_from_chars(buf, strlen(buf));
    d[1].u.val = (Int) sbuf->st_size;
    d[2].u.val = (Int) sbuf->st_atime;
    d[3].u.val = (Int) sbuf->st_mtime;
    d[4].u.val = (Int) sbuf->st_ctime;

    return list;

cList * open_file(cStr * name, cStr * smode, Obj * obj) {
    char        mode[4];
    Int         rw = 0;
    char      * s = NULL;
    filec_t   * fnew = file_new();
    struct stat sbuf;

    /* parse the mode first, if the string pointer is NULL, set it readable */
    if (smode != NULL) {
        s = smode->s;
        if (*s == '+') {
            rw = 1;
            fnew->f.readable = fnew->f.writable = 1;
        if (*s == '>') {
            if (*s == '>') {
                mode[0] = 'a';
            } else {
                mode[0] = 'w';
            fnew->f.writable = 1;
        } else {
            if (*s == '<' )
            mode[0] = 'r';
            fnew->f.readable = 1;

        /* here is where we branch from perl, '-' is used to specify it as
           a 'binary' file (i.e. use buffers not cold strings) */
        if (*s == '-') {
            fnew->f.binary = 1;

    } else {
        mode[0] = 'r';
        fnew->f.readable = 1;

    /* most systems ignore this, some need it */
    mode[1] = 'b';

    if (rw) {
        mode[2] = '+';
        mode[3] = (char) NULL;
    } else {
        mode[2] = (char) NULL;

    fnew->path = build_path(name->s, NULL, DISALLOW_DIR);
    if (fnew->path == NULL)
        return NULL;

    /* redundant, as build_path could have done this, but we
       have a special case which we need to handle differently */

    if (stat(fnew->path->s, &sbuf) == F_SUCCESS) {
        /* Patch #6 -- Bruce Mitchener */
        if (S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) {
            cthrow(directory_id, "\"%s\" is a directory.", fnew->path->s);
            file_discard(fnew, NULL);
            return NULL;

    fnew->fp = fopen(fnew->path->s, mode);

    if (fnew->fp == NULL) {
        if (GETERR() == ERR_NOMEM)
            panic("open_file(): %s", strerror(GETERR()));
        cthrow(file_id, "%s (%s)", strerror(GETERR()), name->s);
        file_discard(fnew, NULL);
        return NULL;

    obj->file = fnew;
    fnew->objnum = obj->objnum;

    return statbuf_to_list(&sbuf);

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// called by fread()
cBuf * read_from_file(Obj * obj) {
    cBuf * buf;
    filec_t * file = find_file_controller(obj);

    if (file == NULL)
        return NULL;

    if (!file->rbuf) {
        if (feof(file->fp))
            return NULL;

    buf = file->rbuf;
    file->rbuf = NULL;

    return buf;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// called by fwrite()
Int write_to_file(Obj * obj, cBuf * buf) {
    filec_t * file = find_file_controller(obj);

    if (file == NULL || !file->f.writable)
        return 0;

    if (file->wbuf)
        file->wbuf = buffer_append(file->wbuf, buf);
        file->wbuf = buffer_dup(buf);

    return 1;

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// called by feof()
Int file_end(Obj * obj) {
    filec_t * file = find_file_controller(obj);

    if (file == NULL)
        return F_FAILURE;

    return (feof(file->fp));

#undef _file_