Three easy bugfixes for EmberMUD
                        Fix Sheet by Rindar (Ron Cole)
             Code by Raven (Laurie Zenner) and Rindar (Ron Cole)
     (Though this was so easy, I'm not sure I want to take credit for it)

The Bugs:  There are three minor bugs in the EmberMUD code that 
appear to be because of carelessness.  The first is that items set 
to be polearms become whips.  The second is that tells with too long 
of a name and message will crash the game.  The third is that the 
first race in the game will always be of evil alignment, no matter what 
is actually chosen on roll-up.

The Bugfixes:  Because these fixes are so easy, I'm not going to 
take a lot of time to explain them.  Just open up the appropriate
files and pop them in, then recompile.

 * * *

The Polearm Fix
In bit.c, find the constant structure weapon_class.  It should
look like this:

const struct flag_type weapon_class[] =
    {   "exotic",        0,                    TRUE    },
    {   "sword",         1,                    TRUE    },
    {   "dagger",        2,                    TRUE    },
    {   "spear",         3,                    TRUE    },
    {   "mace",          4,                    TRUE    },
    {   "axe",           5,                    TRUE    },
    {   "flail",         6,                    TRUE    },
    {   "whip",          7,                    TRUE    },
    {   "polearm",       7,                    TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

Change the value of polearm to 8.  The new code should look 
like this:

const struct flag_type weapon_class[] =
    {   "exotic",        0,                    TRUE    },
    {   "sword",         1,                    TRUE    },
    {   "dagger",        2,                    TRUE    },
    {   "spear",         3,                    TRUE    },
    {   "mace",          4,                    TRUE    },
    {   "axe",           5,                    TRUE    },
    {   "flail",         6,                    TRUE    },
    {   "whip",          7,                    TRUE    },
    {   "polearm",       8,                    TRUE    },
    {   "",              0,                    0       }

 * * *

The Tell Fix
In act_comm.c, find the function do_tell.  It should look like 

void do_tell( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char buf [MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
   char arg [MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; 
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

Now, change the first variable's size to that of MAX_STRING_LENGTH. 
The new code should look like this:

void do_tell( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
   char buf [MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
   char arg [MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; 
   CHAR_DATA *victim;

 * * *

The Alignment Fix
In comm.c in the function void nanny, find the section on 
alignments.  It should look like the section below:

        if (ch->race == 1) ch->alignment = -750;
        else switch( argument[0])
            case 'g' : case 'G' : ch->alignment = 750;  break;
            case 'n' : case 'N' : ch->alignment = 0;    break;
            case 'e' : case 'E' : ch->alignment = -750; break;

The fix is simple.  Mark out the line of code which makes the 
first race evil, then change the else switch statement to a 
switch.  The new code should look like this:

        /* if (ch->race == 1) ch->alignment = -750; */
        switch( argument[0])
            case 'g' : case 'G' : ch->alignment = 750;  break;
            case 'n' : case 'N' : ch->alignment = 0;    break;
            case 'e' : case 'E' : ch->alignment = -750; break;

 * * *

All done.  Know of any other good fixes?  Let me know!

-= Rindar

** Note:  These fixes are provided "as is" and may be used so long as 
1)  The author's name is kept at the top of the function (if requested) and
2)  all other previous licensing aggreements are abided by.  The author 
assumes no responsibility for problems that occur through use or install-
ation, including lost wages, bugs, deletions, downtimes, etc...  Use at 
your own risk.  All new code is copyrighted by its author.