/*! \file user.cpp
  This is the User class implementation.

  \author Jon A. Lambert
  \date 05/02/2003
  \version 0.30
#include "sysconfig.h"
#include "user.h"

  Constructor for User.  There is no default constructor as
  all Users must be constructed with a socket id.
User::User(unsigned int id)
  : mClientId(id), mState(0), mName("")  {

  Destructor for User
User::~User() {

  Copy Constructor for User
User::User(const User& r_user)
  : mClientId(r_user.mClientId), mState(r_user.mState), mName(r_user.mName) {

  Assignment operator for User

  \param r_user The user this user is being assigned to
User& User::operator=(const User& r_user) {
  if (this == &r_user)
    return *this;
  mClientId = r_user.mClientId;
  mState = r_user.mState;
  mName = r_user.mName;
  return *this;

  Equality operator for User

  \param r_user The user this user is being compared to
bool User::operator==(const User& r_user) const {
  return (this->mClientId == r_user.mClientId);

  Equality operator for User

  \param id The user id this user is being compared to
bool User::operator==(unsigned int id) const {
  return (this->mClientId == id);

  Inequality operator for User

  \param id The user id this user is being compared to
bool User::operator!=(unsigned int id) const {
  return !(this->mClientId == id);

  Return the ClientID

  \return the client ID or socket number
unsigned int User::Id() {
  return mClientId;