(object Petal
    version    	46
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(object Design "Logical View"
    is_unit    	TRUE
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    attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
	(object Attribute
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	    value      	"Internal Editor"))
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					value      	TRUE))
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				value      	"connection.h")
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				value      	"connection.cpp"))
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					type       	"SOCKET")
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					type       	"Server*"
					quidu      	"3ED601630156"))
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					type       	"const Connection&"))
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					type       	"const string&"))
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					quid       	"3ED6016302C9"
					type       	"const Connection&"))
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			module     	"Component View::Paradigm (main)"
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					type       	"Event_T"
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					type       	"SOCKET")
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					type       	"int")
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					type       	"const char*"))
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				    (object Parameter ""
					quid       	"3ED60163034B"
					type       	"Event&"
					quidu      	"3ED6016300F2"))
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				uid        	0
				quidu      	"3ED6016300F2"))
			class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
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			    (object ClassAttribute "mpData"
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				type       	"char*"
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			module     	"Component View::Paradigm (main)"
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		    (object Class "EventQueue"
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			    (object Attribute
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				value      	"eventqueue.h")
			    (object Attribute
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					quid       	"3ED601630374"
					type       	"int"))
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				    (object Parameter "event"
					quid       	"3ED60163037F"
					type       	"Event *"
					quidu      	"3ED6016300F2"))
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				uid        	0)
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				quid       	"3ED601630387"
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				uid        	0
				quidu      	"3ED6016300F2")
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				uid        	0)
			    (object Operation "EventQueue"
				quid       	"3ED601630392"
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				    (object Parameter ""
					quid       	"3ED60163039B"
					type       	"EventQueue&"
					quidu      	"3ED601630106"))
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			    (object Operation "operator="
				quid       	"3ED60163039C"
				parameters 	(list Parameters
				    (object Parameter ""
					quid       	"3ED6016303A5"
					type       	"EventQueue&"
					quidu      	"3ED601630106"))
				result     	"EventQueue&"
				concurrency 	"Sequential"
				opExportControl 	"Private"
				uid        	0
				quidu      	"3ED601630106"))
			class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
			    (object ClassAttribute "mQue"
				quid       	"3ED601630355"
				type       	"queue<Event*>")
			    (object ClassAttribute "mMutex"
				quid       	"3ED601630369"
				type       	"CRITICAL_SECTION"))
			module     	"Component View::Paradigm (main)"
			quidu      	"3ED6009E0167"
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		    (object Class "Event_T"
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"Cplusplus"
				name       	"HeaderSourceFile"
				value      	"event.h")
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"Cplusplus"
				name       	"ImplementationType"
|enum {
|  NONE_E = 0,      //!< Invalid event - or a non-event? ignore it
|  CONNECT_E,       //!< A Connection event - issued only by network
|  DISCONNECT_E,    //!< A Disconnection event - can be issued both ways
|  MESSAGE_E,       //!< A Message event - can be issued both ways
|  SHUTDOWN_E       //!< A Shutdown event - can be issued both ways
			quid       	"3ED601630110"
			stereotype 	"typedef"
			module     	"Component View::Paradigm (main)"
			quidu      	"3ED6009E0167"
			language   	"ANSI C++")
		    (object Class "Guard"
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"Cplusplus"
				name       	"HeaderSourceFile"
				value      	"guard.h"))
			quid       	"3ED601630124"
			operations 	(list Operations
			    (object Operation "Guard"
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				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"Cplusplus"
					name       	"Inline"
					value      	TRUE))
				quid       	"3ED6016303B9"
				parameters 	(list Parameters
				    (object Parameter "l"
					quid       	"3ED6016303BA"
					type       	"CRITICAL_SECTION &"))
				concurrency 	"Sequential"
				opExportControl 	"Public"
				uid        	0)
			    (object Operation "~Guard"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"Cplusplus"
					name       	"Inline"
					value      	TRUE))
				quid       	"3ED6016303C3"
				concurrency 	"Sequential"
				opExportControl 	"Public"
				uid        	0))
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				quid       	"3ED6016303AF"
				type       	"CRITICAL_SECTION &"))
			module     	"Component View::Paradigm (main)"
			quidu      	"3ED6009E0167"
			language   	"ANSI C++")
		    (object Class "IOErrorException"
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			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"Cplusplus"
				name       	"HeaderSourceFile"
				value      	"socket.h"))
			quid       	"3ED60163012E"
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				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"Cplusplus"
					name       	"Inline"
					value      	TRUE))
				quid       	"3ED6016303D7"
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				    (object Parameter "errcode"
					quid       	"3ED6016303D8"
					type       	"int"
					initv      	"0"))
				concurrency 	"Sequential"
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				uid        	0))
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				quid       	"3ED6016303CD"
				type       	"int"
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			module     	"Component View::Paradigm (main)"
			quidu      	"3ED6009E0167"
			language   	"ANSI C++")
		    (object Class "Log"
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				value      	"log.h")
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"Cplusplus"
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				value      	"log.cpp"))
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				    (object Parameter "r_fname"
					quid       	"3ED601640049"
					type       	"string&"))
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				    (object Parameter "fname"
					quid       	"3ED60164004B"
					type       	"const char *"))
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				uid        	0)
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				uid        	0)
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					quid       	"3ED601640055"
					type       	"const string&"))
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				uid        	0)
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				quid       	"3ED60164005D"
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					quid       	"3ED60164005E"
					type       	"const char *")
				    (object Parameter ""
					quid       	"3ED60164005F"
					type       	"..."))
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				quid       	"3ED601640067"
				parameters 	(list Parameters
				    (object Parameter "b"
					quid       	"3ED601640068"
					type       	"bool"))
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				uid        	0)
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				quid       	"3ED601640071"
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					quid       	"3ED60164007B"
					type       	"Log&"
					quidu      	"3ED601630142"))
				concurrency 	"Sequential"
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			    (object Operation "operator="
				quid       	"3ED60164007C"
				parameters 	(list Parameters
				    (object Parameter ""
					quid       	"3ED601640085"
					type       	"Log&"
					quidu      	"3ED601630142"))
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				uid        	0
				quidu      	"3ED601630142")
			    (object Operation "SetTime"
				quid       	"3ED601640086"
				result     	"void"
				concurrency 	"Sequential"
				opExportControl 	"Private"
				uid        	0))
			class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
			    (object ClassAttribute "mFileName"
				quid       	"3ED601640003"
				type       	"string")
			    (object ClassAttribute "mpFile"
				quid       	"3ED60164000D"
				type       	"ofstream *")
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				type       	"char [40]")
			    (object ClassAttribute "mMutex"
				quid       	"3ED601640035"
				type       	"CRITICAL_SECTION"))
			module     	"Component View::Paradigm (main)"
			quidu      	"3ED6009E0167"
			language   	"ANSI C++")
		    (object Class "Server"
			attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"Cplusplus"
				name       	"HeaderSourceFile"
				value      	"server.h")
			    (object Attribute
				tool       	"Cplusplus"
				name       	"BodySourceFile"
				value      	"server.cpp"))
			quid       	"3ED601630156"
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				quid       	"3ED60164013A"
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					quid       	"3ED60164013B"
					type       	"EventQueue&"
					quidu      	"3ED601630106")
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					type       	"EventQueue&"
					quidu      	"3ED601630106")
				    (object Parameter "r_lgfile"
					quid       	"3ED60164014E"
					type       	"Log&"
					quidu      	"3ED601630142"))
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				stereotype 	"virtual"
				parameters 	(list Parameters
				    (object Parameter "port"
					quid       	"3ED601640163"
					type       	"unsigned short"))
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					type       	"void *"))
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					quid       	"3ED6016401A9"
					type       	"SOCKET"))
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			module     	"Component View::Paradigm (main)"
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				value      	"socket.h"))
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					name       	"Inline"
					value      	TRUE))
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					quid       	"3ED6016401C7"
					type       	"int"
					initv      	"0"))
				concurrency 	"Sequential"
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					type       	"int"
					initv      	"4096"))
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					type       	"const char"))
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					type       	"int"))
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					quid       	"3ED60164029A"
					type       	"const Socket&"))
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			module     	"Component View::Paradigm (main)"
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					quid       	"3ED6016402E1"
					type       	"const User&"))
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					quid       	"3ED6016402EA"
					type       	"const User&"))
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					quid       	"3ED6016402F4"
					type       	"unsigned int"))
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					type       	"unsigned int"))
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			location   	(1024, 1373)
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				    size       	10
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					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
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				    hidden     	TRUE
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				supplier   	@4
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			    (object RoleView "mSock" @8
				Parent_View 	@5
				location   	(-176, 189)
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				    size       	10
				    face       	"Arial"
				    bold       	FALSE
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				    underline  	FALSE
				    strike     	FALSE
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					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
					default_color 	TRUE)
				    anchor     	1
				    anchor_loc 	1
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				    max_width  	165
				    justify    	0
				    label      	"#mSock"
				    pctDist    	0.800000
				    height     	42
				    orientation 	0)
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				quidu      	"3ED601630217"
				client     	@5
				supplier   	@3
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			width      	652
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		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::C++ Reverse Engineered::BlockingException" @11
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			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
			location   	(2144, 3040)
			font       	(object Font
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			    location   	(1853, 2899)
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			    label      	"BlockingException")
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			width      	600
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			width      	782
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		    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::C++ Reverse Engineered::Log" @13
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			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
			location   	(3120, 1968)
			font       	(object Font
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			width      	802
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			IncludeOperation 	TRUE
			location   	(2080, 704)
			font       	(object Font
			    size       	10
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			    location   	(1770, 176)
			    fill_color 	13434879
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			    label      	"Server")
			icon_style 	"Icon"
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			compartment 	(object Compartment
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				underline  	FALSE
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			    icon_style 	"Icon"
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			    nlines     	19
			    max_width  	578)
			width      	638
			height     	1082
			annotation 	8
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			location   	(1590, 1289)
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				    strike     	FALSE
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					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
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				    hidden     	TRUE
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				    pctDist    	0.800000
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				supplier   	@4
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			    (object RoleView "mServer" @18
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				location   	(1254, 89)
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				    size       	10
				    face       	"Arial"
				    bold       	FALSE
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				    underline  	FALSE
				    strike     	FALSE
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					face       	"Arial"
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					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
					default_color 	TRUE)
				    anchor     	1
				    anchor_loc 	1
				    nlines     	1
				    max_width  	195
				    justify    	0
				    label      	"#mServer"
				    pctDist    	0.800000
				    height     	42
				    orientation 	1)
				stereotype 	TRUE
				line_color 	3342489
				quidu      	"3ED60163020B"
				client     	@15
				supplier   	@14
				line_style 	0)))
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			location   	(2080, 1435)
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				location   	(912, 1099)
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				    size       	10
				    face       	"Arial"
				    bold       	FALSE
				    italics    	FALSE
				    underline  	FALSE
				    strike     	FALSE
				    color      	0
				    default_color 	TRUE)
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					face       	"Arial"
					bold       	FALSE
					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
					default_color 	TRUE)
				    hidden     	TRUE
				    anchor     	1
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				    nlines     	1
				    max_width  	450
				    justify    	0
				    label      	""
				    pctDist    	0.800000
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				    orientation 	1)
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				client     	@20
				supplier   	@14
				line_style 	0)
			    (object RoleView "mrInQueue: EventQueue&" @23
				Parent_View 	@20
				location   	(912, 1099)
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				    size       	10
				    face       	"Arial"
				    bold       	FALSE
				    italics    	FALSE
				    underline  	FALSE
				    strike     	FALSE
				    color      	0
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					face       	"Arial"
					bold       	FALSE
					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
					default_color 	TRUE)
				    anchor     	1
				    anchor_loc 	1
				    nlines     	1
				    max_width  	511
				    justify    	0
				    label      	"-mrInQueue"
				    pctDist    	0.800000
				    height     	42
				    orientation 	0)
				stereotype 	TRUE
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				client     	@20
				supplier   	@2
				line_style 	0)))
		    (object AssociationViewNew "$UNNAMED$12" @25
			location   	(2080, 1435)
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				    underline  	FALSE
				    strike     	FALSE
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					bold       	FALSE
					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
					default_color 	TRUE)
				    hidden     	TRUE
				    anchor     	1
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				    nlines     	1
				    max_width  	450
				    justify    	0
				    label      	""
				    pctDist    	0.800000
				    height     	42
				    orientation 	1)
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				client     	@25
				supplier   	@14
				line_style 	0)
			    (object RoleView "mrOutQueue: EventQueue&" @28
				Parent_View 	@25
				location   	(912, 1099)
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				    size       	10
				    face       	"Arial"
				    bold       	FALSE
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				    underline  	FALSE
				    strike     	FALSE
				    color      	0
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					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
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				    anchor     	1
				    anchor_loc 	1
				    nlines     	1
				    max_width  	566
				    justify    	0
				    label      	"-mrOutQueue"
				    pctDist    	0.800000
				    height     	42
				    orientation 	0)
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			location   	(2558, 1286)
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				    underline  	FALSE
				    strike     	FALSE
				    color      	0
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					face       	"Arial"
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					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
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				    hidden     	TRUE
				    anchor     	1
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				    justify    	0
				    label      	""
				    pctDist    	0.800000
				    height     	42
				    orientation 	0)
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				location   	(2158, 422)
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				    size       	10
				    face       	"Arial"
				    bold       	FALSE
				    italics    	FALSE
				    underline  	FALSE
				    strike     	FALSE
				    color      	0
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					face       	"Arial"
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					italics    	FALSE
					underline  	FALSE
					strike     	FALSE
					color      	0
					default_color 	TRUE)
				    anchor     	1
				    anchor_loc 	1
				    nlines     	1
				    max_width  	262
				    justify    	0
				    label      	"-mrLog"
				    pctDist    	0.800000
				    height     	42
				    orientation 	1)
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    root_subsystem 	(object SubSystem "Component View"
	quid       	"3ED6001B0111"
	physical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object module "Paradigm" "SubType" "Main"
		attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"Cplusplus"
			name       	"RevEngRootDirectory"
			value      	"C:\\dev\\paradigm_4")
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"Cplusplus"
			name       	"FilesEncoding"
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"Cplusplus"
			name       	"CreateBackupFiles"
			value      	"True")
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"Cplusplus"
			name       	"IndentWidth"
			value      	2)
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"Cplusplus"
			name       	"FunctionBraceStyle"
			value      	("BraceStyleSet" 1))
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"Cplusplus"
			name       	"InternalIncludeMap"
			value      	"11,1,1,0,1,*00")
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"Cplusplus"
			name       	"ExternalIncludeMap"
			value      	"11,1,1,0,1,*00")
		    (object Attribute
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		    (object Attribute
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			name       	"CodeItemsEncoding"
|Connection::Connection,f,B,,Sconst Connection&,,277,37e
|Connection::SendMsg,f,B,,Oconst string&,,12de,132e
|Connection::operator=,f,B,,Sconst Connection&,,3ad,4e1
|Connection::operator==,f,B,,Xconst Connection&,const,53c,5a9
|Event::Event,f,D,,fEvent_T,SOCKET,int,const char*,,1c0,310
|Log::Log,f,I,,Mconst char*,,4e7,626
|Log::Write,f,I,,Oconst string&,,89a,96a
|Log::Write,f,I,,Qconst char*,...,,b22,c61
|Server::Boot,f,L,,Punsigned short,,392,b1d
|Socket::Socket,f,N,,Oconst Socket&,,36a,5cb
|Socket::Write,f,N,,Lconst char,,cb4,d71
|Socket::Write,f,N,,Oconst string&,,fc9,105c
|Socket::Write,f,N,,Mconst char*,,12f4,1356
|Socket::Write,f,N,,Qconst char*,int,,1612,168f
|User::User,f,Q,,Nunsigned int,,11d,165
|User::User,f,Q,,Mconst User&,,1bc,22a
|User::operator!=,f,Q,,Sunsigned int,const,519,56c
|User::operator=,f,Q,,Mconst User&,,28c,344
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			name       	"AttributeTypes"
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		    (object Attribute
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|cont1=CArray<$TYPE, $TYPE&>
|cont9=CList<$TYPE, $TYPE&>
|cont20=CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray, $TYPE*>
|cont21=CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, $TYPE*>
|cont22=CTypedPtrList<CObList, $TYPE*>
|cont23=CTypedPtrList<CPtrList, $TYPE*>
|cont27=CComQIPtr<$TYPE, IID*>
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"VC++"
			name       	"ClassMethods"
			value      	(value Text 
|*_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
|cm2=$NAME(orig:const $NAME&)
|cm3=<<virtual>> ~$NAME()
|cm4_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return rhs;
|cm5=<<const>> operator==(rhs:const $NAME&):bool
|cm5_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm6=<<const>> operator!=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm6_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm7=<<const>> operator<(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm7_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm8=<<const>> operator>(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm8_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm9=<<const>> operator<=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm9_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm10=<<const>> operator>=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm10_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm11=<<friend>> operator>>(i:istream&, rhs:$NAME&):istream&
|cm11_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return i;
|cm12=<<friend>> operator<<(o:ostream&, rhs:const $NAME&):ostream&
|cm12_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return o;
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"VC++"
			name       	"Accessors"
			value      	(value Text 
|agf=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agf_body=return $NAME;
|asf_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agv=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE&
|agv_body=return $NAME;
|asv_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agp=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agp_body=return $NAME;
|asp_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agr=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agr_body=return $NAME;
|asr_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|aga=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME(index:int):const $TYPE
|aga_body=return $NAME[index];
|asa=set_$BASICNAME(index:int, value:$TYPE):void
|asa_body=$NAME[index] = value;|return;
		    (object Attribute
			tool       	"VC++"
			name       	"Conditionals"
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|*_decl=#ifdef _DEBUG
|cond1=<<virtual, const>> AssertValid():void
|cond2=<<virtual, const>> Dump(dc:CDumpContext&):void
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|Source Files
|Header Files
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