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<hr><h2><a name="todo">Todo List</a>
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<dt><a name="_todo000006"></a>Class <a class="el" href="classLog.html">Log</a> <dd> Add different levels of logging, e.g. debug, trace, error, warning, info. Quite possibly performance instrumentation could belong in this class. 


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<dt><a name="_todo000003"></a>Member <a class="el" href="classLog.html#a0">Log::Log</a>(string &amp;r_fname) <dd> <a class="el" href="classLog.html">Log</a> is opened by default in append mode. A possible feature is to implement a overwrite/append toggle and/or automated log archival. 


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<dt><a name="_todo000004"></a>Member <a class="el" href="classLog.html#a1">Log::Log</a>(const char *fname) <dd> <a class="el" href="classLog.html">Log</a> is opened by default in append mode. A possible feature is to implement a overwrite/append toggle and/or automated log archival. 


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<dt><a name="_todo000005"></a>Member <a class="el" href="classLog.html#c2">Log::SetTime</a>() <dd> Could be enhanced by allowing the timestamp format to be specfified in the constructor or via a setter. 


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<dt><a name="_todo000008"></a>Class <a class="el" href="classServer.html">Server</a> <dd> Make <a class="el" href="classServer.html">Server</a> an abstract class overriding its Run method to illustrate different network designs as well as different kinds of servers, e.g. httpd, ftpd, and telnetd. 


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<dt><a name="_todo000007"></a>Member <a class="el" href="classServer.html#c4">Server::ProcessQueue</a>() <dd> Implement a disconnect request coming from driver. Allow specialized Telnet commands to come from driver, and filter them through the connection depending on whether it is capable. 


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<dt><a name="_todo000011"></a>Member <a class="el" href="classSocket.html#a7">Socket::Write</a>(const char *p_char, int len) <dd> We need a nice way to handle partially written character arrays here in the odd case that send blocks in the middle of this Write. 


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<dt><a name="_todo000010"></a>Member <a class="el" href="classSocket.html#a6">Socket::Write</a>(const char *p_char) <dd> We need a nice way to handle partially written character arrays here in the odd case that send blocks in the middle of this Write. 


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<dt><a name="_todo000009"></a>Member <a class="el" href="classSocket.html#a5">Socket::Write</a>(const string &amp;r_str) <dd> We need a nice way to handle partially written strings here in the odd case that send blocks in the middle of this Write. 


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<dt><a name="_todo000002"></a>Member <a class="el" href="event_8h.html#a5">Event_T</a> <dd> Support some common Telnet commands. 
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