/*! \file eventqueue.h
  This is the eventqueue definition.

  \author Jon A. Lambert
  \date 05/02/2003
  \version 0.30

  Commented out semaphore code as we don't want to wait on both ends of
  the queue.  The Server code would block on messages from main thread
  instead of select().  In the main thread, we will sleep \see Chat().

class Event;

  The EventQueue class implements a thread safe queue upon which Events
  may be pushed and popped.  It is a FIFO queue.
class EventQueue {
  EventQueue(int num_threads);
  void Push(Event * event);
  Event * Pop();
  int Size();
  bool IsOk();
  EventQueue& operator=(EventQueue&);

  queue<Event*> mQue;       //!< The queue of events - uses deque.
  CRITICAL_SECTION  mMutex; //!< To enforce mutual exclusion.
//  bool              mOk;    //!< true if semaphores properly initialized.
//  HANDLE            mFree;  //!< Counting semaphore for #free.
//  HANDLE            mUsed;  //!< Counting semaphore for #used.

#endif //	EVENTQUEUE_H