/*! \file event.h
  This is the event definition.

  \author Jon A. Lambert
  \date 05/02/2003
  \version 0.30
#ifndef	EVENT_H
#define	EVENT_H

  Enumeration of the types of legal events we support in this iteration.

  Support some common Telnet commands.
typedef enum {
  NONE_E = 0,      //!< Invalid event - or a non-event? ignore it
  CONNECT_E,       //!< A Connection event - issued only by network
  DISCONNECT_E,    //!< A Disconnection event - can be issued both ways
  MESSAGE_E,       //!< A Message event - can be issued both ways
  SHUTDOWN_E       //!< A Shutdown event - can be issued both ways
} Event_T;

  The Event class implements a construct to pass messages between

  All attributes are publically accessible.  We will store these in the
  event queues as pointers so we can take advantage of specialization later.
  No copy constructor or assignment allowed.
class Event {
  Event(Event_T etype, SOCKET eid, int elen, const char* edata);

  Event_T      mEventType;   //!< Type of event.
  unsigned int mClientId;    //!< The id.  Socket number.
  int          mDataLen;     //!< Optional length of message data.
  char*        mpData;       //!< Optional messsage data.
  Event& operator=(Event&);


#endif //	EVENT_H