/*! \file server.h
  This is the Server class definition.
  It implements a common non-blocking select() server.

  \author Jon A. Lambert
  \date 02/15/2003
  \version 0.10

#ifndef	SERVER_H
#define	SERVER_H

#include "connection.h"

//! ConnList is typedef'd here for ease of changing it later
typedef list<Connection*> ConnList;

  The Server class defines a singleton representation of a
  virtual network server.

  No reason why this should be a singleton as long as different
  ports are served.

  - Make Server an abstract class overriding its Run method to
  illustrate different network designs as well as different types
  of servers, e.g. httpd, ftpd, instead of telnetd.
  - Move Execute out of here as it belongs to some Chat engine

class Server {
  static Server* Instance();
  bool Boot(unsigned short port);
  void Run();
  static void Destroy();
  Server(const Server&);
  Server& operator= (const Server&);

  static Server* sInstance;  //!< pointer to the singleton Server instance
  bool   mShutdown;          //!< flag indicating whether the server is shutting down
  fd_set mInputFDs;          //!< array of input sockets that select will test
  fd_set mOutputFDs;         //!< array of output sockets that select will test
  SOCKET mAcceptor;          //!< socket that the Server listens to for incoming connections
  struct sockaddr_in mTo;    //!< network address of the server listening port
  ConnList mUsers;           //!< the list of Connections managed by the Server

  Connection* AcceptConnection();
  void InitFDs ();
  void Execute();
  void ShutdownServer();

#endif // SERVER_H