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<h3 align="center">v0.10</h3><div align="center">
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 <h2><a name="intro">Introduction</a>
</h2> The TCP/IP network progamming examples I've seen generally ignore error detection and handling. Unfortunately this often results in poor quality servers being releasing by those who learn by example. This program features exhaustive error detection and handling. Memory leaks and buffer overruns are also ubiquitous in TCP/IP servers. This example attempts to mitigate those issues. At least that's the hope.
<h2><a name="desc">Description</a>
</h2> Paradigm in its current state is a very primitive chat server written in C++ for Win32 systems supporting Winsock2. It allows multiple connections and just echoes input to all those connected.
<h2><a name="feat">Features</a>
<li>Proper error detection.<li>Dynamic buffers.<li>Lots of fuzzy comments using Doxygen QT style notation.</ul>
<h2><a name="impl">Implementation</a>
</h2> A non-blocking select-based server model was selected for this illustration for no particular reason other than usefulness of the example to other BSD derived TCP/IP stack implementations.
 There are no actual winsock2 dependencies in this version despite the negotiation present for winsock2. It should work on winsock1 systems by modifiying the WSAStartup negotiation and including the appropriate headers.
<h2><a name="depend">System Dependencies</a>
</h2> This version was compiled and tested with the following compilers:<ul>
<li>Borland 5.3 (Borland Builder 3.0)<li>Borland 5.5.1 (Borland's free commandline compiler)</ul>
<h2><a name="install">Installation</a>
</h2> <h3><a name="bb3">Borland Builder 3.0 IDE</a>
<li>Unzip the distribution into the folders it wants.<li>Start Builder and open the project group (paradigm_1.bpg) in the paradigm directory.<li>Click build<li>Open a Windows command console window and switch to the paradigm directory by typing: <b>cd c:\paradigm</b> or to the path you placed it.<li>Run the server by typing: <b>paradigm</b>
<h3><a name="bc55">Borland's Free Command Line Compiler</a>
<li>Unzip the distribution into the folders it wants.<li>Open a Windows command console window and switch to the paradigm directory by typing: <b>cd c:\paradigm</b> or to the path you placed it.<li>Then type: <b>make</b> and watch it compile.<li>Run the server by typing: <b>paradigm</b></ol>
<h3><a name="bb3">Borland Builder 3.0 IDE</a>
<li>Unzip the distribution into the folders it wants.<li>Start VIDE and open the project file (paradigm_1.vpj) in the paradigm directory.<li>Click on make<li>Open a Windows command console window and switch to the paradigm directory by typing: <b>cd c:\paradigm</b> or to the path you placed it.<li>Run the server by typing: <b>paradigm</b>
<h2><a name="license">License</a>
</h2> Paradigm was &copy; 2003 by Jon A. Lambert - All Rights Reserved.<br>
 Paradigm has been released to the public domain by Jon A. Lambert.<br>

<h2><a name="misc">Miscellaneous</a>
</h2> <h3><a name="notes">Notes on operation</a>
<li>@shutdown will shut down the server<li>anything else echos to all connected
<h3><a name="future">Future</a>
</h3> There ain't to many places to go without complicating this.<ul>
<li>One should separate the Network from Chat server...err but what chat server?<li>It might be nice to support a some telnet negotiation.<li>A multithreaded implementation.<li>Illustrations of other network designs, asynchronous sockets and/or IOCP edge detection.<li>A port to BSD or Linux
<h3><a name="contact">Contact and Other Information</a>
<dl compact><dt><b>Author: </b></dt><dd>
Jon A. Lambert<br>
 aka Tyche<br>
 Email: <a href="mailto:jlsysinc@alltel.net">jlsysinc@alltel.net</a> </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Date: </b></dt><dd>
02/15/2003 </dl><dl compact><dt><b>Version: </b></dt><dd>
0.10</dl><hr><address style="align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Mar 29 22:38:40 2004 for Paradigm by
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<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border=0 
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