Documentation for Random Object Loader
By Kyle Boyd (boyd1@proaxis.com)

Hello, EmberMUD admin.  This document will explain how to enhance the random 
object loader first being distributed with EmberMUD 0.31.  This system was first
designed for use in MUDweiser, mudweiser.mudservices.com 9000, and has been
distributed in other Ember versions to help contribute to the growing codebase.

All of the changes you may need to make are in the "random.c" file.  One of the
changes you may wish to make will be to add or remove something from one of the
tables.  I'll go through each one seperately.  To add a line, just go to the
appropriate table and add a new line in the style of the old ones.  What the values
do in the lines is described below.

const	struct rand_bag_material rand_bagmaterial_table[] =
	{ "large", TRUE, 125 },
	{ "small", TRUE, 75 },
	{ "of holding", FALSE, 180 },
	{ "tiny", TRUE, 50 },
	{ "with a large hole", FALSE, 25 }

The first value is the describing name.  The second is TRUE if the name is to be
placed before the bag name, and FALSE if it is to be placed afterwards.  For example:
{ "large", TRUE, 125 },
is selected randomly, and container type "bag" is selected, the result will be "a large bag."
If it was changed to { "large", FALSE, 125 }, the result would be "a bag large." 
The number listed is a multiplier for how much the bag can carry.
const	struct rand_bag_type rand_bag_table[] =
	{ "bag", 15, ITEM_HOLD },
	{ "satchel", 25, ITEM_HOLD|ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT },
	{ "belt", 20, ITEM_HOLD|ITEM_WEAR_WAIST},
	{ "backpack", 30, ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT },
	{ "satchel", 25, ITEM_HOLD|ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT },
	{ "belt", 20, ITEM_HOLD|ITEM_WEAR_WAIST},

The first value is the name of the type of container.  The second is the default amount of
weight that container can carry.  The third is a list seperated by |'s of the locations 
other than ITEM_TAKE that the bag can be worn on.

const	struct rand_weapon_type rand_weapon_table[] =
	{ "sword", 1, 1, WEAPON_SWORD },
	{ "sword", 2, 1, WEAPON_SWORD },
	{ "battleaxe", 0, 6, WEAPON_AXE },
	{ "flail", 3, 3, WEAPON_FLAIL },
	{ "whip", 2, 4, WEAPON_WHIP },
	{ "halberd", 0, 6, WEAPON_POLEARM }

The first is the name of the weapon.  The next two numbers indicate the modifier to magic,
and the modifier to damage, respectively.  The third is what weapon type the weapon is.

const	struct rand_item_material rand_material_table[] =
	/* ***IMPORTANT*** Never assign 2 materials to the same level. */
	/* don't put any more than 4 levels apart, either. */
	/* also put them in order by levels, worst materials at top, best at bottom */
	/* forgetting this shouldn't crash the mud, but it will get pretty messed up. */
	{ "rusty", 0, 0, 0 * MAX_LEVEL / 100},
	{ "wooden", 0, 1, 1 * MAX_LEVEL / 100},
	{ "iron", 1, 0, 2 * MAX_LEVEL / 100},
	{ "steel", 2, 1, 4 * MAX_LEVEL / 100},
	{ "copper", 2, 2, 6 * MAX_LEVEL / 100},
	{ "brass", 2, 3, 8 * MAX_LEVEL / 100},
	{ "bronze", 3, 3, 10 * MAX_LEVEL / 100},
	{ "silver", 4, 5, 14 * MAX_LEVEL / 100},

The first is the material name, the second is it's armor modification, the third is it's
magic modifier, and the last is the average level that material should load on.  The
* MAX_LEVEL / 100 part is to keep the table up to date if MAX_LEVEL is ever changed.
If you don't think you'll ever change it from 100, they can be taken out.  Anyway, when you
add a new line, remember to follow the guidelines given in /**/'s.  Don't assign 2 materials
to the same level, keep them in order from lowest to highest, top to bottom, and don't 
seperate them by more than 4 levels.  If by any chance you do mess up, the mud shouldn't
crash, but the random objects will be weird.

const	struct rand_ring_type rand_ring_table[] =
	{ "dirty", 0, 0},
	{ "small", 1, 0},
	{ "sticky", 1, ITEM_NODROP },
	{ "glowing", 3, ITEM_GLOW },
	{ "dark", 3, ITEM_DARK|ITEM_ANTI_GOOD },
	{ "heavy", 2, 0}

The first value is the name, the second is the magic modifier, and the third is a list of
item flags seperated by |'s.  The item flags are meant to complement the name, for instance
the "holy" ring type is glowing, blessed, and anti-evil.

const struct rand_armor_type rand_armor_table[] =
	{ "helmet",ITEM_WEAR_HEAD, 5, 0, PREF_A },
	{ "suit armor",ITEM_WEAR_BODY, 5, 1, PREF_NONE  },
	{ "robe", ITEM_WEAR_BODY, 2, 4, PREF_A },
	{ "breastplate", ITEM_WEAR_BODY, 7, 1, PREF_A },
	{ "plate", ITEM_WEAR_BODY, 6, 1, PREF_A },
	{ "pants", ITEM_WEAR_LEGS, 3, 0, PREF_SOME  },
	{ "greaves", ITEM_WEAR_LEGS, 6, 0, PREF_SOME  },
	{ "amulet", ITEM_WEAR_NECK, 1, 3, PREF_AN },
	{ "necklace", ITEM_WEAR_NECK, 1, 1, PREF_A },
	{ "necklace", ITEM_WEAR_NECK, 1, 2, PREF_A }

The first value is, of course, the name, and the second is the wear location of the armor.
The third value is the protection modifier, the fourth is the magic modifier.  The last one
determines what to place in front of the object in the short and long descriptions.  For
a helmet
suit armor
some greaves
an amulet
This won't have much of an impact on the game if you get it wrong, but it'll make some
descriptions look weird.

Adding random objects to mobs

To add a chance of random objects loading on a mob, enter "edit mob" mode.  There, the commands
"chance", "number", and "types" will be used.  Chance is the chance out of 100 that one to 
"number" objects of type "types" will be loaded when that mob is created for any reason.  
Currently, there is no way to add random objects only to the reset of a specific mob.  I 
suggest you make two identical mobs with different vnums and change the random values of one
of them to suit you.