                     Adding races to an EmberMUD (v1.0)
                       (For EmberMUD .029 and .029b)
                                by Ron Cole

(Some snippets borrowed from the EmberMUD codebase, which is based on 
ROM 2.3, which is based on MERC, which is based on DIKU. )

Step #1: Plan a race.
        The first step in race creation is to plan out the race you 
 wish to add.  Here are some questions you might want to have answered
 before going any further:

   What does it look like?  

   If this race is from a myth, what attributes do those myths 
   give the creature (afraid of the light, hurt by iron, etc..)?
   How large is it? (small, normal, large, etc..?)

   Is it strong?  Smart?

   What part of the world does it live in, and has it evolved any 
   special features to help it survive there? (fur for resistance to 
   cold weather, infrared vision to help it see underground, etc..)

   What is it made of?  If it is flesh, does it have fur, skin, or 
   scales?  If it is another material (rock, fire, etc..) what 
   benefits and hindrances would that material give them?

   Will it have any special abilities only available to that race?

   Is it resistant to anything (Poison, disease, iron)?  Immune?

   Is it vulnerable to anything?

Step 2: Adding a race table.
        Open the file const.c and look for a structure called the 
 race_table.  The race table holds the basic shape and physical     
 structure for every race, whether PC (player character) or not.
 Below is an example of this structure:

        name,           pc_race?,
        act bits,       aff_by bits,    off bits,
        imm,            res,            vuln,
        form,           parts 

 What it means...
    name: The name of the race. It should be capitolized and in quotes.
    pc_race?: Can player characters be this race?  If so, enter TRUE.
    act bits: These are act bits for the races.  Most act bits are for
    NPC's (aggressive, pet, etc..).  You will probably not have to set  
    any act bits.

    aff_by bits: These are permanent affects that enchant the creature.
    For instance, if you want your creature to be able to fly, you 
    would most likely enter AFF_FLYING.  The most common affect you
    will probably add is AFF_INFRARED.

    off bits: These are offensive skills that NPC members of this race
    will start out with.  It does not affect PC characters.

    imm: This represents immunity, or the inability of a substance to 
    harm said race.  This is an extremely powerful gift, so do not add
    it lightly.

    res: Resistance.  Creatures that are resistant to something take  
    less damage from it and can more-easily overcome its affects.

    vuln: Vulnerable.  Creatures that are vulnerable to something 
    take more damage from it and are more easily overcome by it.
    form: What form does it take?  This is a general description of 
    its body and general abilities. Unlike most other entries, this 
    one is done with letters.

    parts: These are the body parts that the race has, such as eyes, 
    hands, legs, tentacles, and fins.  These are also denoted with 

        Now, plug the values that you want into the structure, and 
    then add it to the table.  If you want to put more than one bit
    in a group, separate the bits with a |.  Lists of the various 
    bits are at the bottom of this sheet in the appendixes, and 
    an example of a completed race_table is below:

        "Elf",                  TRUE,
        0,              AFF_INFRARED,   0,
        0,              RES_CHARM,      VULN_IRON,
        A|H|M|V,        A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K

Step 3: Adding a pc_race_table.
        Open the file const.c and look for a structure called the 
 pc_race_table.  The PC race table holds important statistical      
 information about each PC race such as their minimum and 
 maximum stats.  It also contains how well said race will do  
 within a chosen class.  Below is an example of this structure:

        "race name",    short name,     points, { class multipliers },
        { bonus skills },
        { base stats },         { max stats },          size 

 What it means...
    race name: The name of the race again.  This should be all in 
    lower case.

    short name: The short name of the race for the who list.  This
    should be no larger than 5 characters.

    points: The number of points it costs to purchase this race.

    class multiplier: Increases the amount of experience needed to
    go up in level if the class is chosen.  100 means to increase.
    bonus skills: Gives the character whatever skills are listed 
    here for free.

    base stats: Increases or decreases the base amount from which 
    stats are generated.  In other words, it increases the chance 
    to get better stats while not actually increasing the max 
    stat number.

    max stats: The maximum number any stat for that race can be 
    without class modifiers.

        Just like what you did with the race_table, plug the values 
    you want into the structure and then add it to the table.  The
    classes are in the following order: Mage, Cleric, Thief, Warrior.
    Stats are in this order: STR, DEX, WIS, INT, CON.  An example of a 
    completed pc_race_table is below:
        "elf",          " Elf ",        5,      { 100, 125,  100, 120 }, 
        { "sneak", "hide" },
        { -1, 1, 0, 2, -2 },    { 16, 20, 18, 21, 15 }, SIZE_MEDIUM

Step 4: Increasing the Maximum.
        Open the file merc.h and look for the constant MAX_PC_RACE.
 If you added a PC race, increase this by one. Below is what the       
 define should look like, where XX is the new number:

    #define MAX_PC_RACE                XX

Step 5: Adding help files.
        You will need to add a help file for the race, as well as 
 altering the current "race" help file.  These files can be found 
 in help.are within the area directory.

Step 6: Final balance check.
        This is the last step, and one that most people forget: check 
 one more time to make sure that your race is balanced.  By balanced, 
 I mean that its benefits do not outweigh its penalties.  If you 
 have given your race an immunity, have you also given it sufficient 
 penalties like increased cost or vulnerabilities to balance it?  

- Appendixes -  (Most of which can be found in Merc.h)

  Affect List:
        AFF_BLIND               (A)
        AFF_INVISIBLE           (B)
        AFF_DETECT_EVIL         (C)
        AFF_DETECT_INVIS        (D)
        AFF_DETECT_MAGIC        (E)
        AFF_DETECT_HIDDEN       (F)
        AFF_HOLD                (G)             /* Unused       */
        AFF_SANCTUARY           (H)
        AFF_FAERIE_FIRE         (I)
        AFF_INFRARED            (J)
        AFF_CURSE               (K)
        AFF_FLAMING             (L)             /* Unused       */
        AFF_POISON              (M)
        AFF_PROTECT             (N)
        AFF_PARALYSIS           (O)             /* Unused       */
        AFF_SNEAK               (P)
        AFF_HIDE                (Q)
        AFF_SLEEP               (R)
        AFF_CHARM               (S)
        AFF_FLYING              (T)
        AFF_PASS_DOOR           (U)
        AFF_HASTE               (V)
        AFF_CALM                (W)
        AFF_PLAGUE              (X)
        AFF_WEAKEN              (Y)
        AFF_DARK_VISION         (Z)
        AFF_BERSERK             (aa)
        AFF_SWIM                (bb)
        AFF_REGENERATION        (cc)
        AFF_WEB                 (dd)

 Form List:
        EDIBLE             (A)
        POISON             (B)
        MAGICAL            (C)
        INSTANT_DECAY      (D)
        FORM_OTHER         (E)  
        ANIMAL             (G)
        SENTIENT           (H)
        UNDEAD             (I)
        CONSTRUCT          (J)
        MIST               (K)
        INTANGIBLE         (L)
        BIPED              (M)
        CENTAUR            (N)
        INSECT             (O)
        SPIDER             (P)
        CRUSTACEAN         (Q)
        WORM               (R)
        BLOB               (S)
        MAMMAL             (V)
        BIRD               (W)
        REPTILE            (X)
        SNAKE              (Y)
        DRAGON             (Z)
        AMPHIBIAN          (aa)
        FISH               (bb)
        COLD_BLOOD         (cc)    

  Immunity List:
        IMM_SUMMON              (A)
        IMM_CHARM               (B)
        IMM_MAGIC               (C)
        IMM_WEAPON              (D)
        IMM_BASH                (E)
        IMM_PIERCE              (F)
        IMM_SLASH               (G)
        IMM_FIRE                (H)
        IMM_COLD                (I)
        IMM_LIGHTNING           (J)     
        IMM_ACID                (K)
        IMM_POISON              (L)
        IMM_NEGATIVE            (M)
        IMM_HOLY                (N)
        IMM_ENERGY              (O)
        IMM_MENTAL              (P)
        IMM_DISEASE             (Q)
        IMM_DROWNING            (R)
        IMM_LIGHT               (S)

 Part List:
        HEAD               (A)
        ARMS               (B)
        LEGS               (C)
        HEART              (D)
        BRAINS             (E)
        GUTS               (F)
        HANDS              (G)
        FEET               (H)
        FINGERS            (I)
        EAR                (J)
        EYE                (K)
        LONG_TONGUE        (L)
        EYESTALKS          (M)
        TENTACLES          (N)
        FINS               (O)
        WINGS              (P)
        TAIL               (Q)
        CLAWS              (U)
        FANGS              (V)
        HORNS              (W)
        SCALES             (X)
        TUSKS              (Y)

  Resistance List:
        RES_CHARM               (B)
        RES_MAGIC               (C)
        RES_WEAPON              (D)
        RES_BASH                (E)
        RES_PIERCE              (F)
        RES_SLASH               (G)
        RES_FIRE                (H)
        RES_COLD                (I)
        RES_LIGHTNING           (J)
        RES_ACID                (K)
        RES_POISON              (L)
        RES_NEGATIVE            (M)
        RES_HOLY                (N)
        RES_ENERGY              (O)
        RES_MENTAL              (P)
        RES_DISEASE             (Q)
        RES_DROWNING            (R)
        RES_LIGHT               (S)

  Size List:
        SIZE_TINY                0
        SIZE_SMALL               1
        SIZE_MEDIUM              2
        SIZE_LARGE               3
        SIZE_HUGE                4
        SIZE_GIANT               5

  Vulnerability List:
        VULN_MAGIC              (C)
        VULN_WEAPON             (D)
        VULN_BASH               (E)
        VULN_PIERCE             (F)
        VULN_SLASH              (G)
        VULN_FIRE               (H)     
        VULN_COLD               (I)
        VULN_LIGHTNING          (J)
        VULN_ACID               (K)
        VULN_POISON             (L)
        VULN_NEGATIVE           (M)
        VULN_HOLY               (N)
        VULN_ENERGY             (O)
        VULN_MENTAL             (P)
        VULN_DISEASE            (Q)
        VULN_DROWNING           (R)
        VULN_LIGHT              (S)
        VULN_WOOD               (X)
        VULN_SILVER             (Y)
        VULN_IRON               (Z)

 Did I miss anything?  If so, feel free to e-mail me with your comments
 and suggestions at clogar@concentric.net.

                                  - END -