/* ************************************************************************
*   File: magic.c                                       Part of CircleMUD *
*  Usage: actual effects of magical spells                                *
*                                                                         *
*  All rights reserved.  See license.doc for complete information.        *
*                                                                         *
*  Copyright (C) 1993 by the Trustees of the Johns Hopkins University     *
*  CircleMUD is based on DikuMUD, Copyright (C) 1990, 1991.               *
************************************************************************ */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "structs.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "spells.h"
#include "handler.h"
#include "limits.h"
#include "interpreter.h"
#include "db.h"

/* extern structures */
extern struct room_data *world;
extern struct obj_data *object_list;
extern struct char_data *character_list;
extern byte	pk_allowed;	/* see config.c */

/* extern functions */
bool saves_spell(struct char_data *ch, sh_int spell);
void	weight_change_object(struct obj_data *obj, int weight);

/* Offensive Spells */

   int	dam;
   int	dam_each[] = 
      0,  3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,
      6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6      };

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 1) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam = number(dam_each[(int)level] >> 1, dam_each[(int)level] << 1);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_MAGIC_MISSILE);

   struct affected_type af;
   int	dam;
   int	dam_each[] = 
      0,  0, 0, 8, 7, 9, 9, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
      13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,  13, 13, 13, 13, 13      };

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 3) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam = number(dam_each[(int)level] >> 1, dam_each[(int)level] << 1);

   if ( !saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) ) {
      af.type      = SPELL_CHILL_TOUCH;
      af.duration  = 6;
      af.modifier  = -1;
      af.location  = APPLY_STR;
      af.bitvector = 0;
      affect_join(victim, &af, TRUE, FALSE);
   } else {
      dam >>= 1;
   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_CHILL_TOUCH);

   int	dam;
   int	dam_each[] = 
      0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 19, 17, 20, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19,
      19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19      };

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 5) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam = number(dam_each[(int)level] >> 1, dam_each[(int)level] << 1);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_BURNING_HANDS);

   int	dam;
   int	dam_each[] = 
      0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41, 33, 29, 27, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
      25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25      };

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 7) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam = number(dam_each[(int)level] >> 1, dam_each[(int)level] << 1);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_SHOCKING_GRASP);

   int	dam;
   int	dam_each[] = 
      0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 59, 46, 39, 35, 38, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36,
      36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36, 36      };

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 9) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam = number(dam_each[(int)level] >> 1, dam_each[(int)level] << 1);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_LIGHTNING_BOLT);

   int	dam;
   int	dam_each[] = 
      0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 60, 57, 51, 47, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44,
      44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44, 44      };

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 11) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam = number(dam_each[(int)level] - 20, dam_each[(int)level] + 20);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_COLOUR_SPRAY);

/* Drain XP, MANA, HP - caster gains HP and MANA */
   int	dam, xp, mana;

   void	set_title(struct char_data *ch);
   void	gain_exp(struct char_data *ch, int gain);

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 13) && (level <=  LEVEL_IMPL));

   if ( !saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) ) {
      GET_ALIGNMENT(ch) = MIN(-1000, GET_ALIGNMENT(ch) - 200);
      if (GET_LEVEL(victim) <= 2) {
	 damage(ch, victim, 100, SPELL_ENERGY_DRAIN); /* Kill the sucker */
      } else {
	 xp = number(level >> 1, level) * 1000;
	 gain_exp(victim, -xp);

	 dam = dice(1, 10);

	 mana = GET_MANA(victim) >> 1;
	 GET_MOVE(victim) >>= 1;
	 GET_MANA(victim) = mana;

	 GET_MANA(ch) += mana >> 1;
	 GET_HIT(ch) += dam;

	 send_to_char("Your life energy is drained!\n\r", victim);

	 damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_ENERGY_DRAIN);
   } else {
      damage(ch, victim, 0, SPELL_ENERGY_DRAIN); /* Miss */

   int	dam;
   int	dam_each[] = 
      0,  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 143, 105, 88, 77, 71, 71,
      71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71, 71      };

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 15) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam = number(dam_each[(int)level] - 20, dam_each[(int)level] + 20);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_FIREBALL);

   int	dam;
   struct char_data *tmp_victim, *temp;

   assert((level >= 7) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam =  dice(1, 8) + level;

   send_to_char("The earth trembles beneath your feet!\n\r", ch);
   act("$n makes the earth tremble and shiver!\n\rYou fall, and hit yourself!",
       FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

   for (tmp_victim = character_list; tmp_victim; tmp_victim = temp) {
      temp = tmp_victim->next;
      if ( (ch->in_room == tmp_victim->in_room) && (ch != tmp_victim) ) {
	 damage(ch, tmp_victim, dam, SPELL_EARTHQUAKE);
      } else if (world[ch->in_room].zone == world[tmp_victim->in_room].zone)
	 send_to_char("The earth trembles and shivers!\n\r", tmp_victim);


   int	dam;

   assert(ch && victim);
   assert((level >= 10) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   if (IS_EVIL(ch))
      victim = ch;
   else if (!IS_EVIL(victim)) {
      act("God protects $N.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_CHAR);

   if ((GET_LEVEL(victim) <= level) || (victim == ch))
      dam = 100;
   else {
      dam = dice(level, 4);

      if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
	 dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_DISPEL_EVIL);

   int	dam;

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 12) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam = dice(MIN(level, 15), 8);

   if (OUTSIDE(ch) && ( >= SKY_RAINING)) {

      if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
	 dam >>= 1;

      damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_CALL_LIGHTNING);

   int	dam;

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 15) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   dam = GET_HIT(victim) - dice(1, 4);

   if (dam < 0)
      dam = 0; /* Kill the suffering bastard */
   else {
      if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) )
	 dam = MIN(50, dam / 2);

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_HARM);

/* spells2.c - Not directly offensive spells */

   struct affected_type af;

   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_ARMOR)) {
      af.type      = SPELL_ARMOR;
      af.duration  = 24;
      af.modifier  = -20;
      af.location  = APPLY_AC;
      af.bitvector = 0;

      affect_to_char(victim, &af);
      send_to_char("You feel someone protecting you.\n\r", victim);

   int	to_room;
   extern int	top_of_world;      /* ref to the top element of world */

   void	death_cry(struct char_data *ch);


   do {
      to_room = number(0, top_of_world);
   } while (IS_SET(world[to_room].room_flags, PRIVATE));

   act("$n slowly fades out of existence.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
   char_to_room(ch, to_room);
   act("$n slowly fades into existence.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

   do_look(ch, "", 15, 0);

   if (IS_SET(world[to_room].room_flags, DEATH) && 
       GET_LEVEL(ch) < LEVEL_IMMORT) {

   struct affected_type af;

   assert(ch && (victim || obj));
   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   if (obj) {
      if ( (5 * GET_LEVEL(ch) > GET_OBJ_WEIGHT(obj)) && 
          (GET_POS(ch) != POSITION_FIGHTING) && 
          !IS_OBJ_STAT(obj, ITEM_EVIL)) {
	 SET_BIT(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_BLESS);
	 act("$p briefly glows.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);
   } else {

      if ((GET_POS(victim) != POSITION_FIGHTING) && 
          (!affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_BLESS))) {

	 send_to_char("You feel righteous.\n\r", victim);
	 af.type      = SPELL_BLESS;
	 af.duration  = 6;
	 af.modifier  = 1;
	 af.location  = APPLY_HITROLL;
	 af.bitvector = 0;
	 affect_to_char(victim, &af);

	 af.location = APPLY_SAVING_SPELL;
	 af.modifier = -1;                 /* Make better */
	 affect_to_char(victim, &af);

   struct affected_type af;

   assert(ch && victim);
   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   if (!IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_NPC(victim))

   if (saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) || 
       affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_BLINDNESS))

   act("$n seems to be blinded!", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
   send_to_char("You have been blinded!\n\r", victim);

   af.type      = SPELL_BLINDNESS;
   af.location  = APPLY_HITROLL;
   af.modifier  = -4;  /* Make hitroll worse */
   af.duration  = 1;
   af.bitvector = AFF_BLIND;
   affect_to_char(victim, &af);

   af.location = APPLY_AC;
   af.modifier = + 40; /* Make AC Worse! */
   affect_to_char(victim, &af);


   assert(ch && (victim || obj));
   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   send_to_char("Clone is not ready yet.", ch);

   if (obj) {

   } else {
      /* clone_char(victim); */

   /* Control Weather is not possible here!!! */
   /* Better/Worse can not be transferred     */

   struct obj_data *tmp_obj;

   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   CREATE(tmp_obj, struct obj_data, 1);

   tmp_obj->name = str_dup("mushroom");
   tmp_obj->short_description = str_dup("a Magic Mushroom");
   tmp_obj->description = str_dup("A really delicious looking magic mushroom lies here.");

   tmp_obj->obj_flags.type_flag = ITEM_FOOD;
   tmp_obj->obj_flags.wear_flags = ITEM_TAKE | ITEM_HOLD;
   tmp_obj->obj_flags.value[0] = 5 + level;
   tmp_obj->obj_flags.weight = 1;
   tmp_obj->obj_flags.cost = 10;
   tmp_obj->obj_flags.cost_per_day = 1;

   tmp_obj->next = object_list;
   object_list = tmp_obj;

   obj_to_room(tmp_obj, ch->in_room);

   tmp_obj->item_number = -1;

   act("$p suddenly appears.", TRUE, ch, tmp_obj, 0, TO_ROOM);
   act("$p suddenly appears.", TRUE, ch, tmp_obj, 0, TO_CHAR);

   int	water;

   void	name_to_drinkcon(struct obj_data *obj, int type);
   void	name_from_drinkcon(struct obj_data *obj);

   assert(ch && obj);

   if ((GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_DRINKCON) || 
       (GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_FOUNTAIN)) {
      if ((obj->obj_flags.value[2] != LIQ_WATER)
           && (obj->obj_flags.value[1] != 0)) {
	 obj->obj_flags.value[2] = LIQ_SLIME;
	 name_to_drinkcon(obj, LIQ_SLIME);

      } else {
	 water = 2 * level * (( >= SKY_RAINING) ? 2 : 1);

	 /* Calculate water it can contain, or water created */
	 water = MIN(obj->obj_flags.value[0] - obj->obj_flags.value[1], water);

	 if (water > 0) {
	    obj->obj_flags.value[2] = LIQ_WATER;
	    obj->obj_flags.value[1] += water;

	    weight_change_object(obj, water);

	    name_to_drinkcon(obj, LIQ_WATER);
	    act("$p is filled.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);
   } /* if itemtype == DRINKCON */ else
      act("You try, but are unable to fill $p!", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);

   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   if (affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_BLINDNESS)) {
      affect_from_char(victim, SPELL_BLINDNESS);

      send_to_char("Your vision returns!\n\r", victim);

   int	healpoints;

   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   healpoints = dice(3, 8) + 3;

   if ( (healpoints + GET_HIT(victim)) > GET_MAX_HIT(victim))
      GET_HIT(victim) = GET_MAX_HIT(victim);
      GET_HIT(victim) += healpoints;

   send_to_char("You feel better!\n\r", victim);


   int	healpoints;

   assert(ch && victim);
   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   healpoints = dice(1, 8);

   if ( (healpoints + GET_HIT(victim)) > GET_MAX_HIT(victim))
      GET_HIT(victim) = GET_MAX_HIT(victim);
      GET_HIT(victim) += healpoints;

   update_pos( victim );

   send_to_char("You feel better!\n\r", victim);

   struct affected_type af;

   assert(victim || obj);
   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   if (obj) {
      SET_BIT(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_EVIL);
      SET_BIT(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_NODROP);

      /* LOWER ATTACK DICE BY -1 */
      if (obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_WEAPON)  {
	 if (obj->obj_flags.value[2] > 1) {
	    act("$p glows red.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);
	 } else {
	    send_to_char("Nothing happens.\n\r", ch);
   } else {
      if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) || 
          affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_CURSE))

      af.type      = SPELL_CURSE;
      af.duration  = 24 * 7;       /* 7 Days */
      af.modifier  = -1;
      af.location  = APPLY_HITROLL;
      af.bitvector = AFF_CURSE;
      affect_to_char(victim, &af);

      af.location = APPLY_SAVING_PARA;
      af.modifier = 1; /* Make worse */
      affect_to_char(victim, &af);

      act("$n briefly reveals a red aura!", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
      act("You feel very uncomfortable.", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

   struct affected_type af;

   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   if ( affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_DETECT_EVIL) )

   af.type      = SPELL_DETECT_EVIL;
   af.duration  = level * 5;
   af.modifier  = 0;
   af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
   af.bitvector = AFF_DETECT_EVIL;

   affect_to_char(victim, &af);

   send_to_char("Your eyes tingle.\n\r", victim);

   struct affected_type af;

   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   af.type      = SPELL_DETECT_INVISIBLE;
   af.duration  = level * 5;
   af.modifier  = 0;
   af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
   af.bitvector = AFF_DETECT_INVISIBLE;
   affect_join(victim, &af, TRUE, FALSE);
   send_to_char("Your eyes tingle.\n\r", victim);

   struct affected_type af;

   assert((level >= 0) && (level <= LEVEL_IMPL));

   if ( affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_DETECT_MAGIC) )

   af.type      = SPELL_DETECT_MAGIC;
   af.duration  = level * 5;
   af.modifier  = 0;
   af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
   af.bitvector = AFF_DETECT_MAGIC;

   affect_to_char(victim, &af);
   send_to_char("Your eyes tingle.\n\r", victim);

   assert(ch && (victim || obj));

   if (victim) {
      if (victim == ch)
	 if (IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_POISON))
	    send_to_char("You can sense poison in your blood.\n\r", ch);
	    send_to_char("You feel healthy.\n\r", ch);
      else if (IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_POISON)) {
	 act("You sense that $E is poisoned.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_CHAR);
      } else {
	 act("You sense that $E is healthy.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_CHAR);
   } else { /* It's an object */
      if ((obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_DRINKCON) || 
          (obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_FOUNTAIN) || 
          (obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_FOOD)) {
	 if (obj->obj_flags.value[3])
	    act("Poisonous fumes are revealed.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
	    send_to_char("It looks very delicious.\n\r", ch);

   int	i;

   assert(ch && obj);
   assert(MAX_OBJ_AFFECT >= 2);

   if ((GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj) == ITEM_WEAPON) && 
       !IS_SET(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_MAGIC)) {

      for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJ_AFFECT; i++)
	 if (obj->affected[i].location != APPLY_NONE)

      SET_BIT(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_MAGIC);

      obj->affected[0].location = APPLY_HITROLL;
      obj->affected[0].modifier = 1 + (level >= 18);

      obj->affected[1].location = APPLY_DAMROLL;
      obj->affected[1].modifier = 1 + (level >= 20);

      if (IS_GOOD(ch)) {
	 SET_BIT(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_ANTI_EVIL);
	 act("$p glows blue.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);
      } else if (IS_EVIL(ch)) {
	 SET_BIT(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_ANTI_GOOD);
	 act("$p glows red.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);
      } else {
	 act("$p glows yellow.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);


   spell_cure_blind(level, ch, victim, obj);

   GET_HIT(victim) += 100;

   if (GET_HIT(victim) >= GET_MAX_HIT(victim))
      GET_HIT(victim) = GET_MAX_HIT(victim) - dice(1, 4);


   send_to_char("A warm feeling fills your body.\n\r", victim);

   struct affected_type af;

   assert((ch && obj) || victim);

   if (obj) {
      if ( !IS_SET(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_INVISIBLE) ) {
	 act("$p turns invisible.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);
	 act("$p turns invisible.", TRUE, ch, obj, 0, TO_ROOM);
	 SET_BIT(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_INVISIBLE);
   } else {              /* Then it is a PC | NPC */
      if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_INVISIBLE)) {

	 act("$n slowly fades out of existence.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
	 send_to_char("You vanish.\n\r", victim);

	 af.type      = SPELL_INVISIBLE;
	 af.duration  = 24;
	 af.modifier  = -40;
	 af.location  = APPLY_AC;
	 af.bitvector = AFF_INVISIBLE;
	 affect_to_char(victim, &af);

   struct obj_data *i;
   char	name[256];
   int	j;


   strcpy(name, fname(obj->name));

   j = level >> 1;

   for (i = object_list; i && (j > 0); i = i->next)
      if (isname(name, i->name)) {
	 if (i->carried_by) {
	    sprintf(buf, "%s carried by %s.\n\r",
	        i->short_description, PERS(i->carried_by, ch));
	    send_to_char(buf, ch);
	 } else if (i->in_obj) {
	    sprintf(buf, "%s in %s.\n\r", i->short_description,
	    send_to_char(buf, ch);
	 } else
	    sprintf(buf, "%s in %s.\n\r", i->short_description,
	        (i->in_room == NOWHERE ? "Used but uncertain." : world[i->in_room].name));
	    send_to_char(buf, ch);

   if (j == 0)
      send_to_char("You are very confused.\n\r", ch);
   if (j == level >> 1)
      send_to_char("No such object.\n\r", ch);

   struct affected_type af;

   assert(victim || obj);

   if (victim) {
      if (!saves_spell(victim, SAVING_PARA)) {
	 af.type = SPELL_POISON;
	 af.duration = level * 2;
	 af.modifier = -2;
	 af.location = APPLY_STR;
	 af.bitvector = AFF_POISON;

	 affect_join(victim, &af, FALSE, FALSE);

	 send_to_char("You feel very sick.\n\r", victim);

   } else { /* Object poison */
      if ((obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_DRINKCON) || 
          (obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_FOUNTAIN) || 
          (obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_FOOD)) {
	 obj->obj_flags.value[3] = 1;

   struct affected_type af;


   if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_PROTECT_FROM_EVIL) ) {
      af.type      = SPELL_PROTECT_FROM_EVIL;
      af.duration  = 24;
      af.modifier  = 0;
      af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
      af.bitvector = AFF_PROTECT_EVIL;
      affect_to_char(victim, &af);
      send_to_char("You have a righteous feeling!\n\r", victim);

   assert(ch && (victim || obj));

   if (obj) {

      if ( IS_SET(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_EVIL) || 
          IS_SET(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_NODROP)) {
	 act("$p briefly glows blue.", TRUE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);

	 REMOVE_BIT(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_EVIL);
	 REMOVE_BIT(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, ITEM_NODROP);
   } else {      /* Then it is a PC | NPC */
      if (affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_CURSE) ) {
	 act("$n briefly glows red, then blue.", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
	 act("You feel better.", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
	 affect_from_char(victim, SPELL_CURSE);


   assert(ch && (victim || obj));

   if (victim) {
      if (affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_POISON)) {
	 affect_from_char(victim, SPELL_POISON);
	 act("A warm feeling runs through your body.", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
	 act("$N looks better.", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_ROOM);
   } else {
      if ((obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_DRINKCON) || 
          (obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_FOUNTAIN) || 
          (obj->obj_flags.type_flag == ITEM_FOOD)) {
	 obj->obj_flags.value[3] = 0;
	 act("The $p steams briefly.", FALSE, ch, obj, 0, TO_CHAR);

   struct affected_type af;

   if (!IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_SANCTUARY)) {

      act("$n is surrounded by a white aura.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
      act("You start glowing.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

      af.type      = SPELL_SANCTUARY;
      af.duration  = (level < LEVEL_IMMORT) ? 3 : level;
      af.modifier  = 0;
      af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
      af.bitvector = AFF_SANCTUARY;
      affect_to_char(victim, &af);

   struct affected_type af;


   if (!pk_allowed && ch && !IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_NPC(victim))
      return;  /* no legal reason to do this */

   if ( !saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) ) {
      af.type      = SPELL_SLEEP;
      af.duration  = 4 + level;
      af.modifier  = 0;
      af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
      af.bitvector = AFF_SLEEP;
      affect_join(victim, &af, FALSE, FALSE);

      if (GET_POS(victim) > POSITION_SLEEPING) {
	 act("You feel very sleepy ..... zzzzzz.....", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
	 act("$n goes to sleep.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);


   struct affected_type af;


   act("You feel stronger.", FALSE, victim, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);

   af.type      = SPELL_STRENGTH;
   af.duration  = level;
   af.modifier  = 1 + (level > 18);

   af.location  = APPLY_STR;
   af.bitvector = 0;

   affect_join(victim, &af, TRUE, FALSE);

   /* Not possible!! No argument! */

   extern int	top_of_world;
   int	loc_nr, location;
   bool found = FALSE;



   if (IS_NPC(victim) && !victim->desc)

   /*  loc_nr = GET_HOME(ch); */

   loc_nr = 3001;
   for (location = 0; location <= top_of_world; location++)
      if (world[location].number == loc_nr) {
	 found = TRUE;

   if ((location == top_of_world) || !found) {
      send_to_char("You are completely lost.\n\r", victim);

   /* a location has been found. */

   act("$n disappears.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
   char_to_room(victim, location);
   act("$n appears in the middle of the room.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
   do_look(victim, "", 0, 0);


   sh_int target;


   assert(ch && victim);

   if (GET_LEVEL(victim) > MIN(LEVEL_IMMORT - 1, level + 3)) {
      send_to_char("You failed.\n\r", ch);

   if (!pk_allowed) {
      if (MOB_FLAGGED(victim, MOB_AGGRESSIVE)) {
         sprintf(buf, "As the words escape your lips and %s travels\n\r"
             "through time and space towards you, you realize that %s is\n\r"
             "aggressive and might harm you, so you wisely send it back.\n\r",
         send_to_char(buf, ch);

      if (!IS_NPC(victim) && !PRF_FLAGGED(victim, PRF_SUMMONABLE) && 
          !PLR_FLAGGED(victim, PLR_KILLER)) {
         sprintf(buf, "%s just tried to summon you to: %s.\n\r"
             "%s failed because you have summon protection on.\n\r"
             "Type NOSUMMON to allow other players to summon you.\n\r",
             GET_NAME(ch), world[ch->in_room].name,
             (ch-> == SEX_MALE) ? "He" : "She");
         send_to_char(buf, victim);

         sprintf(buf, "You failed because %s has summon protection on.\n\r",
         send_to_char(buf, ch);

         sprintf(buf, "%s failed summoning %s to %s.",
             GET_NAME(ch), GET_NAME(victim), world[ch->in_room].name);
	 mudlog(buf, BRF, LEVEL_IMMORT, TRUE);

   if (IS_NPC(victim) && saves_spell(victim, SAVING_SPELL) ) {
      send_to_char("You failed.\n\r", ch);

   act("$n disappears suddenly.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);

   target = ch->in_room;
   char_to_room(victim, target);

   act("$n arrives suddenly.", TRUE, victim, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
   act("$n has summoned you!", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_VICT);
   do_look(victim, "", 15, 0);

   struct affected_type af;

   void	add_follower(struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *leader);
   bool circle_follow(struct char_data *ch, struct char_data * victim);
   void	stop_follower(struct char_data *ch);

   assert(ch && victim);

   /* By testing for IS_AFFECTED we avoid ei. Mordenkainens sword to be */
   /* abel to be "recharmed" with duration                              */

   if (victim == ch) {
      send_to_char("You like yourself even better!\n\r", ch);

   if (!pk_allowed && IS_NPC(ch) && !IS_NPC(victim)) /* a player charming another player */
      return;	/* there's no legal reason to do this.  */

   if (!IS_AFFECTED(victim, AFF_CHARM) && !IS_AFFECTED(ch, AFF_CHARM) && 
       (level >= GET_LEVEL(victim))) {
      if (circle_follow(victim, ch)) {
	 send_to_char("Sorry, following in circles can not be allowed.\n\r", ch);

      if (saves_spell(victim, SAVING_PARA))

      if (victim->master)

      add_follower(victim, ch);

      af.type      = SPELL_CHARM_PERSON;

      if (GET_INT(victim))
	 af.duration  = 24 * 18 / GET_INT(victim);
	 af.duration  = 24 * 18;

      af.modifier  = 0;
      af.location  = 0;
      af.bitvector = AFF_CHARM;
      affect_to_char(victim, &af);

      act("Isn't $n just such a nice fellow?", FALSE, ch, 0, victim, TO_VICT);
      if (!IS_NPC(victim))

   struct affected_type af;


   if (!affected_by_spell(victim, SPELL_SENSE_LIFE)) {
      send_to_char("Your feel your awareness improve.\n\r", ch);

      af.type      = SPELL_SENSE_LIFE;
      af.duration  = 5 * level;
      af.modifier  = 0;
      af.location  = APPLY_NONE;
      af.bitvector = AFF_SENSE_LIFE;
      affect_to_char(victim, &af);

/* ***************************************************************************
 *                     Not cast-able spells                                  *
 * ************************************************************************* */

   int	i;
   bool found;

   /* Spell Names */
   extern char	*spells[];

   /* For Objects */
   extern char	*item_types[];
   extern char	*extra_bits[];
   extern char	*apply_types[];
   extern char	*affected_bits[];

   assert(ch && (obj || victim));

   if (obj) {
      send_to_char("You feel informed:\n\r", ch);

      sprintf(buf, "Object '%s', Item type: ", obj->name);
      sprinttype(GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj), item_types, buf2);
      strcat(buf, buf2);
      strcat(buf, "\n\r");
      send_to_char(buf, ch);

      if (obj->obj_flags.bitvector) {
	 send_to_char("Item will give you following abilities:  ", ch);
	 sprintbit(obj->obj_flags.bitvector, affected_bits, buf);
	 strcat(buf, "\n\r");
	 send_to_char(buf, ch);

      send_to_char("Item is: ", ch);
      sprintbit(obj->obj_flags.extra_flags, extra_bits, buf);
      strcat(buf, "\n\r");
      send_to_char(buf, ch);

      sprintf(buf, "Weight: %d, Value: %d\n\r",
          obj->obj_flags.weight, obj->obj_flags.cost);
      send_to_char(buf, ch);

      switch (GET_ITEM_TYPE(obj)) {

      case ITEM_SCROLL :
      case ITEM_POTION :
	 sprintf(buf, "Level %d spells of:\n\r", 	obj->obj_flags.value[0]);
	 send_to_char(buf, ch);
	 if (obj->obj_flags.value[1] >= 1) {
	    sprinttype(obj->obj_flags.value[1] - 1, spells, buf);
	    strcat(buf, "\n\r");
	    send_to_char(buf, ch);
	 if (obj->obj_flags.value[2] >= 1) {
	    sprinttype(obj->obj_flags.value[2] - 1, spells, buf);
	    strcat(buf, "\n\r");
	    send_to_char(buf, ch);
	 if (obj->obj_flags.value[3] >= 1) {
	    sprinttype(obj->obj_flags.value[3] - 1, spells, buf);
	    strcat(buf, "\n\r");
	    send_to_char(buf, ch);

      case ITEM_WAND :
      case ITEM_STAFF :
	 sprintf(buf, "Has %d charges, with %d charges left.\n\r",
	 send_to_char(buf, ch);

	 sprintf(buf, "Level %d spell of:\n\r", 	obj->obj_flags.value[0]);
	 send_to_char(buf, ch);

	 if (obj->obj_flags.value[3] >= 1) {
	    sprinttype(obj->obj_flags.value[3] - 1, spells, buf);
	    strcat(buf, "\n\r");
	    send_to_char(buf, ch);

      case ITEM_WEAPON :
	 sprintf(buf, "Damage Dice is '%dD%d'\n\r",
	 send_to_char(buf, ch);

      case ITEM_ARMOR :
	 sprintf(buf, "AC-apply is %d\n\r",
	 send_to_char(buf, ch);


      found = FALSE;

      for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJ_AFFECT; i++) {
	 if ((obj->affected[i].location != APPLY_NONE) && 
	     (obj->affected[i].modifier != 0)) {
	    if (!found) {
	       send_to_char("Can affect you as :\n\r", ch);
	       found = TRUE;

	    sprinttype(obj->affected[i].location, apply_types, buf2);
	    sprintf(buf, "    Affects : %s By %d\n\r", buf2, obj->affected[i].modifier);
	    send_to_char(buf, ch);

   } else {       /* victim */

      if (!IS_NPC(victim)) {
	 sprintf(buf, "%d Years,  %d Months,  %d Days,  %d Hours old.\n\r",
	     age(victim).year, age(victim).month,
	     age(victim).day, age(victim).hours);
	 send_to_char(buf, ch);

	 sprintf(buf, "Height %dcm  Weight %dpounds \n\r",
	     GET_HEIGHT(victim), GET_WEIGHT(victim));
	 send_to_char(buf, ch);

	 sprintf(buf, "Str %d/%d,  Int %d,  Wis %d,  Dex %d,  Con %d\n\r",
	     GET_STR(victim), GET_ADD(victim),
	     GET_CON(victim) );
	 send_to_char(buf, ch);

      } else {
	 send_to_char("You learn nothing new.\n\r", ch);


/* ***************************************************************************
 *                     NPC spells..                                          *
 * ************************************************************************* */

   int	dam;
   int	hpch;
   struct obj_data *burn;

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 1) && (level <= 30));

   hpch = GET_HIT(ch);
   if (hpch < 10)
      hpch = 10;

   dam = number(0, hpch >> 2);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_BREATH) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_FIRE_BREATH);

   /* And now for the damage on inventory */

   if (number(0, 30) < GET_LEVEL(ch)) {
      if (!saves_spell(victim, SAVING_BREATH) ) {
	 for (burn = victim->carrying ; 
	     burn && (burn->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_SCROLL) && 
	     (burn->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_WAND) && 
	     (burn->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_STAFF) && 
	     (burn->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_NOTE) && 
	     (number(0, 2) == 0) ; 
	     burn = burn->next_content)
	 if (burn) {
	    act("$o burns!", 0, victim, burn, 0, TO_CHAR);

   int	dam;
   int	hpch;
   struct obj_data *frozen;

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 1) && (level <= 30));

   hpch = GET_HIT(ch);
   if (hpch < 10)
      hpch = 10;

   dam = number(0, hpch >> 2);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_BREATH) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_FROST_BREATH);

   /* And now for the damage on inventory */

   if (number(0, 30) < GET_LEVEL(ch)) {
      if (!saves_spell(victim, SAVING_BREATH) ) {
	 for (frozen = victim->carrying ; 
	     frozen && (frozen->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_DRINKCON) && 
	     (frozen->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_FOOD) && 
	     (frozen->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_POTION) && 
	     (number(0, 2) == 0) ; 
	     frozen = frozen->next_content)
	 if (frozen) {
	    act("$o breaks.", 0, victim, frozen, 0, TO_CHAR);

   int	dam;
   int	hpch;
   int	damaged;

   int	apply_ac(struct char_data *ch, int eq_pos);

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 1) && (level <= 30));

   hpch = GET_HIT(ch);
   if (hpch < 10)
      hpch = 10;

   dam = number(0, hpch >> 2);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_BREATH) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_ACID_BREATH);

   /* And now for the damage on equipment */

   if (number(0, 30) < GET_LEVEL(ch)) {
      if (!saves_spell(victim, SAVING_BREATH) ) {
	 for (damaged = 0; damaged < MAX_WEAR && 
	     (victim->equipment[damaged]) && 
	     (victim->equipment[damaged]->obj_flags.type_flag != ITEM_ARMOR) && 
	     (victim->equipment[damaged]->obj_flags.value[0] > 0) && 
	     (number(0, 2) == 0) ; damaged++)
	 if (damaged < MAX_WEAR) {
	    act("$o is damaged.", 0, victim, victim->equipment[damaged], 0, TO_CHAR);
	    GET_AC(victim) -= apply_ac(victim, damaged);
	    ch->equipment[damaged]->obj_flags.value[0] -= number(1, 7);
	    GET_AC(victim) += apply_ac(victim, damaged);
	    ch->equipment[damaged]->obj_flags.cost = 0;

   int	dam;
   int	hpch;

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 1) && (level <= 30));

   hpch = GET_HIT(ch);
   if (hpch < 10)
      hpch = 10;

   dam = number(0, hpch >> 2);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_BREATH) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_GAS_BREATH);


   int	dam;
   int	hpch;

   assert(victim && ch);
   assert((level >= 1) && (level <= 30));

   hpch = GET_HIT(ch);
   if (hpch < 10)
      hpch = 10;

   dam = number(0, hpch >> 2);

   if ( saves_spell(victim, SAVING_BREATH) )
      dam >>= 1;

   damage(ch, victim, dam, SPELL_LIGHTNING_BREATH);