/* file: tintin.h - the include file for tintin++                    */
/*                             TINTIN ++                             */
/*          (T)he K(I)cki(N) (T)ickin D(I)kumud Clie(N)t             */
/*                    modified by Bill Reiss 1993                    */
/*                     coded by peter unold 1992                     */

#include <stdio.h>

/* The meaning of life: */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

/* Do you want to use help compression or not:  with it, space is saved */
/* but without it the help runs slightly faster.  If so, make sure the  */
/* compression stuff is defined in the default values.                  */


#define memcpy(s1, s2, n) bcopy(s2, s1, n)

/* Some default values you might wanna change: */
#define SCREEN_WIDTH 80
#define ALPHA 1
#define PRIORITY 0
#define CLEAN 0
#define END 1
#define OLD_LOG 0						// set to one to use old-style logging
#define DEFAULT_PURIST_MODE 0			// purity and chastity are overrated
#define DEFAULT_OPEN '{'				// character that starts an argument
#define DEFAULT_CLOSE '}'				// character that ends an argument
#define SYSTEM_COMMAND_DEFAULT "system"	// name of the system command
#define HISTORY_SIZE 30					// history size
#define MAX_PATH_LENGTH 200				// max path lenght
#define DEFAULT_TINTIN_CHAR '/'			// tintin char
#define DEFAULT_VERBATIM_CHAR '\\'		/* if an input starts with this
										   char, it will be sent 'as is'
										   to the MUD */

#define DEFAULT_FILE_DIR "/usr/local/bin"	// Path to Tintin files, or HOME

#define DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_EXT ".Z"			// for compress: ".Z"
#define DEFAULT_EXPANSION_STR "uncompress -c "	// for compress: "uncompress -c"

#define DEFAULT_ECHO			FALSE		// echo
#define DEFAULT_IGNORE			FALSE		// ignore
#define DEFAULT_SPEEDWALK		TRUE		// speedwalk
#define DEFAULT_PRESUB			TRUE		// presub before actions
#define DEFAULT_TOGGLESUBS		FALSE		// turn subs on and off FALSE=ON

#define DEFAULT_ALIAS_MESS		FALSE		// messages for responses
#define DEFAULT_ACTION_MESS		FALSE		// when setting/deleting aliases,
#define DEFAULT_SUB_MESS		FALSE		// actions, etc. may be set to
#define DEFAULT_ANTISUB_MESS	FALSE		// default either on or off
#define DEFAULT_VARIABLE_MESS	FALSE		// might want to turn off these

/* Whenever TINTIN has written something to the screen, the program sends */
/* a CR/LF to the diku to force a new prompt to appear. You can have      */
/* TINTIN print it's own pseudo prompt instead.                           */
 * new for readline support -- this #define is ignored.
 * there's no more pseudo-prompting, it drives me haywire
 * (trying to code it).  -- daw
/* the codes below are used for highlighting text, and is set for the     */
/* codes for VT-100 terminal emulation. If you are using a different      */
/* teminal type, replace the codes below with the correct codes and       */
/* change the codes set up in highlight.c                                 */
/* The text below is checked for. If it trickers then echo is turned off */
/* echo is turned back on the next time the user types a return          */
#define PROMPT_FOR_PW_TEXT "assword:"

/* The stuff below here shouldn't be modified unless you know what you're */
/* doing........                                                          */
#define BUFFER_SIZE 2048
/* NOTE: get rid of the DEVELOPMENT warning in main() when you update this! */
#define VERSION_NUM "v1.64m2"

/************************ structures *********************/
struct listnode {
  struct listnode *next;
  char *left, *right, *pr;

struct completenode {
  struct completenode *next;
  char *strng;

struct session {
  struct session *next;
  char *name;
  char *address;
  int tickstatus;
  int snoopstatus;
  FILE *logfile;
  int ignore;
  struct listnode *aliases, *actions, *subs, *myvars, *highs, *antisubs;  
  char *history[HISTORY_SIZE];
  struct listnode *path, *pathdirs;
  int path_length, path_list_size;
  int socket, socketbit;
  int old_more_coming,more_coming;
  char last_line[BUFFER_SIZE];