# Generated automatically from Makefile.in by configure.
# Makefile for TINTIN++ 

# It's a bad idea to edit Makefile if you don't know what you're doing.
# Makefile is automatically generated by ./configure from Makefile.in.
# If you want to change something, most likely you'll want to edit
# Makefile.in and change it there, then run ./configure.

CC = @gcc
INCS = -I.
RL = $(INCS) readline/libreadline.a -ltermcap

# I don't use pipe anymore, since it fucked over those with cc for some reason.

# If you plan on doing debugging (with gdb), it is very helpful to turn all
# the alarms off so that you can step through the code without having to 
# jump to the ticker function.  This will also disable the internal
# tickcounter.

# If you need to make connections through a SOCKS server, uncomment
# these 3 lines.  You also need to modify LIBDIR to point to the location
# of your SOCKS library.
#LIBDIR = ../../../lib
#LIBS = $(LIBS) -L$(LIBDIR) -lsocks -lresolv

# BINDIR is the directory you wish tt++ to be placed if you wish to use
# make install.  

# DEFAULT_FILE_DIR is the path to tintin files. 

# You shouldn't need to change anything #
# below this line.                      #
# GREP-FOR-ME (this is for gripe)       #

FFLAGS	= $(F4) $(F6)
SRC		= \
action.c      highlight.c   misc.c        rl.c          session.c		\
alias.c       history.c     myget.c       rlhist.c      substitute.c	\
antisub.c     ivars.c       net.c         rltab.c       text.c			\
files.c       llist.c       new.c         rltick.c      ticks.c			\
glob.c        log.c         parse.c       rlvt100.c     utils.c			\
help.c        main.c        path.c        scrsize.c     variables.c

OFILES	= $(SRC:.c=.o)

default: all

all: install

tt++: $(OFILES) tintin.h readline/libreadline.a Makefile
	@echo "---- Linking..."
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(LFLAGS) -o tt++ $(OFILES) $(LIBS) $(RL)

Makefile: Makefile.in
	@echo "You need to run ./configure first; then try make."
	@exit 1

	@echo "---- Making GNU readline!"
	@echo "---- You may safely ignore any warnings it gives you (I think)."
	@echo "---- You can try editing readline/Makefile.in if you get"
	@echo "---- fatal errors, and then rerun ./configure."
	@sleep 2
	@(cd readline; make libreadline.a)
	@echo "---- Done with readline: back to your regularly scheduled make."

install: tt++

# Autocompile all .c files into .o files using this rule:
	@echo "Compiling $< $(CFLAGS) $(FFLAGS)"
	$(CC) $(PIPE) $(CFLAGS) $(FFLAGS) $(INCS) -c $<

	@echo "Cleaning .o, tt++, core, and readline/"
	@rm -f *.o ../tt++ tt++ core readline/*.o readline/*.a

distclean: clean
	rm -f Makefile config.status
	@(cd readline; make distclean)

# We don't use make depend anymore, since it's not needed.
# depend:
# 	makedepend -o ".o" $(INCS) $(CFILES)
# # DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.