Special thanks to the following
Harald Evensen				many bug insights.  
    (GrimneMUD plug: grimne.pvv.unit.no port 4000.)
Peter Unold				the original Tintin III.
Jeremy C. Jack				work on directional paths.
David Hedbot				original setup of Gnu's autoconfigure.
jes3659@gold.acns.fsu.edu (Jeff Sandler) #if string-comparison code.
Andrew Chernov <ache@astral.msk.su>	FreeBSD bug fixes.
Jim Goddard <jgoddard@sun470.rd.qms.com> SOCKS #ifdefs.
Greg Jarman <amigo@deakin.edu.au>	#if-else code.

Too many to list at this current time.  We thank you all though!
You are important to tt++'s success.

Tintin++ Development Team
Joann Ellsworth - Grimmy - rse@cse.unl.edu
Bill Reiss - Valgar - reiss@sunflash.eng.usf.edu
David Wagner - Mizirian - dawagner@princeton.edu

The development team alias is currently reiss@ritchie.acomp.usf.edu;
mail to there goes to the whole development team.  The gripe command
under src/ is useful for bug reports.

We're happy to help, but *please* don't spam us with silly email!
Read the docs first!  <moan>