I made a few changes to the tintin++ source. If you like these changes and
would like to include them in your next tintin++ version, I would be happy to
send my modified source to you. Here are the changes I made:

v1.64 mods level 1
- Added #delay command.
- Added #case command to toggle case checking for actions.
- Changed split-screen to a fancier IRCII-like status bar.
- Made split-screen update every time session changes (status bar contains
  session name).
- Changed file reading to accept multiple line commands. Ex:
    /alias {fun} {
	say I'm fun.
  In able to be compatible with old tintin++ files, I couldn't make it so
  a char at the end would tell tintin to stop reading a certain command.
  Instead, I made it so that at a newline, if there are any open braces ( '{' )
  that have no matching close braces ( '}' ), it keeps reading that command.
  So if you have
    /alias {fun}
	say I'm fun.
  Tintin will screw up and treat "/alias {fun}" as one command and
  "{say I'm fun}" as another. All white space (tabs, spaces, newlines) will
  be discarded after a newline. Therefore:
    /alias {fun} {
	say Hello pals,
		my name is joe.
  is the same as
    /alias {fun} {say Hello pals,my name is joe.}
- Changed file-reading to convert a '[' preceded by a '\' (\[) to an ESC

- Files modified: 