
By Steven Wallace

  This is an old (by Mordor standards) and very useful utility.  This 
allows you to convert your database from binary form into ascii.  This 
will let you to convert from databases created using one struct to 
another.  It can also be used to port databases to other architectures.
  It should reside in ~/util/ascbin and will compile using the headers 
contained in your source tree.  The binary was compiled under Linux 

  It operates in 2 modes:

Binary to Ascii:
  Most of the datafiles in Mordor are binary format.  You can convert 
them to ascii with --

	ab b [r|p|c|o] ascfile binfile
  This this will convert the binary room, player, creature, or object 
file to ascii.  The ascii file can then be turned back to binary with --

	ab a ascfile

  Note: this will overwrite the output file if you do not rename it after 
conversion (i.e. if you are converting several files of the same type).

  Please direct questions to, and don't bother Steve.