 * MISC.C:
 *	Miscellaneous string, file and data structure manipulation
 *	routines.
 *	Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Brett J. Vickers

#include "mstruct.h"
#include "mextern.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>

/*				merror					*/

/* merror is called whenever an error message should be output to the	*/
/* log file.  If the error is fatal, then the program is aborted	*/

void merror(str, errtype)
char 	*str;
char 	errtype;
	long t;
	char bugstr[256];

	t = time(0);
	sprintf(bugstr, "Error occured in %s. %s", str, ctime(&t));
	if(errtype == FATAL)

/*				lowercize				*/

/* This function takes the string passed in as the first parameter and	*/
/* converts it to lowercase.  If the flag in the second parameter has	*/
/* its first bit set, then the first letter is capitalized.		*/

void lowercize(str, flag)
char	*str;
int	flag;
	int 	i, n;

	n = (str) ? strlen(str) : 0;
	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
		str[i] = (str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z') ? str[i]+32:str[i];
	if(flag & 1)
		str[0] = (str[0] >= 'a' && str[0] <= 'z') ? str[0]-32:str[0];

/*				low					*/

/* If the character passed in as the first parameter is an uppercase 	*/
/* alphabetic character, then it is converted to lowercase and returned */
/* Otherwise, it is unchanged.						*/

int low(ch)
char	ch;
	if(ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')

int up(ch)
char	ch;
	if(ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')

/*				zero					*/

/* This function zeroes a block of bytes at the given pointer and the */
/* given length.						      */

void zero(ptr, size)
void 	*ptr;
int	size;
	char 	*chptr;
	int	i;

        chptr = (char *)ptr;
	for(i=0; i<size; i++) 
		chptr[i] = 0;
/* Temporary (but static) data for the next several functions */

static char	xstr[5][80];
static int	xnum=0;

/*				crt_str					*/

/* This function takes the creature given it in the first parameter, 	*/
/* and forms the appropriate singularized or pluralized version of the  */
/* creature's name using certain flags.					*/

char *crt_str(crt, num, flag)
creature	*crt;
int		num, flag;
	char	ch;
	char	*str;

	str = xstr[xnum];  xnum = (xnum + 1)%5;

	if(crt->type != MONSTER) {
		if(((F_ISSET(crt, PINVIS) || F_ISSET(crt, PDMINV)) && 
		   !(flag & 2)) || F_ISSET(crt, PDMINV))
			strcpy(str, "Someone");
		else {
			strcpy(str, crt->name);
			if(F_ISSET(crt, PINVIS))
				strcat(str, " (*)");

	if(num == 0) {
		if(!F_ISSET(crt, MNOPRE)) {
			strcpy(str, "the ");
			strcat(str, crt->name);
			strcpy(str, crt->name);

	else if(num == 1) {
		if(F_ISSET(crt, MNOPRE))
			strcpy(str, "");
		else {
			ch = low(crt->name[0]);
			if(ch == 'a' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'o' ||
			   ch == 'u')
				strcpy(str, "an ");
				strcpy(str, "a ");
		strcat(str, crt->name);

	else {
		if(num < 21)
			sprintf(str, "%s ", number[num]);
			sprintf(str, "%d ", num);

		strcat(str, crt->name);
		if(F_ISSET(crt, MTOMEN)) {
			str[strlen(str)-2] = 'e';
		else if(!F_ISSET(crt, MDROPS)) {
			str[strlen(str)+1] = 0;
			str[strlen(str)+2] = 0;
			if(str[strlen(str)-1] == 's' || 
			   str[strlen(str)-1] == 'x') {
				str[strlen(str)] = 'e';
				str[strlen(str)] = 's';
				str[strlen(str)] = 's';

	if(flag & CAP)
		str[0] = up(str[0]);
	if((flag & MAG) && (crt->type != PLAYER) && (F_ISSET(crt, MMAGIC)))
		strcat(str, " (M)");



/*				obj_str					*/

/* This function examines an object's flags and its name, and returns	*/
/* the appropriate pluralized or singularized version of the name.	*/
/* In some cases it is necessary to drop the s on a plural version of	*/
/* a word.								*/

char *obj_str(obj, num, flag)
object	*obj;
int	num, flag;
	char 	ch;
	char	str2[10];
	char	*str;

	str = xstr[xnum];  xnum = (xnum + 1)%5;

	if(num == 0) {
		if(!F_ISSET(obj, ONOPRE)) {
			strcpy(str, "the ");
			strcat(str, obj->name);
			strcpy(str, obj->name);
	else if(num == 1) {
		if(F_ISSET(obj, ONOPRE) || obj->type == MONEY)
			strcpy(str, "");
		else if(F_ISSET(obj, OSOMEA))
			strcpy(str, "some ");
		else {
			ch = low(obj->name[0]);
			if(ch == 'a' || ch == 'e' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'o' ||
			   ch == 'u')
				strcpy(str, "an ");
				strcpy(str, "a ");
		strcat(str, obj->name);

	else {
		if(num < 21)
			sprintf(str, "%s ", number[num]);
			sprintf(str, "%d ", num);

		if(F_ISSET(obj, OSOMEA))
			strcat(str, "sets of ");

		strcat(str, obj->name);
		if(!F_ISSET(obj, ODROPS) && !F_ISSET(obj, OSOMEA)) {
			str[strlen(str)+1] = 0;
			str[strlen(str)+2] = 0;
			if(str[strlen(str)-1] == 's' || 
			   str[strlen(str)-1] == 'x') {
				str[strlen(str)] = 'e';
				str[strlen(str)] = 's';
				str[strlen(str)] = 's';

	if(flag & CAP)
		str[0] = up(str[0]);
	if((flag & MAG) && obj->adjustment) {
		sprintf(str2, " (%s%d)", obj->adjustment >= 0 ? "+":"",
		strcat(str, str2);
	else if((flag & MAG) && obj->magicpower)
		strcat(str, " (M)");


/*				delimit					*/

/* This function takes a given string, and if it is greater than a given*/
/* number of characters, then it is split up into several lines.  This  */
/* is done by replacing spaces with carriage returns before the end of  */
/* the line.								*/

#define MAXLINE	77

void delimit(str)
char	*str;
	int 	i, j, l, len, lastspace;
	char 	str2[2048];

	str2[0] = 0;
	j = (str) ? strlen(str) : 0;
	if(j < MAXLINE)

	len = 0; lastspace = -1; l = 0;
	for(i=0; i<j; i++) {
		if(str[i] == ' ')
			lastspace = i;
		if(str[i] == '\n') {
			len = 0;
			lastspace = -1;
		if(len > MAXLINE && lastspace > -1) {
			str[lastspace] = 0;
			strcat(str2, &str[l]);
			strcat(str2, "\n  ");
			l = lastspace + 1;
			len = i - lastspace + 3;
			lastspace = -1;
	strcat(str2, &str[l]);
	strcpy(str, str2);

/*				view_file				*/

/* This function views a file whose name is given by the third 		*/
/* parameter. If the file is longer than 20 lines, then the user is 	*/
/* prompted to hit return to continue, thus dividing the output into 	*/
/* several pages.							*/

#define FBUF	800

void view_file(fd, param, str)
int fd, param;
char *str;
	char	buf[FBUF+1];
	int	i, l, n, ff, line;
	long	offset;

	buf[FBUF] = 0;
	switch(param) {
	case 1:
		offset = 0L;
		strcpy(Ply[fd].extr->tempstr[1], str);
		ff = open(str, O_RDONLY, 0);
		if(ff < 0) {
			print(fd, "File could not be opened.\n");
			RETURN(fd, command, 1);
		line = 0;
		while(1) {
			n = read(ff, buf, FBUF);
			l = 0;
			for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
				if(buf[i] == '\n') {
					buf[i] = 0;
					print(fd, "%s\n", &buf[l]);
					offset += (i-l+1);
					l = i+1;
				if(line > 20) break;
			if(line > 20) {
				sprintf(Ply[fd].extr->tempstr[0], "%lu", 
			else if(l != n) {
				print(fd, "%s", &buf[l]);
				offset += (i-l);
			if(n<FBUF) break;
		if(n==FBUF || line>20) {
			F_SET(Ply[fd].ply, PREADI);
			print(fd, "[Hit Return, Q to Quit]: ");
			Ply[fd].io->intrpt &= ~1;
		if(n<FBUF && line <= 20) {
			RETURN(fd, command, 1);
		else {
			F_SET(Ply[fd].ply, PREADI);
			RETURN(fd, view_file, 2);
	case 2:
		if(str[0] != 0) {
			print(fd, "Aborted.\n");
			F_CLR(Ply[fd].ply, PREADI);
			RETURN(fd, command, 1);
		offset = atol(Ply[fd].extr->tempstr[0]);
		ff = open(Ply[fd].extr->tempstr[1], O_RDONLY, 0);
		if(ff < 0) {
			print(fd, "File could not be opened.\n");
			F_CLR(Ply[fd].ply, PREADI);
			RETURN(fd, command, 1);
		lseek(ff, offset, 0);
		line = 0;
		while(1) {
			n = read(ff, buf, FBUF);
			l = 0;
			for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
				if(buf[i] == '\n') {
					buf[i] = 0;
					print(fd, "%s\n", &buf[l]);
					offset += (i-l+1);
					l = i+1;
				if(line > 20) break;
			if(line > 20) {
				sprintf(Ply[fd].extr->tempstr[0], "%lu", 
			else if(l != n) {
				print(fd, "%s", &buf[l]);
				offset += (i-l);
			if(n<FBUF) break;
		if(n==FBUF || line > 20) {
			F_SET(Ply[fd].ply, PREADI);
			print(fd, "[Hit Return, Q to Quit]: ");
			Ply[fd].io->intrpt &= ~1;
		if(n<FBUF && line <= 20) {
			F_CLR(Ply[fd].ply, PREADI);
			RETURN(fd, command, 1);
		else {
			RETURN(fd, view_file, 2);

/*				dice					*/

/* This function rolls n s-sided dice and adds p to the total.		*/

int dice(n, s, p)
int 	n, s, p;
	int	i;

	for(i=0; i<n; i++)
		p += mrand(1,s);


/*				exp_to_lev				*/

/* This function takes a given amount of experience as its first 	*/
/* argument returns the level that the experience reflects.		*/ 

int exp_to_lev(exp)
long 	exp;
	int level = 1;
	while (exp >= needed_exp[level-1] && level < MAXALVL)
	if (level == MAXALVL) {
		level = exp/(needed_exp[MAXALVL-1]);
		level= MAX(25,level);


/*				dec_daily				*/

/* This function is called whenever a daily-use item or operation is	*/
/* used or performed.  If the number of daily uses are used, up then	*/
/* a 0 is returned.  Otherwise, the number of uses is decremented and	*/
/* a 1 is returned.							*/

int dec_daily(dly_ptr)
struct daily	*dly_ptr;
	long		t;
	struct tm	*tm, time1, time2;

	t = time(0);
	tm = localtime(&t);

	time1 = *tm;

	tm = localtime(&dly_ptr->ltime);

	time2 = *tm;

	if(time1.tm_yday != time2.tm_yday) {
		dly_ptr->cur = dly_ptr->max;
		dly_ptr->ltime = t;

	if(dly_ptr->cur == 0)



/*				logf					*/

/* This function writes a formatted printf string to a logfile called	*/
/* "log" in the player directory.					*/

void logf(fmt, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10)
char 	*fmt;
int	i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10;
	char	file[80];
	char	str[1024];
	int	fd;

	sprintf(file, "%s/log", LOGPATH);
	fd = open(file, O_RDWR, 0);
	if(fd < 0) {
		fd = open(file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, ACC);
		if(fd < 0) return;
	lseek(fd, 0L, 2);

	sprintf(str, fmt, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10);

	write(fd, str, strlen(str));



/*				sort_cmds				*/

/* This function sorts the global cmdlist structure array so that the	*/
/* command list is sorted by how often each command is used.  The most-	*/
/* used commands will end up at the top of the list.			*/

void sort_cmds()
	Cmdnum = 0;

	while(cmdlist[Cmdnum].cmdno != 0) Cmdnum++;

	qsort((void *)cmdlist, Cmdnum, sizeof(struct cmdstruct), sort_cmp);


/*				sort_cmp				*/

/* This function is used by the quicksort routine to sort the command	*/
/* list according to how often each command has been used.		*/

int sort_cmp(arg1, arg2)
struct cmdstruct *arg1, *arg2;
	return(strcmp(arg1->cmdstr, arg2->cmdstr));

/*				file_exists				*/

/* This function returns 1 if the filename specified by the first par-	*/
/* ameter exists, 0 if it doesn't.					*/

int file_exists(filename)
char *filename;
	int ff;

	ff = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
	if(ff > -1) {

/*				load_lockouts				*/

/* This function opens the lockout file and reads in all locked out 	*/
/* sites.								*/

void load_lockouts()
	FILE	*fp;
	char	str[80];
	int	i;

	if(Lockout) free(Lockout);
	Numlockedout = 0;

	sprintf(str, "%s/lockout", LOGPATH);
	fp = fopen(str, "r");
	if(!fp) return;

	while(1) {
		if(fscanf(fp, "%s", str) == EOF) break;
		if(fscanf(fp, "%s", str) == EOF) break;

	if(!Numlockedout) {

	Lockout = (lockout *)malloc(Numlockedout * sizeof(lockout));
	fseek(fp, 0L, 0);

	for(i=0; i<Numlockedout; i++) {
		fscanf(fp, "%s", Lockout[i].address);
		fscanf(fp, "%s", Lockout[i].password);
		if(Lockout[i].password[0] == '-' && !Lockout[i].password[1])
			Lockout[i].password[0] = 0;


/*				please_wait				*/

void please_wait(fd, duration)
int	fd;
int	duration;
	if(duration == 1)
		print(fd, "Please wait 1 more second.\n");
		print(fd, "Please wait %d more seconds.\n", duration);
/*                              logn                                   */
/* This function writes a formatted printf string to a logfile called   */
/* "log" in the player directory.                                       */
void logn(name,fmt, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10)
char    *name;
char    *fmt;
int     i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10;
	char    file[80];
        char    str[1024];
        int     fd;
        sprintf(file, "%s/%s", LOGPATH,name);
        fd = open(file, O_RDWR, 0);
        if(fd < 0) {
                fd = open(file, O_RDWR | O_CREAT, ACC);
                if(fd < 0) return;
        lseek(fd, 0L, 2);
        sprintf(str, fmt, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7, i8, i9, i10);
        write(fd, str, strlen(str));
int isnumber(str)
char    *str;
/* checks if the given str contains all digits */

  int len, i;
   len = strlen(str);
   for (i=0;i < len; i++)
         return (0);
   return (1);