Isengard Rules for Store Ownership

Section I: Buying a Store

1.  Any player over level 3 may purchase a store.  The cost of the store
is dependent on your description.  This includes the room and a storage

2.  You may choose any store ALREADY in the scenario.  This means that
the store's description is already in the street's descriptions.  I will
not modify the scenario outside of your store.  You may put a store in
another place, but it will not have advertising from the street from
which you enter.

3.  Stores which are already being used or are reserved for future use
may not be bought.  There are a few buildings left that are reserved for
future development.  Note that the number of stores available in town is
strictly limited.  If there are no stores available at the location you
desire, you may wish to try to buy out another store's owner.  Once all
the spaces are occupied, I will not create more stores.

4.  When you have choosen your location, send me mail telling me your
name and the other proprietors, if there are any.  Joint ownership is
allowed, but you have to work out the details.

5.  Mail me with your advertising sign to be placed in your store,
verbatim.  I will not change any sign, but it will be subject to my

6.  Upon completion of said work, you will pay me the required price.

Section II: Maintenence

1.  No doubt you will require changes to your store.  The following are
permitted, but will have a fee attached:

    a.  Change of Ownership - 10000 gold pieces
    Should the owners of said property decide to split, add or eliminate
    another proprietor, this will require a change in scenario
    description.  Contact me via email or mordor mail to make the said
    change in ownership.

    b.  Change of Advertising - 5000 gold pieces
    You are allowed one store sign.  Changing the sign will cost you
    5000 gold pieces.  Please email the new sign to me.

    c.  New Keys - price dependent on level
    The storage room requires a key which can only be used 100 times,
    after which you must purchase a new key.  If there are multiple
    owners, you will still only get one key through your initial rental

    d.  New Storage Chest - price dependent on level
    Should you require another storage chest, this will cost you
additional gold.  Refer to the property rules for pricing. 

2.  If other arrangements are required, please contact me with your
problems and/or proposals.

3.  If you wish to cease business as said store, you should first opt to
sell the store to someone else.  They can then come to me and pay the
Change of Ownership charge to have the description changed.

Section III: Rules of Conduct

Failure to abide by the following rules is subject termination of said
agreement, foreclosure of property (anything left inside the store) and
the possibility of fines and/or loss of experience points of the
proprietor(s).  Note that even if only one member of a group is guilty
of listed crimes, all parties will be punished.

1.  Sale of quest items is strictly prohibited.  You may not sell any
quest items.  This includes keys, scrolls and other items which you gain
experience for when you pick them up.  Punishment for the sale of quest
items will result in loss of store property, proprietorship and loss of
up to 250000 experience points (depending on which items are sold) of
all proprietors.  If you have less than 250000 experience points, your
character WILL be deleted.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

    Subnote:  Any character NOT owning a store selling a quest item will
    be deleted.  NO EXCEPTIONS!

2.  Other rules and regulations may be added at any time.  You should
read this document regularly.  You are responsible for everything listed
in this document!

2SEP94 : Document under construction