; Inca City
; Author: Henry McDaniel
; Part of General layout:
;                    temple complex
;                          |
;                        plaza

ienter r
Within the Mist
A fog of colorful smoke obscures your vision.  A soft voice beckons you\
to go out from within this mist.

	out: 0 i01 0

i01 r
On a Porch
This small wooden platform is setup in the center of a large Plaza.  This\
is a home location. Go down to leave the porch and setp onto the plaza\

start: 1

	plaza: 0 i100 22
	down: 0 i100 22

i100 r
This is the central plaza of Inca City.  It stretches in a north-south\
direction and is one of many terraces which form "steps" leading up\
to the temple. Stone towers and buildings rise all about.

size: 1

	temple: It is a stepped pyramid, far in the distance to the north.
	buildings: They are massive works, with windows and gently slopped\
	11: This is the northwest corner of the plaza.
	12: This is the western edge of the plaza.
	13: This is the southwestern corner of the plaza.
	21: The temple area is north of here.
	22: This is the center of the plaza.  A small wooden porch stands here.
	23: This is the southern edge of the plaza. The city gate is here.
	31: This is the northeast corner of the plaza.
	32: This is the eastern edge of the plaza.
	33: This is the southeastern corner of the plaza.

	city_gate: The gate consist of three masive stones, finely polished. \
An inscription reads: The law of Inca City ends wear the outside begins.
	porch: 22 i01 0
	n: 21 i101 0

; Temple area

i101 r
Before the Temple
A stepped pyramid complex rises from this spot, up into the mist above. \
A massive door is set in the wall here.  Exits: south.

	pyramid: The pyramid consist of massive terraces\
having hanging plants and monumental statues.  The whole complex\
is so high and steep that it looks like a human finger. \
Near the top you can see some windows.

	mist: A light perpetual fog hangs in the air mid-way up the pyramid.
	statues: They are stone statues of Kings and Queens.
	windows: You can't see much from here.

	door: The door is made of wood and full of fine carvings.

	wall: The wall is made of carved stones.

	door: 0 i200 0 68
	s: 0 i100 21
; Note: this is not a sized location

i200 r
Inside the Pyramid
The light here is dim.  The air heavy with incense. A door\
leads to the outside. \
Stairs here lead up into darkness.

	door: 0 i101 12 68
	stairs: 0 i201 0
i201 r
Inside the Pyramid
This is the second floor of the pyramid.  There are markings\
on the wall.  An open doorway leads out onto a terrace.  Exits:\
up, down, out.

	markings: \
       All ye who enter here\n\
       and leave with holy goods\n\
       go from this place acursed\n\
       to die a sickly death.

	up: 0 i202 0
	out: 0 ib201 0
	down: 0 i200 0
ib201 r
On a Terrace
Outside of the pyramid and high above the ground. \
Exits: in.
	in: 0 i201 0

i202 r
Inside the Pyramid
This is the third floor of the pyramid.  There is a misty portal swirling here. Exits: down, out.

portal: The portal leads to the Lunar Colony.  It is one-way only!

        portal: 0 start 0
	down: 0 i201 0
	out: 0 ib202 0

ib202 r
On A Terrace
Outside of the pyramid.  The mist here is thick and humid. \
Exits: in.

	mist: It is thick and warm like pea soup.
	in: 0 i202 0

; ------------------ OBJECTS for the rooms -------------------

io10 o i201
the Oracle
It's a statue of some bald guy's face.  The eyes are filled with\
precious stones.

keywords: oracle statue
weight: -1
io12 o i100
coffee cup
It's a cup of coffee, silly.  What were you expecting?

keywords: cup coffee

; since we're placing this item in a sized location,
; we must set a location

point: 23

; we always want one instance of this object to exist, so set return
; to zero zero.
return: 10 5
decay: 10

; ---------------------- NPCs ------------------------------
io20 npc i101
a guard
He is a temple guard.

keywords: guard
hunt: 1
mob: 1
position: 4

	us: 100
	ud: 100
	ls: 100
	ld: 100
level: 2
energy: 100

return: 20 10