HUB - Henry's Universe Builder
         Basic Area and Object Construction Manual
                     Volume 1.  Part 4

                      GRAPHICS GENERATOR

This file is Copyright 1995-1997 by Henry McDaniel.  All rights
reserved.   See NOTICE for further details.

HUB supports graphics for users with the proper terminal displays.  Users
utilize the "set TERM" command to inform HUB what graphics information
they are capable of receiving.

From the builder end of things color is fairly straightforward.  Codes
starting with "$_" are simply imbedded in the text of objects.  These
codes are parsed by HUB and served to the end user in the appropriate

The parser reads the code without case sensetivity (so capitalization
can be however you please.)  The preferred capitalizations are shown.
Using them will increase the readability of your english language
data files.

IMPORTANT:  A single space following a command will NOT be included
in the final output.  Atleast two spaces must follow the command for
one (or more) spaces to be seen in the output.  A single leading space
before a command is also ignored.

Thus:   " COMMAND hello COMMAND there" would appear as "hellothere"
And:    " COMMAND hello COMMAND  there" would be "hello there"


$_RED_        Red
$_BLUE_       Blue
$_BLACK_      Black
$_WHITE_      White
$_YELLOW_     Yellow
$_GREEN_      Green
$_CYAN_       Cyan
$_MAGENTA_    Magenta

Color commands may also be ended in one of the following to lend
the indicated attribute:

H	High Background
L	Low Background
!	High foreground
<none>	Low foreground  <---- This is the default condition

WARNING: Multiple color commands without some $_zm to turn off
things will mix/match.  So  $_RED_! $_GREEN_L test -- Will be
a combination of red and green.

Another Example:
	$_RED_ red example $_RED_H   with high background $_zm

NOTE: Folowing command names ARE case sensetive

--------Graphics Modes---------

$_zm             Reset  -- takes user's preferences into account
$_xm             Full reset -- super reset+ ignores preferences
$_uxm            Unconditional reset -- like $_zm but ignores preferences
$_flashm         Flash mode
$_boldm          Bold mode
$_revm           Enable reverse text mode
$_zrevm          Disable reverse text mode ( $_zm will do the same )
$_hidem          Conceal mode
$_clsm           Clear Screen (doesn't work with some terminals)
$_killm          Erase line
$_homem          Place cursor in home position
$_srevm          Reverse scroll
$_hrevm          High reverse video
$_undm           Underscore mode


$_boldm Bold Text $_zm
$_flashm *** $_zm   Flashing dots  $_flashm *** $_zm