HUB - Henry's Universe Builder
                      DRIVER EXECUTABLE

                     COMMAND LINE OPTIONS

This file is Copyright 1995-1997 by Henry McDaniel.  All rights
reserved.   See NOTICE for further details.

STOP -- Have you read genesis.txt?

If you encounter "expired" or an equivalent message and the driver
refuses to continue, then your binary version of the driver needs to
be upgraded.  

Whats CRASH??
If the game crashes, the answer may be in the log written to the standard
error file.  Messages starting with "#error" or "#warn" are of particular
importance.  It is possible to set a debug level with  -t #, which may...
MAY reveal more details the next time the driver crashes.  Some good debug
values are:
            1  Minimum
            2  Moderate
          100  Heavy
          100+ Insane

If you have the source version -- compile with DEBUG defined for even
more messages.  Debugging, is little compatible with the operation of
a public game by the way.

SYNTAX: hubdrv <config file> <-bcmnsuwx> <-d [file]> <-e [file]> <-p #> <-t #>

********** COMMAND LINE OPTIONS ******************

<config file>
       A model config file is docs/config.txt -- copy, examine and edit
       this file.

       Having a config file is manditory, however there need not be
       anything in it.  By default any file named "config" in the
       same directory you start hubdrv from will be used.

       Administrative User.   This option causes any new user to be
       automatically promoted to administrator level.  Useful when
       creating your first administrator account(s).

       Bell Escape.  Reserved for future use.

       Cold Start.  Use to boot game from single db file (specified by
        -e <name>.act option below.)  Any saved files in db/save will
       be DESTROYED (unless -x is selected)

-d [db]
       Data Directory.  Specify the database directory to use.  Defualt is
       set in config.h otherwise "db" is used.  This is also know as the

-e [name]
       Effective Base Name.  Specify the root name of database files,
       [data dir]/[name].act and [data dir]/[name].file

       Save single Db.  Upon shutdown game will save a single DB file,
       as [ename].act

       No swapping will be done.

-p [port]
       Specify port number to accept user network connections on.

-q     Quick shutdown.  Game will shutdown immediately after boot
       process is complete.  Useful in combination with other options,
       for massaging the db contents.

       Supress abort if there is no data base file.  Used when starting
       without any data.

-t [nr]
       Test debug level.  Varies degree of non critical warnings and info
       logged during runtime.

-w [dir]
       Specify a help directory.  This is where help files and the motd
       will be gotten from.  Multiple games may use the same helpdir as
       it need not be within the data directory.

-x     Disable destruction of saved files in /save during cold boots and
       regular (warm or cold) shutdowns.  ONLY use when merging two databases
       having no object conflicts.  Anything else is probably a bad idea.
       Hint: you can use a prefix when creating raw data files with hubread,
       to insure unique names are in the newer single data file.

       Display version information and exit.

       Tell user to go read this documentation


  Any conflicting options are resolved by deferring to settings made in
the config file or falling back on internal defaults which may be safer.


see /tools