HUB - Henry's Universe Builder
                    DATA BASE MANAGEMENT


CK file

Ck (or check) examines the english language file to see that it conforms
to HUB plain text/ english format for objects.  It is useful to help debug
things.  A DOS version is also available.

HUBREAD file1 file2 <prefix>

English files (described in basics.txt, combat.txt and doors.txt) must
somehow be converted to raw form before the HUB driver can deal with
them.  hubread (in db/tools) performs this conversion.

It APPENDS the raw data for the text file you are converting to the
end of whatever file you name.  So it is possible to build onto an
existing raw DB file in this manner.

Just be certain that every english file has a "#" mark before every
entry.  But not at the END of all entries for that file.

If you want all objects within a given area to have ID's that start
with the same character (say "@") then you simply invoke hubread as:

hubread [english] [ofile] @