$_boldm HUB COLORS $_zm

For colors to work, you must first set the TERM attribute to either your
terminal type or a terminal protocol recognized by your terminal program.
A standard type is ANSI.

If any problems occur (such as gibberish appearing on the screen) you may
wish to try the "reset" and "clear" commands.  Or disconnecting from the
game and re-connecting.

Background and foreground colors may be set using the "set color..." command.
Valid colors include:  black white red green yellow magenta cyan blue

It is possible to specify bright or low attributes to these colors by
appending the "." (low) or "*" (bright) characters after the name.  Example:

The default behavior is to always assume bright.

For your convience some pre-defined color combinations have been established.
They are:

  NAME      SAME AS  
  diablo    ( cyan yellow )
  lunar     ( white black )
  solar     ( red yellow  )
  forest    ( green green )

To use a pre-defined combo you simply enter  "set color diablo" at the
command prompt.

Other example commands:

%set color blue green

See also:  set, reset, clear.
                                                         color (end)