Instructions for using the demonstration version of HUB:

1.  This demo contains a binary for Linux and supporting files.
    Examine the "config" file in this directory (a safe config
    file is in db/docs.)  NOTE that to enable help on all commands
    you must disable the in-game admin/builder docs.  Enable the
    "db/help" option in the config file if you wish to do this.

2.  From your Linux command prompt, execute the command:
    hubdrv -cu

3.  Using another window, telnet to port 9500 of your machine:
    telnet 0 9500

4.  Follow the on screen instructions to "originate" an account.

5.  At the in-game command prompt execute the command:
    shutdown now

6.  To start your HUB demo from now on, you need only use:
    hubdrv   (or "hubdrv >& log &", to redirect output)

Known Bugs:

*  In-game config command is *not* safe to use.
*  History and alias commands not complete.
*  Mail system not complete.
*  Too many color commands on a line will affect line justification.

Some features omitted but planned:

  NPC self-defense response/ hunter mode.
  Statistics on use of HOME command.


HUB Service center:
Contact:  Henry McDaniel.