HUB Game System
Frequently Asked Questions
Version 1, Feb 99'


1. Is there help on in-game commands?
2. Does HUB support color?
3. Can HUB read DiKu or other MUD data files?
4. What good is the UNIX-like file system inside the game?
5. How can I ban sites?


1. Is there help on in-game commands.

A: Help files for game commands are in db/help.  To enable these,
uncomment the db/help line in the config file, or see the "docs/driver"
file and read about the help directory command line option.

2. Does HUB support color?

A: Yes.  The standard config file allows you to set the default terminal
status for all users.  You can force everyone to see color by setting the
value there to the vt100 (or similar.)  This feature is not set on by
default because it may be bad for some user's display.  Regardless of
the config file setting, you can also set the terminal status for the
current game user with the "set" command.

3. Can HUB read Diku or other MUD files?

A: Not as of version 0.5.5.  However, it would be relatively trivial to
add such a feature to HUB.

4. What good is the UNIX like file system inside the game?

A: As of version 0.5.5. it has limited utility.  No file manipulation
commands are implemented, just navigation and a primitive More.  Until
a powerful in-game editor is provided, there is no point in having
manipulation commands.  

5. How can I ban sites?

A: Absolutely.  See the BANNED_SITES notes in the config file.  You
can also limit game access to just a limited number of sites with
the ACCEPT field also described there.

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